Husni Amani

Husni Amani
Telkom University · Faculty of Industrial Engineering


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Publications (26)
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The tourism industry is one of the critical sectors driving regional economic development, creating jobs, and preserving cultural and natural heritage. The Rembang Regency Government is trying to design a strategy to increase various tourism potentials that support the tourism industry. Stakeholders cannot optimally manage various tourism potential...
Rihijab is one of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) located in Central Java and is engaged in the fashion sector. Rihijab focuses its business on producing and selling hijabs for women with an age range of 16 to 40 years. Rihijab has a problem regarding unstable sales, this is supported by the acquisition of sales data from November 2...
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Many countries have initialized and adopted the business excellence framework to encourage high-quality achievements and be recognised internationally, including in Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). ASEAN as an economic and political organization of 11 countries located in Southeast Asia, established a business excellence framework to promote intern...
Fortuna merupakan salah satu UMKM yang bergerak dibidang fashion dengan memproduksi dan menjual produk Kain Tenun Ikat Bali. Menciptakan awareness serta pengetahuan mengenai produk dapat dilakukan melalui komunikasi pemasaran. Fortuna telah menerapkan enam bauran komunikasi pemasaran dari delapan bauran komunikasi yang ada namun belum diterapkan se...
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Purpose: Nowadays, the development of technology is very fast and increasingly sophisticated; no doubt all the problems in a city can be solved quickly and well. Hence, facing a huge number of the urban population, the city must adopt the strategy of smart city so that the standard of life can be improved. Some of the cities in the world have appli...
Proses pencucian galon oleh CV. Barokah Abadi Baleendah saat ini masih belum optimal karena masih dilakukan secara manual. Selain itu, prosesnya masih membutuhkan beberapa kegiatan yang terpisah menggunakan sarana yang berbeda baik untuk pencucian maupun untuk proses pembilasan galon. Akibatnya proses pencucian galon memerlukan tempat yang relatif...
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Bandung became the center of urbanization in Indonesia, from 43 million people in West Java urbanization centered in the capital of West Java, namely the city of Bandung. The high level of urbanization becomes the main problem in Bandung; Problems arises, how to improve the service of Bandung City Government in managing and solving the issues arisi...
Conference Paper
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The rate of urbanization or the proportion of population that lives in cities in the world increases every year, a city should adopt the concept of smart city that may increase the quality of life. Indonesia is undergoing a historic change and is beginning to enter the urban economic stage. Cities in Indonesia are growing faster than cities in othe...
Conference Paper
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Population growth, urbanization, limited natural resources, and other factors can be challenging to be managed in the future. Applying concept of smart city could be a solution to improve the functionality, effectivity, and efficiency of city management with a support of technology. Bandung as one of the cities in Indonesia initiated the concept of...
Conference Paper
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The increasing number of urban populations brings various challenges for urban life, one of them is tranportation problem. In Indonesia the problems are really worst in several cities, such as Bandung and Jakarta. Those cities are trying to implement smart mobility concept as one of smart city dimensions as a solution. This research aims to identif...
Conference Paper
The high growth of urbanization requires governments to solve the problem created by it. Smart City is one possible solution addressing the problem. In order to increase the quality of life, it is important to implement Smart Healthcare as a component of Smart City. The study tries to find out which variables and indicators can be used as a measure...
Conference Paper
The increasing number of world population and high levels of urbanization require government to seek more efficient ways to solve urban problems. Smart technology which is an enabler of smart city, is the key factor to create such solutions. This research finds out what variables and indicators are used to describe the application of smart technolo...
Rendahnya pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai perbedaan yang dimiliki oleh Telkom Professional Certified Competency (TPCC) melalui program studinya Creative Multimedia Professional (CMP) dibandingkan dengan pesaingnya di bidang multimedia mengindikasikan bahwa TPCC belum memiliki positioning yang kuat di benak masyarakat. Tagline merupakan salah satu c...
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The aims of this study is to identify strategies competitiveness of creative content applications created by Indonesia software developer by analyzing potential (strengths and opportunities) and problems (weaknesses and threats) to prepare them compete in ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). The method used in this study is a qualitative method, by cond...
Conference Paper
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The vast development of mobile technologies has led to a competitive environment between the existing providers of telecommunication services in delivering their best offers to create customer values. Among their customers, postpaid subscribers have a distinguished position due to their exclusive characteristics which require special treatments fro...


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