December 2011
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Since February 1980 surface net-phytoplankton samples are being collected on a monthly schedule at three locations (58°23′ N 08°49′ E, 58°08′ N 09°11′ E and 57°42′ N 09°45′ E) along a transect that crosses the Skagerrak from the Norwegian coast (Torungen) to the Danish coast (Hirtshals). A total of 300 samples were examined (including collections prior to 1980) with the goal of classifying the diatoms according to their occurrence in the Skagerrak plankton during different seasons. High species diversities were observed from October to March. Diversity drops in the spring when a Thalassiosira - Chaetoceros - Skeletonema community is established, and is lowest in June and during the summer when Proboscia alata dominates. Autumn is the period of major advection of foreign species introduced into the Skagerrak by the Jutland Current and/or the Dooley Current. Nonplanktonic diatoms released from the bottom by turbulence are most common in winter. Species new to the area, and the possible response of the diatom flora to climatic fluctuations is discussed. A list of the diatoms recorded and their common synonyms is given.