November 2023
15 Reads
Ethnography and Education
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November 2023
15 Reads
Ethnography and Education
November 2022
38 Reads
This article discussed the definitions, nature, growth, and affordability of low-fee private schools. It is shown that there is great diversity within the range of low-fee private schools both within and between different countries. It is argued that they are best understood as part of part of an expanded private education sector and discussed within the individual social, historical, educational, and economic contexts of the various countries.
April 2021
12 Reads
Oxford Review of Education
This paper is a further exploration of the phenomenon of historic country houses repurposed as private schools. In a previous paper it was shown that 55 English private schools within the Headmasters and Headmistresses Conference and the Girls’ Schools Association are partially housed within former country houses. This paper investigates some of the possible motivations for schools choosing to occupy such redundant country houses. There are a number of obvious reasons, such as their availability at low cost with appropriate facilities that could be readily used by the schools, but in some cases, it was found that the country house’s historic associations with arts, culture, and learning were a particular motivation for repurposing into schools.
November 2020
6 Reads
2 Citations
Oxford Review of Education
This article explores the phenomenon of country houses repurposed as private schools. It investigates the population of English schools within the Headmasters and Headmistresses Conference and the Girls’ Schools Association and finds that some 55 of these schools are partially housed within former country houses, with 19 in Grade I listed buildings and 17 in Grade II* listed buildings. The vast majority are boarding schools, with an equal number of schools that were originally designed to be single-sex schools for boys or girls. These schools and the houses they occupy are discussed within five time periods from the eighteenth century to the present.
January 2020
159 Reads
21 Citations
Ethnography and Education
This is a methodological paper that seeks to encourage thought about the nature of auto-ethnography and which types of auto-ethnography might be most worthwhile within educational research. It reviews the various types of auto-ethnographic writing within education, focusing initially on the accounts of the process of doing educational research which started to be published in the 1970s and 1980s. The paper discusses the merits and potential problems of such accounts, drawing upon examples of such work. During the 1980s and 1990s other forms of auto-ethnography in education started to be published that focused more on a contribution to knowledge through providing new data related to education. The paper discusses the merits and potential problems of this type of account, again drawing on various published examples. The paper argues that worthwhile auto-ethnography, of whatever type, should meet the criteria set for worthwhile ethnography as such.
November 2018
113 Reads
7 Citations
Ethnography and Education
This article looks back at several of the classic ethnographies in British sociology of education and shows that quantitative work played a significant part in many of them, and that quantitative results were part of the evidence used to support claims and arguments put forward by the authors. The article then examines some more recent ethnographies and shows that quantitative research within them has dwindled. It is then claimed that the artificial division between quantitative and qualitative research in education has made research poorer, and that the categorisation of ethnographic research as qualitative has been detrimental to ethnography. Some ways in which more quantitative work could (and often should) be included are then suggested.
October 2018
151 Reads
20 Citations
Qualitative Research
This article argues that the growth of social media and other forms of digital communication make it impossible for ethnographers to offer anonymity to research sites or to those significant people involved in the research sites. Indeed, it was never actually fully possible to offer anonymity in ethnography. Ethical Guidelines need to recognise these facts and researchers need to modify their research procedures such that the advantages of more openness in research are exploited.
March 2018
12 Reads
15 Citations
This chapter promotes what might be called a traditional form of ethnography. It recognizes that all traditions change, but puts forward a view that, for an activity or product to be regarded as ethnographic, there is a need for some strong and recognizable continuity with what was regarded as ethnography for most of the twentieth century. Legitimizing ethnographic work in the 1970s was far from easy. The chapter argues that, even where ethnographies do use multiple methods, most studies rely on interviews much more than before and often present transcriptions of interviews as data. This growing dependence on interviews is particularly strange given that the growth of ethnographic studies in education was originally driven by a desire to break away from generating data in atypical, researcher-constructed situations. Further, the validity of information given in interviews is often suspect, particularly if it relates to areas of the interviewee's life that are of importance to them.
August 2016
534 Reads
24 Citations
Oxford Review of Education
A great variety of non-state private actors have become active in education in the Global South. A vigorous debate has emerged on the appropriateness of certain non-state actors, particularly those with commercial and entrepreneurial motives, to meet universal education goals, as well as on the relative effectiveness of private schooling and its ability to mitigate against social inequities. A number of empirical questions abound, such as relative student achievement and learning outcomes; relative costs; impacts on households accessing fee-paying sectors; the nature of the market at various education levels; relationships between different types of non-state actors and between them and the state; and regulatory compulsions. There is also a need to sharpen conceptualisations on the types of non-state actors operating in the Global South, and the nature of their engagement. The introduction to this Special Issue of the Oxford Review of Education lays out some of these concerns, and introduces the eight original contributions addressing the topic.
November 2015
11 Reads
Journal of Education Policy
... The Public Schools Commission 12 (sic) reported that in 1969 there were 29 schools receiving grants directly from the Scottish Education Department. All but two charged fees, and were known as 'grant-aided' schools (Walford, 1987). Unlike direct-grant schools in England, the amount of the grant 'was related to the total maintenance expenditure rather than being a fixed per capita sum and was largely used to substantially reduce fees for all fee payers well below what they would otherwise have been' (Walford, 1987: 114-5). ...
December 1987
Scottish Educational Review
... Most of the images denote disciplined learning and academic tradition, with images of school uniform, artistic and musical activities, and supportive collaborative learning in a local woodland. The IGSD school is located within a traditional red-brick Victorian building, an imposing traditional architectural space, which Walford's (2021) analysis of class and education confirms is significant. ...
November 2020
Oxford Review of Education
... This is because autoethnographic stories are stories positioned from an individual's self through a cultural lens (Ellis et al., 2011). As Walford (2021) claims, the careful placement of the researcher at the centre of the research is helpful in arriving at a deep sense of understanding of oneself within a culture with others. ...
January 2020
Ethnography and Education
... • drawing on multiple sources of data and analytic methods to construct a culturally responsive (re)presentation of the group and its activities. Ethnography is not just a qualitative approach Walford, 2020); in addition to primary methods of participant observation, video analysis, and varied forms of interviewing, ethnographers may utilize other data collection and analysis methods, such as photo elicitation, stimulated recall, artifact, and document analyses, as well as statistical instruments, such as surveys or pre-post tests. ...
November 2018
Ethnography and Education
... Anonymity is difficult to uphold in an ethnography, especially within a community (Walford, 2018). As previously stated, this community has also been previously studied by one of the authors as well as other researchers. ...
October 2018
Qualitative Research
... Tyto otázky jsme zodpověděli pomocí etnografického přístupu, který Hammersley s Atkinsonem (2007) charakterizují jako dlouhodobou participaci výzkumníků na každodenních životech lidí, pozorování toho, co se děje, naslouchání tomu, co se říká, provádění formálních i neformálních rozhovorů a sbírání relevantních artefaktů s cílem prozkoumat vyvíjejí se předmět zkoumání. Podobně i další autoři při definování etnografie zdůrazňují realizaci dlouhodobého terénního výzkumu, kombinování různých technik sběru dat s důrazem na (více či méně) zúčastněné pozorování a produkci bohatého datového korpusu ve snaze zachytit, co lidé dělají ve své každodennosti a jaké významy tomu přisuzují (Delamont, 2012;Walford, 2018). V souladu s důrazy etnografické metodologie jsme se v našem výzkumu soustředili na hloubkové zachycení myšlení a jednání našich participantů a jejich vzájemné interakce, přičemž kontrastování různých datových zdrojů nám zároveň umožnilo uchopit zkoumaný fenomén nejen dostatečně detailně, ale i holisticky a komplexně. ...
March 2018
... Previous literature has focused on the operation of international schools, for instance, the International Baccalaureate (Gardner-McTaggart, 2018;Ledger, 2016), the provision of (low-fee) private education, primarily in developing countries (Härmä, 2009;Srivastava & Walford, 2016;Tooley & Dixon, 2006), and the production of "global citizens" (Woods & Kong, 2020). The literature is also targeting expatriate teachers working in the international schools' industry, often reporting negative feelings around professional agency and work experience (Bailey, 2015;Bunnell, 2017;Bunnell & Poole, 2023;Winchip, 2022;Wu & Koh, 2022). ...
August 2016
Oxford Review of Education
... Reported pupil-teacher ratios in LFPS vary greatly, but are generally found to be lower than in PSs, which may give LFPS teachers a better chance at building relationships with their pupils (; Härmä, 2021;Unterhalter et al., 2018). Walford (2015) points to an oversupply of teachers in many countries facilitating the growth in LFPS, as the surplus of teachers pushes down pay levels. Another way to cut down on wages is through hiring uncertified teachers, often local youth. ...
November 2015
... Zu diesen Schulen gehören die international bekannten Internate wie Eton, Winchester oder Rugby, die als Schulen bereits seit dem Mittelalter bzw. der frühen Neuzeit bestehen und die aufgrund ihrer hohen Schulgelder und engen Bindungen an Universitäten wie Oxford oder Cambridge auch als Eliteschulen gelten (Walford, 2009). Die Kategorie der staatlich-finanzierten Schulen (93,2 %) vereint einen bunten Mix an Schulen. ...
September 2009
Zeitschrift für Pädagogik
... Operating within this framework, New Labour"s rallying cry to E&T stakeholders has been that policy must intertwine competitiveness and social inclusion on the grounds that education is the best policy to support employability in, and growth of, the knowledge economy (Lauder, 2004). The emphasis in the first decade of educational policy from 1997 to 2007 fell upon making the supply-side more responsive to government priorities. ...
April 1999
Educational Management Administration & Leadership