Glyn Nelson’s research while affiliated with Newcastle University and other places

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Publications (20)

Characterization of the Photon Conversion Factor, Noise, and Dynamic Range of Light Microscope Detection Systems v1
  • Preprint
  • File available

September 2024

David McFadden


Laszlo Barna


Luis-Francisco Acevedo-Hueso




The protocols in this collection describe how to measure and analyze the photon conversation factor (PCF photo-electrons/count), readnoise, and dynamic range of a light microscopy detection system; which can either be a point detector or an area detector, using an in-homogeneous detector illumination scheme (as opposed to uniform illumination). The collection includes protocols on how to prepare a suitable sample for the acquisition, how to acquire data, as well as a respective analysis protocol. There are three aims a detection system can be characterized for, briefly: Aim 1 - experiment QC: Characterize the microscope performance using detection settings that match the experiment. Aim 2 - instrument QC.: Monitoring of microscope performance over time for service purposes, to maintain image quality constant and at high level. Aim 3 - system characterization: Full characterization of detection path performance under the range of settings applied by users. For a more detailed description refer to protocol 1. Introduction - Background and Aims. This protocol collection represents the collective experience of over 100 imaging scientists and industry experts. Measurements made by our working group with these protocols will be available in a public database. Please note, that this is an evolving document, to be versioned and updated, based on community feedback and new data.


1. Introduction - Background and Aims v1

September 2024


2 Reads

This protocol is the introduction to the protocols collection "Characterization of the Photon Conversion Factor, Dark Noise, and Dynamic Range of Light Microscope Detection Systems". Here we describe in more detail the mission statement of QUAREP-LiMi Working Group 2, different aims of detection system characterization, a short guide to the protocols in the collection, and detection system basic theory underlying the protocols in this collection.

2. Sample Preparation - An Easy-to-Prepare Sample Slide v1

This protocol describes how to create a high dynamic range fluorescent sample using basic office and microscopy lab tools. The protocol is based on the usage of the ink of a fluorescent text marker to create a thin fluorescent layer on a microscope cover glass (Olevsko et al., 2021). The result is a carrier with a thin, homogeneous fluorescent film with abrupt edges and a thickness in the order of a few micrometers. This type of sample can be used to make images with a smooth gradient going from maximum intensity to background, as described in the protocols for determination of a detector’s photon conversion factor.

3. Data Generation - Systems with an Area Detector v1

September 2024


3 Reads

This protocol describes the measurement procedure to produce dark and inhomogeneously illuminated images with a light microscope system equipped with area detectors. The protocol can be followed according to the three different aims of microscope characterization described in the introduction of the protocol collection "Characterization of the Photon Conversion Factor, Noise, and Dynamic Range of Light Microscope Detection Systems". The protocol uses the microscope slide for inhomogeneous illumination described in protocol 2 and generates data which can be analyzed with protocol 5, to obtain the photon conversion factor, readnoise, and dynamic range of the detection system.

5. Analysis - Characterization of the Photon Conversion Factor, Noise, and Dynamic Range v1

September 2024


2 Reads

The aim of this analysis is to obtain various calibration metrics from inhomogenous calibration images using the photon transfer method (McFadden et al., 2022 and Heintzmann et al., 2016). The analysis is not completely automated, and relies on users to interpret the data, identify problems and scrutinize the results. It is generally unaware of the underlying detector technology, which can affect the results. This guide therefore intends to provide an overview of the method, the choices that a user must make, how to interpret the data, and common pitfalls that should be avoided. Note that the method significantly differs from other calibration methods that use varying light levels over time (Mullikin et al., 1994, van Vliet et al., 1998, and Murray et al., 2013). It necessitates different definitions and the results will also differ. The algorithm is based on that which is described in the supplementary material of McFadden et al., 2022. A more detailed overview of the photon transfer method can be found in Photon transfer (Janesick, 2007).

4. Data Generation - Systems with a Point Detector v1

This protocol describes the measurement procedure to produce dark and inhomogeneous illuminated images with a scanning light microscope system equipped with point detectors. The protocol can be followed according to the three different aims of microscope characterization described in the introduction of the protocol collection "Characterization of the Photon Conversion Factor, Noise, and Dynamic Range of Light Microscope Detection Systems". The protocol uses the microscope slide for inhomogeneous illumination described in protocol 2 and generates data which can be analyzed with protocol 5, to obtain the photon conversion factor, readnoise, and dynamic range of the detection system.

Harmonizing the Generation and Pre-publication Stewardship of FAIR Image Data

February 2024


168 Reads

Together with the molecular knowledge of genes and proteins, biological images promise to significantly enhance the scientific understanding of complex cellular systems and to advance predictive and personalized therapeutic products for human health. For this potential to be realized, quality-assured image data must be shared among labs at a global scale to be compared, pooled, and reanalyzed, thus unleashing untold potential beyond the original purpose for which the data was generated. There are two broad sets of requirements to enable image data sharing in the life sciences. One set of requirements is articulated in the companion White Paper entitled Enabling Global Image Data Sharing in the Life Sciences, which is published in parallel and addresses the need to build the cyberinfrastructure for sharing the digital array data. In this White Paper, we detail a broad set of requirements, which involves collecting, managing, presenting, and propagating contextual information essential to assess the quality, understand the content, interpret the scientific implications, and reuse image data in the context of the experimental details. We start by providing an overview of the main lessons learned to date through international community activities, which have recently made considerable progress toward generating community standard practices for imaging Quality Control (QC) and metadata. We then provide a clear set of recommendations for amplifying this work. The driving goal is to address remaining challenges and democratize access to everyday practices and tools for a spectrum of biomedical researchers, regardless of their expertise, access to resources, and geographical location.

Monitoring the point spread function for quality control of confocal microscopes

October 2022


65 Reads


2 Citations

This protocol focuses on measuring the microscope's lateral and axial resolution, essential for reporting size measurements of near-resolution limit objects or distances between them. Here resolution is expressed as the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of a measured Point Spread Function (PSF) of sub-resolution size beads. PSF is highly related to objective quality and condition, but also depends strongly upon other parameters ranging from sample preparation to signal detection. Monitoring PSF over time will identify possible aberrations in the system (e.g., damaged, unclean objective, defective or not adapted oil, etc.). We define test sample preparation, image acquisition, and data analysis protocols for point scanning and spinning disk confocal microscopes.

Citations (9)

... This parallels also ongoing activities of scientific quality assurance networks such as QUAREP driven by academia. 43 In addition, the detailed description of the characterization procedures involved in the development of fluorescence RMs underlines the expert knowledge and efforts that are mandatory for the production of reliable and traceable fluorescence standards. ...


Fluorescence Quantum Yield Standards for the UV/Visible/NIR: Development, Traceable Characterization, and Certification
Author Correction: QUAREP-LiMi: a community endeavor to advance quality assessment and reproducibility in light microscopy

Nature Methods

... These relatively new standards typically gather a series of microscopy activities under a single unit known as an "imaging experiment." Hammer et al. [4] explain that the evolving metadata landscape for an imaging experiment has the following three categories: ...

Towards community-driven metadata standards for light microscopy: tiered specifications extending the OME model
  • Citing Article
  • December 2021

Nature Methods

... MicroMeta App was developed to streamline this process. 26 Thanks to its graphical interface, users can drag and drop components from a comprehensive parts library onto a virtual representation of the microscope(s) used in their experiments. MicroMeta App allows for the documentation of complex commercial microscope systems, which can feature multiple detectors, light sources, objectives, and filter sets. ...

Micro-Meta App: an interactive tool for collecting microscopy metadata based on community specifications

Nature Methods

... The original imaging metadata generated by our high-throughput microscopes follow most of the QUAREP-LIMI guidelines 64,65 and includes all the microscope and imaging settings used to acquire the data. In addition, we have also generated a additional set of image acquisition metadata in the QUAREP-LIMI json format using the Micro-Meta App 66 . ...

QUAREP-LiMi: A community-driven initiative to establish guidelines for quality assessment and reproducibility for instruments and images in light microscopy
  • Citing Article
  • October 2021

... In addition to these OME-TIFF updates, this effort emphasizes the need for extensibility in microscopy metadata. Underlying reasons include supporting quality and reproducibility [7], complex biomedical tissue imaging [14], and basic information for interoperable archiving [13]. ...

QUAREP‐LiMi: A community‐driven initiative to establish guidelines for quality assessment and reproducibility for instruments and images in light microscopy

Journal of Microscopy

... Specifically, it puts forth scalable specifications for light microscopy metadata developed jointly by the 4DN 1,2 IWG and by the BINA QC-DM-WG 3 to extend the OME Data Model 8,9 (Figs. 1 and 2). In order to foster widespread adoption of the 4DN-BINA-OME 5 framework (Fig. 1a, pink bubble), key components of this effort comment | FOCUS are (1) user-friendly and when possible automated metadata-collection software tools (OMERO-mde, MethodsJ2 and Micro-Meta App) that are presented in parallel manuscripts [15][16][17][18][19][20] and are coupled with standards for metadata representation and storage (Fig. 1a, yellow bubble) [31][32][33][34][35] ; and (2) sustainable roadmaps for the switch from proprietary image data formats to common, cloud-ready OME Next-Generation File Formats (NGFF, Fig. 1a, blue bubble) 36,37 . Importantly, all of these activities are expected to be carried out in the context of QUAREP-LiMi [11][12][13] and involve key members of the community, including microscope users, custodians and manufacturers, imaging scientists, national and global bioimaging organizations, bioimage informaticians, standards organizations, funders and scientific publishers. ...

Micro-Meta App: an interactive software tool to facilitate the collection of microscopy metadata based on community-driven specifications

... From this need arose the Quality Assessment and Reproducibility for Instruments and images in Light Microscopy (QUAREP-LiMi) organization. 21 QUAREP is broken into several working groups which each specialize in designing QC procedures, protocols and best practices related to important aspects of microscopy. Most relevant to the work presented here are working groups 1, regarding illumination power, and 2, focusing on detector system performance. ...

QUAREP-LiMi: a community endeavor to advance quality assessment and reproducibility in light microscopy
  • Citing Article
  • May 2021

Nature Methods

... Moreover, the community can make use of this metadata organization to flexibly store further metadata schemas. Where in OME-TIFF files, a single location is provided for storing OME-XML, OME-Zarr makes possible the storage of multiple standards such as "Recommended Metadata for Biological Images", REMBI (Sarkans et al. 2021), "Minimum information guidelines for highly multiplexed tissue images", MITI (Schapiro et al. 2022), or "Quality Assessment and Reproducibility for Instruments & Images in Light Microscopy", QUAREP-LiMi (Nelson et al. 2021) alongside the OME-XML metadata. ...

QUAREP-LiMi: A community-driven initiative to establish guidelines for quality assessment and reproducibility for instruments and images in light microscopy

... In a few of these studies, automation of the limit values and analysis workflows was proposed. The ISO 21073:2019 norm for confocal microscopy was recently published (ISO, 2019;Nelson et al., 2020), providing a fixed minimal set of tests to be performed. This norm is descriptive, no experimental values are shown, nor are limiting values proposed, but it is the first step toward standardization of QC in microscopy. ...

Interpretation of Confocal ISO 21073: 2019 confocal microscopes: Optical data of fluorescence confocal microscopes for biological imaging- Recommended Methodology for Quality Control