November 2024
9 Reads
The journal of Educational Studies
The study investigated blended-learning instructional approach and basic technology students' achievement: a quasi-experimental approach. Three (3) objectives, research questions and null hypotheses that were posed and formulated guided the study. The study adopted quasi-experimental research design. The study population was 1,880 Basic Technology junior secondary class two students in Gokana Education Zone (GEZ), of Rivers State. A multi-stage sampling technique was adopted in the study. In the first stage, purposive sampling technique was adopted to select seven (7) schools in the area. in the second stage, a simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample of one hundred and seven-five (175) J.S.S. 2 students in a ratio 87:88 (experimental and control group) respectively from across the sampled schools. The instrument for data collection styled "Basic Technology Achievement Test (BTAT)" was validated by three (3) experts. The reliability of the instrument was established using Kudar-Richardson Formula (K-R-20) which yielded a coefficient value of .67. The data obtained were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The study found that Basic Technology students' had higher achievement when taught metalwork technology, basic electricity and woodwork technology using blended-learning approach more than when using demonstration in secondary schools in Rivers State. In line with findings, the researchers recommended that Government should provide all teachers with a Laptop Computer to enhance their proficiency in computer-based lesson delivery