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Publications (35)

Schema Therapy
  • Chapter
  • Full-text available

March 2022


182 Reads


3 Citations


Hannie van Genderen


Hilde M. Geurts


This chapter outlines schema therapy (ST) as a treatment possibility for adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and comorbid personality disorder (PD). The chapter begins with some key considerations concerning the therapeutic relationship and the differential diagnosis of ASD versus PD. ST is introduced, followed by a summary of empirical findings about personality characteristics in people with ASD including both weaknesses (i.e., pathology) and strengths. A summary is provided of the empirical studies examining ST concepts and treatment programs for adults with ASD (and comorbid PD). The chapter concludes with a case study exemplifying the ST approach.


Borderline Personality Disorder

November 2020


122 Reads


13 Citations

Patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) have problems constantly changing moods, their relationships with others, unclear identities, and impulsive behaviors. Prevalence in the general population is estimated at 1.1–2.5% and varies in clinical populations depending on the setting, from 10% of the outpatients up to 20–50% of inpatients. The comorbidity in this group of patients is high and diverse. The majority of BPD patients have experienced sexual, physical, and/or emotional abuse, and emotional neglect in their childhood; sexual abuse in particular between the ages of 6 and 12. These traumatic experiences in combination with temperament, insecure attachment, developmental stage of the child, as well as the social situation in which things took place, result in the development of dysfunctional interpretations of the patient's self and others.Treating BPD patients with schema therapy makes it relatively easy to comprehend the patient's dysfunctional behavior and it gives the therapist many tools to treat the patient.

The Therapeutic Relationship

November 2020


38 Reads

This chapter illustrates important elements of the therapeutic relationship between the borderline personality disorder (BPD) patient and the therapist. Limited reparenting can be viewed as a form of restricted parenthood in which the therapist's demeanor forms the basis for the therapeutic process. The chapter describes the different elements that are involved in limited reparenting, namely good care, giving direction, empathic confrontation, setting limits, role playing, role reversal, and imagery rescripting. It lists a number of the more common pitfalls encountered in dealing with schemas. Schema therapists tend to use self‐disclosure more often than therapists of other orientations. Behavioral techniques such as reinforcing desired behavior both within the therapy sessions as well as practicing these behaviors outside of the sessions are an important part of schema therapy. While applying experiential, cognitive, and behavioral techniques, the therapist continues to employ the described style of limited reparenting.

Schema Therapy in Other Settings and Modalities

November 2020


18 Reads

Schema therapy (ST) for patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) is not only applied in the outpatient mental health care system, but also in day‐treatment and in full‐time clinical settings. This chapter discusses nonverbal therapies, group therapy for patients with BPD, and couples therapy with couples where one of the partners has BPD. A pilot study of the combination of group and individual outpatient ST in a sample of highly complex BPD patients that required frequent hospitalization showed very strong effects on reduction of hospitalization and strong effects on BPD severity and secondary outcomes. Because of these promising results, the most important aspects of this group therapy are described in this chapter. Group schema therapy is an integrative form of group therapy, which combines aspects of directive group therapy with aspects of psychodynamic groups, but has a unique way of handling the group dynamics.

Methods per Mode

November 2020


9 Reads

When the therapist discusses important problems that recently occurred, it is explored what modes were triggered and how they influenced the patient's feeling, thinking and behaving. This chapter describes how the therapist can best deal with the quick and constantly changing modes during therapeutic sessions. The treatment techniques for the detached protector are also largely applicable to the angry protector, the bully and attack mode, or the self‐aggrandizer. One of the best methods for bypassing the detached protector is the two‐chair technique. When the patient is in the abandoned/abused child mode, the therapist can support and comfort her. The angry child requires a safe therapeutic relationship. Within certain boundaries the angry child should be able to express her anger and also learn appropriate assertiveness. When the patient also has an undisciplined/impulsive child mode the therapist should react in another way.

Specific Methods and Techniques

November 2020


10 Reads

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) patients do not do homework in the “usual” manner of homework assignments in behavioral therapy. There are a number of medications commonly prescribed for BPD patients. We often see BPD patients with unintentional results of pharmacological therapy such as addiction and medicine abuse. The prescribed medications are often used in combination with alcohol and/or over‐the‐counter medications for suicide attempts. When a patient expresses the desire to commit suicide or threatens to harm herself (self‐injury), the therapist shifts all attention toward this, in particular to the mode that is driving this. Imagery rescripting is used earlier in therapy to investigate the origins of the different modes by using childhood experiences to trace the patient's dysfunctional interpretations and during the phase of changing dysfunctional schemas. Because of this, imagery rescripting will be a trusted method when it comes into use with trauma processing.

Citations (8)

... When EMSs are activated, individuals deal with this activation with a coping strategy, resulting in so-called schema modes, which are moment-to-moment emotional, cognitive and behavioural states (Young, Klosko, and Weishaar 2006). In BPD, the punitive parent mode (PPM) is particularly prominent, embodying internalized punitive messages (Arntz and van Genderen 2020;Lobbestael, Van Vreeswijk, and Arntz 2008). The PPM is the result of giving in (surrender coping) to the activation of the Punitiveness EMS. ...


The Subjective Experience of the Punitive Parent Mode in Individuals With Borderline Personality Disorder Following Schema Therapy: A Qualitative Study
Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Citing Chapter
  • November 2020

... Research has posited that personality disorders are characterised by a specific set of dysfunctional core beliefs (e.g., Beck & Freeman, 1990;Linehan, 1993;Young, 1999). In BPD, for example, these may include: "I am helpless" and, "others will hurt me" (Arntz, 2004). Expanding on research by Arntz et al. (1999), the authors propose that early childhood experiences of emotional abuse increase the risk of developing negative, dysfunctional beliefs, which are associated with more BPD pathology. ...

Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Citing Chapter
  • November 2020

... Skeematerapia on yksi epävakaan persoonallisuuden hoitoon kehitetyistä psykoterapioista, jonka vaikuttavuutta on 2000-luvulla tutkittu yksilö-ja ryhmähoitona (Giesen-Bloo ym., 2006;Sempertegui, Karreman, Arntz & Bekker, 2013). Skeematerapia luetaan usein integratiivisiin psykoterapioihin, ja siinä kognitiiviseen terapiaan yhdistetään kiintymyssuhdeteorian, psykodynaamisen terapian ja hahmoterapian näkökulmia ja käsitteitä (Arntz & Genderen, 2009;Young, Klosko & Weishaar, 2003). ...

Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Citing Book
  • November 2020

... Een andere ontwikkeling binnen de schematherapie is dat men steeds eerder 'durft' te starten met traumabehandeling. Terwijl jaren geleden nog werd geadviseerd om de traumagerichte interventies tot de laatste behandelfase te bewaren, worden therapeuten nu aangespoord om 'zo snel mogelijk' de pijn van de kwetsbare-kindmodus te behandelen (Arntz, keynote-lezing Schematherapiecongres, 2017), of in elk geval zodra de therapeutische relatie veilig genoeg is (Rijkeboer, van Genderen, & Arntz, 2017). Dit sluit aan bij de gedragstherapie jaargang 51 nummer 3 september 2018 hummel & driessen recente discussie binnen het onderzoeksveld naar de behandeling van complexe PTSS: in hoeverre is stabiliseren noodzakelijk voordat wordt begonnen met traumabehandeling? ...

Schematherapie: theorie, praktijk en onderzoek
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2017

... Active methods such as roleplay are centralised in ST supervision and play an important role in assessing competence, finetuning skills, and 'working through' problematic therapy processes (e.g. complimentary or symmetrical therapist-client schemas) (Nadort, van Genderen, & Behary, 2012). ...

Training and Supervision in Schema Therapy
  • Citing Article
  • March 2012

... However, the identification and naming of modes has mostly been based on informal case examples, and only a few publications contain more extended case studies. Behary (2012) situates some of the schema modes of a narcissistic client within the transcript of a large part of a session, but it is not a systematic analysis. Bamber (2004) describes several modes in a man with chronic and severe agoraphobia and shows how he was able to bypass the DetProt mode, confront and reduce the power of his PunP, and access and work with the VCh. ...

The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Schema Therapy: Theory, Research, and Practice
  • Citing Chapter
  • March 2012

... Moreover, Young and First (2003) introduced the notion of schema modes to describe the moment-to-moment fluctuating features of thinking, feeling, and behaving; modes also include activated schemas and coping styles. Schema modes in adults are grouped into the following four categories (Lobbestael et al., 2007;van Genderen et al., 2012): (a) child modes (i.e., Vulnerable Child, Abandoned and Abused Child, Lonely Child, Dependent Child, Angry Child, Enraged Child, Impulsive Child, Undisciplined Child, Happy Child); (b) maladaptive coping modes (i.e., Surrender: Compliant Surrender, Surrender to damaged child modes; Avoidance: Detached Protector, Detached Self-Soother, Avoidant Protector, Angry Protector; Overcompensation: Attention and Approval Seeker, Self-Aggrandizer, Over-controller, Bully and Attack, Conning and Manipulative, Predator); (c) maladaptive parent modes (i.e., Punitive Parent, Demanding Parent); and (d) healthy mode (i.e., Healthy Adult). ...

The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Schema Therapy: Theory, Research, and Practice
  • Citing Chapter
  • March 2012

... They state that if things are not going right and they tend to fall back in the role of the punitive parent, it is very helpful to think about the healthy adult who radiates compassion (Haeyen, 2018a). It helps to understand clearly which mode is actually talking and from there, to visualize what the healthy adult would say about this, how he or she would deal with it (Van Genderen and Arntz, 2010). The art medium helps to connect with these modes in an experientially way and by creating an art product the result is tangible and concrete (Gunther et al., 2009;Haeyen, 2018a). ...

Schemagerichte Cognitieve Therapie bij Borderline Persoonlijkheidsstoornis