June 2002
41 Reads
6 Citations
Journal of Addictive Diseases
Levo-alpha-acetylmethadol (LAAM) pharmacotherapy was offered to twelve patients who continued illicit opioid abuse after > or = eleven months in methadone maintenance treatment. After 6-8 weeks on LAAM, plasma concentrations of the norLAAM metabolite varied significantly by LAAM dosing day, plasma adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) concentrations were significantly increased compared to methadone, and two of the seven subjects remaining in LAAM treatment were free of illicit opioids and nonprescribed methadone. After one year, one of five remaining subjects was using illicit opioids, and three were using non-prescribed methadone. While subject acceptance of LAAM was high, subjects were not in a "steady-state," with evidence of ongoing illicit opioid abuse.