November 2024
25 Reads
Tiltrotors are an aircraft concept with the ability to rotate their rotors freely, achieving vertical take-off and fast forward flight. The combination of helicopter and fixed-wing flight into one aircraft provides versatility in mission selection, yet challenges persist in their construction and control. Tiltrotor aircraft can operate in three primary modes: helicopter, fixed-wing, and transition, with the transition mode facilitating the shift between helicopter and fixed-wing flight. However, control within this transition region is inherently challenging due to its non-linear nature, hence tiltrotors have been predominantly limited to military applications. Thus, this paper aims to explore transition mode control for a large-size tiltrotor aircraft, tailored to civil applications. A novel, large-sized, tiltrotor concept is presented, accompanied by a derived mathematical model describing the aircrafts behaviours. A PID control method has been used to control the height, pitch, and velocity variations within the transition mode with secondary control loop developed to control the tilt angle during transition. The derived model and control are then implemented within a MATLAB simulation, where the control method was iterated to improve performance. The results show a full transition was achieved in under 14 seconds, where altitude variations were kept below 10 metres. Though the transition mode control was successful, a collective look at the data showcases issues with assumptions as well as thrust discontinuities. The implications of these results are discussed, with suggested improvements proposed for future work.