Giorgio Oronzo Spagnolo’s research while affiliated with Italian National Research Council and other places

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Publications (30)

Identifying Maintenance Needs with Machine Learning: a Case Study in Railways
  • Conference Paper

June 2024


17 Reads


1 Citation

Raihana Ferdous


Giorgio Spagnolo


Alessandro Borselli




Alessio Ferrari

Spatial Model Checking for Smart Stations: Research Challenges

August 2021


21 Reads


1 Citation

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

In this position paper, we discuss the introduction of spatial verification techniques in an application scenario from smart stations, viz. analysing the user experience with respect to the lighting conditions of station areas. This is a case study in industrial projects. We discuss three challenging use cases for the application of spatial model checking in this setting. First, we envision how to use the spatial model checker VoxLogicA, which can analyse both 2D and 3D voxel-based maps, to explore the areas that users can visit in a station area and to characterise them with respect to their illumination conditions. This is aimed at monitoring a smart station. We also ideate statistical spatio-temporal model checking of the design of energy-saving protocols, exploiting the modelling of user preferences. Finally, we discuss the idea of quantifying the impact of design changes, based on the logs of smart stations, to identify and measure the incidence of undesired events (e.g. non-illuminated platforms where a train is passing by) before and after each change.

30 Years of Simulation-Based Quantitative Analysis Tools: A Comparison Experiment Between Möbius and Uppaal SMC

October 2020


18 Reads


6 Citations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

We provide a brief comparison of the modelling and analysis capabilities of two different formalisms and their associated simulation-based tools, acquired from experimenting with these methods and tools on one specific case study. The case study is a cyber-physical system from an industrial railway project, namely a railroad switch heater, and the quantitative properties concern energy consumption and reliability. We modelled and analysed the case study with stochastic activity networks and Möbius on the one hand and with stochastic hybrid automata and Uppaal SMC on the other hand. We give an overview of the performed experiments and highlight specific features of the two methodologies. This yields some pointers for future research and improvements.

Fig. 1. The interface of QuOD when applied to a BP description.
QuOD: An NLP Tool to Improve the Quality of Business Process Descriptions
  • Chapter
  • Full-text available

October 2019


242 Reads


5 Citations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

[Context and Motivation] In real-world organisations, business processes (BPs) are often described by means of natural language (NL) documents. Indeed, although semi-formal graphical notations exist to model BPs, most of the legacy process knowledge—when not tacit—is still conveyed through textual procedures or operational manuals, in which the BPs are specified. This is particularly true for public administrations (PAs), in which a large variety of BPs exist (e.g., definition of tenders, front-desk support) that have to be understood and put into practice by civil servants. [Question/problem] Incorrect understanding of the BP descriptions in PAs may cause delays in the delivery of services to citizens, or, in some cases, incorrect execution of the BPs. [Principal idea/results] In this paper, we present the development of an NLP-based tool named QuOD (Quality Analyser for Official Documents), oriented to detect linguistic defects in BP descriptions and to provide recommendations for improvements. [Contribution] QuOD is the first tool that addresses the problem of identifying NL defects in BP descriptions of PAs. The tool is available online at


Towards formal methods diversity in railways: an experience report with seven frameworks

June 2018


277 Reads


35 Citations

International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer

In the ever expanding universe of formal methods, several tools exist that can be exploited to validate early system designs, and that are applicable to problems of the railway domain. In this paper, we present an experience report in formal modelling and verification using seven different formal environments, namely UMC, Promela/SPIN, NuSMV, mCRL2, CPN Tools, FDR4 and CADP. In particular, we model and verify an algorithm that addresses a typical railway problem, namely deadlock avoidance in train scheduling. The algorithm is designed according to a prototypical architecture, the so-called blackboard pattern, in which a set of global data are atomically updated by a set of concurrent guarded agents. Our experience, limited to the specific problem, shows that the design of the algorithm can be translated into the different formalisms with acceptable effort, while deep proficiency with the tools is required to optimise the performance. The current paper establishes the preliminary foundations for the concept of formal methods diversity in the development of railway systems. The concept is based on the idea that if different non-certified formal environments are used to verify the same design, this increases the confidence on the verification results. Furthermore, by checking that the number of states generated during the verification process is the same for each framework, the designer can have an initial indication of the equivalence of the diverse models. The industrial application of this promising concept requires further research, and appropriate guidelines shall be established to identify the proper formal environments to use for a specific railway problem, and to define an industrial process in which formal methods diversity can be exploited at its full benefits. The paper presents the different models developed, compares the tools employed in terms of language features and performance, and discusses the industrial implications of the concept of formal methods diversity in the railway domain.

Improving the Quality of Business Process Descriptions of Public Administrations: Resources and Research Challenges

December 2017


491 Reads


17 Citations

Business Process Management Journal

Purpose Business processes of public administrations (PAs) are often described in the form of written procedures or operational manuals. These busi- ness process descriptions are expected to be properly understood and applied by civil servants, who have to provide legally-compliant service provisions to the citizens. However, process descriptions in the PA are sometimes hard to read, ambiguous, or vague, leading to false interpretations or even incorrect execu- tion of the processes. In this paper, we focus on improving the descriptions of business processes to be used in PAs. Design/methodology/approach To this end, we present an in-depth domain analysis, including a literature review and interviews with PA stakeholders belonging to different realities. From this analysis, we identified a set of 52 typical defects of process descriptions. Findings We provide a set of guidelines and a template to constrain the definition of these documents and to mitigate the identified defects. Furthermore, we outline research challenges in the field of quality assessment of textual process descriptions for the PA. Research limitations/implications This paper addresses the needs of any PA officer who has to write an official procedure or operational manual, and should be studied by researchers who wish to provide automatic strategies to check the quality of these documents. Originality/value Text quality issues have been addressed in various fields (e.g., requirements engineering), but not in the area of business process descriptions of PAs. Our contribution consists in the study of the quality issues that occur and create problems in the practice of this particular domain. Based on this insight, we provide directions for research that will find solutions to mitigate the issues.

A Guidelines Framework for Understandable BPMN Models

November 2017


1,969 Reads


82 Citations

Data & Knowledge Engineering

Business process modeling allows abstracting and reasoning on how work is structured within complex organizations. Business process models represent blueprints that can serve different purposes for a variety of stakeholders. For example, business analysts can use these models to better understand how the organization works; employees playing a role in the process can use them to learn the tasks that they are supposed to perform; software analysts/developers can refer to the models to understand the system-as-is before designing the system-to-be. Given the variety of stakeholders that need to interpret these models, and considering the pivotal function that models play within organizations, understandability becomes a fundamental quality that need to be taken into particular account by modelers. In this paper we provide a set of fifty guidelines that can help modelers to improve the understandability of their models. The work focuses on the Business Process Modelling Notation 2.0 standard published by the Object Management Group, which has acquired a clear predominance among the modeling notations for business processes. Guidelines were derived by means of a thoughtful literature review – which allowed identifying around one hundred guidelines – and through successive activities of synthesis and homogenization. In addition, we implemented a freely available open source tool, named BEBoP (understandaBility vErifier for Business Process models), to check the adherence of a model to the guidelines. Finally, guidelines violation has been checked with BEBoP on a dataset of 11,294 models available in a publicly accessible repository. Our tests show that, although the majority of the guidelines are respected by the models, some guidelines, which are recognized as fundamental by the literature, are frequently violated.

Citations (22)

... Particularly, their study proposed a method that integrates existing system modelling methods such as UML, iStar, and BPMN [41]. Their proposed method was validated through case studies [42]. Anda et al. proposed a method for managing the traceability between multiple sub-models of socio-CPS [43]. ...


Designing a Digital Service System for Sustainable Social Value Creation: A Holistic Design Method Based on Socio-Cyber-Physical System Perspectives
Towards a Method for Modelling Socio-Technical Process Transformation in Digital Agriculture
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2024

... We refer to [4] for a comparison of the modelling and analysis capabilities of two formalisms from the two classes and their associated support based tools, namely UPPAAL SMC and Moebius. ...

30 Years of Simulation-Based Quantitative Analysis Tools: A Comparison Experiment Between Möbius and Uppaal SMC
  • Citing Chapter
  • October 2020

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

... Entre los criterios de calidad abordados por diversos autores para la evaluación de requisitos, se encuentran la claridad (Gnesi y Trentanni, 2019), (Naeem, et al. 2019), (Ferrari, et al. 2019), corrección (ISO/IEC /IEEE29148:2018), (Ferrari, et al.2019), (Naeem, et Patterns, Stemming, Lemmatization) y herramientas (por ejemplo, Standford CoreNLP, GATE, NLTK, Spacy) para resolver la tarea de detección de defectos en los requisitos de software. Sin embargo, la mayoría de estos sistemas no están ampliamente disponibles, son anticuados, poco seguros y caros; las pocas herramientas públicas sólo permiten el análisis de requisitos en lengua inglesa. ...

QuOD: An NLP Tool to Improve the Quality of Business Process Descriptions

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

... In [48] Miller et al. report their infrastructure to translate Simulink models into different formal languages, including SPIN and NuSMV, to perform formal verification. Model translation is also the target of Mazzanti et al. [46], who also report a method to increase confidence in the correctness of the transformation. The method starts from UML state machines, which are translated into multiple formal notations. ...

Towards formal methods diversity in railways: an experience report with seven frameworks

International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer

... In this paper, we show the design of the algorithm, the different models produced with the seven formal tools, and the results of the verification activities, observing differences and hurdles in the usage of the seven environments. All the models produced within this experience, and referred in this paper, are available in our public repository [56]. ...

Experiments in Formal Modelling of a Deadlock Avoidance Algorithm for a CBTC System

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

... Para Conforto, Amaral e Silva (2011), a Gestão de Processos de Negócio tem o objetivo de alinhar os processos de negócios de uma instituição com os objetivos estratégicos desta, fornecendo ferramentas, técnicas e metodologias que orientam a identificação dos processos de negócios visando o alcance da melhoria contínua. Neste contexto, para Ferrari et al. (2018) uma comunicação efetiva dos conhecimentos de processos de negócios é necessidade primária de qualquer organização estruturada. ...

Improving the Quality of Business Process Descriptions of Public Administrations: Resources and Research Challenges

Business Process Management Journal

... The second assumption comes without loss of generality, as it is always possible to safely transform a complex task with multiple outgoing/incoming message flows in a sequence of separate tasks, each of which with at most one message flow, with exactly the same meaning. This simplification is also aligned with generally accepted modelling guidelines [20,52]. In fact, it helps to avoid misunderstandings in the execution order among the send/receive actions performed within a task, thus allowing the designer to get a clear understanding of what is happening in the specification execution. ...

A Guidelines Framework for Understandable BPMN Models
  • Citing Article
  • November 2017

Data & Knowledge Engineering

... Several machine learning and natural language processing methods are available to help with tasks like reliability prediction and software requirement classification. However, suitable datasets for machine learning model testing, validation, and training are required to extract and categorize software requirements [13]. The software requirements datasets that are now available are either excessively tiny or skewed toward functional and non-functional needs, with little attention paid to security issues. ...

PURE: A Dataset of Public Requirements Documents

... The monitoring activity can improve the quality of service (QoS), prevent or reduce violations of properties, and provide recovery mechanisms in case of detected problems [8], [9], especially in dynamic environments where unpredictable events may occur. Usually, the runtime monitor includes a rule-based complex event processor [10]- [13]. The rules evolve automatically based on the data (events) collected during the execution according to the concept of observability [14], [15]. ...

Enhancing Business Process Performance Analysis through Coverage-Based Monitoring
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • September 2016

... There are several scientific papers addressing the consistency and completeness of requirements. They span from checking the consistency-at both, textual level (e.g. in [48]) and involved model (e.g. in [26])-to verify completeness aspects, as in [20] or in [3], where SysML model is involved. Even if this paper does not explicitly address these two features, the proposed approach enables the verification of both properties. ...

Measuring and Improving the Completeness of Natural Language Requirements

Lecture Notes in Computer Science