Igor Komov’s research while affiliated with Voronezh State Technical University and other places

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Publications (19)

Ecosystem services of urban forests: Conceptual approaches
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2024


36 Reads

BIO Web of Conferences


Igor Komov


Lidia Chernyakevich


Irina Sibiryatkina

Conserving and restoring ecosystem services in urban areas can reduce the environmental impacts and ecological debts of cities, while improving the resilience, health and quality of life of their inhabitants. Green and natural areas of cities fulfil important functions in shaping a comfortable environment, despite this, the design, creation and maintenance of green spaces should also take into account certain risks associated with their possible unfavourable impacts. The article reveals the ecosystem services of urban forests of the urban system. Their characteristics are given. The risks for the effective implementation of the ecosystem services approach in territorial planning are disclosed. Using an approach to ecosystem services in planning can help policy makers move from policies on individual issues, such as the creation and maintenance of green infrastructure, to the formation of an integrated policy that recognizes the services provided by green infrastructure. Accounting for ecosystem services at the planning stage is much more cost-effective than covering the costs of loss or restoration of ecosystem services in the future.


Protection of forest lands in the Russian Federation: Problems and solutions

November 2024


14 Reads

BIO Web of Conferences

The article deals with topical issues of forest land protection in the Russian Federation in the context of modern environmental and legal challenges. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the current forest legislation, its shortcomings and potential for improvement in order to increase the effectiveness of protection measures. Data on the current state of forest resources are presented, including statistics on degradation and restoration of forest ecosystems. The article also explores economic and social aspects of forest management, with special attention paid to the role of local communities and the importance of their participation in the processes of forest land protection and restoration forest lands Based on international experience, specific recommendations are offered to strengthen the legal protection of forests and introduce innovative approaches to monitoring and management of forest resources. The significance of the study lies in practical recommendations to improve the efficiency of rational and sustainable use of forest land in the Russian Federation, as well as proposals to improve the mechanisms of protection and conservation of Russian forests. The work is designed to promote a constructive dialogue between government agencies, the scientific community and non-governmental organizations aimed at achieving sustainable management of Russia’s forest fund.


November 2024


4 Reads

Actual directions of scientific researches of the XXI century theory and practice

The article is devoted to the analysis of investment activity in agriculture in the Central Federal District (CFD) of Russia. The relevance of the study is due to the importance of attracting investments in agriculture in the Central Federal District (CFD) to ensure sustainable economic growth of the region, increase the productivity of the agro-industrial complex and the implementation of strategic objectives of food security in Russia. The article considers key areas and prospects of investment in the agro-industrial complex (AIC) of the region, including infrastructure development, introduction of innovative technologies and increasing crop yields. The study is based on a comprehensive approach, including both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis. One of the main methods was statistical. The data of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation for the period from 2010 to 2023 were analysed. The volume of investments and their dynamics in the agro-industrial complex at the federal and regional levels were assessed. It is shown that there is a stable growth of investments in different branches of the agro-industrial complex and their positive impact on the economic development of the agricultural sector. The most promising and investment-attractive regions are Lipetsk, Belgorod and Voronezh. The results can be used to determine the strategic vision of further development of the agro-industrial complex of the Central Federal District and the formation of an effective investment policy.

The Ecosystem Approach to Assessing the Quality of the Urban Environment and Managing Urban Development

October 2021


19 Reads


4 Citations

The issues of the urban environment, the comfort of cities for life, their ability to act as generators of innovations in various fields of life and points of attraction for the creative class are being actively discussed among researchers and politicians. The essence of urbanization in both territorial and environmental-economic aspects lies in the formation of large urban settlements, including in their area an increasing number of rural settlements, which ultimately acquire the functional significance of an urban character. The proposed research considers the urban area as a complex integrated ecosystem with specific regulatory functions to manage these processes. The purpose of this research is to consider the area inhabited by people, including urban education, as a triune system of “nature—economy—society”, to determine the basic conditions for the ecosystem approach implementation to assessing the quality of the urban environment and managing urban development.

Sustainability Assessment of Social and Economic Development of Municipalities in the Voronezh Region

October 2021


23 Reads


9 Citations


In Russia, the issue of improving socio-economic sustainability of municipalities in the region through the assessment of its indicators are particularly relevant. The aim of this work is to assess the sustainability of socio-economic development of municipalities in the Voronezh region. The paper uses a systematic approach for a comprehensive, structured and dynamic study of the state of socio-economic sustainability of municipalities in the region. This approach uses the methods of classification and comparative analysis. The authors propose a methodology for assessing the sustainability of socio-economic development of the region’s municipalities. The results of calculating the integral sustainability index indicate the presence of five groups of municipalities, characterized by a particular degree of socio-economic sustainability, ranging from high to crisis. The proposed methodology for assessing the sustainability of socio-economic development of municipalities allows us to highlight the problematic parameters of socio-economic development within the municipalities themselves and to identify the main strategic objectives on the way to a single strategic goal: improving the level and quality of life of the population. Regional policy measures to equalize the level of socio-economic development should be designed, taking into account the identified features of the territorial development of municipal districts.

Figure 1. Composition of the timber complex by economic activity in the Russian Federation.
Sustainable development of the timber complex: ecological and economic foundations

October 2021


48 Reads


1 Citation

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

The forest management system established in Russia in recent years is characterized by a number of problems, including economic ones. The article reveals conceptual theoretical and methodological provisions for the development of sustainable forest management based on the formation of an appropriate environmental and economic mechanism. The essence of sustainable forest management should be considered in the context of economic, environmental, social and international aspects, taking into account the formation of effective multipurpose use of forest resources, as well as the strengthening of the environmental component in the development of forestry. The ecological-economic mechanism of sustainable forest management is proposed to be considered as a set of resources and methods of their connection in the process of economic, environmental and social forest management through the effective management of forestry activities. The main principles of the formation of the ecological-economic mechanism of sustainable forest management are outlined. Thus, the scattered views on the environmental-economic mechanism of sustainable forest management determine the need to streamline the existing economic methods of forest management, improve the efficiency of forestry activities and develop tools to obtain different types of effects: economic, environmental and social.

Fig. 1. Population, %.
Fig. 2. Population density, persons/km 2 .
The demographic potential of the Voronezh region as a factor of human capital development

July 2021


9 Reads

E3S Web of Conferences

Population is the key object of public policy, as it forms the demographic potential, without which the development of either a country or the world economy as a whole is impossible. The study of the location of the population, the number of labour resources, sex and age structure are important government tasks, the proper implementation of which forms the potential of the population. The aim of the article is to estimate the demographic potential of Voronezh Oblast. To achieve the goal the methods of statistical analysis were used, namely: grouping, relative, average, and index methods. Results. A comprehensive assessment of the demographic potential of the region has been made. The study will make it possible to make refined forecasts of demographic development of the region.

Sustainability of social and economic development of municipalities in the Voronezh Region, Russia

April 2021


34 Reads


6 Citations

South of Russia ecology development

Aim. The aim is to assess the sustainability of the social and economic development of the municipalities in the Voronezh Region. Material and Methods. A systematic approach to an integrated, structured and dynamic study of the level of social and economic sustainability of municipalities in the region. This approach uses the classification method, which defines and restricts existing conceptual approaches to the interpretation of conflict as an economic category, and the comparative analysis method, which compares the selected approaches with each other. The statistical database covers the period from 2014 to 2018. The integral index of social and economic sustainability of the municipalities in the region has been calculated. Discussion. The results of calculations of the integral sustainability index allowed us to identify 5 groups of municipalities, characterized by a certain degree of social and economic sustainability: a group with a high level of socio‐economic sustainability, a group with an above‐average level of socio‐economic sustainability, a group with an average level of socio‐economic sustainability, a group with a low level of socio‐economic sustainability and a group with a crisis level of socio‐economic sustainability. A crisis situation in a number of municipalities necessitates the development of certain anti‐crisis recommendations that contribute to the effective use of existing potential and directly develop the internal resources of the municipalities. Conclusion. The work resolves an actual practice‐oriented issue in the field of socio‐economic and geographical research ‐ the calculation of the sustainability of the social and economic development of municipalities in the region. Assessment of the sustainability indicators of the regional municipalities made it possible to comprehensively and adequately reveal the "strengths and weaknesses" of the regional social and economic system of the Voronezh Region and to identify the principal strategic tasks in moving towards a single strategic aim – improving the population level and life quality.

Fig. 1. Integral indicator of differentiation of social and economic development of municipal districts of the Voronezh region.
Assessment of the differentiation of social and economic development of the municipal districts in the Voronezh region

December 2020


55 Reads


1 Citation

E3S Web of Conferences

One of the problems that have arisen in the past and have an inertial impact on the development of the Russian Federation is the problem of heterogeneity of the country’s socio-economic space. The large scale of the space of Russia predetermines the predominantly macroscopic nature of the regulatory impact, the object of which is large territorial formations: economic districts, federal districts, regions of the Russian Federation. Each separate region, each municipality is a complex system with a set of unique factors: geographic location, climatic conditions, resource potential, population, etc. The article presents the author’s methodology for assessing the differentiation of social and economic development of municipalities in the Voronezh region. In modern conditions, the formation of convenient and effective methods and tools for measuring sustainable social and economic development, which make it possible to give an unambiguous interpretation of the results, is of high value both from a research and management point of view. On the basis of the author’s methodology, an assessment of the differentiation of the social and economic development of municipalities in the Voronezh region has been carried out. The proposed method, having individual characteristics in limiting the number of basic indicators along with the existing approaches, contributes to obtaining more objective results and allows it to be used in the development of a regional social and economic Strategy. These indicators are among the most important areas of the region’s social and economic system.

Citations (10)

... The forests of Russia perform one of the most important functions in human life, providing a variety of people's needs, acting as an important raw material base existing in the country, the forestry and woodworking industry [1][2]. They are an important component of human habitation, one of the main elements of the country's recreational potential, a regulator and the main source of wastewater treatment. ...


Analysis of the effect of anthropogenic load the vital forest condition Arctic zone of the Russian Federation
Sustainable development of the timber complex: ecological and economic foundations

IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science

... Для интеграции этих экосистемных услуг в стратегию устойчивого развития городов необходимо учитывать ряд факторов, включая правильное планирование и управление зелеными пространствами, а также вовлечение местных сообществ в процесс принятия решений. Поддержка биоразнообразия и адаптация к изменяющимся климатическим условиям являются важными аспектами, которые следует учитывать при разработке политики в этой области [1,2,12]. ...

The Ecosystem Approach to Assessing the Quality of the Urban Environment and Managing Urban Development
  • Citing Chapter
  • October 2021

... The primary statistical indicators selected at this stage should cover the influence of the maximum number of factors in the development of rural areas, and also satisfy the requirement of relativity, i.e. reflect a measure of effectiveness. [7] At the same stage, the transformation of private indicators is carried out by standardizing them (normalizing). For these purposes, ordinal scaling, linear scaling or point scoring methods can be used. ...

Sustainability of social and economic development of municipalities in the Voronezh Region, Russia

South of Russia ecology development

... However, they note that each country faces disparities in socio-economic development, which hinders this goal's achievement. According to Yakovenko et al. (2020), differentiation is inevitable in regional development and reflects its results. In their opinion, differentiation is natural and even beneficial since it gives dynamism to the development of the economy, creating some tension. ...

Assessment of the differentiation of social and economic development of the municipal districts in the Voronezh region

E3S Web of Conferences

... Recent research has highlighted a strong connection between socioeconomic elements and health indicators. Cluster analysis, a method that involves grouping multivariate data points into clusters, has been employed to reveal hidden patterns related to regional economic advancement [5,23,40,50]. By comparing and describing different counties, it becomes feasible to investigate the theory that disparities in socioeconomic status and health play a role in the spatial variations seen across regions. ...

Cluster Approach in Assessing the Level of Socio-Economic Development of the Municipal Districts (Voronezh Region)

... In terms of a breakthrough benchmark of the socio-economic development of our country, the agroindustrial sector, in our opinion, should be given a key role, since it is the link of organizational, managerial, production-technological, and socio-economic relations between economic entities throughout the product vertical [3,9]. ...

Agro-industrial complex as a competitive advantage of social and economic development of the Voronezh region
  • Citing Article
  • January 2016

On-line Journal Naukovedenie

... Other measures, such as financial support, primarily through the rental of agricultural land, have profoundly improved rural livelihood strategies and incomes, especially for low-and middle-income households [10]. Also, agricultural credit and insurance introduce new technologies in rural areas, such as innovative seeds that will improve the economic performance of these farms [11] or the modification of grain subsidies that were used to support increasing farm sizes [12]. Last but not least, the economic compensation of organic production not only promotes sustainable use and food production but also increases the income of the farmers who are implementing it [13]. ...

Agrarian Policy of the Region in Terms of Economic Development Innovation

International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues

... Economic efficiency will show us the return on total investment, obtaining the maximum amount of products per unit area at the lowest cost. In other words, when calculating the indicator of economic efficiency, the results of production are compared with material costs [GERASIMOV et al. 2019;SHAIMARDANOVICH, RUSTA-MOVICH 2018;TYUPAKOV et al. 2017;YAKOVENKO et al. 2016]. ...

Regional Socio-economic-geographical System: Definition Concepts
  • Citing Article
  • May 2016

Indian Journal of Science and Technology

... This lieu of laws gives the GoI and private firms behavioural opportunities to be adverse selection. The latest concept in constitutional economics is the political economy in which the lieu of laws do not have an agenda for powering the government agency to conduct resource allocations to each sector of the economy (Arnold, 2023;Morkovkin et al., 2016;Nabi et al., 2023). The author finally concludes that all these elements of constitutional economics are not found in these lieu of laws. ...

Factors and Material Conditions for Space-Intensive Economic Development of Region

International Review of Management and Marketing