I. Barmina’s research while affiliated with University of Latvia and other places

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Publications (73)

  • Conference Paper

January 2023


3 Reads


Inesa Barmina


G. Shtein


Daniels Turlajs

Improvement of biomass gasification/combustion characteristics using the microwave pre‐treatment of biomass pellets

August 2021


23 Reads


8 Citations

Chemical Engineering & Technology

The main objective of research is to promote wider use of the regional bioenergy resources for the development of environmentally friendly energy production providing microwave pre-treatment of different origin lignocellulosic biomass pellets (wood, straw, and peat) at frequency 2.45 GHz. A hypothesis is proposed and tested that MW pre-treatment of biomass pellets and blending of MW pre-treated pellets with raw pellets can be used to enhance the thermochemical conversion of different origin lignocellulosic biomass blends. The test results confirm that increased reactivity and heating value of pre-treated biomass pellets enhances heat energy production and limited formation of SGS emissions thus advancing more efficient use of agricultural and forestry waste for energy production.

Fig. 1. The laboratory scale device for experimental study of the DC electric field effect on the thermochemical conversion of straw pellets: 1. gasifier, 2. water-cooled sections of the combustor, 3. primary air supply nozzle, 4. secondary swirling air supply nozzle, 5. diagnostic sections with orifices, 6. electric measuring circuit, 7. electrode placement: a-electrode arranged axially downstream of the flow; b-electrode arranged axially upstream of the flow; c-electrode arranged across the flow.
Fig. 2. The effect of the electrode arrangement on the flow axial velocity (a), flame temperature (b) profiles, the total heat output from the device (c) and the volume fraction of CO 2 in the products (d).
Fig. 3. The radial distribution of ion density at the thermochemical conversion of straw (a) and a current-voltage characteristic depending on the positions of electrode in swirl flame (b).
Fig. 4. The electric field effect on the formation of flow velocity and the temperature profiles of the flame reaction zone for different configurations of the electrodes.
Fig. 6. The field-induced variations of the weight loss rate of straw pellets (a, c, e) and the volume density of combustible volatiles (CO) at the outlet of the gasifier (b, d, f) for different configurations of the electrodes.


The Effect of Electric Field Configuration on the Thermo-Chemical Conversion of Straw Pellets
  • Article
  • Full-text available

August 2020


50 Reads


1 Citation

Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences

I. Barmina






With the aim to control and improve the thermo-chemical conversion of straw pellets, the experimental investigations of the DC electric field effect on the combustion dynamics and heat energy production were made. The electric field effect on the gasification/combustion characteristics was studied using three different positions of the positively charged electrode in flame. First, the electrode was positioned coaxially downstream the flame flow. Next, the electrode was positioned coaxially upstream the flame flow and, finally, the electrode was positioned across the downstream flow. The bias voltage of the electrode varied in the range from 0.6 up to 1.8 kV, while the ion current in flame was limited to 5 mA. The results of experimental investigations show that the DC electric field intensifies the thermal decomposition of straw pellets and enhances mixing of volatiles with air causing changes in combustion dynamics and heat energy production, which depend on position and the bias voltage of the electrode. The increase in the average volume fraction of CO2 (by 6 %) and the decrease in the mass fraction of unburned volatiles in the products (CO by 60 % and H2 by 73 %) for the upstream field configuration of the electrode and the ion current 0.5–1.8 mA indicate more complete combustion of volatiles.


Mathematical modelling and experimental study of straw co-firing with gas

October 2019


173 Reads


3 Citations

Mathematical Modelling and Analysis

The main goal of the present study is to promote a more effective use of agriculture residues (straw) as an alternative renewable fuel for cleaner energy production with reduced greenhouse gas emissions. With the aim to improve the main combustion characteristics at thermo-chemical conversion of wheat straw, complex experimental study and mathematical modelling of the processes developing when co-firing wheat straw pellets with a gaseous fuel were carried out. The effect of co-firing on the main gasification and combustion characteristics was studied experimentally by varying the propane supply and additional heat input into the pilot device, along with the estimation of the effect of co-firing on the thermal decomposition of wheat straw pellets, on the formation, ignition and combustion of volatiles . A mathematical model has been developed using the environment of the Matlab (2D modelling) and MATLAB package ”pdepe”(1D modelling) considering the variations in supplying heat energy and combustible volatiles into the bottom of the combustor. Dominant exothermal chemical reactions were used to evaluate the effect of co-firing on the main combustion characteristics and composition of the productsand. The results prove that the additional heat from the propane flame makes it possible to control the thermal decomposition of straw pellets, the formation, ignition and combustion of volatiles and the development of combustion dynamics, thus completing the combustion of biomass and leading to cleaner heat energy production.

Figure 1. The batch-size pilot setup for experimental studies: 1-gasifier filled with a mixture of biomass pellets; 2-propane flame inlet nozzle; 3-primary air supply at the bottom of the gasifier; 4-secondary swirling air inlet at the combustor bottom; 5-water-cooled sections of the combustion chamber; 6-axially inserted central electrode; 7-openings the diagnostic tools. The technological scheme of main equipment and measurement instruments is available at Figure S2.
Figure 12. Electric field effect on the temperature development at P e = 0 (a) and P e = 2.5 (b).
The elemental composition and heating values of straw, wood and peat pellets.
The flame flow parameters: axial velocity (uax, max), radial velocity (ur, max), temperature (Tmax), mass fraction of intermediate products (C2, max), radial velocity (ur, min), mass fraction of final products (C3, min), vorticity intensity (Iv) and radially-averaged flow temperature (Tav), depending on the electromagnetic parameter Pe for the flow swirl number S = 3. Pe C3, min Iv/u0 uax, max/u0 ur, max/u0 ur, min/u0 Tmax/T0 Tav/T0 C2, max
Electric Field Effect on the Thermal Decomposition and Co-combustion of Straw with Solid Fuel Pellets

April 2019


286 Reads


7 Citations


The aim of this study was to provide more effective use of straw for energy production by co-firing wheat straw pellets with solid fuels (wood, peat pellets) under additional electric control of the combustion characteristics at thermo-chemical conversion of fuel mixtures. Effects of the DC electric field on the main combustion characteristics were studied experimentally using a fixed-bed experimental setup with a heat output up to 4 kW. An axisymmetric electric field was applied to the flame base between the positively charged electrode and the grounded wall of the combustion chamber. The experimental study includes local measurements of the composition of the gasification gas, flame temperature, heat output, combustion efficiency and of the composition of the flue gas considering the variation of the bias voltage of the electrode. A mathematical model of the field-induced thermo-chemical conversion of combustible volatiles has been built using MATLAB. The results confirm that the electric field-induced processes of heat and mass transfer allow to control and improve the main combustion characteristics thus enhancing the fuel burnout and increasing the heat output from the device up to 14% and the produced heat per mass of burned solid fuel up to 7%.

Kinetic Study of the Thermal Decomposition and Co-Combustion of Straw Pellets with Coal

August 2018


48 Reads


2 Citations

Chemical Engineering Transactions

The main goal of the present study is to assure a more effective use of CO2 neutral fuel (wheat straw) for cleaner energy production with reduced greenhouse carbon emissions by partially replacing a fossil fuel (crashed coal) with a renewable one. This work combines experimental study and mathematical modelling of the processes developing during the co-combustion of straw pellets and crashed coal, aimed at assessment of the influence of the elemental composition and heating values of the mixture components on the main gasification/combustion characteristics, heat output from the device and on the composition of the flue gas products. The experimental study of the development of main gasification/combustion characteristics involves a complex DTG and DTA analysis of straw pellets and crashed coal and an estimation of the main steps of their thermal decomposition, combustion of volatiles, char formation and burnout, thus providing a complex kinetic study of the mixture weight loss rates and of the formation of combustible volatiles (CO, H2) at different stages of thermal decomposition of the solid fuel mixtures. A mathematical model for the combustion of volatiles (CO, H2) downstream the combustor has been built using the MATLAB package, with an account of the CO:H2 molar ratio variations at the inlet of the combustor and the development of exothermic reactions for the H2 and CO combustion dependent on the changes in straw mass load in the mixture of solid fuels.

Electric Field Effect on the Thermal Decomposition and Co-Combustion of Straw Pellets with Peat

August 2018


29 Reads


3 Citations

Chemical Engineering Transactions

The main goal of the present study is to obtain a more effective utilization of wheat straw for energy production during a co-combustion with peat. For this purpose, an electric field was applied to the flame produced by the combustion of volatiles. This work combines experimental study and mathematical modelling of the processes developing during the co-combustion of straw pellets with peat pellets. The main gasification/combustion characteristics, the heat output from the device and the composition of the flue gas were analysed by varying separately the bias voltage of the axial electrode and the straw mass load in the mixture with intention to assess the electric field impact. A mathematical model of the electric field impact on the main combustion characteristics (flow velocity, flame temperature and composition) of co-combustion have been built within the MATLAB environment. The numerical simulation was performed for two dominant second order combustion reactions of CO and H2 with account for the electric field effect on the displacement of equilibrium during the thermal decomposition of the biomass.

Citations (50)

... as according to Eq. (20) ( Vallero, 2019 ). This suggests that stoichiometric combustion of millet chaff in the air atmosphere is attained at AFR of 5.14 (w/w). Combustion studies of Napier grass bagasse reported in the literature shows the stoichiometric AFR of around 4.76 with similar combustion efficiency ( Mohammed et al . , 2019 ). Studies by Barmina et al . (2012) also reveal that each biomass material has an individual stoichiometric AFR requirement for complete combustion. This results in specific combustion characteristics due to diverse physicochemical properties of the fuel. Consequently, determination of the stoichiometric AFR of biomass is necessary for assuring the complete combustion of ...


Bioenergy Potential of Millet Chaff via Thermogravimetric analysis and Combustion Process Simulation Using Aspen Plus
Effect of Biomass Composition on Combustion Characteristics and Energy Quality
  • Citing Article
  • April 2012

Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal

... The dipole rotation and ionic conduction are the principle mechanisms for dielectric heating of biomass. Microwave pyrolysis has been widely used for different types of biomass involving agro-residues [11], forestry residues [12], plastic [13], sewage sludge [14], and so on. The biochar produced through microwave pyrolysis possesses higher surface area, porous structure, and carbon content compared to conventional process [15]. ...

Improvement of biomass gasification/combustion characteristics using the microwave pre‐treatment of biomass pellets
  • Citing Article
  • August 2021

Chemical Engineering & Technology

... The previously developed mathematical model [14] considers the effect of additional heat supply by gaseous fuel (propane flame) on the process developing during thermochemical conversion of straw pellets downstream the cylindrical pipe (combustor). The results of mathematical modelling suggest that additional heat supply by propane flame flow during co-firing straw pellets makes it possible to control the processes developing at thermochemical conversion of straw, as it follows from the results of experimental studies. ...

Mathematical modelling and experimental study of straw co-firing with gas

Mathematical Modelling and Analysis

... The previous studies allow to conclude that effective control of the main combustion characteristics at thermochemical conversion of straw pellets can be achieved by co-firing with solid fuels or gases [2][3][4]. In addition, the electric field control of the main combustion characteristics (ion wind effects) can be used [5][6][7][8][9], when the field-induced electric body force enhances the radial mass transfer of combustible volatiles from the flame reaction zone outwards and the mixing of reactants with subsequent changes of the reaction rates, combustion efficiency, flame shape, structure, composition and the heat output from the device. As a result, the field-induced changes of produced heat energy and the composition of products are observed, which suggest that the field effects on the flame can be used for additional control of the processes developing at thermochemical conversion of straw pellets. ...

Electrodynamic control of straw co-firing with propane
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2019

... Peat pellets have been shown to be used as biofuel in co-firing applications to enhance the efficiency of energy production systems. Studies have explored the mechanisms of co-firing of solid fuels with wheat straw pellets under controlled combustion conditions, aiming to optimize energy production processes (Barmina et al., 2019). Moreover, hydrothermal carbonization of peat moss, either alone or co-processed with agricultural biomass like miscanthus, can lead to the production of hydrochar, which can then be pelletized to create densified biofuels (Roy et al., 2018). ...

Electric Field Effect on the Thermal Decomposition and Co-combustion of Straw with Solid Fuel Pellets


... In [2], [14], [15], [17], the applied electric field induces an electric current between the walls of the combustor and the axially inserted electrode of different length. The perfect gas model is used to solve the inviscid, axisymmetric, steady swirling flow with axial and radial velocities and with circulation. ...

Electric Field Effect on the Thermal Decomposition and Co-Combustion of Straw Pellets with Peat
  • Citing Article
  • August 2018

Chemical Engineering Transactions

... Therefore, co-firing of wheat straw with granulated wood and peat biomass is studied and analyzed with the aim of obtaining improved main characteristics of the straw thermo-chemical conversion [7,8]. By analogy with the effect of straw co-firing with coal [9], the thermal interaction between the components when straw is co-fired with wood or peat pellets results in enhanced thermal decomposition of the biomass pellet mix, in a faster and more intensive release of the combustible volatiles, their faster ignition and faster formation of the flame reaction zone, which enhances the fuel burnout. Co-firing of straw also increases the heat output from the device, the produced heat per mass of burned pellet mix and the volume fraction of CO 2 , decreasing along the air excess in the flue gases. ...

Kinetic Study of the Thermal Decomposition and Co-Combustion of Straw Pellets with Coal
  • Citing Article
  • August 2018

Chemical Engineering Transactions

... Here we provide a brief review of the experimental results, published in prior works, such as [3,4]. In order to initiate the discussion on comparison of experimental and modelling (to be presented below) DOI: 10.22616/ERDev.2021.20.TF343 results, the pictures from the mentioned articles the author has been involved in have been replicated in the present article. ...

Influence of electric field on thermo-chemical conversion of mixtures of straw pellets with coal
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2018

... The second one is in the range from 250-400°C and is attributed to the complete hemicellulose and partial cellulose degradation which accompanies the release of volatiles [58,59]. The second peak for all samples is higher for mildly torrefied samples at 250°C than the severely torrefied samples at 300°C regardless of the drying method. ...

Thermo-Chemical Conversion of Microwave Activated Biomass Mixtures

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering

... It was shown [12] that electric field impacts both kinetics and mechanism of thermal degradation of polymers. Visual examination of the reaction layer of PMAA surface during combustion showed that the surface is covered with the cylindrical cavities 30-50 um deep and 10-15 um in diameter. ...

Electric Field Impact on the Biomass Gasification and Combustion Dynamics