Ignasi Bartomeus’s research while affiliated with BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change and other places

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Publications (231)

Tailored policies for perennial woody crops are crucial to advance sustainable development
  • Article

December 2024


139 Reads

Nature Sustainability






Ignasi Bartomeus

Perennial woody crops, which are crucial to our diets and global economies, have the potential to play a major role in achieving multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals pertaining to biodiversity conservation, socio-economic development and climate change mitigation. However, this potential is hindered by insufficient scientific and policy attention on perennial woody crops, and by the intensification of perennial crop cultivation in the form of monocropping with high external inputs. In this Perspective, we highlight the potential of properly managed and incentivized perennial woody crops to support holistic sustainable development and urge scientists and policymakers to develop an effective agenda to better harness their benefits.

Geographical distribution of the observations
For each country, the map includes the total number of observations and the proportion of observations in crops (green) or other areas (purple). Inset shows distribution of European studies for greater clarity. Hawaii, the Galapagos Islands, the Canary Islands and the Netherlands Antilles are regarded as distinct regions because of their insular isolation from their respective countries.
of published evidence for the impacts of pollinator diversity loss on plant reproductive success
a–f, Studies and observations by countries or regions (a), year of publication (b), landscape investigated (c), biome investigated (d), plant families that have been studied (e) and type of study (f).
Forest plots showing effect sizes including overall and across crop and wild plants
a,b, Overall effect (a) and effect for crops and wild plants (b) of pollinator diversity loss on plant reproductive success. Large points refer to the summary effect size (overall Hedges’ g effect −0.83, effect for crops −0.64 and effect for wild plants −0.91), thicker bars around them represent the 95% CIs and the thinner bars are the 95% prediction intervals. Smaller, semitransparent points represent individual comparisons. The vertical dashed line represents where the effect size is equal to zero (no difference between control and treatment groups). Parameter k indicates the number of comparisons and in parentheses is the number of studies from which they are derived. Precision indicates the weight of each study; studies with the lowest s.e. are more precise and therefore have bigger precision circles.
Forest plots showing effect sizes across different moderator variables
a,b, Pollinator diversity loss effect for the main reproductive success metrics (a) and for different self-compatibilities (b). Large points refer to the summary effect size (Hedges’ g = −1.05, −0.85 and −0.6, respectively, for fruit set, fruit weight and seed set; and Hedges’ g = −0.09, −0.68 and −1.03, respectively, for partially self-compatible, self-compatible and self-incompatible plant species); thicker bars around them represent the 95% CIs and the thinner bars are the 95% prediction intervals. Smaller, semitransparent points represent individual comparisons. The vertical dashed line represents where the effect size is equal to zero (no difference between control and treatment groups). Parameter k indicates the number of comparisons and in parentheses is the number of studies from which they are derived. Precision indicates the weight of each study; studies with the lowest s.e. are more precise and therefore have bigger precision circles.
Effect of pollinator diversity loss on the main plant reproductive success measures across different climatic zones
To compare climate zones, we grouped those corresponding to temperate zones, such as mixed forests, grasslands and coniferous forests, and did the same for tropical zones, including subtropical zones. We also grouped less-studied zones together as the ‘other’ category, which includes mangroves, tundra, marshes and high mountains. Large points refer to the summary effect size (Hedges’ g = −0.95, −0.68, −0.78, −0.89 and −0.75, respectively, for deserts, Mediterranean climatic zone, temperate climatic zones, tropical climatic zones and for other climatic zones), thicker bars around them represent the 95% CIs and the thinner bars are the 95% prediction intervals. Smaller, semitransparent points represent individual comparisons. The vertical dashed line represents where the effect size is equal to zero (that is, where there is no difference between control and treatment groups). Parameter k indicates the number of comparisons and in parentheses is the number of studies from which they are derived. Precision indicates the weight of each study; studies with the lowest s.e. are more precise and therefore have bigger precision circles.


Loss of pollinator diversity consistently reduces reproductive success for wild and cultivated plants
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

December 2024


223 Reads

Nature Ecology & Evolution

Pollination is a crucial ecosystem service, yet pollinator species diversity is declining as a result of factors such as climate change, habitat loss and agricultural intensification. While previous studies have often examined the extreme scenario of complete pollinator removal, showing negative impacts on plant reproductive success, we take a more realistic approach by focusing on the effects of decreasing pollinator diversity. Our global meta-analysis reveals a notable negative impact of reduced pollinator species diversity on plant reproductive success measures, such as seed set, fruit set and fruit weight. Notably, this effect varies across plant families, impacting both self-incompatible and self-compatible species. We also find that wild plant species suffer more than cultivated ones. Furthermore, the loss of invertebrate, nocturnal and wild pollinators has a more substantial impact than the loss of vertebrate, diurnal or managed pollinators. Overall, our findings consistently underscore the positive role of biodiversity in maintaining ecosystem functioning, highlighting the urgency of mitigating factors that lead to the decline in pollinator species diversity.

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Comment on “Pollination supply models from a local to global scale”: convolutional neural networks can improve pollination supply models at a global scale

November 2024


44 Reads

Web Ecology

Tools to predict pollinator activity at regional scales generally rely on land cover maps, combined with human-inferred mechanistic rules and/or expert knowledge. Recently, Giménez-García et al. (2023) showed that, using large pollinator datasets, different environmental variables, and machine learning models, those predictions can be enhanced but at the cost of losing model interpretability. Here, we complement this work by exploring the potential of using advanced machine learning techniques to directly infer wild-bee visitation rates across different biomes only from land cover maps and available pollinator data while maintaining a mechanistic interpretation. In particular, we assess the ability of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which are deep learning models, to infer mechanistic rules able to predict pollinator habitat use. At a global scale, our CNNs achieved a rank correlation coefficient of 0.44 between predictions and observations of pollinator visitation rates, doubling that of the previous human-inferred mechanistic models presented in Giménez-García et al. (2023) (0.17). Most interestingly, we show that the predictions depend on both landscape composition and configuration variables, with prediction rules being more complex than those of traditional mechanistic processes. We also demonstrate how CNNs can improve the predictions of our previous data-driven models that did not use land cover maps by creating a new model that combined the predictions of our CNN with those of our best regression model based on environmental variables, a Bayesian ridge regressor. This new ensemble model improved the overall rank correlation from 0.56 to 0.64.

Integrating intraspecific variation into population dynamics reveals how interacting species persist in mutualistic communities

September 2024


64 Reads

Mutualistic interactions among organisms are fundamental to the origin and maintenance of biodiversity. Yet the study of community dynamics often relies on values averaged at the species level, ignoring how intraspecific variation can affect those dynamics. We propose a theoretical framework for evaluating the extent to which various forms of variation within populations can influence species’ persistence in mutualistic systems. Next, drawing from detailed empirical data on plant–pollinator interactions and plant fitness, we quantify intraspecific variation in the mutualistic benefits received by plants and incorporate this variation into estimations of the community’s structural stability, a robust theoretical measure of species’ likelihood of persistence. Through explicit consideration of intraspecific variation, we are able to demonstrate that having different combinations of specialized and generalized individuals within plant populations promotes the persistence of pollinator communities. Further, we find that these heterogeneous mixtures of plant individuals reduce the probability of exclusion of focal plant species by promoting indirect effects across the broader plant–pollinator community. By providing a framework that explicitly accounts for individual-level variation, we open the door to a better understanding of the mechanisms promoting biodiversity in mutualistic communities and beyond.

Coevolution and temporal dynamics of species interactions shape species coexistence

August 2024


16 Reads

Evolutionary and ecological forces shape species coexistence, but how different ecological mechanisms drive coevolutionary dynamics remains poorly understood. Focusing on mutualistic communities, we explore how morphological and phenological trait matching can shape the coevolution of species traits, influence the evolutionary trajectories at the community level, and determine community stability. Using in silico experiments, we first show that because phenological traits can decouple interactions in time, their coevolutionary dynamics led to the emergence of interaction motifs promoting facilitation over competition. In contrast, coevolution driven by morphological traits led to poorly structured networks with higher connectance. As a consequence, phenological coevolution increased the ecological stability of the community, relative to those coevolved based on morphology, and dampened the diversity-stability trade-off observed in morphologically coevolved communities. Next, by using 17 empirical pollination networks, we show that phenological motifs promoting facilitation were abundant in natural communities, and that as predicted by the theoretical models, the phenological structure in species interactions was a major determinant of the structural stability of these empirical communities. These results show that modelling explicitly the basic mechanisms determining species interactions is crucial to understand how species coevolve, and the ecological properties emerging at the community level, such as community structure and stability.

Interactions among species drive population dynamics in plant-pollinator communities

July 2024


24 Reads

Pollinators are essential for the health of ecological systems. They transfer pollen from one flowering plant to another, helping the plants complete their life cycle. In doing so, pollinators also provide important functions and services critical for human wellbeing. But many pollinator populations are in decline due to ongoing challenges such as climate change and habitat loss, and accurately predicting which populations are most at risk is vital to preventing their extinction but poses many challenges. To improve current prediction approaches, a new study combined mathematical modeling and data collected in the field over 6 years. This long-term dataset on plants and their pollinators across 12 sites revealed that it is the interactions among species that drive pollinator persistence, with the most persistent communities having a nested interaction structure characterized by a particular combination of specialist and generalist species. The most persistent communities were also found to inhabit the largest habitat patches, allowing them more resilience to environmental change. These findings suggest that a better understanding of species interactions can improve our ability to make sound species management decisions and highlight that preserving interaction networks is key to pollinator conservation under global change.

Model predictions showing changes in the vulnerability of herbivorous (H, green, dashed line), intra guild (IGP, purple, dotted line), and soil fauna prey (SF, orange, solid line) in time expressed as sampling rounds 1, 2, and 3. Shaded areas represent the 95% confidence intervals. Dots represent raw data. Letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05) in estimated marginal means. Significances of slopes relative to zero can be found in Tables A6–A8c.
Model predictions for changes in vulnerability of herbivorous (a), soil fauna (b) and interspecific intraguild (IGP) (c), prey in time (sampling round 1–3) and among treatments of fields with mineral (FminRa, grey, dotted) or organic fertiliser with annual crop rotations (ForgRa, orange, dashed), and fields with organic fertiliser with perennial leys in crop rotation (ForgRl, green, solid). Shaded areas represent 95% confidence interval. Dots show the raw data. Significances of slopes relative to zero can be found in Tables A7c–A9c.
Vulnerability of herbivores during mid (a and b) and late (c and d) season plotted against predictors selected by model reduction. Shown are the effects of the four predictors retained in the final model: the soil fauna density (a, blue), predator richness in networks (b, d), trophic redundancy, that is mean shared partners (c). All predictors retained in the model represent the state of the community or network at time t. Shaded areas represent the 95% confidence interval. Blue colour indicates predictors derived from community density sampling, grey colour from gut content sampling.
Diversified cropping strengthens herbivore regulation by providing seasonal resource continuity to predators

May 2024


65 Reads


3 Citations

Agricultural practices shape arthropod communities in arable fields, consequently influencing their interactions and the resulting ecosystem services, in particular pest regulation. Predatory arthropods play a pivotal role by preying on herbivores, soil fauna, and on other predators. However, the intricate mechanisms through which agricultural practices shape the dietary preferences of predators, and regulate herbivore populations remain complex and inadequately understood. We assessed how fertilisation with organic fertiliser and extending crop rotations with perennial ley affected predation pressure across prey taxa. We mapped predator and prey trophic linkages with molecular analysis of carabid predator gut contents, and measured densities and taxonomic richness of predators, herbivores, and soil fauna in 19 cereal fields during three samplings across the growing season. We derived two food web structure metrics: prey vulnerability that is the average number of predators feeding on a selected prey, and predator trophic redundancy, that is dietary overlap. Prey vulnerability was compared among soil fauna, herbivores, and other predator species (that is interspecific intraguild predation) over the growing season, and across treatments. The mechanistic underpinnings of observed shifts in vulnerability of herbivorous prey at different crop stages were identified using information criteria to select among candidate variables related to the richness, density and interaction structure of the different guilds during both the current, and the previous crop stages. Agricultural diversification via organic fertilisation combined with perennial ley in the crop rotation decreased the vulnerability of both intraguild prey and soil fauna prey, and stabilised herbivore vulnerability. Mechanistically, the vulnerability of herbivorous prey at crop ripening emerges from the combination of predator richness and trophic redundancy during this sampling round, rather than from carryover effects from previous crop stages. Synthesis and applications: Our results suggest that locally provided resource continuity through diversified cropping practices bolster biological pest regulation, thus underline the importance of lesser disturbance in arable ecosystems for the provision of ecosystem services. Enhanced predator species richness together with availability of alternative prey through the season underpins this enhanced pest regulation.

Table 1 .
(a) Schematic illustrating the hypothesis of unidirectional gene flow from seminatural to nearby agricultural landscapes for populations of the pest predator Coccinella septempunctata (shown in panel a) and the pollinator Andrena flavipes. Panel (b) shows the four alternative gene flow models tested using fastsimcoal2. Parameters include mutation‐scaled ancestral effective population sizes (θANC), contemporary effective population sizes for populations from agricultural (θAGR) and seminatural (θNAT) landscapes, timing of population split (TDIV), and symmetric (m) and unidirectional (mAN and mNA) migration rates.
Map showing the location of study sites in seven European countries, each including an agricultural (brown dots) and a nearby seminatural (green triangles) plot. Geographical coordinates are given in Table 1 and satellite images for each sampling site are presented in Figure S1. CH, Switzerland; DK, Denmark; EE, Estonia; ES, Spain; GB, Great Britain; HU, Hungary; NL, Netherlands.
Results of genetic assignments based on the Bayesian method implemented in the program structure for populations of (a) Coccinella septempunctata and (b) Andrena flavipes sampled in agricultural (agr.) and nearby seminatural (nat.) landscapes from different countries. structure analyses for A. flavipes were performed for all populations jointly (top) and excluding populations from Spain (bottom). Analyses are based on a random subset of 10,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Each individual is represented by a vertical bar, which is partitioned into K colored segments showing the individual's probability of belonging to the cluster with that color. Thin vertical black lines separate individuals from different populations. Population codes as described in Table 1.
Principal component analyses (PCA) of genetic variation for populations of (a) Coccinella septempunctata and (b, c) Andrena flavipes sampled in agricultural (agr.; dots) and nearby seminatural (nat.; triangles) landscapes from different countries. Principal component analyses for A. flavipes were performed for (b) all populations jointly and (c) excluding populations from Spain. Analyses are based on a random subset of 10,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Population codes as described in Table 1.
Seminatural areas act as reservoirs of genetic diversity for crop pollinators and natural enemies across Europe

May 2024


270 Reads


1 Citation

Despite increasing recognition of the importance of the multiple dimensions of biodiversity, including functional or genetic diversity as well as species diversity, most conservation studies on ecosystem service‐providing insects focus on simple diversity measures such as species richness and abundance. In contrast, relatively little is known about the genetic diversity and resilience of pollinators or natural enemies of crop pests to population fragmentation and local extinction. The genetic diversity and demographic dynamics of remnant populations of beneficial insects in agricultural areas can be a useful indicator proving additional insights into their conservation status, but this is rarely evaluated. Although gene flow between agricultural and seminatural areas is key to maintaining genetic diversity, its extent and directionality remain largely unexplored. Here, we apply a pan‐European sampling protocol to quantify genetic diversity and structure and assess gene flow between agricultural and nearby seminatural landscapes in populations of two key ecosystem service‐providing insect species, the lady beetle Coccinella septempunctata, an important predator of aphids and other crop pests, and the bee pollinator Andrena flavipes. We show that A. flavipes populations are genetically structured at the European level, whereas populations of C. septempunctata experience widespread gene flow across the continent and lack any defined genetic structure. In both species, we found that there is high genetic connectivity between populations established in croplands and nearby seminatural areas and, as a consequence, they harbor similar levels of genetic diversity. Interestingly, demographic models for some regions support asymmetric gene flow from seminatural areas to nearby agricultural landscapes. Collectively, our study demonstrates how seminatural areas can serve as genetic reservoirs of both pollinators and natural enemies for nearby agricultural landscapes, acting as sources for recurrent recolonization and, potentially, contributing to enhancing ecosystem service and crop production resilience in the longer term.

Citations (66)

... Perennial crops have a great capacity to increase soil organic matter (Scotti et al. 2015;Thorup-Kristensen et al. 2020;Tang et al. 2024), which increases predator communities that prey on crop herbivores (Tsiafouli et al. 2015;Garratt et al. 2018;Heinen et al. 2024) and increases the soil's disease-suppressive capacity (cf. Expósito et al. 2017). ...


Ecological redesign of crop ecosystems for reliable crop protection. A review
Diversified cropping strengthens herbivore regulation by providing seasonal resource continuity to predators

... Given the current decline of pollinators and the potential risk of food insecurity for humans (Potts et al., 2016), we strongly advocate the implementation of policies aimed at increasing the coverage of semi-natural environments within farmland to reduce honey bee mortality. Bee-friendly management practices such as planting hedgerows (Kremen and M'Gonigle, 2015;Ricketts et al., 2008), establishing flowering or non-flowering meadows (Ricketts et al., 2008;Smith et al., 2016) or designating fallow land (Carvell et al., 2007;Steffan-Dewenter and Tscharntke, 2001) can restore semi-natural habitats and protect pollinators (Ortego et al., 2024;Requier and Leonhardt, 2020). Although these actions have been encouraged since the 1990s by the Common Agricultural Policy through the Agri-Environment Schemes program, which seems to be paying off for pollinators (Albrecht et al., 2007;Scheper et al., 2013) despite debated results on the overall biodiversity (Kleijn and Sutherland, 2003), the new CAP (2023-2027) has gone further by conditioning the payment on the dedication of at least 3 % of arable land to those non-productive areas and features (EC, 2022). ...

Seminatural areas act as reservoirs of genetic diversity for crop pollinators and natural enemies across Europe

... Los sistemas de publicación científica no dejan de evolucionar. De las revistas impresas y de suscripción, hemos pasado a la era de la publicación digital y del acceso abierto (Bartomeus et al. 2024). En consonancia con estos cambios, los esquemas de revisión por pares también están evolucionando. ...

ECOSISTEMAS consolidates its commitment to an open and fair publishing system and moves towards its internationalization


... In addition, dependence on a single species for worldwide crop pollination services is risky , and a growing body of evidence suggests that wild pollinators (e.g. non-Apis bees, syrphids) may supply an equal or even higher contribution than honey bees (Reilly et al., 2024;Eeraerts et al., 2023;Page et al., 2021). However, the monocultural landscapes usually created by intensive orchards are often unsuitable habitats for many wild pollinator species, which are impacted by extensive application of agrochemicals, limited foraging resources, intensive management, and lack of nesting sites (Alston et al., 2007;Roquer-Beni et al., 2021;Sheffield et al., 2008). ...

Wild insects and honey bees are equally important to crop yields in a global analysis
  • Citing Article
  • April 2024

Global Ecology and Biogeography

... A bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) hive from Agrobio (Almería, Spain) was placed every three weeks to ensure pollination of the 72 plants in the greenhouse between 21 May and 4 July 2021. The preferences of bumblebees were determined using a radio-frequency identification system (RFID) as described by Pérez-Alfocea et al. [36]. The RFID system used is based on a Biomark Small Scale Monitoring System (Biomark, Inc., Boise, ID, USA) and consists of a datalogger connected to 16 different antennas (30 cm diameter) and tags (8-10 mm long). ...

Pollinator-assisted plant phenotyping, selection, and breeding for crop resilience to abiotic stresses

The Plant Journal

... However, more recent studies have acknowledged the prevalence of multitrophic interactions in natural communities and investigated the importance of the combined effects of multiple interactions [15,16]. Nonetheless, most studies have explored the interplay of mutualistic and antagonistic interactions using simulated data [17,18]. This study focuses on empirical data of two mutualistic interactions, pollen transport and seed dispersal, to evaluate the role of birds as double mutualists. ...

Multilayer diffusion networks as a tool to assess the structure and functioning of fine grain sub‐specific plant–pollinator networks
  • Citing Article
  • April 2024


... This comparable flowering pattern, influenced by abiotic factors like temperature, sunlight etc. is observed in both mangroves and other tropical forests (Selwyn and Parthasarathy, 2006;Zimmerman et al., 2007). For example, plants in tropical regions with greater sunlight exposure and temperature tend to flower earlier than those in shaded areas (Weiss, 2000), and often exhibit synchronous flowering, which facilitates pollinator-sharing (Arroyo-Correa et al., 2024) and enhances plant reproductive success (Albrecht et al., 2012). ...

Flowering synchrony modulates pollinator sharing and places plant individuals along a competition–facilitation continuum
  • Citing Article
  • February 2024


... The current literature suggests that better scientific communication--in the sense of matching the narratives of scientists working on NBSs for agriculture with the language of the agricultural sector and policies would be helpful, but few economic arguments have been advanced for the adoption of NBSs (Velado-Alonso et al., 2024). Some economic ideas central to the concept of NBS, such as economic efficiency, have been excluded from the analysis in the context of agricultural production (Sowińska-Świerkosz and García, 2022). ...

Reassessing science communication for effective farmland biodiversity conservation
  • Citing Article
  • February 2024

... [57,[71][72][73]). Fourth, trophic webs are not the only types of ecological community webs, the obvious example being plant-pollinator interactions [74]. It is possible to combine webs of different interaction types into a single network, which may reveal greater insights into the relationship between species interactions and community composition [24,75,76] and perhaps in turn lead toward fully integrated decision-based management of future agroecosystems [77]. ...

Interaction network structure explains species’ temporal persistence in empirical plant–pollinator communities

Nature Ecology & Evolution