Graham G. Ross’s research while affiliated with University of Oxford and other places

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Publications (242)

Inflation in a scale invariant universe
  • Preprint

February 2018


Christopher T. Hill


Johannes Noller


Graham G. Ross

A scale-invariant universe can have a period of accelerated expansion at early times: inflation. We use a frame-invariant approach to calculate inflationary observables in a scale invariant theory of gravity involving two scalar fields - the spectral indices, the tensor to scalar ratio, the level of isocurvature modes and non-Gaussianity. We show that scale symmetry leads to an exact cancellation of isocurvature modes and that, in the scale-symmetry broken phase, this theory is well described by a single scalar field theory. We find the predictions of this theory strongly compatible with current observations.

Inertial Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Quantum Scale Invariance
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2018


74 Reads


62 Citations

Physical Review D

Weyl invariant theories of scalars and gravity can generate all mass scales spontaneously, initiated by a dynamical process of "inertial spontaneous symmetry breaking" that does not involve a potential. This is dictated by the structure of the Weyl current, KμK_\mu, and a cosmological phase during which the universe expands and the Einstein-Hilbert effective action is formed. Maintaining exact Weyl invariance in the renormalised quantum theory is straightforward when renormalisation conditions are refered back to the VEV's of fields in the action of the theory, which implies a conserved Weyl current. We do not require scale non-invariant regulators. We illustrate the computation of a Weyl invariant Coleman-Weinberg potential.


Inertial Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Quantum Scale Invariance

January 2018

Weyl invariant theories of scalars and gravity can generate all mass scales spontaneously, initiated by a dynamical process of "inertial spontaneous symmetry breaking" that does not involve a potential. This is dictated by the structure of the Weyl current, KμK_\mu, and a cosmological phase during which the universe expands and the Einstein-Hilbert effective action is formed. Maintaining exact Weyl invariance in the renormalised quantum theory is straightforward when renormalisation conditions are referred back to the VEV's of fields in the action of the theory, which implies a conserved Weyl current. We do not require scale invariant regulators. We illustrate the computation of a Weyl invariant Coleman-Weinberg potential.

A Unified Model of Quarks and Leptons with a Universal Texture Zero

October 2017


19 Reads


43 Citations

Journal of High Energy Physics

A bstract We show that a universal texture zero in the (1,1) position of all fermionic mass matrices, including heavy right-handed Majorana neutrinos driving a type-I see-saw mechanism, can lead to a viable spectrum of mass, mixing and CP violation for both quarks and leptons, including (but not limited to) three important postdictions: the Cabibbo angle, the charged lepton masses, and the leptonic ‘reactor’ angle. We model this texture zero with a non-Abelian discrete family symmetry that can easily be embedded in a grand unified framework, and discuss the details of the phenomenology after electroweak and family symmetry breaking. We provide an explicit numerical fit to the available data and obtain excellent agreement with the 18 observables in the charged fermion and neutrino sectors with just 9 free parameters. We further show that the vacua of our new scalar familon fields are readily aligned along desired directions in family space, and also demonstrate discrete gauge anomaly freedom at the relevant scale of our effective theory.

A Unified Model of Quarks and Leptons with a Universal Texture Zero

October 2017

We show that a universal texture zero in the (1,1) position of all fermionic mass matrices, including heavy right-handed Majorana neutrinos driving a type-I see-saw mechanism, can lead to a viable spectrum of mass, mixing and CP violation for both quarks and leptons, including (but not limited to) three important postdictions: the Cabibbo angle, the charged lepton masses, and the leptonic `reactor' angle. We model this texture zero with a non-Abelian discrete family symmetry that can easily be embedded in a grand unified framework, and discuss the details of the phenomenology after electroweak and family symmetry breaking. We provide an explicit numerical fit to the available data and obtain excellent agreement with the 18 observables in the charged fermion and neutrino sectors with just 9 free parameters. We further show that the vacua of our new scalar familon fields are readily aligned along desired directions in family space, and also demonstrate discrete gauge anomaly freedom at the relevant scale of our effective theory.

Revisiting fine-tuning in the MSSM

January 2017

We evaluate the amount of fine-tuning in constrained versions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), with different boundary conditions at the GUT scale. Specifically we study the fully constrained version as well as the cases of non-universal Higgs and gaugino masses. We allow for the presence of additional non-holomorphic soft-terms which we show further relax the fine-tuning. Of particular importance is the possibility of a Higgsino mass term and we discuss possible origins for such a term in UV complete models. We point out that loop corrections typically lead to a reduction in the fine-tuning by a factor of about two compared to the estimate at tree-level, which has been overlooked in many recent works. Taking these loop corrections into account, we discuss the impact of current limits from SUSY searches and dark matter on the fine-tuning. Contrary to common lore, we find that the MSSM fine-tuning can be as small as 10 while remaining consistent with all experimental constraints. If, in addition, the dark matter abundance is fully explained by the neutralino LSP, the fine-tuning can still be as low as \sim 20 in the presence of additional non-holomorphic soft-terms. We also discuss future prospects of these models and find that the MSSM will remain natural even in the case of a non-discovery in the foreseeable future.

Revisiting fine-tuning in the MSSM

January 2017


15 Reads


61 Citations

Journal of High Energy Physics

We evaluate the amount of fine-tuning in constrained versions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), with different boundary conditions at the GUT scale. Specifically we study the fully constrained version as well as the cases of non-universal Higgs and gaugino masses. We allow for the presence of additional non-holomorphic soft-terms which we show further relax the fine-tuning. Of particular importance is the possibility of a Higgsino mass term and we discuss possible origins for such a term in UV complete models. We point out that loop corrections typically lead to a reduction in the fine-tuning by a factor of about two compared to the estimate at tree-level, which has been overlooked in many recent works. Taking these loop corrections into account, we discuss the impact of current limits from SUSY searches and dark matter on the fine-tuning. Contrary to common lore, we find that the MSSM fine-tuning can be as small as 10 while remaining consistent with all experimental constraints. If, in addition, the dark matter abundance is fully explained by the neutralino LSP, the fine-tuning can still be as low as \sim 20 in the presence of additional non-holomorphic soft-terms. We also discuss future prospects of these models and find that the MSSM will remain natural even in the case of a non-discovery in the foreseeable future.

No fifth force in a scale invariant universe

December 2016


20 Reads


73 Citations

Physical Review D

We revisit the possibility that the Planck mass is spontaneously generated in scale invariant scalar-tensor theories of gravity, typically leading to a "dilaton." The fifth force, arising from the dilaton, is severely constrained by astrophysical measurements. We explore the possibility that nature is fundamentally Weyl-scale invariant and argue that, as a consequence, the fifth force effects are dramatically suppressed and such models are viable. We discuss possible obstructions to maintaining scale invariance and how these might be resolved.

No fifth force in a scale invariant universe

December 2016

We revisit the possibility that the Planck mass is spontaneously generated in scale invariant scalar-tensor theories of gravity, typically leading to a "dilaton." The fifth force, arising from the dilaton, is severely constrained by astrophysical measurements. We explore the possibility that nature is fundamentally Weyl-scale invariant and argue that, as a consequence, the fifth force effects are dramatically suppressed and such models are viable. We discuss possible obstructions to maintaining scale invariance and how these might be resolved.

Citations (75)

... The Standard Model (SM) with vanishing Higgs mass parameter can naturally be embedded in conformal geometry [29] with no additional degrees of freedom (dof) beyond those of SM and Weyl geometry (ω µ , g µν ). Successful Starobinsky-Higgs inflation is possible [30][31][32] being a gauged version of Starobinsky inflation [33] -this is because the action is quadratic in curvature (as in any gauge theory) which explains the Starobinsky-like inflation. Good fits for galaxies rotation curves seem possible [34] with ω µ as a candidate for dark matter; with ω µ of geometric origin, this gives a geometric solution to this problem from the Weyl geometry perspective, while in the Riemannian picture ω µ appears as an ad-hoc "matter" dof; black hole solutions were studied in [35]. ...


Conformal geometry as a gauge theory of gravity: covariant equations of motion & conservation laws
Scale-independent R 2 inflation
  • Citing Article
  • December 2019

Physical Review D

... According to refs. [106,107], the anomalous couplings to the Ricci scalar, proportional to α H and α χ , provide contact terms in the effective Lagrangian below the Planck scale, which is driven by single graviton exchange. In refs. ...

Starobinksy inflation, gravitational contact terms, and the induced Brout-Englert-Higgs boson mass

Physical Review D

... IV. Meanwhile, the exchange of massless graviton causes interactions such as F ∂ 2 F and F P a ð∂φ a Þ 2 [38]. Those interactions result in a loop-induced additional axi-Majoron potential other than the QCD-contribution. ...

Gravitational contact interactions and the physical equivalence of Weyl transformations in effective field theory
  • Citing Article
  • December 2020

Physical Review D

... In SU (5) models, we often encounter a challenge known as the doublet-triplet splitting problem, which can be resolved by using the missing doublet mechanism. It has been studied in the literature using the GUT Higgs of the 24 representation in [14][15][16][17], and utilizing the GUT Higgs of the 75 representation in [15,16,[18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. In this paper, we have employed the missing partner mechanism with GUT Higgs in the 24-plet representation using only one pair of 50-plets along with the minimal content of SU (5). ...

A new approach to gauge coupling unification and proton decay

Journal of High Energy Physics

... The main example for such theories is the Brans-Dicke theory [12], where the dynamical scalar field couples to the Ricci scalar in the gravitational action, controlling the strength of gravity through its vacuum expectation value (vev). Popular examples of such models include those in which the Higgs is non-minimally coupled to gravity, as is required in Higgs inflation or the Higgs-dilaton theory [13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. However, performing such extensions to gravity will lead to new interactions that must be considered. ...

Inflation in a scale invariant universe
  • Citing Article
  • February 2018

Physical Review D

... Therefore, the conservation of the Weyl gauge current is also true with respect to the Riemannian geometry/connection, in agreement with [17,29]. This conserved current is a generalisation of a global scale symmetry current [43][44][45][46][47]. ...

Inertial Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Quantum Scale Invariance

Physical Review D

... As an example of a relatively recent and successful discrete model, we consider the Universal Texture Zero (UTZ) [103,104] introduced by one of the authors and collaborators, based on a ∆(27)×Z N flavour symmetry and consistent with an underlying SO(10) → SU(4)× SU(2) R × SU(2) L Grand Unified Theory (GUT). The UTZ is capable of controlling the Dirac masses 19 of both the quark and lepton sectors in terms of three flavons {θ 3,23,123 } and two additional scalars {S, Σ}, with Σ related to the GUT symmetry breaking and S designed, along with the additional Z N symmetry, to 'shape' the allowed interactions between θ i : ...

A Unified Model of Quarks and Leptons with a Universal Texture Zero

Journal of High Energy Physics

... One of the central questions in particle physics today is: How to go beyond the standard model (SM), see, e.g., [1]. Indeed many theoretical suggestions have been made since ever [2]. The fact that the Higgs mass term is the only dimensionful parameter in the SM and the theory is perturbative -no Landau pole below the Planck scale [3][4][5][6] -may be regarded as a hint of how to go beyond the SM [1]. ...

Beyond the Standard Model
  • Citing Article
  • December 2016

Physics of Atomic Nuclei

... The same naturalness arguments also prefer rather small supersymmetric contributions to the masses of the Higgs bosons. In most (though not all [14]) versions of the MSSM, this implies rather light Higgsinos, typically below the stop. Since the mass splitting between the three Higgsino-like mass eigenstates is small, they all behave similarly if the LSP is Higgsino-like. ...

Revisiting fine-tuning in the MSSM
  • Citing Article
  • January 2017

Journal of High Energy Physics

... Therefore, the conservation of the Weyl gauge current is also true with respect to the Riemannian geometry/connection, in agreement with [17,29]. This conserved current is a generalisation of a global scale symmetry current [43][44][45][46][47]. ...

No fifth force in a scale invariant universe
  • Citing Article
  • December 2016

Physical Review D