July 2024
257 Reads
Background: Online learning provides many opportunities for student to learn and achieve their goal so its important to study the relation between it and their academic satisfaction. Aim: This study aimed to assess nursing student's perception regarding online learning and its relation to their academic satisfaction.. Subjects and Methods: study design : Descriptive cross sectional design was used to carry out this study. Setting: This study was conducted at the Faculty of Nursing-Ain Shams University. Subjects: The subjects of this study included the first and fourth academic years from afore mentioned setting through the academic year (2021-2022). The subjects included 242 out of (688) nurse students. Data collection tool: two tools was used namely Perceived Online Learning Questionnaire and Undergraduate Nursing Students' Academic Satisfaction Scale. The results: showed that, more than two-thirds (69.4%) of the studied nursing students have moderate level of total online learning. Also, one-quarter (25.6%) of them have high level. While, only (5%) of them have low level. there was highly significant positive correlation between nursing students' perception regarding online learning and their total academic satisfaction at (P= < 0.01). Conclusion: the nursing students had moderate perception level and high satisfaction level regarding online learning, and there was a highly statistically significant positive relation between total nursing students' perciption regarding online learning and their total satisfaction levels. E-learning platforms are easily adjustable during abrupt crises, such as COVID-19 Recommendations: Assess relationship between using Interactive online learning techniques and student Social presence