Humza Bin Masood’s scientific contributions

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Publications (8)

  • Conference Paper

June 2018


99 Reads

Humza Bin Masood


Hamid Saeed



Solid Waste Management is one of the biggest challenges for both developed and developing countries. Negligence and unplanned disposal of municipal solid waste probably will lead to the community health risk. To address this problem, a descriptive cross-sectional analysis was performed using SF-36 and SF-6D on focused residents and waste collection workers. These softwares have been used earlier for the study physical and mental health. This in present study have been used to evaluate the neuropsychological effect like behavior, attitude, temperament and working potential of the residents near disposal sites. The study also included the chemical assessment of Lead and Chromium in drinking water, soil and different profiles. The results exposed unexpected health issues, especially neuropsychological problems at open disposal sites, followed by closed disposal sites due to the Lead concentration. The emergence of illness associated with dumping is slow and unnoticeable, therefore results of health issues emphasizes the need to address these problems before leading to neuropsychological effects. The study also showed positive results regarding soil degradation which can be associated with improper, unplanned and myopic vision used on many disposal sites. There is a risk that the civil construction like Saggian bridge close to disposal site may collapse in upcoming time due to the process of decomposition of solid waste, which may lead to a serious life-threatening disaster, thus showing the failure of achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

Health Risks in the Sanitary Workers of UC-13, Ravi Town, Lahore, Pakistan

March 2016


109 Reads

The health risks of sanitary workers are always an issue in a developing country. The study was performed to discover the health risks in the sanitary workers of Lahore. The participants include 50 Sanitary Workers of the aforementioned area. A SF-36 Health survey was used for evaluating health risk of sanitary workers and preliminary assessment was drawn based on visual analysis in the field and were recorded in the form of photographs. Studies perform deficts, higher risk of occupational health in sanitary workers, whereas low QOL (Quality of Life) was observed, especially in workers ranging between 30 to 45 years of age. The field studies discover the improper use of PPEs (Personal Protective Equipments) by sanitary workers at work. The result highlights the importance of PPEs in the aforementioned occupation.

Hardness measurement in local Bottled Water in the capital of Pakistan by EDTA Titration

December 2015


79 Reads

Various studies have shown that water from filtration plants is not safe for drinking purpose. Poor quality drinking water has been the cause for many diseases. As a result, people preferred bottled water over ordinary filtered / surface water as latter is claimed to be a safe drinking water. The study was performed to determine the hardness (Calcium (Ca2+) and Magnesium (Mg2+) in commercially available six different bottled water. The results showed that amount of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions in all samples are in safe limit, and were below 300 mg/L of hardness as per international standard standards of BCC-MAFF (Buckinghamshire Country Council – Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food). However, among six tested samples, only sample B has higher hardness as standards of PSQCA (Pakistan Standards of Quality Control Authority), and is unsafe for drinking purpose. Moreover, hardness values of four bottled water samples are not according to the standards as the manufacturers have claimed on the labels of the bottles. However, they are safe for drinking purpose as of Ca2+ (aq) and Mg2+ (aq) concentration are according to PSQCA limit.

Increase of Aluminum Particles in the Environment due to Chemtrails during the period of Autumn 2012 to Summer 2015 within Lahore, Pakistan
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2015


1,260 Reads


2 Citations

Currently the most prevailing issue of the climate change in the world is geo-engineering and one of the most prevailing issue in this is using of Chemtrails to change the climate. These Chemtrails are left over in the sky with the help of special types of jet planes which use to spray Aluminum, Barium and Strontium is the sky to make a thick parallel lines with the help of condensation due to change of air pressure at the height. These thick parallel lines are the condense layers of Aluminum, Barium and Strontium which use to stop the some rays of sunlight coming to the sky but sadly it also prevents the heat rays to go out of the earth space due to the layers formed. These sprays are causing the increase of Aluminum in the Environment as these particles can move trillions of miles and are causing different problems and diseases like Asthma in our planet earth. The analysis performed helps to know about the increase of these Aluminum particles in our planet and the studies performed shows the problem caused by the spraying to these nanoparticles in the Atmosphere


Whom to Vote? (2013); by Eye of Students of Forman Christian College

August 2015


23 Reads

The paper focuses on the issues and the disputes of Election from the eye of Students of Forman Christian College. Area of Forman Christian College was selected because it was difficult to conduct survey all over Pakistan and the main reason was that it was easy to have a small sample from Forman Christian College. Moreover Forman Christian College has a community all over Pakistan. This area is best to represent all areas of Pakistan, but it may be the fact they support the area of Pakistan.

Assessment and Identification of the Quality Gradients of Canal Water used by Lahore, Pakistan Residents in Summer

April 2015


67 Reads

The study was conducted to evaluate the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of Lahore canal from BRB (Banbawali – Ravi Bedian canal) Junction to ThokarNiazBaig flyover, city Lahore, Pakistan as this canal water is extensively used for swimming and irrigation purposes. Among all the sample sites concentration of copper, chromium and zinc in the canal water were found higher as expected which may result in reaching the NEQS (National Emission Quality Standards) in future as population is increasing. The ranges observed were acidity 6.84-6.97 pH, biological oxygen demand 0.1-0.3 ml/L, total dissolved solids 0.012-0.0264 g/L, total suspended solid 1.359-1.604 g/L, metal contents shown by Atomic Absorption Spectra; copper 0.02-0.25 mg/L, chromium 0.067-0.523 mg/L and average zinc 0.229-0.704 mg/L as well as presence of blood worms explains the potential exposure risk to human health, biological organisms and surrounding environment. Our study emphasizes the need of monitoring and implication of control on swimming as well as proper treatment for canal water for irrigation purposes. Index terms-AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrum); pH (Power of Hydrogen); BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand); TSS (Total Suspended Solids); TDS (Total Dissolved Solids); Blood Worm; Lahore Canal; Lahore City; Pakistan.

Effect of Chemtrails on Soil and Water

June 2014


3,096 Reads

Engineering the climate is the Last and the Scariest option to save planet Earth (US Scientists). Many ways are there to engineering the climate like Artificial Rain, Cloud Seeding, Giant Reflectors, Using Aerosols, Haarp Project, Silver Iodide but Chemtrails is one of the cheapest sources for engineering the climate. In fact it cost thousands of Dollars but relating to other Climate modification techniques it is the one of the cheapest sources. Trillions of Nano-particles of Aluminum, Barium and Strontium are sprayed every day over our heads in our blue sky which seems like white clouds. This is done by special kind of Air Planes which have special types of engine placement by which these air planes can move to several miles in the atmosphere. Then these air planes spray Aluminum, Barium and Strontium in form of Nano-particles. These Nano-particles can move millions of miles in atmosphere (Michel J. Murphy). These Nano-particles are sprayed and due to change in pressure at higher altitudes they are condensed. These condense particles form a layer and they stop sunlight coming to our planet earth. This causes global dimming (Why in The World are they Spraying?). Global dimming is basically a term refer when the sun rays are not able to get to the earth.

Citations (1)

... With the increasing population, Lahore is the second largest city of Pakistan with the current population of seven million and the annual growth rate of 2% [1] located at 31.5497°N and 74.3436°E [2]. It is estimated that the current population of Lahore is more than one million resulting in the production of more than 6500 tons of solid waste per day. ...


Increase of Aluminum Particles in the Environment due to Chemtrails during the period of Autumn 2012 to Summer 2015 within Lahore, Pakistan