December 2022
20 Reads
Security Dialogues /Безбедносни дијалози
In the period of adolescence, the need for freedom, independence, proving and confirming is most pronounced. In this search for their own identity, interest in the opposite sex and the desire to get to know the world, young people are increasingly evading parental control and supervision and are increasingly absent from the family. As young people spend more and more free time in their favourite activities such as going out to clubs and cafes, going to concerts, gatherings in parks, etc., a new, unexplored world opens before them, which becomes more and more attractive to them, but at the same time and sources of fear and insecurity. The aim of this paper is to gain insight into the habits and patterns of leisure time of young people from first to fourth grade of high schools in Una-Sana Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina, examine their sense of security, and analyse the reasons for feelings of insecurity among them. From December 2020 to May 2021, 1,300 students who took part in research activities were surveyed. The area where the research was conducted included eight municipalities in the Una-Sana Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina.