Hicham Medromi’s research while affiliated with University of Hassan II Casablanca and other places

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Publications (64)

Containers deployed on a Bare metal and on b the top of VMs
a TOSCA metamodel, b TOSCA node types for multicomponent container-based applications
Results of CPU performance comparison using LINPACK benchmark under hardware devices from a scenario 1, b scenario 2, and c scenario 3
Results of memory performance comparison using STREAM benchmark under hardware devices from a scenario 1, b scenario 2, and c scenario 3
Results of disk performance comparison using BONNIE +  + (a, b) and IOZONE (c) benchmarks under hardware devices from a scenario 1, b scenario 2, and c scenario 3


A Topical Review on Container-Based Cloud Revolution: Multi-Directional Challenges, and Future Trends
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

April 2024


105 Reads


1 Citation

SN Computer Science



Vincent Courboulay


Hicham Medromi

Containers are a lightweight cloud infrastructure deployment technology that has gained unprecedented popularity due to their flexible portability, low overhead, and resources elasticity. Leveraging containerization as an alternative to virtualization, various applications dependencies may be deployed in a self-contained piece with separated binary and library files. Hence, this alternative has been suggested as a suitable option for more interoperable application packaging in the edge, fog, or cloud systems. With the rising focus on container-based virtualization, the need to investigate the implementation and orchestration of containerized clusters has emerged as a key research issue. To fill this gap, this paper seeks to systematically consolidate the existing literature following the trend of three research areas observed over years. The first research area englobes an overview on the key prerequisites that a standard federated containerized architecture must meet, followed by some prominent containers use cases. The second research area focuses then on a performance comparison of various container solutions with regard to hypervisor technologies and bare-metal deployment. Eventually, containers infrastructure scheduling techniques are discussed as a third research area in the form of a granular insight into resource allocation and auto-scaling policies.

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Predicting Instances Demand and Occupancy Toward Efficient VMs Rightsizing and Resources Allocation Strategies: Amazon Case Study

June 2022


23 Reads

Studies in Computational Intelligence

As cloud traffic never stops growing in minutes, hours and daily basis, proactive cloud resources orchestration becomes a prerequisite. In this paper, we investigate an Amazon case study, in which we intend to compare respectively univariate and multivariate predictions of multimodal AWS instances demand and their related instances resources occupancies. For this purpose, we implemented four nonlinear deep neural network (DNNs) models, namely: LSTM, GRU with their bidirectional variants BiLSTM and BiGRU. Experimentation test scenarios demonstrated the performance of BiGRU models above other candidate models, achieving until (0.71, 0.11, 0.26, 0.97) of RMSE values, respectively while predicting four instances families’ future demands. Adopting an extended BiGRU version, we further demonstrate how multivariate predictions remain much less accurate than univariate forecasting scenarios.

Integration of new conceptual design for VTOL UAV with multi-level optimization

AIP Conference Proceedings


Hao Yue





As the combination of FW(Fixed-Wing) and VTOL(Vertical-Taking-Off-and-Landing) UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), the hybrid drone is more accepted as its multipurpose application. With the aid of CFD method for test and RSM (Response Surface Methodology) for optimization, this article presents new concept of canard wings that were integrated to the fuselage of the UAV. It combines the conventional delta wing with winglet and the canard configuration. Based on the requirements and the limitations of the design, the lift was optimized and distributed respectively to the main wing (90-95%) and to the front wing (5-10%). Multi-level optimization approach using RSM was developed for the optimization. At the first level, we optimize the delta wing, then a second level is applied to evaluate the final design of the canard wing from the previous step. By comparison with the initial design, this concept provides enough lift with less drag in cruise model. Besides, the control surface of the canard wing in the front could replace the tail wing that was used for trimming and dynamic controls which turns the drone into a tailless vehicle which reduce also the weight of the UAV.

Fig. 3. Unmanned Aerial System basic parts.
Fig. 5. Specific energy/power comparison among different energy sources [29].
Comparison of different batteries.
Multi-Rotors Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Power Supply and Energy Management

January 2022


337 Reads


12 Citations

E3S Web of Conferences

Interest in electric unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has grown rapidly in recent years, and their applications have expanded and diversified considerably since they first appeared, for both commercial and private purposes. Thanks to their ability to perform challenging and hazardous tasks with high mobility, safety, and low cost. As academic researchers, we are concerned with commercial multi-rotor UAVs, which are revolutionizing many public services, including search and rescue operations, wireless coverage, delivery services, precision agriculture, wildlife surveys, and real-time surveillance. One of the UAVs main issues when it comes to mobility is the limited energy autonomy/endurance. Many types of power supplies can be implemented in UAVs, each with its specific strengths and shortfalls in terms of size, charging/discharging time, energy density and power density. This paper focuses on UAVs energy aspect, with a comprehensive review of the main power sources available for multi-rotors UAVs, and energy management systems to uncover gaps and provide further insights and guidelines for future research.

FIGURE 1. System description.
FIGURE 2. The proposed flowchart solution design.
FIGURE 3. Simulated AWS nodes categories in the UK and Europe.
FIGURE 4. The simulated AWS backbone network.
FIGURE 10. Multi-level resources utilization in multimodal instances family racks.
Proactive and Power Efficient Hybrid Virtual Network Embedding: An AWS Cloud Case Study

January 2022


158 Reads


1 Citation

IEEE Access

The sharp increase of multimodal cloud resources demand makes it more challenging to design rightsized virtual instances. Inefficient embedding of high sized instances into the substrate resource network has led to numerous resource underutilization issues, which further constitute a key driver to repetitive reallocations of virtual instances. Besides, repetitive reconfigurations of virtual network instances go through a process of intra- or inter-cloud migration that provokes additional increase in power consumption. This paper proposes to solve these mutual challenges through a proactive, power efficient and hybrid Virtual Network Embedding (VNE) approach. We first formulated a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model purposing to maximize total power efficiency of intra Data Center (DC) and inter networking resources as a function of EC2 instances requests rates. Leveraging the AWS cloud as a primary case study for this paper, the suggested VNE combines a multi-stage hybrid Virtual Node Embedding (VNoE) policy with an adaptive multistep consolidated Virtual Link Embedding (VLiE). As a starting point, a Green-Location aware - Global Topology Ranking (GLA-GTR) is designed as a primary ranking process suggesting the greenest substrate DCs locations with their related delivery networks. After implementing our proposal on a real AWS backbone network topology, simulation results indicated the efficiency of the proposed VNE approach. The Stacked Denoising Auto Encoders - Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit - Resources Vector Matching VNoE (SDAE-BiGRU-RVM VNoE) policy achieved a power decrease of 14.61%, 14.95% and 17.21% compared to BiGRU-RVM-VNoE, BiGRU-BF-VNoE and BF-VNoE policies, respectively. Accordingly, the suggested policy has reached significant power efficiency and overall maximized resource utilization.

Recent implications towards Sustainable and energy efficient AI and big Data implementations in Cloud-Fog systems: A newsworthy inquiry

November 2021


361 Reads


7 Citations

Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences

Cloud-fog based industries are entailing today greedy energy costs, given the wide multiplication of their AI models and distributed BD frameworks implementations. This paper conducts a newsworthy inquiry purposing to study at which extent IT community are conscious about energy evaluation of their hardware and software implementations, and whether they are in line with sustainable implications toward efficient AI and BD deployments. Through an analysis of responses to the first inquiry questions, we were able to address the residing interoperability between AI models, distributed BD frameworks, and cloud-fog systems. Unfortunately, only 10% of respondents were adopting energy metrics when evaluating their implementations. Even worse, multi-level energy consumption measurement techniques were not evident to most respondents. Accordingly, we provided a useful guideline of various multi-level energy and power estimation approaches. Hereafter, we devoted in accordance with both inquiry and literature results some essential parts for analyzing emerging efficient DNNs and distributed BD implementations. These endeavors were mainly manifested in the form of efficient reconfigurable accelerators designs based on Processing-In-Memory and Processing-Near-Memory architectures. To serve eventually IT community with other tangible solutions, we proposed two roadmaps opening up to the possibility of investigating sustainable actions covering hardware, software, and data levels.

Support vector machines and k-means to build implementation areas of bundling hubs

September 2021


54 Reads


1 Citation

European Transport/Trasporti Europei

City transportation has three basic components that create the essential environment for its functioning and the social welfare namely infrastructure, operational assets, and management policies. The key focus of this article is on understanding long-term distribution of transport demand in order to build bundling networks. To achieve this aim, we provide a hybrid machine-learning approach using a combination of several clustering and forecasting algorithms that are considered efficient given the key performance indicators obtained. This approach involves combining two types of algorithms: clustering and prediction algorithms. Based on simulated benchmarks, results indicated that the clustering phase is still appropriate using the k-means algorithm. To improve the k-means results, we measured 30 validation indices to estimate the number of clusters. In so doing, not only does it want to validate the clusters but also to identify the optimal k. To evaluate forecast accuracy in the demand prediction phase, we used the standard key performance indicators, namely MSE, RMSE, MAPE and R². The SVM algorithm has been judged as the most efficient prediction algorithm based on average values of the obtained metrics.

A novel hybrid drone for multi-propose aerial transportation and its conceptual optimization based on surrogate approach A novel hybrid drone for multi-propose aerial transportation and its conceptual optimization based on surrogate approach

July 2021


137 Reads


4 Citations

Journal de Physique I

In recent years the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are increasingly adopted in various applications of the aerial transportation, meanwhile both the two main classifications, the fixed wing and multi-rotors drones, are limited by their own drawbacks in different specialized domains. In order to improve the short duration of multi-rotor drone and the strict conditions for taking-off and landing of the fixed-wing, an innovative hybrid UAV with integral advantages of "delta+canard wing" and vertical lift-fans has been developed. Meanwhile, the parametrial optimization with multi-objects are discussed based on surrogate model to determine the conception of the delta wing and canard wing, and only the design speed of cruise model is considered, thus excluding the lift fan. Firstly, several parameters are chosen according to precedent experiences and researches, together with the optimal objects and constraint conditions determined by design conditions which are concluded into the typical multi-objective optimal problem; secondly, with the aid of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) limited design points generated by meta-model will make up the design of experiment (DOE) to create the response surfaces by means of Kriging method; lastly, the adaptation of the multi-objective genetic algorithm(MOGA) integrating in modeFRONTIER helps to reach the heuristic approach optimization for this problem. Therefore, the final conception of the delta wing and canard wing is achieved to perform the cruise model of the hybrid UAV.

Optimal design of Vertical-Taking-Off-and-Landing UAV wing using multilevel approach

December 2020


899 Reads


5 Citations

International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization

In order to overcome the propre disadvantages of FW(Fixed-Wing) and VTOL(Vertical-Taking-Off-and-Landing) UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and extend its application, the hybrid drone is invested more in recent years by researchers and several classifications are developed on the part of dual system. In this article, an innovative hybrid UAV is raised and studied by introducing the canard configuration that is coupled with conventional delta wing as well as winglet structure. Profited by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Response Surface Method (RSM), a multilevel optimization approach is practically presented and concerned in terms of cruise flight mode: adopted by an experienced-based distribution strategy, the total lift object is respectively assigned into the delta wing (90–95%) and canard wing(5–10%) which is applied into a two-step optimization: the first optimization problem is solved only with the parameters concerned with delta wing afterwards the second optimization is successively concluded to develop the canard configuration considering the optimized delta wing conception. Above all, the optimal conceptual design of the delta and canard wing is realized by achieving the lift goal with less drag performance in cruise mode.

Citations (34)

... The VNE problem has been extensively studied for more than a decade. The versatility of the problem has motivated the research community to develop VNE solutions in cutting-edge research areas that include among others, SDN-enabled networks [35] and distributed clouds [6], virtual embeddings for IoT environments [37,52], VNE for wireless networks [17,29] and 5 G network slicing [21], VNE in non-terrestrial networks [27,34,38], VNE to harness energy efficiency [23,25,39] and AI-biased virtual network embedding [18,53]. When the nodes and links constraints are taken into account, the VNE problem is considered NP-hard [2]. ...


Novel Initialization Functions for Metaheuristic-Based Online Virtual Network Embedding
Proactive and Power Efficient Hybrid Virtual Network Embedding: An AWS Cloud Case Study

IEEE Access

... The most commonly used UAVs are the quadrotors, rotary-wing vehicles with four propellers. Although hexacopters (six propellers) [1] and octocopters (eight propellers) [2] have been adopted more recently, quadrotors are still predominant in current applications. They have been used in applications such as aerial cinematography [3], target tracking [4], load transportation [5][6][7][8], and warehouse operations [9], just to mention a few examples (a more detailed overview of applications involving multirotor aerial robots is available in [10]). ...

Hexacopter Drones Overview
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • March 2022

... When designing an adaptive controller, the first step 2107 Vol. 4, No. 4, 20244, No. 4, , pp. 20954, No. 4, -2118 Zamoum Yasmine (Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Control of Quadrotor) is to figure out how fuzzy logic interacts with the parameters of a conventional PID controller, as well as with error and error signal. However, the fuzzy adaptive PID control is based on the optimized parameters [7], the fuzzy adaptive PID controller has better dynamic and static control performance and adaptability [25]. The error and change of error are sent into the fuzzy logic controller, and the fuzzy logic controller outputs a change in Kp, Ki and Kd. ...

Multi-Rotors Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Power Supply and Energy Management

E3S Web of Conferences

... Our AIbased approach adapts the degree of parallelism to the predicted workload intensity and complexity of the queries. In addition, we also implement frequency scaling techniques for the CPU by allowing a balance between high-This heatmap visualizes the System Stability Index (SSI) across different hours of the day and days of the week, showing when the system is most stable (Ikhlasse et al., 2022). ...

Recent implications towards Sustainable and energy efficient AI and big Data implementations in Cloud-Fog systems: A newsworthy inquiry

Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences

... The authors in [37] introduced an SBAO based on gene expression programming, leading to an enhanced optimal design with reduced computational expenditure. In [38], the authors presented an SBAO based on the Kriging technique to optimize the delta and canard wing design for a tube-fan hybrid UAV. Despite being proposed in the literature for enhancing UAV stability and tracking, the optimization of controllers with contemporary methods remains a challenge for achieving improved responses in the presence of disturbances and uncertainty. ...

A novel hybrid drone for multi-propose aerial transportation and its conceptual optimization based on surrogate approach A novel hybrid drone for multi-propose aerial transportation and its conceptual optimization based on surrogate approach

Journal de Physique I

... Aeronautics; Calabrese et al. gave insights into its practical benefits by emphasizing its applications in designing machining fixtures for aeronautical thin-walled components, hinting at broader aerospace applications [11]. In the realm of UAVs, Yue et al. explored the optimal design for Vertical-Taking-Offand-Landing UAV wings using a multilevel approach, further emphasizing the impact of topology optimization [12]. Architecture; Osanov and Guest expanded on the architectural horizon of these techniques by exploring its potential in the development of state-of-the-art materials [13]. ...

Optimal design of Vertical-Taking-Off-and-Landing UAV wing using multilevel approach

International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization

... Based on the literature, edge servers consume nearly half of the energy consumed in data centers. This power consumption is expected to exceed 600 terawatt hours by 2025 [23]. Factors such as longer response and reception times, an unbalanced load on servers, steadily increasing transmissions between user requests, and the indiscriminate use of many servers can contribute to higher energy usage in MEC networks. ...

Energy Consumption Modeling and Prediction in the Cloud Data Centers
  • Citing Article
  • June 2020

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review

... With rapid technological advancements and the proliferation of data centers, the energy demand of these facilities is expected to continue growing [1]. This significant growth, where almost a million PM and five to six million VM operate in data centers, is projected to represent up to 5% of global energy production over the next five years [2]. Given this outlook, reducing the energy consumption of VMs becomes pivotal to optimizing resource utilization in Cloud Computing systems. ...

A Survey on the Current Challenges of Energy-Efficient Cloud Resources Management

SN Computer Science

... A service-level agreement enables an appropriate continuation. A data center's energy use also causes many environmental problems [9,10]. Jiang et al. [11] introduced an optimization algorithm that seeks to lower energy consumption when data centers are scattered geographically. ...

How energy consumption in the cloud data center is calculated
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2019

... Mohanty et al. [181] used the game-theoretical approach to optimally allocate cloud resources; due to vehicle mobility the resource reservation scheme was utilized for VM migration, they considered SLA and cost, but it consumes more time. Diouani et al. [62] developed an adaptive and autonomic model for resource allocation in the datacentre to optimize energy consumption and maintaining the trade-off between energy and performance by considering energy parameters and major possible constraints of VMs placement in PMs. Gong et al. [96] proposed an adaptive multi-variable control method for resource allocation that dynamically reacts to workload changes and demanded resources. ...

Trade-off between Performance and Energy Management in Autonomic and Green Data Centers
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • March 2019