January 2024
1 Read
Revista Brasileira de Terapias Cognitivas




Discrimination and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) are present in the every day life in universities and could cause consequences in physical, psychological, social and professional development of victims. This work aims to evaluate the feasibility of a remote psychosocial intervention to female university students victims of GBV. Two students victims of sexual, moral and psychological violence by teachers and students participated. A total of eight weekly synchronous meetings lasting 90 minutes, was conducted. They addressed: (1) psychoeducation on gender violence; (2) self-confidence, self-esteem and support network and (3) emotional regulation. Participants responded to the Emotional Regulation Difficulty Scale - DERS, and the Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (QRE) before and after the intervention. To verify the index of significant clinical change (BMI), the JT method was conducted. Results indicated high accessibility and success of the participants. The preliminary criteria for the effectiveness of the intervention indicated that there was no reliable clinical change in the QRE and a positive change in the total DERS score that can be attributed to the intervention for both participants. Discussion on low demand, the potential of remote intervention, the intervention format and the adequacy of the proposed modules was conducted.