Hans-Peter Volz’s research while affiliated with Friedrich Schiller University Jena and other places

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Publications (158)

31Phosphor-Magnetresonanzspektroskopie in der Schizophrenieforschung Zur Pathophysiologie des zerebralen Stoffwechsels energiereicher Phosphate und Membranphospholipide
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2012


62 Reads


1 Citation

Der Nervenarzt

S. Riehemann


H.P. Volz





Im Rahmen der Schizophrenieforschung der letzten Jahre hat die 31Phosphor-Magnetresonanzspektroskopie (31P-MRS) erheblich an Bedeutung gewonnen, da diese Methode einen nichtinvasiven Einblick in den Stoffwechsel der Phospholipide und energiereichen Phosphate des lebenden Gehirns erlaubt. In verschiedenen Studien wurden Unterschiede im zerebralen Metabolismus zwischen schizophrenen Patienten und gesunden Kontrollen gefunden. Darüberhinaus wurde über Lateralisierungseffekte und Einflüsse epidemiologischer und psychopathologischer Faktoren berichtet. Dieser Übersichtsartikel soll die Möglichkeiten der 31P-MRS in der Schizophrenieforschung darlegen und die bisherigen Befunde kritisch besprechen. Besonders diskutiert werden Alterationen der Phospholipide im Kontext der Membranlipidhypothese der Schizophrenie, die Frage des energetischen Hypometabolismus und der Einfluss der Neuroleptika. 31Phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS) has gained much interest in schizophrenia research in the last years, since it allows noninvasive measurement of high energy phosphates and phospholipids of the human brain in vivo. Thus, several studies have reported cerebral metabolic differences between patients and healthy controls as well as on lateralization effects and influences of epidemiological and psychopathological factors. This review gives a survey of the potential of 31P-MRS in schizophrenia research and summarizes and comments on the results of preceding studies. The discussion covers the reduction of phospholipids in patients in the context of the membrane phospholipid hypotheses, the question of an energetic hypometabolism in schizophrenics, and the influence of neuroleptic medication.


Reboxetine and cytochrome P450 - Comparison with paroxetine treatment in humans

February 2007


112 Reads


13 Citations

International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

The noradrenaline-selective antidepressant reboxetine in vitro is a weak inhibitor of both cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2D6 and CYP3A4. Thus, in this study the pharmacokinetics of reboxetine in relation to pharmacogenetics and the effects of reboxetine compared to paroxetine treatment on the CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 phenotype were analyzed in healthy control subjects. Healthy male volunteers were treated with either 6 mg reboxetine (n = 26) or 30 mg paroxetine (n = 25). On Days 10/11 of treatment, serum concentrations of the antidepressants were measured and pharmacokinetic parameters calculated. Volunteers were phenotyped at the end of treatment and after at least 3 weeks washout (true phenotype) using 30 mg dextromethorphan (DM) hydrobromide given orally and measuring DM and metabolites in serum 2 h after intake. CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 genotypes were determined in parallel. Reboxetine serum concentrations showed no correlation with the CYP2D6 genotype and the CYP2D6 phenotype, whereas paroxetine concentrations showed some dependence on CYP2D6. In contrast to in vitro investigations, indicating a major role of CYP3A4 in reboxetine metabolism, reboxetine concentrations in serum showed no correlation with the respective DM metabolic ratios. There was also no correlation between paroxetine concentrations and the CYP3A4 phenotype data. The CYP2C19 genotype (only heterozygosity) had no influence on reboxetine and paroxetine pharmacokinetics. There were only minor changes in the DM metabolite pattern on treatment with reboxetine and no evidence of enzyme inhibition was obtained. In contrast and as expected, paroxetine strongly inhibited CYP2D6. Thus, reboxetine treatment has no effect on the CYP2D6 genotype and no clinically relevant drug interactions involving CYP2D6 are anticipated.

Psychopharmacotherapy of somatoform disorders: Effects of opipramol on symptoms of somatization, anxiety, and depression

August 2003


287 Reads


8 Citations

Acta Neuropsychiatrica

Background: The psychopharmacotherapy of somatoform disorders (SD; ICD-10: F45) has been less frequently investigated and is not as well established as in other (neurotic) disorders of ICD-10 section F4, i.e. generalized anxiety disorder (GAD; ICD-10: F41.1). The atypical compound opipramol is very often used to treat SD and GAD in clinical practice in Germany. However, state-of-the-art controlled clinical trials have not yet been performed. Objectives: Two clinical trials were performed with the aim of confirming the efficacy and tolerability of opipramol in SD and GAD. Methods: Both trials were performed as randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter studies. While the GAD trial was a three-arm study with opipramol (200 mg/day) vs. placebo and alprazolam (2 mg/day) for 28 days, the SD trial was a placebo-controlled two-arm study with a treatment duration of 42 days. Each group consisted of about 100 patients. Results: Significant differences (alpha = 0.05) were found for the primary efficacy criteria (HAMA total score in GAD, HAMA somatic subscore in SD) and most of the secondary criteria in favor of the active drug therapies. Considerable differences between the psychopathology of SD and GAD were detected. Conclusion: The well-tolerated anxiolytic opipramol is the first psychotropic drug with proven efficacy in somatoform disorders with effects on symptoms of somatization, anxiety, and depression. The compound is also effective and safe in GAD.

31P-MR spectroscopy in children and adolescents with a familial risk of schizophrenia

April 2003


24 Reads


20 Citations

European Radiology

Based on a previous report [9] on alterations of membrane phosphorus metabolism in asymptomatic family members of schizophrenic patients, the aim of the present study was to extend and improve the evaluation and data processing of (31)P spectroscopic data obtained from a larger study population by including an analysis of the broad spectral component (BC) of membrane phospholipids (PL). Eighteen children and siblings of patients with schizophrenia and a gender- and age-matched control group of 18 healthy subjects without familial schizophrenia were investigated with phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((31)P-MRS) by using image selected in vivo spectroscopy (ISIS) in the dorsolateral prefrontal regions (DLPFR) of the brain. Spectral analysis was performed by using both the full and truncated FID to estimate metabolic peak ratios of different (31)P metabolites and the intensity and linewidth of the broad component. A significantly higher PDE level (p<0.01) and increased linewidth of the PDE components were observed for the high-risk group compared with the control group (p=0.02). No significant differences were observed for PME as well as for other (31)P-metabolites. No differences were observed between the left and right hemispheres for different normalised (31)P-metabolic levels. Decreased intensities (p=0.03) and smaller linewidths (p=0.01) were obtained for the broad component in the high-risk group. Impairments of membrane metabolism that are typical for schizophrenic patients are partially observed in adolescent asymptomatic family members of schizophrenics, including increased levels of low molecular PDE compounds indicating increased membrane degradation processes, no changes for PME, and decreased intensities and linewidths of the BC indicating changes in the composition and fluidity of membrane phospholipids. Despite limitations to completely suppress fast-relaxing components by dismissing initial FID data points, the spectroscopic results indicate additional changes in the membrane metabolism of high-risk subjects beyond changes of synthesis and degradation.

Cell-mediated Side Effects of Psychopharmacological Treatment

November 2001


16 Reads


13 Citations

Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research

Zellulär vermittelte Nebenwirkungen der Psychopharmakotherapie Antidepressiva und Neuroleptika gehören zu den am häufigsten in der Psychopharmakotherapie eingesetzten Substanzen. Aufgrund der häufig vergleichbaren Wirksamkeit von Substanzen derselben Gruppe, bestimmen zunehmend die möglichen Nebenwirkungen die Auswahl einer bestimmten Substanz. Der antidepressive Effekt wird durch eine Hemmung der Wiederaufnahme der Transmitter Noradrenalin und Serotonin vermittelt. Unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen entstehen durch die zusätzliche Blockade von Rezeptoren, die nicht für die therapeutische Wirkung verantwortlich sind, im wesentlichen durch den muskarini-schen (M) Acetylcholinrezeptor, den Histamin (H1) Rezeptor und den alpha-1 (α1) adrenergen Rezeptor. Im Gegensatz zu den klassischen trizyklischen Antidepressiva, blockieren die neueren selektiven Serotonin Wiederaufnahmehemmer weder den M1- noch den H1- oder den α1 Rezeptor. Wenngleich hierdurch die Häufigkeit von Nebenwirkungen im Vergleich zu den trizyklischen Antidepressiva deutlich geringer ist, können unerwünschte Wirkungen durch die Stimulation verschiedener Serotonin Rezeptorsubtypen entstehen (5-HT2A, 5-HT2B und 5-HT3) und zu ängstlicher Unruhe, Schlafstörungen und Übelkeit führen. Neuroleptika werden häufig im Rahmen der Behandlung der Schizophrenie oder der schizoaffektiven Störung über Jahre, z. T. über Jahrzehnte eingenommen. Die wesentlichen Nebenwirkungen sind extrapyramidal-motorische Symptome, z. B. das Neuroleptika-induzierte Parkinsonoid, die Akathisie, Dystonien und tardive Dyskinesien. Mit der Einführung der atypischen Neuroleptika (z. B. Clozapin, Risperidon, Olanzapin) wurde deutlich, daß der antipsychotische Effekt und die extrapyramidalmotorischen Ne-benwirkungen nicht notwendigerweise miteinander verbunden sein müssen. Es werden die Grundlagen der unterschiedlichen pathogenetischen Hypothesen vorgestellt. Sowohl die Hypothese der Dop-aminrezeptor Hypersensitivität als auch die Hypothese der Hemmung der mito-chondrialen Atmungskette gründen sich bislang auf indirekte Hinweise. Wenn jedoch, wie die Untersuchungen des mitochondrialen Energiestoffwechsels zeigen, der antipsychotische Effekt und die uner-wünschten Wirkungen voneinander un-abhängige Eigenschaften der Neuroleptika darstellen, sollte ein neues Vorgehen bei der Entwicklung neuartiger Neuroleptika gewählt werden. Neuroleptika können dann entwickelt werden, die antipsychotisch wirksam sind bei einer gleichzeitig nur sehr geringen Wahrscheinlichkeit von einschränkenden extrapyramidal-motorischen Nebenwirkungen.

Citations (40)

... ( [12], S. 15) Aktuell beobachten wir ein wachsendes Spannungsfeld zwischen einer betont deskriptiv-¹theoriearmenª Diagnostik einerseits (z. B. ICD-10) und ¹theoriereichenª Krankheitsmodellen andererseits, die weitgehend unabhängig von der psychopathologischen Ebene entstanden sind, etwa neurowissenschaftliche Konzepte der Schizophrenie als Hirnentwicklungsstörung [13] oder als Folge gestörter basaler Informationsverarbeitung [14]. Ein erweitertes Verständnis von Psychopathologie könnte hier als verbindende Klammer dienen, was freilich ein sehr hoher Anspruch ist, den es erst einmal einzulösen gilt. ...


[A-theoretical classification of psychiatric disorders].
Die Rolle der Kognition in der Therapie Schizophrener Störungen
  • Citing Article
  • January 2000

... Of these 25 studies, 17 met all or most of the predefined study selection criteria and were included in the efficacy review. [73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89] Review Article ...

Efficacy and tolerance of the St. John's wort extract D-0496 in mild to moderate depression - A placebo-controlled, double blind 6-week trial
  • Citing Article
  • January 2000


... Die Minimierung von Partialvolumeneffekten resultiert in einer höheren Sensitivität bei der Detektion subtiler Veränderungen. Deshalb eignet sich diese Methode besonders für die Analyse kleinster Volumenänderungen in longitudinalen Daten [4,5,6,7]. ...

High-resolution morphometry of longitudinal data
  • Citing Article
  • May 2000


... Monoamine oxidase (MAO) is an enzyme responsible for the breakdown of neurotransmitters including serotonin, and inhibitors of MAO are widely used as antidepressants (Volz and Gleiter, 1998). In vitro, increased expression of two MAO isoforms, MAO A (Wong et al., 2015;Ou et al., 2006) and MAO B (Tazik et al., 2009), is observed following exposure to DEX. ...

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
  • Citing Article
  • November 1998

Drugs & Aging

... Gaser et al. (Gaser et al., 1999 ) studied a group of schizophrenia patients and healthy volunteers, but instead of composition , group averaged deformations were calculated from displacement vectors of non-linear transformations (Ashburner and Friston, 2000 ) required to produce anatomical correspondence between subjects and a template brain image. They have also reported preliminary evidence of temporal lobe abnormalities specific to auditory hallucinators (Sauer et al., 2000). Other averaging techniques have been used to detect regional shape (rather than positional) differences between patients with schizophrenia and controls (DeQuardo et al., 1999). ...

Whole brain analysis of structural changes in schizophrenia
  • Citing Article
  • January 2000

Schizophrenia Research

... Further, the dipole moment was significantly weaker in the older vs. the younger patients. A similar emphasis on left sided impairments was reported for MMN in adult patients (Catts et al 1995;Hirayasu et al 1998;Kasai et al 2003;Sauer et al 1997). Our results are consistent with a fairly marked change of structure for patients in adolescence (Gogtay et al., 2004) that asymptotes over the following decade (DeLisi et al., 2004). ...

Impaired mismatch generation in schizophrenics revealed by means of magnetoencephalography
  • Citing Article
  • July 1997

Biological Psychiatry

... Yes (conference contribution) No No Nenadic et al. (2000) Yes (conference contribution) Yes (verbal time estimation) Yes No No (no statistics, no behavioral results) No Nichols and Park (2011) Yes (conference contribution) No No Nosachev (1992) Yes Yes (time production) Yes Yes (A) No (statistical measures not explained in the paper) No Orme (1966) Yes Yes (verbal time estimation) Yes Yes (A) No (no means or F/ t-values reported) No Oyanadel and Buela-Casal (2014) Yes Yes (verbal time estimation) Yes Yes (A) Yes Yes Papageorgiou et al. (2013) Yes Yes (duration discri.; one interval reminder) Yes Yes (A and P) No (no SDs or F/t-values reported) Data requested but not received No Parsons et al. (2013) Yes No (flicker fusion) No Pearl and Berg (1963) Yes Yes (verbal time estimation) No Yes (A) Yes No Penney et al. (2005) Yes Yes (duration discr.; temp. bisection) Group of subjects at high genetic risk for schizophrenia vs. control group Yes (A and P) Yes Yes Peterburs, Nitsch, Miltner, and Straube (2013) Yes No (time to contact task estimation) No Rabin (1957) Yes Yes (verbal time estimation) Yes No (frequency distributions of No No categories of overestimation, under estimation and correct estimation) Rammsayer (1990) Yes Yes (duration discri.; two interval) Yes Yes (A and P) Yes Yes Ratcliffe ...

Altered cerebral activation in schizophrenia during individually adjusted task difficulty - Evidence from a fMRI study on time perception
  • Citing Article
  • January 2000

Schizophrenia Research

... Several clinically used drugs have appreciable affinity for the σ 1 R, including the antipsychotic haloperidol and the antidepressants fluoxetine and sertraline, supporting the efficacy of σ 1 R-targeting drugs for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Selective σ 1 R ligands have been investigated in clinical trials for the treatment of neuropathic pain (Abadias, Escriche, Vaque, Sust, & Encina, 2013;Collina et al., 2013), neurodegenerative disease (Collina et al., 2013), anxiety (Moller, Volz, Reimann, & Stoll, 2001), depression (Moller, Volz, & Stoll, 2003;Volz, Moller, Reimann, & Stoll, 2000), and schizophrenia (Frieboes et al., ...

Psychopharmacotherapy of somatoform disorders: Effects of opipramol on symptoms of somatization, anxiety, and depression
  • Citing Article
  • August 2003

Acta Neuropsychiatrica

... Lateralized AEFs have been found for the processing of tones (Mäkelä et al 1993; Pantev et al 1998) and phonetic stimuli (Eulitz et al 1995; Gootjes et al 1999), with the larger evoked magnetic responses in temporal areas contralateral to the stimulated ear. In schizophrenic patients, MEG studies revealed reversed (Tiihonen et al 1998) or reduced (Reite et al 1997Reite et al , 1999 Rockstroh et al 1998; Sauer et al 1998) functional asymmetry of the N100m, the magnetic audi-tory-evoked response peaking around 100 msec following monaural stimulation with simple tones. The commonly reported gender difference, with more pronounced functional hemispheric asymmetry in male subjects than in female subjects (Geschwind and Levitsky 1968; Hellige 1993; Kanno et al 1998; Witelson and Kigar 1992), seems to affect the alteration of lateralization in schizophrenic patients. ...

Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede der Hemisphärenlateralisation bei Schizophrenien? Eine MEG-MRT-Studie
  • Citing Article
  • March 1998

Der Nervenarzt

... Cerebral mitochondrial dysfunction in the brain has been implicated as a key factor in the pathophysiology of mood disorders. Specifically, one of the most common mood disorders, major depressive disorder (MDD), is interconnected with cerebral metabolic dysregulation [1][2][3], oxidative stress [4], and inflammatory responses [5]; and overall dysregulated metabolism [6][7][8] has been implicated as playing a role in the pathophysiology of MDD. Currently approved antidepressants are only partially effective, and over 30% of patients do not achieve full remission even after multiple treatments [9] and experience frequent relapses [10]. ...

31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the frontal lobe of major depressed patients
  • Citing Article
  • December 1998

European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience