Gushevinalti Gushevinalti’s research while affiliated with University of Bengkulu and other places

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Publications (2)

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March 2020


8,380 Reads


27 Citations

Bricolage Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi

Gushevinalti Gushevinalti


Panji Suminar


Heri Sunaryanto

The development of communication technology has caused a shift or change in the concept of communication in particular the characteristics of mass communication. This study aims to find changes about the characteristics of mass communication in the current era of media convergence. In addition, to describe new forms of media that can be categorized into mass communication. The research method uses a qualitative approach to data collection techniques through document studies and literature review and interviews in mass communication courses. The informants of this study were lecturers of mass communication courses at the Bachelor of Communication Studies and Journalism FISIP S1 University of Bengkulu, as well as two groups of students who explained the characteristics of mass communication. The results showed that the development of communication technology at this time had contributed thoughts in the discussion about the transformation of the characteristics of mass media communication from conventional to digital. New forms of media that can be categorized based on these characteristics are online media, such as print media that have been changed by online systems, digital television and radio streaming. The characteristics of the mass media in some literatures have changed in one direction or have been interactive. Keywords; transformation, mass communication, convergence, new media, characteristics ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi telah menyebabkan pergeseran atau perubahan dalam konsep komunikasi khususnya karakteristik komunikasi massa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan perubahan tentang karakteristik komunikasi massa di era konvergensi media sekarang ini. Selain itu, untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk media baru yang dapat dikategori kedalam komunikasi massa. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi dokumen dan kajian literatur dan wawancara pada matakuliah komunikasi massa. Informan penelitian ini adalah dosen pengasuh matakuliah komunikasi massa di prodi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi dan S1 Jurnalistik FISIP Universitas Bengkulu, serta dua kelompok mahasiswa yang memaparkan tentang karakteristik komunikasi massa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan teknologi komunikasi saat ini telah memberikan kontribusi pemikiran pada pembahasan mengenai transformasi karakteristik komunikasi media massa dari yang konvensional menuju digital. Bentuk media baru yang dapat dikategorikan berdasarkan karakteristik tersebut yaitu media online, seperti media cetak yang dirubah dengan sistem online, televisi digital dan radio streaming. Karakteristik media massa dalam beberapa literature menjadi berubah kakteristiknya tidak satu arah lagi atau sudah interaktif. Kata kunci; transformasi, komunikasi massa, konvergensi, media baru, karakteristik



March 2018


25 Reads

Dharma Raflesia Jurnal Ilmiah Pengembangan dan Penerapan IPTEKS

Literacy on children in Bengkulu is still relatively low. This aspect is feared to have negative impact on children as young generation who frequently become the media consumer. While children's access to the media is very broad. At this activity, the partners are Islamic Kindergarten of Baitul Izzah and Dellia Creative School. In the first activity, the children/students are introduced to media literacy through simulations by showing them TV serials, commercials, and adult songs as well as fun education games. While besides the school components which are children/students and teacher, this activity also invites parents to recognize media literacy through training and simulation. Outcomes and targets of this activity synergically with methods for implementing media literacy activities that result in increased teacher competence in understanding media literacy and the implementation of media literacy in the curriculum of Kindergarten/Early Childhood Education. This activity is carried out by administering workshop for teachers while the parents are given training and simulation about media literacy. The main part is the children's understanding of the negative effects of media for children can be improved through several simulations and games with fun education based. Implementation of media literacy in Kindergarten/Early Childhood Education is conducted with the assistance by the implementation team until the teacher can independently apply the activities by themselves in learning process at school. The end result of this activity is Media Literacy handbook that can be used by teachers and parents. Keywords: Media Literacy, Teachers, Parents, Children, Simulation.

Citations (1)

... mengajukan tesis bahwa kemenangan Jokowi dalam Pilpres 2014 sebagai bentuk dari keberhasilan dalam personifikasi dirinya sebagai wong cilik (rakyat jelata)(Ali, 2014). Hal tersebut tidak dapat dilepaskan dari perkembangan internet dan media jurnalistik yang berkembang pesat di ruang digital untuk mengirim pesan politik, citra, dan membangun opini publik tentang figurnya sebagai wong cilik.Pada pemilu 2014 dan 2019 telah masuk dalam era konvergensi media dimana seluruh media dapat diakses dalam satu genggaman sehingga karakteristik media massa tidak satu arah lagi dan sudah interaktif(Gushevinalti et al., 2020). Konsekuensi dari hal tersebut, muncul citizen journalism yang kemudian mewarnai dunia media dan jurnalisme di ruang digital.Bahkan tidak jarang kegiatan citizen journalism dilakukan oleh simpatisan untuk mendukung penyebaran pesan politik, citra, dan membangun opini publik.Secara konseptual media merupakan pilar keempat demokrasi, namun penelitian(Jati, 2013) tentang peran media dalam pemilu Indonesia tahun 2001-2009 menyimpulkan bahwa batas antara politik dan media sangatlah tipis dikarenakan kedua ranah tersebut berperan besar dalam melakukan politisasi satu sama lain. ...


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Bricolage Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi