Hendrik Vollmer’s research while affiliated with Leicester College and other places

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Publications (18)

The Resilience of Punctuated Cooperation
  • Chapter

May 2016


31 Reads


2 Citations

Hendrik Vollmer

Resilience has become a widely publicized and almost universally accepted end of social and institutional practice and, for social scientists struggling for recognition among competing forms of expertise about vulnerability, risk, and crisis management, concepts of resilience have continued to gain appeal (e.g., Boin & van Eeten 2013, p. 430). Researchers and theorists have set out to identify processes and structures that might strengthen the ability of groups, firms, states, businesses or armies to withstand adversity. The search for resilience has been as much a search for knowledge as it has been a search for virtue – and for results ideally marketable in the form of advice to an enlightened government of resilience (Chandler 2014).

Meaning, Commensuration, and General Theory
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2015


33 Reads

Czech Sociological Review


Schweigsame soziale Prozesse, historische Ereignisse, flüchtige Teilnehmer und sozialer Wandel

April 2015


6 Reads


2 Citations

Soziale Prozesse sind flüchtig und häufig schweigsam; sie passieren, sind bereits vorbei und hinterlassen spärliche Spuren. Die historische Sozialforschung stellt das vor erhebliche Probleme. Ihre natürlichen Verbündete scheinen diejenigen Ereignisse zu sein, die das Schweigen sozialer Prozesse übertönen und Spuren hinterlassen, die ihre Flüchtigkeit überdauern: „Battles, alliances, scandals, conquests, conspiracies, revolts, royal successions, reforms, elections, religious revivals, assassinations, discoveries“, laut William Sewell (Logics of history: Social theory and social transformation, 225, 2005) „the bead and butter of narrative history“ – und gleichzeitig eine vernachlässigte Kategorie der Sozialtheorie (ebd.). Eine „eventful sociology“ sei gefordert (Sewell Logics of history: Social theory and social transformation, 110 ff., 2005), die in besonderer Weise von historischer Expertise profitieren könne: „The conceptual vehicle by means of which historians construct or analyze the contingency and fatefulness of social life is the event. Historians see the flow of social life as being punctuated by significant happenings, by complexes of social action that somehow change the course of history.“ (ebd.: 8) Sewell stellt der „Schweigsamkeit des Sozialen“ (Hirschauer Die Befremdung der eigenen Kultur. Zur ethnographischen Herausforderung soziologischer Empirie, 437 ff., 2001) damit die Einschlagswirkungen historischer Ereignisse gegenüber und sieht in ihnen die wesentlichen Orientierungspunkte für das Verständnis sozialen Wandels.

What kind of game is everyday interaction?

July 2013


28 Reads


11 Citations

Rationality and Society

This paper discusses the compatibility of Thomas Schelling's concept of coordination games with microsociological analyses of everyday interaction offered, among others, by Erving Goffman and Harold Garfinkel. This compatibility is based on the mutual premise that participants of everyday interaction are continuously involved in the tacit coordination of expectations. Whereas game theory focuses on distinct patterns of interdependence between participants, microsociologists have been pointing to principles of affirmation adhered to by participants of everyday interaction in establishing and preserving coordination. Tacit coordination of expectations is complemented by signalling and by processes of framing, explored by Goffman in terms of keys and frames and by game theorists in terms of correlated equilibrium selection and signalling games. Implications for social theory are discussed, particularly with respect to welfare aspects of everyday interaction.

The Sociology of Disruption, Disaster and Social Change: Punctuated Cooperation

January 2010


1,454 Reads


66 Citations

In the wake of disruption and disaster, cooperation among members of a collective is refocused on matters of status, membership and the formation of coalitions. In an important contribution to sociological theory, Hendrik Vollmer emphasizes the processes through which disruptions not only affect, but also transform social order. Drawing on Erving Goffman’s understanding of framing and the interaction order, as well as from a range of insights from contemporary sociological theory and ethnographic, historical and organizational research, Vollmer addresses the dynamics of disaster and disaster response within the framework of a general theory of disruption and social order. It is proposed that the adjustment of cooperation in favour of coalition-forming strategies is robust in both informal and organized social settings and transcends the ‘micro’ and ‘macro’ approaches currently favoured by theorists. Offering a systematic sociological analysis of the impact of disruptiveness, this book investigates how punctuated cooperation precipitates social change.

Moving Inter Disciplines. What kind of cooperation are interdisciplinary historians and sociologists aiming for?

January 2010


15 Reads


1 Citation

Drawing on Bourdieu’s concept of the field, this article distinguishes ›oppositional‹ and ›auto­nomous‹ interdisciplinarity as two modes of research between historiography and sociology. Whereas oppositional interdisciplinarity is a movement of challengers introducing new theories, methods and issues to their respective disciplines and may ultimately transform it, autonomous interdisciplinarity means a sustained positioning at the border between disciplines, requiring intensive committment with a neigboring discipline. The article sketches the two scenarios with reference to past examples and assesses their conditions and future prospects. This exercise in mapping the field is meant as an invitation to a debate on what kind of interdisciplinarity historians and sociologists want to establish.

Kohäsion und Desintegration militärischer Einheiten

January 2010


17 Reads


8 Citations

Das gegenwärtige soziologische Interesse an Krieg, Militär und kollektiver Gewalt hat eine Reihe neuer Themen hervorgebracht, die das Gesichtsfeld der militärsoziologischen Forschung erheblich erweitert haben (vgl. Heins/Warburg 2004: 75ff.). Die soziologische Fachdisziplin hat sich seit der letzten großen Konjunktur der Militärsoziologie in der Nachkriegszeit des letzten Jahrhunderts zweifellos bedeutend fortentwickelt. Deshalb werden gegenwärtig auch an eher traditionellen Themen und Forschungsfragen der Militärsoziologie neue Aspekte sichtbar, die neue Antworten auf alte Fragen suchen lassen. Der vorliegende Beitrag möchte solche Erkenntnischancen anhand des traditionsreichen Themas der Kohäsion und Desintegration militärischer Einheiten demonstrieren.

Tracking the numbers: Across accounting and finance, organizations and markets

July 2009


216 Reads


150 Citations

Accounting Organizations and Society

This introductory essay reviews recent advances in the emergent field of social studies of finance (SSF) and, subsequently, sets out to illustrate how a closer engagement with SSF might benefit research interests in accounting and vice versa. Finally, it provides a sketch of how mutual engagements across the fields might be intensified in what is identified as an emerging accounting and finance track in the discourse of social science. The prospects of a broader field of research exploring the use of financial numbers across social settings, markets, organizations and cultures are projected, and the possibility of articulating a strong sociological programme of research is considered.

Citations (12)

... Auf das Verstehen eines Mitteilungssinns -auf Kommunikation -kann operativ verzichtet werden, wenn Zahlen verkettet, also verrechnet werden. Zahlen verweisen in ihrer modernen Fassung nur auf andere Zahlen (Vollmer 2004) -das ist ihr Sinn. Operativ haben Zahlen also keine Bedeutung, was sie einerseits für eine technische Semiose prädestiniert und sie andererseits zur favorisierten Darstellungsform von Kausalbeziehungen werden lässt, wie der Aufstieg der Naturwissenschaften als zahlenbasierte Informationswissenschaften seit der Frühen Neuzeit zeigt (Cohen 2010;Manhart 2016;. ...


Soziale Systeme? Systemtheorie digitaler Organisation
Folgen und Funktionen organisierten Rechnens / Consequences and Functions of Organized Calculation
  • Citing Article
  • December 2004

Zeitschrift für Soziologie

... In early 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic provoked wide-ranging global disruptions in all walks of life and forced societies to adapt rapidly. With its decisive impact, the pandemic is in line with the definition of disastrous disruptions provided by Vollmer (2013). For the higher education sector this meant that with the onset of the global Covid-19 pandemic, change did not happen 'based on a changed idea of learning [but] because learning as it is interpreted would otherwise no longer be possible' (Griffioen, 2023, p. 8). ...

The Sociology of Disruption, Disaster and Social Change: Punctuated Cooperation
  • Citing Article
  • January 2010

... Moreover, they share the same goal, but have different incentives. In order to reach a decision one of the two actors needs to adopt the others' idea (Shoham and Leyton-Brown 2008;Van Benthem 2014;Easley and Kleinberg 2010;Vollmer 2013;Goeree and Holt 1999;Camerer 1997;Binmore 2007;Rasmusen 2007). ...

What kind of game is everyday interaction?
  • Citing Article
  • July 2013

Rationality and Society

... Vormbusch stellt sich damit in die Tradition der soziologisch inspirierten »accounting studies«, 31 die ökonomische Recheninstrumente als soziale Praktiken (vgl. Hopwood /Miller 1994, Vollmer 2003Mennicken/Vollmer 2007) fassen. Für Peter Miller haben insbesondere die im angloamerikanischen Raum »management accounting« oder »cost accounting« 32 genannten Techniken das Zeug zur Regierungstechnologie, da deren Leistung es sei, »to link together responsibility and calculation« (Miller 2001: 381). ...

Zahlenwerk: Kalkulation, Organisation und Gesellschaft
  • Citing Book
  • January 2007

... erheblich verstärkt wird, sofern diese informal schon angelegt war. In der Militärforschung spricht man vom "primary group"-Effekt (Shils und Janowitz 1948;Vollmer 2010). Das Besondere hieran ist, dass die Soldaten eine verschworene Gemeinschaft bilden, die sich und ihre Umwelt mittels einer strikten Wir/Die-Unterscheidung beobachten. ...

Kohäsion und Desintegration militärischer Einheiten
  • Citing Article
  • January 2010

... Die Arbeit speist sich dementsprechend aus einer Reihe von Einzelforschungen, insbesondere aus dem Feld der Critical Accounting Studies und der soziologischen Beiträge zum Accounting. Ausführliche Übersichten zur Accounting-Forschung finden sich bei Mennicken und Vollmer (2007a), Miller (2007), Pfeiffer (2007), Vollmer (2003) sowie Vormbusch (2002;. Die wesentlichen Themen der vorwiegend angelsächsisch geprägten kritischen Accounting-Forschung reichen von der Analyse operativer Accounting-und Kennziffernsysteme unter veränderten Produktions-und Wirtschaftsbedingungen, der Rolle des Accountings für die Durchsetzung des Kapitalismus in England, über das Accounting als institutionalisiertes Wissenssystem, habituelle Aspekte des Accountings und die Sozialisation der Accountants bis hin zu nationalspezifischen Methodologien und Konventionen als auch durch die Praxis des Accountings entstandenen gesellschaftlichen Problemlagen. ...

Einleitung: Fundstellen von Zahlenforschung
  • Citing Chapter
  • May 2007

... Enumerated accounts serve the motives of powerful actors such as governments and multinationals, marginalising the 'Other'. Counter-accounts reinstate what becomes sanitised through quantification, developing a richer understanding of phenomena by giving greater dimension to the numbers (Vollmer, 2007). Curiously, there has been a wilful intention in Australia to silence the accounting for offshore detention, which requires further attention. ...

How to Do More with Numbers: Elementary Stakes, Framing, Keying, and the Three-Dimensional Character of Numerical Signs
  • Citing Article
  • August 2007

Accounting Organizations and Society

... Además, la sociología proporciona un marco para analizar cómo las prácticas contables pueden reflejar y reforzar desigualdades sociales. Por ejemplo, Vollmer (2003) discute cómo las prácticas de cálculo contable no solo gestionan los recursos financieros, sino que también contribuyen a la gobernanza económica y social, afectando la percepción de la realidad financiera y no financiera. Este enfoque sociológico revela las tensiones inherentes en las culturas de cálculo, donde lo financiero y lo no financiero, lo real y lo hiperreal, lo convencional y lo creativo se entrelazan, creando una complejidad que requiere una investigación sociológica más profunda. ...

Bookkeeping, accounting, calculative practice: The sociological suspense of calculation
  • Citing Article
  • April 2003

Critical Perspectives on Accounting

... De fait, il est intéressant de comprendre dans le cas présent comment les outils quantifiés, en ce qu'ils circulent et se diffusent (Mennicken, 2008 ;Vollmer et al., 2009) deviennent des relais pour les organisations syndicales de la lutte pour l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes. Il conviendra de s'intéresser à la manière dont les organisations syndicales mobilisent ces différents outils, tout en s'inscrivant, mais seulement partiellement, dans la tradition du statactivisme (Chappe, 2019). ...

Tracking the numbers: Across accounting and finance, organizations and markets
  • Citing Article
  • July 2009

Accounting Organizations and Society

... It relies first on measuring what is of interest (sometimes however it is measuring first and then deciding what will be of interest) and after that deciding what to do next with the data. As is known from research on operational accounting, quantified data offers the advantages of tangibility, recognition of patterns and trends, comparability, decontextualization and thus de-emotionalization and, finally, to a certain extent, constitution of reality (Vollmer, 2004). Since rationality is often associated with efficiency, it has been sometimes equaled with it. ...

Folgen und Funktionen organisierten Rechnens
  • Citing Article
  • January 2004