Hoo-Chang Shin’s research while affiliated with NVIDIA and other places

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Publications (27)

BioMegatron: Larger Biomedical Domain Language Model
  • Preprint

October 2020


108 Reads


3 Citations

Hoo-Chang Shin


Yang Zhang





Raghav Mani

There has been an influx of biomedical domain-specific language models, showing language models pre-trained on biomedical text perform better on biomedical domain benchmarks than those trained on general domain text corpora such as Wikipedia and Books. Yet, most works do not study the factors affecting each domain language application deeply. Additionally, the study of model size on domain-specific models has been mostly missing. We empirically study and evaluate several factors that can affect performance on domain language applications, such as the sub-word vocabulary set, model size, pre-training corpus, and domain transfer. We show consistent improvements on benchmarks with our larger BioMegatron model trained on a larger domain corpus, contributing to our understanding of domain language model applications. We demonstrate noticeable improvements over the previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) on standard biomedical NLP benchmarks of named entity recognition, relation extraction, and question answering. Model checkpoints and code are available at [ngc.nvidia.com] and [github.com/NVIDIA/NeMo].

GANDALF: Generative Adversarial Networks with Discriminator-Adaptive Loss Fine-Tuning for Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis from MRI

September 2020


50 Reads


21 Citations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is now regarded as the gold standard for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). However, PET imaging can be prohibitive in terms of cost and planning, and is also among the imaging techniques with the highest dosage of radiation. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), in contrast, is more widely available and provides more flexibility when setting the desired image resolution. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of AD using MRI is difficult due to the very subtle physiological differences between healthy and AD subjects visible on MRI. As a result, many attempts have been made to synthesize PET images from MR images using generative adversarial networks (GANs) in the interest of enabling the diagnosis of AD from MR. Existing work on PET synthesis from MRI has largely focused on Conditional GANs, where MR images are used to generate PET images and subsequently used for AD diagnosis. There is no end-to-end training goal. This paper proposes an alternative approach to the aforementioned, where AD diagnosis is incorporated in the GAN training objective to achieve the best AD classification performance. Different GAN losses are fine-tuned based on the discriminator performance, and the overall training is stabilized. The proposed network architecture and training regime show state-of-the-art performance for three- and four- class AD classification tasks.

GANDALF: Generative Adversarial Networks with Discriminator-Adaptive Loss Fine-tuning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis from MRI

August 2020


66 Reads

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is now regarded as the gold standard for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). However, PET imaging can be prohibitive in terms of cost and planning, and is also among the imaging techniques with the highest dosage of radiation. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), in contrast, is more widely available and provides more flexibility when setting the desired image resolution. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of AD using MRI is difficult due to the very subtle physiological differences between healthy and AD subjects visible on MRI. As a result, many attempts have been made to synthesize PET images from MR images using generative adversarial networks (GANs) in the interest of enabling the diagnosis of AD from MR. Existing work on PET synthesis from MRI has largely focused on Conditional GANs, where MR images are used to generate PET images and subsequently used for AD diagnosis. There is no end-to-end training goal. This paper proposes an alternative approach to the aforementioned, where AD diagnosis is incorporated in the GAN training objective to achieve the best AD classification performance. Different GAN lossesare fine-tuned based on the discriminator performance, and the overall training is stabilized. The proposed network architecture and training regime show state-of-the-art performance for three- and four- class AD classification tasks.

GANBERT: Generative Adversarial Networks with Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers for MRI to PET synthesis

August 2020


152 Reads

Synthesizing medical images, such as PET, is a challenging task due to the fact that the intensity range is much wider and denser than those in photographs and digital renderings and are often heavily biased toward zero. Above all, intensity values in PET have absolute significance, and are used to compute parameters that are reproducible across the population. Yet, usually much manual adjustment has to be made in pre-/post- processing when synthesizing PET images, because its intensity ranges can vary a lot, e.g., between -100 to 1000 in floating point values. To overcome these challenges, we adopt the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) algorithm that has had great success in natural language processing (NLP), where wide-range floating point intensity values are represented as integers ranging between 0 to 10000 that resemble a dictionary of natural language vocabularies. BERT is then trained to predict a proportion of masked values images, where its "next sentence prediction (NSP)" acts as GAN discriminator. Our proposed approach, is able to generate PET images from MRI images in wide intensity range, with no manual adjustments in pre-/post- processing. It is a method that can scale and ready to deploy.

Tunable CT Lung Nodule Synthesis Conditioned on Background Image and Semantic Features

October 2019


88 Reads


16 Citations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Synthetic CT image with artificially generated lung nodules has been shown to be useful as an augmentation method for certain tasks such as lung segmentation and nodule classification. Most conventional methods are designed as “inpainting” tasks by removing a region from background image and synthesizing the foreground nodule. To ensure natural blending with the background, existing method proposed loss function and separate shape/appearance generation. However, spatial discontinuity is still unavoidable for certain cases. Meanwhile, there is often little control over semantic features regarding the nodule characteristics, which may limit their capability of fine-grained augmentation in balancing the original data. In this work, we address these two challenges by developing a 3D multi-conditional generative adversarial network (GAN) that is conditioned on both background image and semantic features for lung nodule synthesis on CT image. Instead of removing part of the input image, we use a fusion block to blend object and background, ensuring more realistic appearance. Multiple discriminator scenarios are considered, and three outputs of image, segmentation, and feature are used to guide the synthesis process towards semantic feature control. We trained our method on public dataset, and showed promising results as a solution for tunable lung nodule synthesis.

Fig.1 (a) illustrates the structure of the proposed generator. From background image and gene expression data, it generates a synthetic image with a nodule characterized by the genomic data, and situated within the background image. Meanwhile, it also produces a binary segmentation mask of the generated nodule. Structure-wise, it consists of three parts: encoding of the background image (left), encoding of gene expression data (right), and information fusion for synthetic image/mask generation (center).
Fig. 4. Distribution of gene coding illustrated by 2D t-SNE map [7] : raw gene (5172-D) and gene code produced by baseline method (128-D) does not show obvious separation, while gene code produced by the proposed method (128-D) showed feasibility for clustering. Three groups of samples are drawn from clusters formed according to distance, and their corresponding image are shown.
Correlation via synthesis: end-to-end nodule image generation and radiogenomic map learning based on generative adversarial network
  • Preprint
  • File available

July 2019


87 Reads

Radiogenomic map linking image features and gene expression profiles is useful for noninvasively identifying molecular properties of a particular type of disease. Conventionally, such map is produced in three separate steps: 1) gene-clustering to "metagenes", 2) image feature extraction, and 3) statistical correlation between metagenes and image features. Each step is independently performed and relies on arbitrary measurements. In this work, we investigate the potential of an end-to-end method fusing gene data with image features to generate synthetic image and learn radiogenomic map simultaneously. To achieve this goal, we develop a generative adversarial network (GAN) conditioned on both background images and gene expression profiles, synthesizing the corresponding image. Image and gene features are fused at different scales to ensure the realism and quality of the synthesized image. We tested our method on non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) dataset. Results demonstrate that the proposed method produces realistic synthetic images, and provides a promising way to find gene-image relationship in a holistic end-to-end manner.


Medical Image Synthesis for Data Augmentation and Anonymization Using Generative Adversarial Networks: Third International Workshop, SASHIMI 2018, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2018, Granada, Spain, September 16, 2018, Proceedings

September 2018


267 Reads


164 Citations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Data diversity is critical to success when training deep learning models. Medical imaging data sets are often imbalanced as pathologic findings are generally rare, which introduces significant challenges when training deep learning models. In this work, we propose a method to generate synthetic abnormal MRI images with brain tumors by training a generative adversarial network using two publicly available data sets of brain MRI. We demonstrate two unique benefits that the synthetic images provide. First, we illustrate improved performance on tumor segmentation by leveraging the synthetic images as a form of data augmentation. Second, we demonstrate the value of generative models as an anonymization tool, achieving comparable tumor segmentation results when trained on the synthetic data versus when trained on real subject data. Together, these results offer a potential solution to two of the largest challenges facing machine learning in medical imaging, namely the small incidence of pathological findings, and the restrictions around sharing of patient data.

Medical Image Synthesis for Data Augmentation and Anonymization using Generative Adversarial Networks

July 2018


234 Reads

Data diversity is critical to success when training deep learning models. Medical imaging data sets are often imbalanced as pathologic findings are generally rare, which introduces significant challenges when training deep learning models. In this work, we propose a method to generate synthetic abnormal MRI images with brain tumors by training a generative adversarial network using two publicly available data sets of brain MRI. We demonstrate two unique benefits that the synthetic images provide. First, we illustrate improved performance on tumor segmentation by leveraging the synthetic images as a form of data augmentation. Second, we demonstrate the value of generative models as an anonymization tool, achieving comparable tumor segmentation results when trained on the synthetic data versus when trained on real subject data. Together, these results offer a potential solution to two of the largest challenges facing machine learning in medical imaging, namely the small incidence of pathological findings, and the restrictions around sharing of patient data.

Figure 0.3 An example of a feed-forward neural network architecture to learn word embeddings.  
Figure 0.2 An example of pulled image from the radiology report shown in Figure 0.1 with pattern matching.  
Figure 0.5 An example of a recurrent neural network language model.
Figure 0.7 Some examples of final outputs for automated image interpretation where top-1 probability does not match the originally assigned label. One of the top-5 probabilities match the originally assigned labels in the examples of images (a), (c), (d), and (f). None of the top-5 probabilities match the originally assigned labels in the examples of image (b) and (d). However, label assignment of second row example is incorrect, as a failed case of assertion/negation detection algorithm used. Nonetheless, the CNN predicted "true" label correctly ("cyst").
Natural Language Processing for Large-Scale Medical Image Analysis Using Deep Learning

December 2017


4,428 Reads


22 Citations

Recent advances in deep learning enable us to analyze a large number of images efficiently; however, collecting such large dataset has been mostly hindered by the rate of manual human efforts. Nonetheless, medical images are usually saved with the accompanying radiology reports, and accommodating the natural language information for image analysis has great potential. For example, data collection can be automated to leverage the large volume of data available in the Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS). Additionally, image annotation can be automated by incorporating the human annotation in the radiology reports. The size of medical dataset usually is much smaller than the natural image dataset which advanced deep learning technology is developed for. We can unleash the full capacity of deep learning for analyzing a large volume of medical images, by automating the data collection and annotation. Moreover, a sustainable system can be developed even when the data are continuously being updated, shared, and integrated. This chapter will review some fundamentals of natural language processing (NLP) and cover various NLP techniques to help automate medical image collection and annotation.

Citations (21)

... A (Araci 2019;Wu et al. 2023;Suzuki et al. 2023) (Shin et al. 2020;Lee et al. 2019;Luo et al. 2022) (Taylor et al. 2022) (Chalkidis et al. 2020;Zheng et al. 2021) (Zeng et al. 2021;Kim et al. 2021;Su et al. 2022a;Ishihara et al. 2022) FinBERT ( ...


Semantic Shift Stability: Auditing Time-Series Performance Degradation of Pre-trained Models via Semantic Shift of Words in Training CorpusSemantic Shift Stability: 学習コーパス内の単語の意味変化を用いた事前学習済みモデルの時系列性能劣化の監査
BioMegatron: Larger Biomedical Domain Language Model
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2020

... Related Work Previous research on cross-modal MRI to PET translation mainly focused on GAN-based methods [32,16,33,10,26,4,27], with innovations like the sketcher-refiner scheme [32], GANDALF for MRI to PET generation in AD diagnosis [27], bidirectional GAN for 3D brain MRI-to-PET synthesis [10], and a GAN-based residual vision Transformers for multimodal medical image synthesis [4]. Diffusion models outperform GANs in capturing complex distributions [28,8,5] and are emerging in medical imaging for unconditional generation and cross-contrast MRI translation [35,22,21]. ...

GANDALF: Generative Adversarial Networks with Discriminator-Adaptive Loss Fine-Tuning for Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis from MRI
  • Citing Chapter
  • September 2020

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

... MCGAN (Multi-Conditional GAN): This architecture uses multiple conditions to guide the generator to produce synthetic data with specific features. Han et al. (2019a); Xu et al. (2019) generate CT lung tumours using the background volume as input to an autoencoder-based generator. Conditions can be concatenated with the input background volume Han et al. (2019a) or in the middle of the generator network Xu et al. (2019). ...

Tunable CT Lung Nodule Synthesis Conditioned on Background Image and Semantic Features
  • Citing Chapter
  • October 2019

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

... More recently, several applications [2]- [4] have leveraged DL approaches for the implementation of data augmentation techniques, proposing models that can create new realistic and synthetic samples by exploiting the representation of the input data provided by deep neural networks. Although DL-based generative approaches, such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) [5] or Diffusion Models [6] are reporting surprising abilities in medical imaging [7], [8], we strongly claim that the consistency of the biological principles should be considered in the evaluation of the quality of the artificial samples. Indeed, all imaging techniques exploit one or more physical laws or properties, with the aim of inferring the inherent characteristics of the tissue under analysis from the measured signal. ...

Medical Image Synthesis for Data Augmentation and Anonymization Using Generative Adversarial Networks: Third International Workshop, SASHIMI 2018, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2018, Granada, Spain, September 16, 2018, Proceedings
  • Citing Chapter
  • September 2018

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

... When contrasted with the real image datasets, the CEMRI dataset [10] is very limited. Training deep CNN from start with optimal convergence and without recovering from overfitting is a difficult job for the limited dataset [45,51]. Inspired by the research of other investigators [45,51], the concept of transferring learning from natural images is also incorporated in the proposed work. ...

Three Aspects on Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Computer-Aided Detection in Medical Imaging
  • Citing Chapter
  • July 2017

... The concept of transfer learning schemes as a means of overcoming insufficient training samples, i.e., the use of pre-trained CNN by large-scale natural images, was successfully applied in different medical applications such as standard plane localization in ultrasound imaging [28], automatic interleaving between radiology reports and diagnostic CT and MRI images [29]. In [30], the performance of transfer learning on different CNN architectures (AlexNet and GoogLeNet) is evaluated in thoracic-abnormal lymph node detection and interstitial lung disease classification. ...

Interleaved Text/Image Deep Mining on a Large-Scale Radiology Image Database
  • Citing Chapter
  • July 2017

... ResNet boosts computer vision functions like object detection and face recognition due to the fact of its effective representational ability. ResNet-50 is a beneficial tool to use and stated for its outstanding generalization on the task of recognition having overall performance with fewer error rates [19]. ...

Unsupervised Joint Mining of Deep Features and Image Labels for Large-Scale Radiology Image Categorization and Scene Recognition

... In recent years, deep learning has made significant progress in image analysis, with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and Transformers excelling in high-precision lesion detection and classification of medical conditions [22,23,24]. NLP techniques translate visual information from medical images into natural language reports, covering imaging findings, diagnostic conclusions, and recommendations, thereby achieving seamless image-to-text conversion [25,26,27]. Researchers have developed various AMRG methods by combining CNNs, Transformers, and NLP in an encoder-decoder architecture [1,28,29]. ...

Natural Language Processing for Large-Scale Medical Image Analysis Using Deep Learning

... Autoencoder based clustering: A hybrid between neural network and statistical clustering, these works perform clustering in the feature space of the neural network, most of the works using autoencoder. These methods are DAEC [30], DC-Kmeans [27], DC-GMM [27], DEC [28], DBC [29] and LDPO [41]. Furthermore in some works, the clustering information may also optimize the weights update in the hidden layers. ...

Unsupervised Joint Mining of Deep Features and Image Labels for Large-scale Radiology Image Categorization and Scene Recognition

... With the advancement of deep learning, encoder-decoder architectures became prevalent. Models like Shin et al. (2016) and Wang et al. (2017) utilized Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for encoding image features and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for decoding them into text. Attention mechanisms were later integrated to allow models to focus on specific regions of the image, as seen in works by and Chen et al. (2021), improving the relevance and accuracy of the generated reports. ...

Learning to Read Chest X-Rays: Recurrent Neural Cascade Model for Automated Image Annotation