H. Bolton Seed’s research while affiliated with University of California, Berkeley and other places

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Publications (186)

The Seismic Coefficient in Earth Dam Design
  • Article

January 1996


173 Reads


180 Citations

Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division

H. Bolton Seed


Geoffrey R. Martin

The limitations of methods of earthquake-resistant design of embankments based on pseudo-static analysis and incorporating a static seismic force designated by a seismic coefficient are discussed. It is suggested that both from considerations of soil behavior under cyclic loading conditions, and for purposes of assessing embankment deformations due to earthquakes, the development of a method of predicting dynamic seismic forces and their variations with time would provide a more reasonable approach for design purposes. A method of accomplishing this objective is suggested, and representation of the results by an equivalent simplified seismic force series is proposed. For embankments that can be considered to have a uniform shear modulus, charts are presented for determination of the equivalent seismic force series. It is pointed out that limitations in available dynamic response analyses require that some judgment be exercised in selecting design parameters. However, the results presented in the paper provide a useful basis for guiding this judgment. Furthermore, the results show that in designating seismic coefficients for design purposes, it is important to distinguish between embankments of different heights and material characteristics as well as different positions of the potential slide mass within the embankment.

Soil Liquefaction and Cyclic Mobility Evaluation for Level Ground during Earthquakes

January 1996


135 Reads


826 Citations

Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division

I am most grateful to my colleagues in the ASCE Geotechnical Division for their invitation to prepare this state-of-the-art paper on soil liquefaction during earthquakes. It is a great compliment to many colleagues and friends who through their original ideas, cooperation, and invaluable critiques have helped to raise the state of knowledge in this field over the past decade to a condition where engineers can practice in an extremely difficult area with some reasonable level of confidence.

Earthquake fault rupture propagation through soil - Closure

March 1994


170 Reads


213 Citations

Journal of Geotechnical Engineering

The phenomenon of earthquake fault rupture propagation through soil is quite complex and is not well understood at this time. This paper presents the results of an integrated investigation of this problem. Insights are developed from the examination of surface fault rupture field case histories, laboratory physical model tests, and physical analogies to the earthquake fault rupture process. Field observations and experimental results illustrate the typical patterns of behavior developed in the soil overlying a base rock fault displacement. Evidence suggests that differential movement across the distinct fault rupture dissipates as the fault rupture propagates toward the ground surface through unconsolidated earth materials, and that the characteristics of the soil overlying the bedrock fault strongly influence the observed earthquake fault rupture propagation behavior.

Analysis of Earthquake Fault Rupture Propagation through Cohesive Soil

March 1994


79 Reads


130 Citations

International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts

An improved understanding of earthquake fault rupture propagation through saturated clay would assist engineers in siting and designing facilities to be constructed in regions where cohesive soils overlie potentially active faults. The results from numerical analyses suggest that the finite-element method can be applied to this class of problem provided that the soil's nonlinear stress-strain behavior is adequately modeled. It was found that the height of the shear rupture zone in the overlying saturated clay soil at a specified base rock fault displacement depends primarily on the soil's failure strain. As the clay's failure strain decreases, the shear rupture zone in the clay overlying the bedrock fault propagates further at a specified base displacement. Other material parameters such as soil shear strength and stiffness also affect the fault rupture process, but not to the extent of failure strain. The orientation of the shear rupture zone through the soil depends largely on the orientation of the underlying bedrock fault plane.

Centrifuge Study on Volume Changes and Dynamic Stability of Earth Dams

November 1993


47 Reads


16 Citations

Journal of Geotechnical Engineering

K. Arulanandan


H. B. Seed


C. Yogachandran




K. Kabilamany

A simplified method of analysis for determining the permanent displacement of a clay core in a heterogeneous earth dam subjected to dynamic excitation is discussed. Centrifuge studies on three identical models were used to determine the deformation characteristics of earth dams subjected to earthquakes large enough to produce flow slides. These studies suggest that the failure mode is considerably influenced by the reduction in shear strength caused by the void-ratio increase and the subsequent decrease in effective stress at the sand-clay interface. Conventional sliding block analysis does not consider this phenomenon. A simplified method using the concepts of critical-state soil mechanics is presented that may be used to estimate both the reduced shear strength and the redistributed void-ratio at the interface. Values predicted using this method were found to agree well with those observed in the centrifuge experiments. By integrating these quantities into Newmark's sliding block analysis, a better estimate of the permanent displacement of an earth dam may be obtained.

1 g Small-Scale Modelling of Saturated Cohesive Soils

March 1993


34 Reads


37 Citations

Geotechnical Testing Journal

This paper describes the use of 1 g small-scale models composed of weak, saturated clay mixtures to investigate the response of natural clay deposits to underlying base rock fault displacements. A 3:1 mixture of kaolinite and bentonite at water contents between 150 and 100% produces a material with undrained shear strengths on the order of 1 to 2.5 kPa and well-scaled stress deformation behavior for small-scale model testing without the need for a centrifuge apparatus. Strength testing indicated that the axial strain at failure could be controlled to evaluate the importance of this parameter in base deformation testing. It was found that the height of the shear zone in the saturated clay overlying the base rock fault offset was related to the magnitude of base movement and the failure strain of the soil.

A Low-Compliance BiDirectional Cyclic Simple Shear Apparatus

March 1993


52 Reads


92 Citations

Geotechnical Testing Journal

A new simple shear apparatus is described which can apply bi-directional simple shear cyclic and monotonic loading. Cylindrical specimens are placed in a pressure chamber so that confining pressure and back pressure can be applied. Bi-directional shear loads are applied to the specimen's base, which is mounted on a series of two horizontal rolling tables which can be independently loaded in two orthogonal directions while preventing cap and base platen “rocking.” A computer-automated feedback-loop-controlled pneumatic servovalve system provides excellent control of loads and displacements. Displacement control during cyclic tests on softening specimens is improved by the inclusion of a parallel stiffness. Procedures and test results are presented for three different undrained cyclic simple shear loading conditions and for a strain-controlled monotonic loading condition.

Citations (87)

... Previous research in the literature has also demonstrated that the soil friction angle under plane strain conditions may exceed that determined through direct shear and triaxial tests (e.g. Bolton, 1986;Marachi et al., 1981). This discrepancy is influenced by various factors, including the soil's relative density; a lower void ratio results in a greater difference between the friction angles determined using these boundary conditions. ...


Effect of facing stiffness on reinforced soil walls under surcharge loading–unloading
Plane-Strain Testing of Sand
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1981

... A escala do ensaio para a determinação de parâmetros de interface foi analisada em alguns estudos, entre eles os de Aguiar (2003), Izgin e Wasti (1998), Koutsourais et al. (1991), Lalarakotoson et al. (1999), Mitchell et al. (1990) Foram consultadas alguns trabalhos visando-se um melhor entendimento das envoltórias de ruptura sob distintas escalas, entre elas as de Mitchell et al. (1990), Izgin e Wasti (1998), Koutsourais et al. (1991) e Monteiro (2012), comparando os ensaios de CDC e PI , e por último as análises de Aguiar (2008) e Lalarakotoson et al. (1999), comparando os ensaios de CDM e PI. Até o momento, os autores não encontraram nenhum estudo que compare as três escalas em análises deste tipo de problema. ...

Stability Considerations in the Design and Construction of Lined Waste Repositories
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1990

... Phương pháp tất định được thực hiện trong đánh giá độ nguy hiểm động đất là khi xác định động đất tin cậy cực đại (MCE) sẽ ảnh hưởng đến một địa điểm cần quan tâm. MCE là trận động đất lớn nhất có thể xảy ra dọc theo một đới đứt gãy hoạt động và gây hậu quả nặng nề nhất cho khu vực xung quanh [3,4]. Bằng cách xem xét đến tất cả các nguồn địa chấn (đứt gãy kiến tạo) xung quanh khu vực nghiên cứu, các thông tin về độ lớn động đất và khoảng cách của từng nguồn địa chấn đến vị trí tính toán được đưa ra, từ đó biên độ rung động nền được tính toán, đây được coi là nguyên tắc trong đánh giá tất định độ nguy hiểm động đất. ...

The selection of design earthquakes for critical structures
  • Citing Article
  • December 1982

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America

... The liquefaction of saturated deposits may result in the settlement and tilting of buildings and geotechnical structures. Seed and Silver (1972) proposed an SPT-N-based method to estimate the ground settlements, which is further simplified by Pyke, Chan, and Seed (1975), Tokimatsu and Seed (1987), and Pradel (1998). In the present study, the ground settlements (S) are calculated using simpler methods proposed by Pradel (1998) based on Tokimatsu and Seed (1987) procedure, using Eq. ...

Settlement of Dry Sands during Earthquakes
  • Citing Article
  • April 1972

Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division

... In such cases, a 2D analysis ignores the stiffening effect of the canyons and underestimates the seismic response of a dam. Hence, 2D plane strain analysis is conventionally considered as applicable and sufficient for analyzing long earthen dams built in rectangular canyons, with the same distribution of material properties along the longitudinal axis of the dam (Boulanger et al., 1995;Chakraborty et al., 2020;Makdisi et al., 1983;Mejia and Dawson, 2010;Mejia and Seed, 1983). However, long earthen dams with homogenous material properties are rarely found in reality. ...

Seismic Response of Earth Dams in Triangular Canyons
  • Citing Article
  • October 1982

Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division

... The most mighty analysis option is to create a Finite Element (FE) model of the structure, the foundation and the geological media extending to an appropriate horizontal distance and depth from the foundation and equipped with transmitting boundaries, so as to absorb outgoing waves emitted by the foundation. The early application of this approach dates back to Seed et al. (1975) and Desai et al. (1982). Yet countless works on the direct method have been published in the literature since then, few studies have concentrated on the non-linear dynamic behaviour of historical towers (Casolo et al. 2017;de Silva et al. 2018). ...

Soil-Structure Interaction Analyses for Seismic Response
  • Citing Article
  • May 1975

Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division

... Numerous studies have examined the development of coseismic permanent displacements through physical experimentation. When cohesive soils or undrained conditions are present, regions, or swaths, of relatively high displacement are commonly observed in model slopes following shaking, as opposed to a single, well-defined slip surface [17,18,27,28]. This phenomenon is quantifiable and easily visualized using displacement maps. ...

Seismic Stability and Deformation of Clay Slopes
  • Citing Article
  • February 1974

Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division

... (1) Dissipated energy ratio, W s /W sL , is the cumulative amount of normalized dissipated energy per unit volume, W s , that has been dissipated at a given point during loading divided by the total quantity of normalized dissipated energy per unit volume required to initiate liquefaction in the soil mass, W sL [19]. (2) Pore pressure ratio, r u , is the excess pore pressure that has been generated in the specimen at some point during the test divided by the initial effective stress acting on the specimen [20]. ...

Stabilization of Potentially Liquefiable Sand Deposits Using Gravel Drains
  • Citing Article
  • July 1977

Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division

... Many researchers have modified the Newmark approach to include internal volumetric straining as a mechanism of slope deformation. Makdisi and Seed (1978) developed charts to estimate Newmark-type permanent displacements semi-empirically, considering one-dimensional (1D) acceleration amplification from the slope base to crest using the finite-element method (FEM), producing so-called 'decoupled approaches'. Further subsequent advancements such as 'fully coupled approaches' were developed to accomplish a simultaneous analysis of deformations caused by the dynamic response and the sliding response (Bray, 2007). ...

Closure to “Simplified Procedure for Estimating Dam and Embankment Earthquake-Induced Deformations”
  • Citing Article
  • March 1980

Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division

... Natural sand is fundamentally a binary particulate material (Seed et al. 1991;Yamamuro and Lade 1999) and usually includes an inherently crushable quartz silt fraction (Assadi-Langroudi et al. 2014). The physical nature and mechanical response of sand are dependent on its silt (fines) content (Zlatovićand Ishihara 1995;Lade and Yamamuro 1997;Thevanayagam 1997;Naeini and Baziar 2004). ...

Earthquake Effects on Soil-Foundation Systems
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1991