March 2000
23 Reads
1 Citation
Introduction to HITS: Human Interface Tool Suite, in Intelligent User Interfaces, (Sullivan & Tyler, Eds.), 1991, pp. 293-337. [15] James D. Hollan and Scott Stornetta, Beyond Being There, Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI'92, pp. 119-125. (also appeared as a chapter in Readings in Groupware and Computer Supported Cooperative Work (Becker, Ed.), 1993, 842-848. [16] Mackinlay, J.D., Robertson, G.G. and Card, S.K., The perspective wall: detail and context smoothly integrated. In Proceedings of CHI'91 Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM press, 173-179. [17] John K. Ousterhout, Tcl and the Tk Toolkit, Addison Wesley, 1994. [18] Ken Perlin and David Fox. Pad: An Alternative Approach to the Computer Interface, Proceedings of 1993 ACM SIGGRAPH Conference, 57-64. [19] Maureen C. Stone, Ken Fishkin, and Eric A. Bier. The Movable Filter as a User Interface Tool, to appear in Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI'94. [20] Ivan E. Sutherland. Sketchpad: A man-machine graphical communications systems, Procee