January 2025
1 Read
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January 2025
1 Read
December 2024
17 Reads
In this study, pepper (Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.) leaf (ZL) extract was added to larou to investigate the improvement in the quality of physicochemical properties, texture, water distribution, and microorganism growth during storage for 20 days. Based on the results, the addition of ZL extract significantly retarded the increase in cooking loss, TBARS value, hardness, and microorganism growth. Moreover, the addition of ZL extract decreased the pH value, lightness, and microorganism counts, and increased the moisture content, total soluble protein content, a* value, b* value, and chewiness. The LF-NMR results showed that the addition of ZL extract shortened the T2 relaxation time and boosted the proportion of immobilized water, facilitating the validation of the improvement in water retention of larou during storage. The FT-IR results indicated that the addition of ZL extract influenced the protein secondary structure by inducing the conversion of α-helices to β-sheet structures. Accordingly, ZL extract has the potential to serve as a natural antioxidant, effectively helping to ameliorate the quality properties of cured meat products during storage.
December 2024
2 Reads
Food Chemistry X
The ferulic acid (FA) / monoglyceride (MG) mixture could act as a gelator to structure sunflower oil at the gelator concentration (c) ≥ 4 % and the FA/MG ratios (r) of 0:100, 25:75, 50:50 and 75:25. The rectangular FA and needle-shaped MG crystals in the oleogel interlock with each other to form a 3D network, restricting the flow of oil. The gel strength and rheological performance of the oleogel were positively correlated with c and negatively correlated with storage temperature (t). Its gelation temperature was determined by c and r. Its β-carotene protective ability against ultraviolet irradiation was proportional to the FA concentration. The oleogel with r = 25:75, c = 5 % and t = 4 °C could partially substitute cocoa butter for chocolate production. With the increasing substitution rate (WCBS), the appearance, texture properties and enthalpy change of chocolate gradually deteriorated. But when WCBS ≤ 40 %, the oleogel had no significant effect on the sensory characteristics.
December 2024
4 Reads
Food Chemistry
November 2024
1 Read
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
September 2024
3 Reads
3 Citations
Food Chemistry
August 2024
8 Reads
The effect of 7‐day subfreezing storage on the physicochemical properties, nutritional composition, and microstructure of pork was investigated. After 7 days of chilling at 4°C, the meat exhibited color deterioration and the development of off‐flavors. In contrast, the −12°C treatment significantly reduced the deterioration in water‐holding capacity and color of samples (p < 0.05) and prevented changes in pH value. Similarly, the treatments at −12 and −18°C effectively preserved the meat's tenderness, thiobarbituric acid‐reactive substances, protein solubility, and textural properties, maintaining these qualities close to those of fresh meat (p > 0.05). The nutrient content of samples stored at −12°C was comparable to those stored at −18°C (p > 0.05). Furthermore, subfreezing at −12°C was found to protect muscle integrity, promoting the formation of an elastic gel network and a homogenous muscle fiber structure. Therefore, the study concludes that 7‐day subfreezing storage at −12°C can reduce protein denaturation and maintain thequality of pork, a result that is typically achieved under more extreme freezing conditions at −18°C.
May 2024
46 Reads
The effect of atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) with different discharge power (0, 400, 600, and 800 W) on the structure and physicochemical properties of wheat starch were evaluated in this study. After APPJ treatments, significant declines in peak viscosity, breakdown viscosity, and final viscosity of wheat starch pasting parameters were observed with increase of plasma treatment power. Being treated with discharge power of 800 W, the PV and BD value of wheat starch paste significantly dropped to 2,578 and 331 cP, respectively. Apparently, APPJ could raise the solubility of wheat starch, while reduce the swelling capacity, and also lower the G′ and G″ value of wheat starch gel. Roughness and apparent scratch was observed on the surface of the treated wheat starch granules. Although APPJ treatment did not alter wheat starch’s crystallization type, it abated the relative crystallinity. APPJ treatment might be useful in producing modified wheat starch with lower viscosity and higher solubility.
May 2024
5 Reads
6 Citations
Food Chemistry
April 2024
5 Reads
5 Citations
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
... Гесперидин и его дериваты часто включают в состав различных флеботропных препаратов, БАД и средств космецевтики. В чистом виде гесперидин гидрофобен, и для перевода его в активную быстроусвояемую водорастворимую форму используют технологию метилирования, в результате которой и получают гесперидин метилхалкон [27]. Гесперидин и его метаболиты, в частности гесперитин, обладают выраженной противовоспалительной активностью за счет подавления ряда регулирующих механизмов, начиная с ядерного транскрипционного фактора каппа В (NF-κB) и заканчивая прямым ингибированием циклооксигеназы 2-го типа -фермента, отвечающего за синтез простагландинов, оказывающих сосудорасширяющее действие и стимулирующих болевые С-ноцицепторы венозной стенки [28,29]. ...
September 2024
Food Chemistry
... Subsequently, in the second stage, both control and treatment groups exhibited an enhancing tendency in G' from 43 • C to 58 • C, respectively. This enhance might be linked to the denaturation and unfolding of the myosin tail disrupt the weak gel structure [61]. In the third stage, the G' of all groups exhibited a rapidly increase around 60 • C, suggesting that enhanced connections between proteins foster the conversion of a viscous sol into an elastic gel network, bolstering the elasticity of Chinese style reduced-salt pork meatballs [62]. ...
May 2024
Food Chemistry
... The larou samples were sliced into homogeneous cubes (1.5 cm × 1.5 cm × 2 cm) and placed in a low-field NMR glass tube, which was measured in a low-field NMR analyzer (Model PQ001, Niumag Electric Corporation, Shanghai, China) with a resonance frequency of 22.6 MHz. The spin-spin relaxation time (T 2 ) and its corresponding water cluster distribution ratio (PT 2 ) were measured using the CPMG sequence with a τ value of 350 µs [22]. ...
March 2024
Food Chemistry X
... First, the growth of ice crystals can physically damage the protein molecules, affecting their functional characteristics as emulsifiers . Then, sharp ice crystals may puncture droplets and disrupt the interfacial membrane, whereas proteins may adsorb onto the ice crystals, leading to insufficient protein adsorption Zhao et al., 2024). Liao et al. (2024) found that the physical extrusion effect produced by ice crystal growth was detrimental to the unfolding of protein structure and its adsorption at the oil-water interface. ...
April 2024
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
... In particular, at the end of the storage time (20th day), compared to the control (0.22 mg MDA/kg), the TBARS value (0.17 mg MDA/kg) of the 0.04% ZL extract-treated group was reduced by 22.73%. The antioxidant effect of the ZL extract could be explained by our previous study; the ZL extract is rich in polyphenolics such as chlorogenic acid, quercitrin, and hyperoside, which could scavenge free radicals or chelate metal ions to block the chain reaction of lipid oxidation in cured meats [37]. Furthermore, the inhibitory effect of polyphenolics in ZL extract on oxidative enzymes in larou was another possible explanation [15]. ...
March 2024
... The zeta potential (ZP), particle size, and polymer dispersion index (PDI) of LCEO-NE were determined at 25 • C using a Delsa Nanometer zeta potential/particle size analyzer (Delsa Nano C, USA). To avoid multiple scattering effects, the nano-emulsion was diluted 200 times [18]. The initial morphology of LCEO-NE and its state after simulated gastrointestinal digestion were observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (Zeiss Sigma 300, Germany) [19]. ...
February 2024
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry
... Therefore, -12 °C can be regarded as a potential limit of freezing temperature as an alternative to -18 °C due to energy consumption considerations, it can also be recognized as the minimum temperature at which incomplete freezing technology can be applied in practice to differentiate it from conventional freezing. Additionally, sub-freezing (T pe --18 °C) raises the starting temperature for the thawing procedure of muscle foods, which can also prevent severe recrystallization, drip loss, and MP oxidation resulting from excessively prolonged freezing time [31] . According to our previous discussion, the sub-freezing interval is located at the ice crystal growth and recrystallization stage on the basis of nucleus formation, which is already infinitely close or even equivalent to complete freezing at some level except for the difference in the growing volume of ice crystals. ...
November 2023
... Carbonyl groups are an important indicator for detecting protein oxidation [43]. The carbonyl content (as shown in Figure 4a) of all groups increased significantly with the storage time. ...
August 2023
Food Chemistry
... After relevant analyses, it was found that some of the muscle fibers inside the beef were broken, leading to a decrease in shear force [23,24]. At the same time, during the thawing process of meat samples, the internal protein oxidizes, resulting in protein polymerization and the breakage of polypeptides, destroying the structure of proteins and reducing the shear force [18]. In addition, studies have shown that conventional thawing causes damage, but a novel thawing method of ultrasound-assisted slightly basic electrolyzed water (UST) reduced the damage of thawing to the spatial structures of MPs, thereby maintaining the stability of protein to a great extent [25]. ...
June 2023
Meat Science
... 8 Similarly, the incorporation of soybean oil-based emulsion stabilized with quinoa protein as a partial fat replacer in a frankfurter formulation contributed to enhanced texture and dynamic rheological properties of final products. 9 Moreover, pre-emulsified vegetable oil could also improve the sensory properties and nutritional value of products while reducing the saturated fatty acid content. 10,11 Pickering emulsions have emerged as a promising alternative to conventional emulsions across various industries due to their nontoxic, low-dose, and cost-effective characteristics. ...
May 2023
Meat Science