Hannu Yli-Kojola’s research while affiliated with Finnish Forest Research Institute and other places

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Publications (9)

Figure 1: System boundary of economic and environmental assessments 
Figure 5: Distribution of energy input in Finnish wheat cropping with average intensity. Total energy input = 12.3 GJ/ha. 
Figure 6: The impact of thermal insulation on the energy and cost savings of grain drying, reduction of GHG emissions and the pay-back time on a 120 ha farm. Low, average and high cultivation intensities were studied. 
Table 7 : Used key figures for study. 
Figure 7: The impact of operating for fuel economy on the energy and cost savings, reduction of GHG emissions, and the pay-back time on a 120 ha farm. Low, average and high cropping intensities were studied. 


Economic and environmental analysis of energy efficiency measures in agriculture, Case Studies and trade offs
  • Technical Report
  • Full-text available

August 2013


2,385 Reads


8 Citations



Lukas Scholz




This report illustrates case studies with an in-depth analysis of the interactions of energy efficiency measures with farm economics and the environmental impact (GHG) of the measures across Europe. The analyses followed a common methodology considering the farm gate as the system boundary. Therefore, considerable energy use in the post-processing of agricultural products were only taken into account, when they can be assumed to be realized on the farm. The analyses of the energy use, economic and environmental effects follow an LCA approach taking into account all costs of the production, including those for machines according to the concept of “useful life” of the machines used. The environmental effects of energy saving were illustrated with the greenhouse gas emission effect of the energy efficiency measures. The case studies are only a selection of specific energy saving measures across Europe and therefore cannot be regarded as representative for all Europe. Nevertheless, they will help to understand constraints and opportunities for increased energy efficiency in agriculture, which can be used to translate to an agenda of practical action or applied research. The findings are valid sometimes only in the specific regional settings, sometimes they are of general validity.


Table 1. Area of the of the forestry land subclasses by forest farms based on the multi-source inventory, and for the whole area based on the fi eld inventory, together with the standard errors of the fi eld inventory estimates. 
Fig. 1. Boundaries of the Hebei Forest Bureau and Forest Farms with locations of fi eld plot clusters.  
Fig. 2. Sampling design and the shape of fi eld plot in the Hebei Forest Bureau. a) Location of clusters; b) Location of sample plots on a cluster; c) Restricted relascope sample plot.  
Fig. 3. An example of a thematic map, dominant tree species group.
Table 4. Mean volume of growing stock by tree species groups and forest farms based on the multi-source inventory, and by tree species groups based on the fi eld inventory. 
Multi-source inventory of the forests of the Hebei Forestry Bureau, Heilongjiang, China

January 2001


733 Reads


38 Citations

Silva Fennica

A multi-source forest inventory method is applied to the estimation of forest resources in the area of the Hebei Forest Bureau in Heilongjiang province in North-East China. A stratified systematic cluster sampling design was utilised in field measurements. The design was constructed on the basis of information from earlier stand-level inventories, aerial orthophotographs, experiences from other sampling inventories and the available budget. Sample tree volumes were estimated by means of existing models. New models were constructed and their parameters estimated for tallied tree volumes and volume increments. The estimates for the area of the Bureau were computed from field measurements, and for the areas of the forest farms estimated from field measurements and satellite images. A k-nearest neighbour method was utilised. This method employing satellite image data makes it possible to estimate all variables, particularly for smaller areas than that possible using field measurements only. The methods presented, or their modifications, could also be applied to the planning and realisation of forest inventories elsewhere in Temperate or Boreal zones. The inventory in question gave an estimate of 114 m3/ha (the multi-source inventory 119 m3/ha) instead of 72 m3/ha as previously estimated from available information. Totally nineteen tree species, genera of species or tree species groups were identified (Appendix 1). The forests were relatively young, 60% of them younger than 40 years and 85% younger than 60 years.

Extent of abiotic damage and its relation to defoliation of conifers in Finland

September 2000


15 Reads


5 Citations

Forest Ecology and Management

Data from the eighth National Forest Inventory (NFI) and annual surveys of the vitality of forests was used in this study. Abiotic damage (wind, snow, frost or edaphic factors) was present on 8.4% of forest land, on 1.68 million hectares during 1986–1994. It decreased the silvicultural quality of the stand in 5.2% of forest land. Abiotic damage was more frequent in northern than in southern Finland. Especially snow damage was important in northern Finland in Scots pine stands.The defoliation of conifers and various damage forms showed significant co-occurrence. Temporal and spatial patterns were evident in the occurrence and importance of different causal agents. Abiotic damage increased the defoliation in Picea abies more than in Pinus sylvestris, but in the latter species the damage was locally more severe.Sudden changes in defoliation were related to abiotic and biotic damage, and the effect of these injuries can be so remarkable that they mask the possible trend in defoliation. The analysis of these injuries may aid monitoring of forest condition by simplifying interpretation of national and regional patterns of forest damage.

The Occurrence of Abiotic and Biotic Damage and its Relation to Defoliation (Needle Loss) of Conifers in Finland (1985–1988)

January 1990


8 Reads


7 Citations

Pysyvillä 85-86 Lapissa enemmän tuhoja kuin E-S:ssa,erit. latvavaurioita ja kuoll.puita. Koko maassa 12:ssa koealoja jonkinasteisia vaurioita, hiukan pienemmät arviot E.S.ssa inv. kertakoealoilta (86-88) vast. alueelta. Lapissa paljon tuntem. jääneitä + abioott. tuhoja (puut, VMI-8 P). Tuhojen osuus nousee harsuuntumisen kasvaessa (8.VMI-P, hars.kohdepuut, + vuot. seurannan kohdepuut 86-88). Erilaiset tuhot merkittäviä eri vuosina harsuuntumisen lisääjänä. Versosurma lisäsi harsuuntumista K+ L-Suomessa 1988.

Permanent sample plots in large-area forest inventory

January 1989


156 Reads


21 Citations

Silva Fennica

Theoretical and practical aspects of permanent sample plots are discussed in this paper. A study material of 6,871 permanent sample plots was generated using increment sample plots of the 7th National Forest Inventory of Finland. The effect of measurement errors and use of increment functions as ”a priori” information was studied via simulation experiments. The change in the growing stock volume between two consecutive measurement rounds was divided into the components drain, growth and mortality. Finally, a hypothetical inventory design using permanent sample plots was evaluated. The PDF includes an abstract in Finnish.

Citations (6)

... The feeding cost represent 50 to 78.4% of the total milk production costs Alqaisi et al. [1] Baptista et al. [2] Sottomayor et al. [3] and have an important impact in milk production price. The milk price paid to Portuguese dairy farmers is one of the five lowest in the European Union (EU). ...


Production and Nutritional Composition of two Annual Ryegrass Cultivars (Diploid and Tetraploid)
Economic and environmental analysis of energy efficiency measures in agriculture, Case Studies and trade offs

... Morelet in vitro. Gremmeniella abietina has caused serious epidemics on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) of all ages especially in the 1980s both in northern (Uotila and Jalkanen 1982;Jalkanen 1992, 1994) and southern Finland (Nevalainen and Yli-Kojola 1990) for reasons that are poorly understood. At the same time, arboreal lichens have decreased drastically especially in southern Finland (Kuusinen et al. 1990) and they are almost completely lacking in young Scots pine stands (Mattila 1979;Helle 1982). ...

The Occurrence of Abiotic and Biotic Damage and its Relation to Defoliation (Needle Loss) of Conifers in Finland (1985–1988)
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1990

... In general, the rust incidence was low in all investigated stands with less than 1% of symptomatic trees. The incidence of disease caused by C. pini was generally lower than average based on the incidence recorded during the Finnish National Forest Inventory (NFI) in a permanent sample plot net established throughout Finland in 1986-1994(Yli-Kojola and Nevalainen 2006. The effects of applied silvicultural treatments on rust incidence on pines could not be assessed during the present study due to the slow infection process and fruiting of C. pini on P. sylvestris, which determines late emergence of disease symptoms (Kaitera 2000, Kaitera andNuorteva 2008). ...

Metsätuhojen esiintyminen Suomessa 1986-94. [The occurrence of forest damage in Finland 1986-94 ] (In Finnish)

... It is, therefore, becoming one of the most popular methods applied for forest inventory using large-area remote sensing data (Meng et al., 2009). kNN has been found as a useful tool for forest mapping over a large geographic area using a fine spatial resolution (Tokola, Pitkanen, Partinen, & Muinonen, 1996;Tomppo, Goulding, & Katila, 1999;Tomppo, Korhonen, Heikkinen, & Yli-Kojola, 2001;Holmström & Fransson, 2001;Tanaka et al., 2015;Lang, Gulbe, Traškovs, & Stepčenko, 2016). Although numerous studies of relationships between spectral responses and forest parameters have been conducted during the past several decades, conclusions about these relationships vary, depending on the characteristics of the study areas and the used data . ...

Multi-source inventory of the forests of the Hebei Forestry Bureau, Heilongjiang, China

Silva Fennica

... When measurements of forest health are included on the NFIs design, they become an excellent source of data for assessing the influence of forest characteristics on the occurrence and severity of natural disturbances. Examples on the use of NFIs for assessing occurrence and impact of disturbances can be found for pests or diseases [21][22][23], fire [24][25][26][27], wind and snow [28][29][30][31], or game related damage [32,33], among others. ...

Extent of abiotic damage and its relation to defoliation of conifers in Finland
  • Citing Article
  • September 2000

Forest Ecology and Management

... In the first site -the artificial pine stands, the age is 43 years, and in the second site it is 44 years. The research was carried out by the method of permanent inventory plots (PIP) Kastamonu Uni., Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 2020, 20( using generally accepted and widely tested methods (Paivinen & Yli-Kojola, 1989). The original planting scheme was used. ...

Permanent sample plots in large-area forest inventory

Silva Fennica