Ian D. Peake’s research while affiliated with RMIT University and other places

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Publications (40)

Fig. 1. Simple Dead Spot Road Network with a T-intersection.
Fig. 2. Simple scenario for the three cars shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 3. Coloured Stochastic Petri Net for concurrent car interactions in the simple dead spot network of Fig. 1.
Fig. 4. Scenario with a coverage bubble formed from ad hoc networks between vehicles.
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Concurrent Networks
  • Preprint
  • File available

October 2024


18 Reads


Peter Herrmann





Ergys Puka

Many very large-scale systems are networks of cyber-physical systems in which humans and autonomous software agents cooperate. To make the cooperation safe for the humans involved, the systems have to follow protocols with rigid real-time and real-space properties, but they also need to be capable of making competitive and collaborative decisions with varying rewards and penalties. Due to these tough requirements, the construction of system control software is often very difficult. This calls for applying a model-based engineering approach, which allows one to formally express the time and space properties and use them as guidance for the whole engineering process from requirement definition via system design to software development. Moreover, it is beneficial, if one can verify with acceptable effort, that the time and space requirements are preserved throughout the development steps. This paper focuses on modelling spatio-temporal properties and their model-checking and simulation using different analysis tools in combination with the methods and tool extensions proposed here. To this end, we provide an informal overview of CASTeL, our CASTeLogic. CASTeL is stochastic and includes real-time concurrency and real-space distribution.


RMIT University's Practical Space Weather Prediction Laboratory

July 2022


341 Reads


3 Citations

Space weather is a key component in the daily operation of many technological systems and applications; including large-scale power grids, high-frequency radio systems and satellite systems. As the international space sector continues to boom, accessible space weather products, tools and education are increasingly important to ensure that space actors (both old and new) are equipped with the knowledge of how space weather influences their activities and applications. At RMIT University, the initiative was taken to develop a Space Weather Prediction Laboratory exercise for students as part of its new offering of a Bachelor Degree in Space Science in 2020. This new Space Weather Prediction Lab exercise is offered as part of an undergraduate course on `Space Exploration', which has a diverse student in-take, including students with no background in physics; a key detail in the design of the Lab. The aims of the Space Weather Prediction Lab were to: (1) Provide a short and intense introduction to the near-Earth space environment and its impact on various human technologies; (2) Give students `hands-on' training in data analysis, interpretation and communication; and (3) Create an immersive space science experience for students that encourages learning, scientific transparency and teamwork. The format of the lab that was developed can be easily scaled in difficulty to suit the students' technical level, either by including more/less space weather datasets in the analysis or by analyzing more/less complicated space weather events. The details of the Space Weather Prediction Lab developed and taught at RMIT in 2020, in both face-to-face and online formats, are presented.

Fig. 1. Corona Clean Team in operation
Fig. 2. RoboCoStack in operation
Fig. 4. Experimental setup
Simulation Components in Gazebo

March 2021


180 Reads


8 Citations

Abstract—We present work on structuring robotics simulation scenarios into components. Components can comprise simulation entities with a physical counterpart such as automated guided vehicles, drones, robots and machines. Components are typically further structured into sub-components, e.g., a robot arm or a gripper and they can be used to build digital twins. Different aspects for classifying components can be distinguished, here, we are concentrating on composability, performance and fidelity. In this paper, we are concerned with components in the robotics simulation tool Gazebo used with Robot Operating System (ROS). Several structured scenario cases are created and we are investigating how these scenarios behave in Gazebo with respect to performance and fidelity for selected cases.

On Decision Support for Remote Industrial Facilities using the Collaborative Engineering Framework

February 2018


21 Reads

Means to support collaboration for remote industrial facilities such as mining are an important topic, especially in Australia, where major mining sites can be more than a thousand kilometers from population centres. Software-based collaboration and maintenance solutions can help to reduce costs associated with these remote facilities. In this paper, we report on our collaborative engineering project providing a decision support solution tailored for Australian needs. We present two application examples: one related to incident handling in industrial automation, the other one in the area of smart energy systems.

Towards a Cloud-based Architecture for Visualization and Augmented Reality to Support Collaboration in Manufacturing Automation

November 2017


43 Reads


1 Citation

In this report, we present our work in visualization and augmented reality technologies supporting collaboration in manufacturing automation. Our approach is based on (i) analysis based on spatial models of automation environments, (ii) next-generation controllers based on single board computers, (iii) cloud-, service- and web-based technologies and (iv) an emphasis on experimental development using real automation equipment. The contribution of this paper is the documentation of two new demonstrators, one for distributed viewing of 3D scans of factory environments, and another for real time augmented reality display of the status of a manufacturing plant, each based on technologies under development in our lab and in particular applied to a mini-factory.

Enhancing Learning Experience by Collaborative Industrial Projects

November 2016


26 Reads


24 Citations

This paper presents how collaborative industrial project are embedded into engineering curriculum at two departments: School of Science and the School of Engineering, at RMIT University, Australia. We introduce general structure of the industrial projects as Work Integrated Learning (WIL) modules, as well as provide a number of examples of recently completed projects. Industrial summer projects, which were running in the years 2015/16 in collaboration with ANZ, ABB, Alfred Hospital, etc., were pipelined with final year projects from the School of Engineering as well as with the Software Engineering Projects (Bachelor and Master level) from the School of Science. The goal of these projects was to enable continuity of activities as per industry requirements and enhance learning experience, as well as, employability of the students. All the projects were successfully completed, also receiving positive feedback from industry partners. Some of the projects led to student’s employment within the companies that have sponsored the projects. With this approach, Future Designers Grant from the Department of State Development, Business and Innovation, Victoria, was efficiently implemented and a new product developed. After receiving Bosch Venture Forum Award in Germany, in June 2015 industry collaboration has extended to new partner, School of Science and activities continued over the summer. New design is implanted as well as large number of improvements.

Remote Monitoring Infrastructure for IEC 61499 Based Control Software

October 2016


45 Reads


9 Citations

In this paper, we present our work on monitoring of control software behavior for PLCs. In particular, we are looking at IEC 61499-based software specifications. Monitoring is done remotely, i.e., the interface behavior of function blocks is streamed to a cloud-based service. Specifications are realized using formal languages such as 1) regular expressions, 2) timed automata, 3) temporal logic. Monitors can be automatically generated from these languages. Using our specifications, we are able to detect abnormal behavior in control software such as timing changes that can, e.g., show the presence of memory leaks or a virus. We demonstrate our ideas using an example.

Citations (33)

... For instance, a recent study (Zhang et al., 2021) on virtual surgical training systems enabled by modern medical technologies and VR shows that the design of collision detection and force feedback algorithms is essential to ensure transparency and immersion for trainees. The Virtual Experiences Laboratory (VXLab) at RMIT University visualized time series data as static images, and the solar wind imagery in a looping video format, providing an immersive space science experience for students that fosters learning, cooperation and "transparent data sharing" (Carter et al., 2022). Additionally, new technologies provide opportunities to solve problems regarding lack of transparency. ...


Transparency in persuasive technology, immersive technology, and online marketing: Facilitating users’ informed decision making and practical implications
RMIT University's Practical Space Weather Prediction Laboratory

... Unity, a leading game development engine, has expanded beyond the realm of entertainment into industrial applications, providing compelling visualizations, as well as interactive experiences [10]. Gazebo, on the other hand, offers an open-source alternative, with powerful simulation tools tailored to robotics and engineering [11]. The versatility of these platforms makes them suitable for various applications, ranging from detailed engineering analyses to immersive virtual environments. ...

Simulation Components in Gazebo

... In addition, A MR study on human behavior based on a Gazebo simulation is presented in [20]. Our work continues ideas sketched in [2] where we evaluated latency issues in distributed Gazebo usage scenarios. Related to our Gazebo work, production line planning using VR has been studied in [1] and some work on Functional Mockup Interface-based simulation is presented in [9]. ...

Assessing Long Distance Communication Alternatives for the Remote Control of AGVs
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2020

... A cluster of 40 Intel Xeon blades in an RMIT data centre provides computation services and simulation capacity. Themes such as simulation (Peake et al., 2021), software architecture and quality, and extended reality (Peake et al., , 2017 have been emphasized, typically combined with training, particularly project-based training for final-year students in Computing Technology-related disciplines (Simic et al., 2016). The Global Operations Visualization (GOV) lab in the VXLab provides a prototyping platform for dashboards for local and global collaboration and acts as a portal for the wider VXLab. ...

Towards a Cloud-based Architecture for Visualization and Augmented Reality to Support Collaboration in Manufacturing Automation
  • Citing Article
  • November 2017

... We anticipate that the remotely managed and monitoring system built with the help of IoT and cloud platform would work as a workable alternative. Remotely monitored solution based on cloud service and investigated in a wide field range, including industrial monitoring [5], health care [6], [7] and pain monitoring [8], monitoring of traffic [9], car parking [10], irrigations in agriculture [11], and environment monitoring [13,49]. These solutions were developed from the networks of sensor integration and cloud infrastructure. ...

A Candidate Architecture for Cloud-Based Monitoring in Industrial Automation
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2017

... The study demonstrated that Tensorflow provides significantly better results for our application domain (92.35% for the FPN model), in comparison to Anyline, as well as to Google Cloud Vision and AWS Rekognition. This research project was conducted under the initiative Research embedded in teaching, see [43,47,49,59]. This initiative was proposed at the RMIT University (Melbourne, Australia) within the Software Engineering projects (SEPs) conducted in collaboration with industrial partners. ...

Enhancing Learning Experience by Collaborative Industrial Projects
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • November 2016

... Modalities Static Screen-based Display [41][42][43][44] Alternate Interfaces [45][46][47][48] AR Combinations and Comparisons [39,[49][50][51][52] Creating and Understanding the System Intent Communication [36,40,50,[53][54][55][56][57][58][59] Path and Motion Visualization and Programming [11,14,25,[28][29][30]32,37,39,44,45,51,55,[60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74] Adding Markers to the Environment [14,28,33,44,[75][76][77] Manufacturing and Assembly [17,18,31,37,39,60,66,[77][78][79][80] Improving the Collaboration AR for Teleoperation [13,16,18,22,26,41,43,49,[81][82][83][84] Pick-and-Place [21,33,35,44,50,51] Search and Rescue [24,48,55,62,[85][86][87][88][89] Medical [23,27,41,[90][91][92][93][94] Space [95,96] Safety and Ownership of Space [33,34,40,66,79,97] Other Applications [98][99][100][101][102] Evaluation Strategies and Methods ...

A software framework for augmented reality-based support of industrial operations
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2016

... The Virtual Experiences Laboratory (VXLab) at RMIT University (Peake et al., 2015) was established in 2013 to enable software engineering research focused on physical automation and the user experience, with robotics/manufacturing, visualization and computation facilities connected on a distributed sandbox network. A cluster of 40 Intel Xeon blades in an RMIT data centre provides computation services and simulation capacity. ...

Visualization facilities for distributed and remote industrial automation: VxLab
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2015

... State-based behavior can be annotated using the properties featured in our models. We have investigated the use of models serving as digital twins together with a cloud-based service infrastructure in the industrial automation domain [2]. An emphasis here was on the remote response to incidents in industrial facilities. ...

Efficient incident handling in industrial automation through collaborative engineering
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2015