Gérôme Bovet’s research while affiliated with Armasuisse and other places

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Publications (23)

Evaluating Publish/Subscribe Standards for Situational Awareness using Realistic Radio Models and Emulated Testbed
  • Conference Paper

October 2019


46 Reads


2 Citations


Trude H Bloebaum


Norman Jansen Fraunhofer




Kevin S Chan

There is currently an ongoing initiative to improve the interoperability between nations and other partners during common missions through Federated Mission Networking (FMN). So far, the focus of the standardization and profiling work done in FMN has mostly been on static and deployed networks, where networking resources are stable and plentiful. There is however also a need for interoperability at the tactical edge, between mobile units that have limited and often disrupted communications. In a previous study, we compared different protocols for subscription based distribution of information. We concluded that the WS-Notification standard, which is currently used in NATO, has a too large overhead in lower capacity tactical networks, and that for instance the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol could be used instead. In this paper, we expand upon those findings by investigating the applicability of MQTT in tactical networks further. Here, we address one of the main shortcomings in the testbed used in our previous experiments by adding in new and more realistic radio models, which allow us to better assess the performance of MQTT in the tactical domain. Furthermore, we also expand our experiments evaluating MQTT for sensor networks (MQTT-SN) as well. The reason for adding MQTT-SN to the experiments is that this protocol is based on UDP rather than TCP. This work has been performed in the context of the NATO STO/IST-150 «NATO Core Services profiling for Hybrid Tactical Networks» working group.

Reproducing Measured MANET Radio Performances Using the EMANE Framework

October 2018


90 Reads


14 Citations

IEEE Communications Magazine

Simulation or emulation of mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) is used to predict or analyze the performance of MANETs under various scenarios. One challenge is to emulate realistically the MANET's radio performance. Running the Extendable Mobile Ad Hoc Network Emulator (EMANE) framework, we show how to reproduce measured characteristics, namely throughput and round-trip time, of real tactical radios using wideband or narrowband TDMA-based waveforms. Additionally, a solution to simulate rate adaptation is proposed. An introduction to EMANE and the EMANE radio model plugins is also provided.

Fig. 1. N-to-N (left) and N-to-1* (right) approaches for protocol mapping in buildings.  
Will Web Technologies Impact on Building Automation Systems Architecture?
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2014


134 Reads


5 Citations

Procedia Computer Science

Offices, factories and even private housings are more and more endowed with building management systems (BMS) targeting an increase of comfort as well as lowering energy costs. This expansion is made possible by the progress realized in pervasive computing, providing small sized and affordable sensing devices. However, current BMS are often based on proprietary tech- nologies, making their interoperability and evolution more difficult. For example, we observe the emergence of new applications based on intelligent data analysis able to compute more complex models about the use of the building. Such applications rely on heterogeneous sets of sensors, web data, user feedback and self-learning algorithms. In this position paper, we discuss the role of Web technologies for standardizing the application layer, and thus providing a framework for developing advanced building applications. We present our vision of TASSo, a layered Web model facing actual and future challenges for building management systems.


Figure 2: (a) End-to-end mode and (b) sync-based mode.  
Figure 1: General architecture composed of Virtual Sensor and Virtual Classes with information exchanged during runtime.  
Figure 3: Model exchange between the different en- tities.  
Figure 4: Round-trip time for 500 consecutive requests (a) and scalability in terms of concurrent requests (b).  
Virtual Things for Machine Learning Applications

October 2014


102 Reads


3 Citations

Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, especially sensors are producing large quantities of data that can be used for gathering knowledge. In this field, machine learning technologies are increasingly used to build versatile data-driven models. In this paper, we present a novel architecture able to execute machine learning algorithms within the sensor network, presenting advantages in terms of privacy and data transfer efficiency. We first argument that some classes of machine learning algorithms are compatible with this approach, namely based on the use of generative models that allow a distribution of the computation on a set of nodes. We then detail our architecture proposal, leveraging on the use of Web-of-Things technologies to ease integration into networks. The convergence of machine learning generative models and Web-of-Things paradigms leads us to the concept of virtual things exposing higher level knowledge by exploiting sensor data in the network. Finally, we demonstrate with a real scenario the feasibility and performances of our proposal.

Figure 1: In-network cloud storage architecture based on building zones.  
Figure 3: Round-trip time for 500 consecutive requests (a) and scalability in terms of concurrent requests (b).  
A Scalable Cloud Storage for Sensor Networks

October 2014


40 Reads


2 Citations

Data storage has become a major topic in sensor networks as large quantities of data need to be archived for future processing. In this paper, we present a cloud storage solution benefiting from the available memory on smart things becoming data nodes. In-network storage reduces the heavy traffic resulting of the transmission of all the data to an outside central sink. The system built on agents allows an autonomous management of the cloud and therefore requires no human in the loop. It also makes an intensive use of Web technologies to follow the clear trend of sensors adopting the Web-of-Things paradigm. Further, we make a performance evaluation demonstrating its suitability in building management systems.

Citations (20)

... Extendable Mobile Ad-hoc Network Emulator (Emane) is another celebrated emulator for tactical networks which has been used in [120][121][122] and [123] to evaluate various policies for group-based communications, latency-aware queuing control, situation-aware publish subscribe model and mission-centric content sharing respectively. Emane incorporates more detailed radio models that simplify the emulation of MANET, although it lacks an accurate interference model based on Signal-to-Interference-and-Noise-Ratio (SINR) and extensive libraries for imitating complex scenarios in SDN environments. ...


Software-Defined Multi-domain Tactical Networks: Foundations and Future Directions
Evaluating Publish/Subscribe Standards for Situational Awareness using Realistic Radio Models and Emulated Testbed
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • October 2019

... Such conditions are not challenging in terms of multi-hop topologies where performance is relative to the number of hops. We therefore adapted the Anglova scenario in order to generate more hops between the nodes [2]. This was achieved by decreasing the emulated output power to 5W (37dBm), which is often a tactical choice allowing lowering the possibility getting spotted by an enemy. ...

Performance Profiling of Radio Models and Anglova Based Scenarios
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2019

... Even if, the solution works well for deterministic network conditions, there is no evidence that it is also working over non-deterministic network conditions including link disconnections. The authors in [69] introduced a messaging application that is evaluated in a tool creating network simulations and network field emulations in TNs. Their solution uses a proactive routing protocol to exploit the information from the current system state used as an input for a forwarding algorithm at the application layer called GetCloser. ...

TAKE — Tactical ad-hoc network emulation
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2018

... Another approach of knowledge retrieving is quantitativeoriented (i.e. data science technologies), which specifically use methods such as machine learning [20][48] and data mining [4] to explore knowledge from data. Different from the predefined logics that introduced by the semantic-annotation approach, the quantitative-oriented approach presents a process that dynamically learn and update knowledge from the circumstances (context data), using for example neural networks [60]. ...

Machine learning with the internet of virtual things
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2015

... Some of these initiatives are highly focused on using emerging technologies to create new control schemes for HVAC operation, and developing open-source and open-architecture platforms to enable grid connectivity for demand response, and to exchange information with other building systems. Research supporting these technologies includes work in different research fields, including e.g., computational intelligence [133], distributed systems [134][135][136], context-aware systems [79], SGs [137], the Internet of Things (IoT) [138], sensor networks [139], control systems [13], thermodynamic modeling [140], information modeling [56], system identification [141], hybrid dynamical systems [142], multi-agent systems (MAS) [143] and MPC [144]. Each research field is focused on its specific domain and there is no single field of research capable of addressing all the non-trivial problems that need to be solved for deploying AmI in SBs. ...

A Distributed Web-based Naming System for Smart Buildings

... In this sense, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems contribute a significant part of the building's total energy consumption [14]. In addition, it is affected by various factors [15]. ...

Towards Reliable Stochastic Data-Driven Models Applied to the Energy Saving in Buildings

... In recent times, persistent TCP connections called Web- Sockets have been proposed for the communication between things [11]. Preliminary comparisons between HTTP and WebSockets in terms of energy consumption have been reported [6]. This previous research showed differences between these protocols in terms of energy consumption, with complex variations as a function of the payload and frequency of the communication. ...

Communicating With Things - An Energy Consumption Analysis