Greg Linden’s research while affiliated with University of California, Berkeley and other places

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Publications (62)

Semiconductor Capabilities in the U.S. and Industrializing Asia
  • Article

January 2008


57 Reads


7 Citations

SSRN Electronic Journal


Greg Linden

The semiconductor industry has a rich experience with the offshoring of manufacturing activity. Semiconductor (or chip) companies were among the first to invest in offshore facilities to manufacture goods for import back to the U.S.Because meaningful data about the extent of the offshoring are limited, we rely on a more qualitative analysis for our key points. We have conducted dozens of interviews with engineers and managers at numerous semiconductor and related companies in the United States, Asia, and Europe over the past twelve years. Our research also incorporates the rich store of publicly-available information in trade journals and company reports.The paper begins in section one with a brief description of the stages of semiconductor production and our analytical framework. Section two summarizes the offshoring of activities by the industry. Section three provides a more detailed discussion of the offshoring of design. Section four compares engineer capabilities in the relevant countries of Asia, where most offshoring occurs. Section five profiles the chip industry in Taiwan, China, and India. And Section six concludes with an outlook for the chip industry in the investing and host countries.

Figure 3: Engineering PhDs in the US by Country of Origin, 1993-2005 
Figure 4: Electrical Engineering PhDs by Gender and Citizenship Status, 1995-2005 
Table 4 : Semiconductor Career Paths, High-education Men aged 35-54 
Table 5 : Work Force Composition (Mean Headcount in Matched 150mm and 200mm Fabs) 
Is There a Shortage of Engineering Talent in the U.S.?
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2008


359 Reads


9 Citations


Offshoring in the Semiconductor Industry: A Historical Perspective

January 2005


378 Reads


92 Citations

Brookings Trade Forum

Semiconductor design is a frequently-cited example of the new wave of offshoring and foreign-outsourcing of service sector jobs. It is certainly a concern to U.S. design engineers themselves. In addition to the current wave of white-collar outsourcing, the industry also has a rich experience with offshoring of manufacturing activity. Semiconductor companies were among the first to invest in offshore facilities to manufacture goods for imports back to the U.S. A brief review of these earlier manufacturing experiences and their impact on the fortunes of the domestic industry and its workers can help to illuminate the current debates over offshoring in services. Because meaningful data about the impact of the offshoring of chip design (and even manufacturing) are limited, we rely on a more qualitative analysis for our key points. We have conducted dozens of interviews with engineers and managers at numerous semiconductor and related companies in the United States, Asia, and Europe over the past six years. Our research also incorporates the rich store of publicly available information in trade journals and company reports. This paper describes the two previous stages of offshoring semiconductor assembly jobs and of outsourcing semiconductor manufacturing and the impact they had on the U.S. semiconductor industry. We argue that the initial concern about losing domestic jobs in both stages turned out to be unfounded as the industry used the situation to its competitive advantage by becoming cost competitive (assembly stage) and by developing the fabless sector (manufacturing stage). We then analyze the on-going stage of offshoring design jobs, and compare this stage to the two that came before in order to explore the possible impact on domestic jobs and the U.S. semiconductor industry. We begin in section one with a brief description of the stages of semiconductor production and our analytical framework. Section two looks at the offshoring of assembly jobs, and section th

China Standard Time: A Study in Strategic Industrial Policy

February 2004


78 Reads


46 Citations

Business and Politics

China's industrial policy for high-technology industries combines key features of the policies pursued elsewhere in East Asia such as opening to foreign investors and supporting domestic firms. Leveraging its large market size, China has gone further than other developing countries by promoting standards for products that compete in China with products controlled by major electronics companies. This paper analyzes the experience to date of this Chinese policy in the consumer optical storage industry in the context of China's evolving national innovation system. China's standard-setting policy is politicized but ultimately pragmatic, which avoids imposing excessive costs on the economy. It may also have dynamic learning benefits for Chinese firms who are starting to compete in global markets.

Citations (32)

... US semiconductor companies were under increasing pressure from emerging Japanese competition with strength in products such as dynamic random-access memory chips. In 1987, a US report found that Japanese manufacturers outperformed US companies in 12 of 25 major semiconductor products while the US companies excelled in only five (Brown and Linden, 2009). Also, Japanese firms had lower costs of capital than their US competitors, which increased pressure to remain competitive (Irwin, 1996;Shoven and Topper, 1992). ...


The history of the standard for the calculation of cost of ownership in the semiconductor industry
Loss of Competitive Advantage
  • Citing Chapter
  • August 2009

... Physical soil characteristics have significant effects on water quality, the water cycle in the atmosphere, the soil water-holding capacity, hydraulic conductivity and the organic-inorganic composition (Lal and Shukla, 2004). Physical soil characteristics have become even more significant since the agricultural production area per capita worldwide began continuously decreasing (Brown, 1991;Engelman and LeRoy, 1995). Some physical and chemical characteristics of the soil samples taken from the profiles excavated over the terraces are provided in Table 2. Soils of the 1 st terrace were sandy in texture. ...

New Global Competition
  • Citing Chapter
  • August 2009

... It is not clear, however, whether this state of affairs remains the same in the future. First, evidence suggests that the main growth engine of the world electronics market is shifting from volatile corporate IT investment to relatively stable household consumption, thanks in part to the availability of an increasingly wide range of consumer electronics and related services (Linden et al. 2003 Lastly, we note that trade and industry factors were able to explain a relatively modest part of income co‐movements in the Asia‐Pacific region, leaving a major part of their cross‐country variations unaccounted for. Moreover, although monetary union might indeed help promote trade in East Asia, the fact that many of the regional economies are already quite open and export substantial proportions of their output raises questions concerning the extent to which further trade helps synchronize their business cycles. ...

9. The Net World Order’s Influence on Global Leadership in the Semiconductor Industry
  • Citing Chapter
  • November 2003

... Dynamic capabilities view (DCV) refers to a firm's powers to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external skills to address rapidly changing environments. These are the abilities required for both sustaining success and expanding the market [47]. Further, Teece [48] states that a company's DCV determines its business model design proficiency. ...

Remarks on Pisano: “toward a prescriptive theory of dynamic capabilities”
  • Citing Article
  • December 2018

Industrial and Corporate Change

... Value is seen as a multilevel perspective that refers to both the content and the process of new value creation (Lepak, Smith, & Taylor, 2007). Value creation and value capture should be viewed as distinct processes since the source that creates a value increment may (or may not) be able to capture or retain the full value in the long run, which is especially true in CDR: the value captured by the IC might be different than the value that the CC will be able to capture from the DR stand-alone (Lepak et al., 2007;Schmidt & Keil, 2013;Teece & Linden, 2017). The better a CC is able to articulate the VP for the IC, the more value it will be able to capture. ...

Business models, value capture, and the digital enterprise

Journal of Organization Design

... Accordingly, the definitions of appropriability generally include protection of and profiting from innovation as central aspects (e.g., Ahuja et al., 2013;Teece, 1986). According to the Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management (Linden, 2016), appropriability is "the degree to which the social returns to innovation can be privately appropriated" [emphasis added]. This aligns with the early definitions of appropriability as "a function both of the ease of replication and the efficacy of intellectual property rights as a barrier to imitation" [emphasis added] (Teece, 1998, p. 66), or as summarizing "the possibilities of protecting innovations from imitation and of reaping profits from innovative activities" [emphasis added] (Malerba, 2002, p. 252). ...

  • Citing Chapter
  • June 2016

... While knowledge-intensive firms generally seek to avoid information spillovers and are therefore motivated to internalize innovation projects within the boundaries of their preexisting networks, Japanese firms have been extreme in this regard. Whether in domestic or global arenas, they have shown a marked reluctance to partner with rivals or even strangers, a pattern criticized in recent years for contributing to Japan's faltering competitiveness (Brown and Linden, 2010);Chesbrough, 2006;Dubarric and Hagiu, 2009). 2 H1b: Two Japanese firms are less likely to form a strategic alliance if they are affiliated with different keiretsu or if one is in a keiretsu and the other is not than if they are coaffiliated with the same keiretsu or if both are independents. ...

The Evolution of Japan’s Semiconductor Industry
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2010

... In this regard, prior investigators have provided valuable early insights into governance and upgrades in GVCs. First, previous studies have emphasized that GVC governance captures opportunities for value creation through knowledge flow and relationship management by the control and coordination mechanism of the network (Sturgeon & Linden, 2011). Therefore, SMEs should participate in GVCs to create value while continuously acquiring helpful information and knowledge resources. ...

Learning and Earning in Global Value Chains: Lessons in Supplier Competence Building in East Asia

... Since DCs are essential for shaping, refining, and transforming BMs that are deeply intertwined with change, researchers frequently employ the DCs framework to investigate BMI (Teece, 2007;Teece, 2018). However, many studies focus on systems and processes at the organizational level, such as organization design (e.g., Fjeldstad & Snow, 2018;Leih et al., 2015;Teece, 2018), which may reflect the general tendency that specific roles played by managers are still relatively less discussed in corporate strategy formulation (Choudhury et al., 2020). Although limited research has addressed the microfoundations of DCs for BMI, some studies have identified specific organizational practices (e.g., Santa-Maria et al., 2021) and cognitive managerial behaviors (Aspara et al., 2013;Schneckenberg et al., 2016). ...

Business Model Innovation and Organizational Design
  • Citing Chapter
  • February 2015