January 2021
12 Reads
This chapter provides an overview of the questions pertaining to the international legal personality and external powers of the Union. It presents and analyses the seminal judgments of the extensive case law of the Court of Justice on the external powers of the Union that span almost fifty years. It thereby explains the distinction between the existence and nature of external powers of the EU as well as the doctrine of implied external powers. Starting from ERTA and Opinion 1/76, the chapter brings together this case law, discusses its latest codification in the EU Treaties with the Treaty of Lisbon, and how this has been interpreted by the Court in its judgments and Opinions. Lastly, a section is dedicated to the recently highly contested question whether the Union may exercise external powers in areas of shared competence. Answering in the affirmative, the Court further clarified the relationship between Articles 3(2) and 216(1) TFEU.