February 2004
14 Reads
3 Citations
The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
Aeroacoustic characteristics of sirocco fan used in Over-The-Range (OTR) has been analyzed in this paper. A microwave hood combination over the gas range is short for the OTR. The flow phenomena of the double-sided sirocco fan was analyzed numerically and experimentally by using commercial code and three dimensional PIV for flow visualization. Also, microphone array is used in order to understand acoustic characteristics of OTR. Two dimensional unsteady flow and acoustic simulation is tried to qualitatively estimate the effects of tonal noise and broadband noise on the overall sound pressure level. It is found that tonal sound is generated from the strong interaction between the impeller and cutoff while broadband sound is generated from the strong secondary flows along the scroll surface. To reduce the noise level, the V-shape cut-off was applied to improve the sound quality by reducing tonal noise. So the peak noise at BPF (Blade Passing Frequency) was almost reduced. The shape of flow-guide to suppress the secondary flow over the scroll surface was carefully checked. It is found that this affects flow pattern at the fan exit and reduces the broad band noise. Through this numerical and experimental study, the sound pressure level was lowered by 4dBA compared to that of the previous fan at the operating point.