I Smolyar’s research while affiliated with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and other places

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Publications (204)

Figure 4. Images with high edge gradient. The absolute and relative robustness of DStr and DSiz is averaged over binarization thresholds.
Figure 5. Images of Boeing trace contour maps for different blur factors. Contour intervals on the relative scales [0, 1] are 0.6 and 0.8.
Figure 6. Absolute and relative robustness of DStr and DSize of contour maps. (a) Robu DStr and DSize against grid size. (b) Robustness of DStr and DSize against Gaussian blu scale images.
Binary contour maps. Setting for assessing the robustness of DStr and DSize against grid size and Gaussian blur radius.
Assessing Robustness of Morphological Characteristics of Arbitrary Grayscale Images
  • Article
  • Full-text available

February 2022


34 Reads

Applied Sciences

Igor Smolyar


Daniel Smolyar

In our previous work, we introduced an empirical model (EM) of arbitrary binary images and three morphological characteristics: disorder of layer structure (DStr), disorder of layer size (DSize), and pattern complexity (PCom). The basic concept of the EM is that forms of lines play no role as a morphological factor in any narrow area of an arbitrary binary image; instead, the basic factor is the type of line connectivity, i.e., isotropic/anisotropic connections. The goal of the present work is to justify the possibility of making the EM applicable for the processing of grayscale arbitrary images. One of the possible ways to reach this goal is to assess the influence of image binarization on the robustness of DStr and DSize. Images that exhibit high and low edge gradient are used for this experimental study. The robustness of DStr and DSize against the binarization procedure is described in absolute (deviation from average) and relative (Pearson’s coefficient correlation) terms. Images with low edge gradient are converted into binary contour maps by applying the watershed algorithm, and DStr and DSize are then calculated for these maps. The robustness of DStr and DSize were assessed against the image threshold for images with high edge gradient and against the grid size of contour maps and Gaussian blur smoothing for images with low edge gradient. Experiments with grayscale arbitrary patterns, such as the surface of Earth and Mars, tidal sand ripples, turbulent flow, a melanoma, and cloud images, are presented to illustrate the spectrum of problems that may be possible to solve by applying the EM. The majority of our experiments show a high level of robustness for DStr and DSize.


Comparison of Quantitative Morphology of Layered and Arbitrary Patterns: Contrary to Visual Perception, Binary Arbitrary Patterns Are Layered from a Structural Point of View

July 2021


406 Reads


1 Citation

Applied Sciences

Patterns found among both living systems, such as fish scales, bones, and tree rings, and non-living systems, such as terrestrial and extraterrestrial dunes, microstructures of alloys, and geological seismic profiles, are comprised of anisotropic layers of different thicknesses and lengths. These layered patterns form a record of internal and external factors that regulate pattern formation in their various systems, making it potentially possible to recognize events in the formation history of these systems. In our previous work, we developed an empirical model (EM) of anisotropic layered patterns using an N-partite graph, denoted as G(N), and a Boolean function to formalize the layer structure. The concept of isotropic and anisotropic layers was presented and described in terms of the G(N) and Boolean function. The central element of the present work is the justification that arbitrary binary patterns are made up of such layers. It has been shown that within the frame of the proposed model, it is the isotropic and anisotropic layers themselves that are the building blocks of binary layered and arbitrary patterns; pixels play no role. This is why the EM can be used to describe the morphological characteristics of such patterns. We present the parameters disorder of layer structure, disorder of layer size, and pattern complexity to describe the degree of deviation of the structure and size of an arbitrary anisotropic pattern being studied from the structure and size of a layered isotropic analog. Experiments with arbitrary patterns, such as regular geometric figures, convex and concave polygons, contour maps, the shape of island coastlines, river meanders, historic texts, and artistic drawings are presented to illustrate the spectrum of problems that it may be possible to solve by applying the EM. The differences and similarities between the proposed and existing morphological characteristics of patterns has been discussed, as well as the pros and cons of the suggested method.

Layered patterns in nature, medicine, and materials: quantifying anisotropic structures and cyclicity

October 2019


176 Reads


2 Citations

Various natural patterns—such as terrestrial sand dune ripples, lamellae in vertebrate bones, growth increments in fish scales and corals, aortas and lamellar corpuscles in humans and animals—comprise layers of different thicknesses and lengths. Microstructures in manmade materials—such as alloys, perlite steels, polymers, ceramics, and ripples induced by laser on the surface of graphen—also exhibit layered structures. These layered patterns form a record of internal and external factors regulating pattern formation in their various systems, making it potentially possible to recognize and identify in their incremental sequences trends, periodicities, and events in the formation history of these systems. The morphology of layered systems plays a vital role in developing new materials and in biomimetic research. The structures and sizes of these two-dimensional (2D) patterns are characteristically anisotropic: That is, the number of layers and their absolute thicknesses vary significantly in different directions. The present work develops a method to quantify the morphological characteristics of 2D layered patterns that accounts for anisotropy in the object of study. To reach this goal, we use Boolean functions and an N -partite graph to formalize layer structure and thickness across a 2D plane and to construct charts of (1) “layer thickness vs. layer number” and (2) “layer area vs. layer number.” We present a parameter disorder of layer structure (DStr) to describe the deviation of a study object’s anisotropic structure from an isotropic analog and illustrate that charts and DStr could be used as local and global morphological characteristics describing various layered systems such as images of, for example, geological, atmospheric, medical, materials, forensic, plants, and animals. Suggested future experiments could lead to new insights into layered pattern formation.

Figure 2. Response function of the WOA18, WOA13, WOA09, WOA05, WOA01, WOA98, WOA94, and Levitus (1982) objective analysis schemes.
Radii of influence used in the objective analysis for the one-degree and quarter-degree climatologies.
Response function of the objective analysis scheme as a function of wavelength for WOA18 and earlier analyses. Response function is normalized to 1.0.
Statistical fields calculated as part of WOA18 Temperature (√ denotes fields were calculated and are publicly available).
World Ocean Atlas 2018, Volume 1: Temperature

July 2019


3,057 Reads


71 Citations

R A Locarnini



O K Baranova




Ricardo A Locarnini

This atlas consists of a description of data analysis procedures and horizontal maps of climatological distribution fields of temperature at selected standard depth levels of the World Ocean on one-degree and quarter-degree latitude-longitude grids. The aim of the maps is to illustrate large-scale characteristics of the distribution of ocean temperature. The fields used to generate these climatological maps were computed by objective analysis of all scientifically quality-controlled historical temperature data in the World Ocean Database 2018. Maps are presented for climatological composite periods (annual, seasonal, monthly, seasonal and monthly difference fields from the annual mean field, and the number of observations) at 102 standard depths.

Available objectively analyzed and statistical fields
Depths associated with each standard level number. The maximum depth of the WOA18 is 5500 m (Table 4).
WORLD OCEAN ATLAS 2018 Product Documentation Ocean Climate Laboratory NCEI / NESDIS / NOAA NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information

July 2019


1,992 Reads


17 Citations

This document describes the World Ocean Atlas 2018 (WOA18) statistical and objectively analyzed field data files. This description includes the types of statistical fields available, the oceanographic variables analyzed, and at which standard depth levels, time spans, time periods and grid resolutions they were analyzed. This description also includes the naming convention for the files, as well as the structure and format for the files. For a description of the data used, and the procedures for calculating WOA statistical fields, see https://www.nodc.noaa.gov/OC5/woa18/pubwoa18.html

Response function of the objective analysis scheme as a function of wavelength for WOA18 and earlier analyses. Response function is normalized to 1.0.
Basins defined for objective analysis and the shallowest standard depth level for which each basin is defined.
NOAA Atlas NESDIS 84 WORLD OCEAN ATLAS 2018 Volume 4: Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients (phosphate, nitrate and nitrate+nitrite, silicate) NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information WORLD OCEAN ATLAS 2018 Volume 4: Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients (phosphate, nitrate and nitrate+nitrite, silicate)

July 2019


358 Reads


16 Citations

This atlas consists of a description of data analysis procedures and horizontal maps of climatological distribution fields of dissolved inorganic nutrients (phosphate, nitrate and nitrate+nitrite, and silicate) at selected standard depth levels of the World Ocean on a one-degree latitude-longitude grid. The aim of the maps is to illustrate large-scale characteristics of the distribution of these nutrients. The oceanographic data fields used to generate these climatological maps were computed by objective analysis of all scientifically quality-controlled historical nutrient data in the World Ocean Database 2018. Maps are presented for climatological composite periods (annual, seasonal, monthly, seasonal and monthly difference fields from the annual mean field, and the number of observations) at 102 standard depths. We also provide estimates of the basin-scale uncertainty of the WOA18 nutrient objectively analyzed annual fields.

Figure 1. The annual salinity of the California Current at 30m depth for the 1955 -1964 decade as represented by one-degree resolution and quarter-degree resolution.
Figure 2. Response function of the WOA18, WOA13, WOA09, WOA05, WOA01, WOA98, WOA94, and Levitus (1982) objective analysis schemes.
Radii of influence used in the objective analysis for the one-degree and quarter-degree climatologies.
Response function of the objective analysis scheme as a function of wavelength for WOA18 and earlier analyses. Response function is normalized to 1.0.
Statistical fields calculated as part of WOA18 Salinity (√ denotes fields were calculated and are publicly available).
WORLD OCEAN ATLAS 2018 Volume 2: Salinity

July 2019


1,865 Reads


51 Citations

This atlas consists of a description of data analysis procedures and horizontal maps of climatological distribution fields of salinity at selected standard depth levels of the World Ocean on a one-degree and quarter-degree latitude-longitude grids. The aim of the maps is to illustrate large-scale characteristics of the distribution of ocean salinity. The fields used to generate these climatological maps were computed by objective analysis of all scientifically quality-controlled historical salinity data in the World Ocean Database 2018. Maps are presented for climatological composite periods (annual, seasonal, monthly, seasonal and monthly difference fields from the annual mean field, and the number of observations) at 102 standard depths.

Basins defined for objective analysis and the shallowest standard depth level for which each basin is defined.
NOAA Atlas NESDIS 83 WORLD OCEAN ATLAS 2018 Volume 3: Dissolved Oxygen, Apparent Oxygen Utilization, and Dissolved Oxygen Saturation NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information NOAA Atlas NESDIS 83

July 2019


239 Reads


16 Citations

This atlas consists of a description of data analysis procedures and horizontal maps of climatological distribution fields of dissolved oxygen (O2), apparent oxygen utilization (AOU), and dissolved oxygen saturation ( ) at selected standard depth levels of the world ocean on a one-degree latitude-longitude grid. The aim is to illustrate large-scale characteristics of the distribution of dissolved oxygen. The oceanographic data fields used to generate these climatological maps were computed by objective analysis of scientifically quality-controlled historical dissolved oxygen data in the World Ocean Database 2018. Distribution concentration maps are presented for climatological composite periods (annual, seasonal, monthly, seasonal and monthly difference fields from the annual mean field, and the number of observations) at 102 standard depths. We also provide estimates of the basin-scale uncertainty of the WOA18 O2 objectively analyzed annual fields.

Layered patterns in nature, medicine and materials: quantification of anisotropic structures and cyclisity

January 2019


64 Reads


2 Citations

Various natural patterns—such as terrestrial sand dune ripples, lamellae in vertebrate bones, growth increments in fish scales and corals, aorta and lamellar corpuscle of humans and animals—comprise layers of different thicknesses and lengths. Microstructures in manmade materials—such as alloys, perlite steels, polymers, ceramics, and ripples induced by laser on the surface of graphen—also exhibit layered structures. These layered patterns form a record of internal and external factors regulating pattern formation in their various systems, making it potentially possible to recognize and identify in their incremental sequences trends, periodicities, and events in the formation history of these systems. The morphology of layered systems plays a vital role in developing new materials and in biomimetic research. The structures and sizes of these two-dimensional (2-D) patterns are characteristically anisotropic: That is, the number of layers and their absolute thicknesses vary significantly in different directions. The present work develops a method to quantify the morphological characteristics of layered patterns that accounts for anisotropy in the object of study. To reach this goal, we use Boolean functions and an N-partite graph to formalize layer structure and thickness across a 2-D plane and to construct charts of 1) “layer thickness vs. layer number” and 2) “layer area vs. layer number.” We present a parameter for structural disorder in a layered pattern (DStr) to describe the deviation of a study object’s anisotropic structure from an isotropic analog and illustrate that charts and DStr could be used as local and global morphological characteristics describing various layered systems such as images of, for example, geological, atmospheric, medical, materials, forensic, plants, and animals. Suggested future experiments could lead to new insights into layered pattern formation.

Figure 17. Structural disorder in leaf system
Figure 29. Layer thickness variability across a 2-D plane: spider web
Layered patterns in nature, medicine and materials: quantification of anisotropic structures and cyclisity

December 2018


356 Reads

Various natural patterns—such as terrestrial sand dune ripples, lamellae in vertebrate bones, growth increments in fish scales and corals, aorta and lamellar corpuscle of humans and animals—comprise layers of different thicknesses and lengths. Microstructures in manmade materials—such as alloys, perlite steels, polymers, ceramics, and ripples induced by laser on the surface of graphen—also exhibit layered structures. These layered patterns form a record of internal and external factors regulating pattern formation in their various systems, making it potentially possible to recognize and identify in their incremental sequences trends, periodicities, and events in the formation history of these systems. The morphology of layered systems plays a vital role in developing new materials and in biomimetic research. The structures and sizes of these two-dimensional (2-D) patterns are characteristically anisotropic: That is, the number of layers and their absolute thicknesses vary significantly in different directions. The present work develops a method to quantify the morphological characteristics of layered patterns that accounts for anisotropy in the object of study. To reach this goal, we use Boolean functions and an N-partite graph to formalize layer structure and thickness across a 2-D plane and to construct charts of 1) “layer thickness vs. layer number” and 2) “layer area vs. layer number.” We present a parameter for structural disorder in a layered pattern (DStr) to describe the deviation of a study object’s anisotropic structure from an isotropic analog and illustrate that charts and DStr could be used as local and global morphological characteristics describing various layered systems such as images of, for example, geological, atmospheric, medical, materials, forensic, plants, and animals. Suggested future experiments could lead to new insights into layered pattern formation.

Citations (9)

... In our previous work [1][2][3], we have justified that though the visual macro differences between patterns are significantly distinct, they nevertheless share a common feature: they have layers. A majority of arbitrary patterns could be described as being comprised of a very short layer system. ...


Assessing Robustness of Morphological Characteristics of Arbitrary Grayscale Images
Comparison of Quantitative Morphology of Layered and Arbitrary Patterns: Contrary to Visual Perception, Binary Arbitrary Patterns Are Layered from a Structural Point of View

Applied Sciences

... In our previous work [1][2][3], we have justified that though the visual macro differences between patterns are significantly distinct, they nevertheless share a common feature: they have layers. A majority of arbitrary patterns could be described as being comprised of a very short layer system. ...

Layered patterns in nature, medicine, and materials: quantifying anisotropic structures and cyclicity

... Panel (b) shows pressure and surface wind pattern in boreal winter (right top panel) and in boreal summer (right bottom panel). Average annual surface temperature and surface salinity from the World Ocean Atlas 2018 (Boyer et al., 2018) plotted using Ocean Data View (ODV) (Schlitzer, 2023). ITF = Indonesian throughflow; LC = Leeuwin Current; NEC = North Equatorial Current; SEC = South Equatorial Current; EUC = Equatorial Undercurrent; CC = California Current. 4 of 28 summer, due to the low pressure over the Pilbara in northwest Australia, where local insolation heats the land, wind originating from the north-west as a part of south Asian monsoon, brings moisture from the Indian Ocean to northwest Australia, leading to high precipitation and increased riverine sediment load into the ocean (Chang et al., 2006;Suppiah, 1992). ...

World Ocean Atlas 2018, Volume 1: Temperature

... The EMU represent 37 physically and chemically distinct volumetric regions in the ocean that were objectively derived from a non-supervised clustering of ocean environmental data. The variables clustered were from NOAA's World Ocean Atlas (WoA); namely, 57 year averages of temperature, salinity, oxygen concentration, oxidised nitrogen (~nitrate), phosphate, and silicate [44][45][46][47] . Prior to analysis using Euclidean distance and group average clustering, the data were normalised by the mean value for each variable being subtracted and divided by their standard deviation so each variable had equal weight. ...

NOAA Atlas NESDIS 84 WORLD OCEAN ATLAS 2018 Volume 4: Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients (phosphate, nitrate and nitrate+nitrite, silicate) NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information WORLD OCEAN ATLAS 2018 Volume 4: Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients (phosphate, nitrate and nitrate+nitrite, silicate)

... Therefore, we subtract the refractory DOP of 0.05 μM and refractory DON of 1.8 μM from observations to obtain 'semi-labile' DOP and DON. Furthermore, oxygen data from World Ocean Atlas (Garcia et al., 2019a) are used to build the denitrification function as described in Section 2.2. The optimization routine used in this study follows the approach outlined by Wang et al. (2019), which reproduces the observational data well ( Figure S2 in Supporting Information S1). ...

NOAA Atlas NESDIS 83 WORLD OCEAN ATLAS 2018 Volume 3: Dissolved Oxygen, Apparent Oxygen Utilization, and Dissolved Oxygen Saturation NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information NOAA Atlas NESDIS 83

... The ITCZ characterized by the maximum of precipitation using satellite precipitation data [the 3B42 version of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) distributed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, https://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/)] is located approximately 9°N in the studied area. (Good et al., 2020); and the World Ocean Atlas climatology (WOA18) based on in-situ data (Garcia et al., 2019). ...

WORLD OCEAN ATLAS 2018 Product Documentation Ocean Climate Laboratory NCEI / NESDIS / NOAA NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information

... It should be stressed that we do not use isolated vertices (i.e., those that are not connected to other vertices) in calculating DStr, because they do not form isotropic or anisotropic edges. One possible example of a pattern in which DStr approaches maximal structural disorder is stars in the night sky (Smolyar, Bromage & Wikelski, 2019: Fig. 11). ...

Layered patterns in nature, medicine and materials: quantification of anisotropic structures and cyclisity
  • Citing Preprint
  • January 2019

... The NWARC contain six decadal climatologies, and decav (the average of six decadal) climatology. Compilation of the climatologies consists of several technical sub-procedures described in depth in a number of WOA publications and in some research papers based on various versions of WOA,e.g., [8,42,124,125]. ...

An inventory of Arctic Ocean data in the World Ocean Database

... Many interpolation studies do not consider the characteristics of anisotropy in 3D space (Smolyar et al., 2016). In the geographical environment, the distribution trend of pollutants exhibits anisotropy, particularly in the vertical direction within the 3D space, because of the influence of various factors. ...

Quantification of layered patterns with structural anisotropy: A comparison of biological and geological systems
