August 2014
168 Reads
1 Citation
This research addresses the spatial and structural organisation of vernacular settlements of Serra da Peneda and Laboreiro developed in the scope of European Project VerSus_ Lessons from Vernacular Heritage for Sustainable Architecture. The settlement model is analysed, emphasizing the relationships between spatial organisation of the territory and socio-economical structure. Furthermore it aims to reveal the articulation of the different clusters. Two case studies were selected, one from Serra da Peneda (Gavieira) and one from Castro Laboreiro (Adofreire). On the first case the settlement is articulated between the main settlement and seasonal settlements, called brandas. While in Castro Laboreiro the model is based on two different types of seasonal settlements (brandas and inverneiras). Distribution, implantation and morphological analysis of the different vernacular settlements are studied, using a comparative scope. Relating this analysis with the socio-economic profile several sustainable principles are pointed out, working as indicators that can be applied in contemporary architecture.