July 2017
36 Reads
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July 2017
36 Reads
July 2016
111 Reads
27 Citations
Delito y Sociedad
May 2016
67 Reads
10 Citations
Delito y Sociedad
September 2008
9 Reads
2 Citations
Caderno CRH
Este artigo apresenta evidências que sugerem que os delinqüentes geralmente não aprovam a delinqüência. Eles se envolvem na delinqüência por meio do emprego de certas “técnicas de neutralização”. Embora eles acreditem que a delinqüência seja má, eles pretendem que seus atos são justificáveis por diferentes tipos de razões. Estas justificativas são utilizadas antes do ato delinqüente, fazendo com que este seja possível pela neutralização da crença dos indivíduos que eles são ruins. PALAVRAS CHAVE: delinqüência, aprendizagem, justificativas morais, crenças, técnicas de neutralização. TECHNIQUES OF NEUTRALIZATION: a delinquency theory Gresham M. Sykes David Matza This article presents evidences that suggest that criminals do not usually approve of delinquency. They end in the delinquency through certain “neutralization techniques”. Although they believe delinquency is bad, they say that their actions are justifiable for different types of reasons. These justifications are used before the deliquent action, making it possible by the neutralization of the individuals’ beliefs that they are bad. WORDS KEY: delinquency, learning, moral justifications, beliefs, neutralization techniques. TECHNIQUES DE NEUTRALISATION: une théorie de la délinquance Gresham M. Sykes David Matza Cet article met en évidence des éléments qui indiquent qu’en général les délinquants ne sont pas pour la délinquance. Ils entrent dans la délinquance en utilisant certaines “techniques de neutralisation”. Même s’ils croient que la délinquance est mauvaise, ils prétendent que leurs actes sont justifiables pour diverses raisons. Ces justifications sont utilisées avant les actes de déliquance, permettant ainsi que celles-ci soient utilisées pour neutraliser l’idée des gens qu’ils sont mauvais. MOTS-CLÉS: délinquance, apprentissage, justifications morales, croyances, techniques de neutralisation. Publicação Online do Caderno CRH: http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.br
April 2008
448 Reads
44 Citations
Caderno CRH
This article presents evidences that suggest that criminals do not usually approve of delinquency. They end in the delinquency through certain“neutralization techniques”. Although they believe delinquency is bad, they say that their actions are justifiable for different types of reasons. These justifications are used before the deliquent action, making it possible by the neutralization of the individuals' beliefs that they are bad.
April 2008
5,895 Reads
21 Citations
Caderno CRH
Este artigo apresenta evidências que sugerem que os delinqüentes geralmente não aprovam a delinqüência. Eles se envolvem na delinqüência por meio do emprego de certas “técnicas de neutralização”. Embora eles acreditem que a delinqüência seja má, eles pretendem que seus atos são justificáveis por diferentes tipos de razões. Estas justificativas são utilizadas antes do ato delinqüente, fazendo com que este seja possível pela neutralização da crença dos indivíduos que eles são ruins.
October 1961
463 Reads
437 Citations
American Sociological Review
Current explanations of juvenile delinquency place a heavy stress on the delinquent's deviance, not only with regard to his behavior but also with regard to his underlying values. It can be argued, however, that the delinquent's values are far less deviant than commonly portrayed and that the faulty picture is due to an erroneous view of the middle-class value system. A number of supposedly delinquent values are closely akin to those embodied in the leisure activities of the dominant society. To view adolescents in general and delinquents in particular as members of the last leisure class may help us explain both the large amount of unrecorded delinquency and the occurrence of delinquency throughout the class structure.
December 1957
675 Reads
5,298 Citations
American Sociological Review
The abstract for this document is available on CSA Illumina.To view the Abstract, click the Abstract button above the document title.
65 Reads
22 Citations
Artículo e la Revista American Sociological Review 22 (5), 1957 Incluye bibliografía
... La teoría central en que se basa este estudio, es la de McGready y Matza (2008), quienes plantean que el comportamiento delictivo se aprende a través de un proceso de interacción social, donde el comportamiento delictivo se adquiere por una serie de motivos, impulsos, racionalizaciones y actitudes bajo las cuales se ubica a favor del incumplimiento de la ley. Estas pueden surgir después de la trasgresión para proteger al individuo del sentimiento de culpa y la acusación de otros actores sociales, o preceder el comportamiento desviado para hacerlo posible. ...
September 2008
Caderno CRH
... Para dar paso al estudio del caso Atenco será necesario retomar algunos aportes de las diversas técnicas y corrientes de criminología. Como propuso Zaffaroni (2013) se retoma la utilización de las cinco técnicas de Sykes y Matza (1957) para estudiar este tipo de crímenes. ...
Conjuntodelatesis final
July 2016
Delito y Sociedad
... Este es un problema que requiere tratamiento específico, relacionado con el mercado laboral en el país; en adición, el ocio puede ser también creativo y es relativo criticarlo. Matza & Sykes (2015) señalan que el papel del ocio en la delincuencia juvenil deja sin resolver una serie de problemas. Frente a los valores subterráneos, esto se torna en comportamiento seriamente desviado en unos, pero en otros no. ...
May 2016
Delito y Sociedad
... While large parts of this vast literature can be fruitfully applied to the examination of the case at hand, the present paper proposes a specific analysis of the ways in which financial crime is justified (Ruggiero 2015). A celebrated precedent of this approach in criminological theory is, of course, the groundbreaking work conducted by Sykes and Matza (1957), whose techniques of neutralisation reveal how offenders are able to deny the harm produced or the very criminal nature of their acts. However, such techniques seem to be precisely situated and pragmatically mobilised within contexts in which notions of morality and legality are negotiated. ...
April 2008
Caderno CRH
... El enfoque con el que se analizan los esquemas de valores dentro del modo de vida delictivo tiene sus antecedentes en la teoría de la asociación diferencial de Edwin Sutherland (1999, 35), quien ya advertía al comportamiento criminal como la manifestación de una serie de necesidades y valores. Este análisis es retomado por Gresham Sykes y David Matza, quienes, a partir de la criminología positivista, descartan la existencia de una subcultura delictiva que invierte, rechaza o se opone a los valores socialmente aceptados; por lo tanto, en su comisión del delito, el sujeto sigue esquemas valorativos que sintonizan con aquellos que la mayor parte de la sociedad posee (Sykes y Matza 2008;Matza y Sykes 1961). ...
April 2008
Caderno CRH
... To defend against these intrapsychic conflicts and the underlying feelings of shame and guilt, they use various defenses such as avoidance, denial, repression, displacement, and projection (Mahlako, 2022;McGlothlin, 2020;Mohamed, 2015;Roldán-Sevillano, 2021). They also use various neutralization techniques (Kaptein & Van Helvoort, 2019;Sykes & Matza, 1957), such as denial of the offense and denial of the victim, to evade the catastrophic psychological effects of their offenses (Mahlako, 2022;Mahlako et al., 2023). These defenses and neutralization techniques often result in a lack of empathy or remorse for the victims' pain, further victimizing the victims or their families (Mohamed, 2015). ...
December 1957
American Sociological Review
... Fuente: Elaboración propia con base en Banco Mundial (2023), SENSP (2023) y Conapo (2023) su conjunto. Incluso, algunas conductas que se consideran desviadas o inmorales podrían no representar valores opuestos a los generalizados en la sociedad y tampoco ser determinantes de la persona en su conjunto, por lo que debemos tener en claro que el hecho de haber tenido conductas de riesgo no hace que la persona sea delincuente; pueden ser acciones explicadas por la búsqueda de emociones, de recompensas que no requieran mucho esfuerzo o de demostrar masculinidad (Matza & Sykes, 1961). ...
October 1961
American Sociological Review
... Social engineers who expressed empathy often did so through a discussion of their concerns that the mark might experience negative consequences or emotions stemming from their interactions. This concern about the emotional state of their marks may be felt as guilt, which social engineers sometimes mitigate with justifications about the benefits of their actions-post-hoc techniques of neutralization (Sykes & Matza, 1957). Social engineers may also alter future social engineering situations to reduce the perceived negative experiences of future marks. ...