Gary Alan Fine’s scientific contributions

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Publications (25)

Grass Roots Commitment: Basketball and Society in Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Article

July 1989


6 Reads


4 Citations

Contemporary Sociology A Journal of Reviews

Gary Alan Fine



Joan D. Mandle

Freud: Appraisals and Reappraisals (Contributions to Freud Studies, Vol. 1)

March 1987


10 Reads

Contemporary Sociology A Journal of Reviews

Editor's Introduction: Text, Context, and Freud, Stepansky 1. Beyond the Pleasure Principle and Back Again: Freud, Jung, and Sabina Spielrein, Kerr 2. Freud, Katharina, and the First "Wild Analysis," Swales 3. Freud's Adolescent Reading: Some Possible Effects on His Work, Holt

Citations (9)

... The rules include find the card "that's best for your needs," "know what your credit score is," "use your card like its cash." Such dis course ech oes the didac tic and some times inti mate tone evi dent a cen tury ago when cor po ra tions used film to edu cate employ ees to be accu rate and punc tual (Groening 2011) and used print adver tis ing to iden tify short com ings (such as bad breath) that indi vid u als could man age through the con sump tion of their prod ucts (Marchand 1986). ...


Flawed Players in a Complex Game: Popular Audiovisual Explanations of Economics in the United States
Advertising the American Dream: Making Way for Modernity 1920-1940.
  • Citing Article
  • May 1986

Contemporary Sociology A Journal of Reviews

... Within disability studies, valuable scholarship has been conducted on the phenomenon of the gaze and its role in casting disabled people as the other in various settings, from freak shows to medical theaters and public spaces (Bogdan, 1988;Chemers, 2008;Garland-Thomson, 2009;Hevey, 2006). Disability studies scholars point out that this gaze categorizes and assigns meanings to the disabled body, transforming disabled people into spectacles by choreographing the distance between disabled and non-disabled people. ...

Freak Show: Presenting Human Oddities for Amusement and Profit.
  • Citing Article
  • September 1988

Contemporary Sociology A Journal of Reviews

... Daha yüksek düzeydeki hedefler daha az ikame edilebilir ve engellerle karşılaşıldığında terk edilme olasılığı daha düşüktür. Dolayısıyla ilişkisel hedef arayışı teorisi, belirli ünlülerle saplantılı ve aşırı derecede bağlantı kurmaya çalışan hayranların, özellikle ünlünün hayran için ideal bir öz imajı temsil ettiği koşullar altında, ünlüyle ilişki kurma hedefini daha üst düzey hedeflerle ilişkilendirdiğini öne sürer (Caughey, 1984). Hayranın ünlüyle bağlantı kurma hedefinin abartılı arzu edilirliği, hayranın ısrarlı ve uygunsuz takip faaliyetini teşvik eder. ...

Imaginary Social Worlds: A Cultural Approach.
  • Citing Article
  • May 1985

Contemporary Sociology A Journal of Reviews

... One subtask or a set of subtasks is assigned to each group member. We refer to the whole of subtasks assigned to a single group member as the 'task role', building on role concepts that have long been neglected in psychology (Blumberg, Hare, Kent, & Davies, 1983), but limiting these concepts in accordance with Emer y's (1978) concept of 'occupational roles' to the clearly defined aspect of tasks assigned to a group member. In a work group, each member ...

Small Groups and Social Interaction, Vols. 1 and 2.
  • Citing Article
  • September 1984

Contemporary Sociology A Journal of Reviews

Gary Alan Fine



A. Paul Hare




Martin F. Davies

... The 'hood' term has gangster associations, 20 while the 'greaser' term has pejorative ethnic connotations, referring primarily to Italian-or Hispanic-Americans who were seen as using a lot of hair oil, or being unwashed, or both. The terminology starts to evolve with the counterculture in the 1970s, so that the oppositional types become defined by drug use (Eckert's 'burnouts', Palonsky's 'hempies') or the all-purpose word for weird-dressing (from the point of view of the dominant groups) countercultural types of that era, 'freaks' (Varenne, 1982(Varenne, , 1983). Despite the evolution of the terminology, however, the general characteristics of the type in this box remain the same-'wild' in terms of both school opposition and (real or imagined) heightened sexuality; and modally lower-or working-class backgrounds. ...

American School Language: Culturally Patterned Conflicts in a Suburban High School.
  • Citing Article
  • November 1984

Contemporary Sociology A Journal of Reviews

... Folklores are traditional stories and beliefs that have been passed down through generations by word of mouth. According to Dundes (1984), folklores are an integral part of a culture's heritage and serve as a means of preserving the culture's identity and history. In the Philippines, folklores play a crucial role in preserving the country's rich cultural heritage. ...

Life Is Like a Chicken Coop Ladder: A Portrait of German Culture through Folklore.
  • Citing Article
  • November 1984

Contemporary Sociology A Journal of Reviews

... Since the 1980s, however, there has been increased interest in studying the origin and function of ethnic jokes (Martin, 1998). Sociological research on ethnic jokes has centered on sources of ethnic humor, which are " ethnocentrism, in-group adulation, out-group resentment, prejudice, and intolerance of the life-styles of others (Apte, 1985). " In addition, sociological studies have shown interest in studying the functions of ethnic jokes in multiethnic society (see below). ...

Humor and Laughter: An Anthropological Approach
  • Citing Article
  • September 1985

Contemporary Sociology A Journal of Reviews

... Age has traditionally characterised career change teachers. For instance, Brandes' (1985) earlier work suggests that career change decisions are more likely to occur around the age of 40 when individuals face a decline in career satisfaction. This 'mid-life transition' often sees individuals consider teaching an alternative career (Wilkins, 2017). ...

Forty: The Age and the Symbol.
  • Citing Article
  • March 1986

Contemporary Sociology A Journal of Reviews

... In the context of urban legends, two items are typically highlighted as having contributed to the term becoming widely prevalent: "A contemporary legend. A Folklore Bibliography" (Bennett, Smith, 1993) which was created with the intention of compiling a bibliography of 1116 items, including articles and anthologies on contemporary legends and "The Vanishing Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends and Their Meanings" by J.H. Brunvand (2003), that presents the issue of urban legends in a scholarly manner. The analysed term is defined as follows: "Urban legends […] are realistic stories concerning recent events (or alleged events) with an ironic or supernatural twist" (Brunvand J.H., 2003, xi). ...

The Vanishing Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends and Their Meanings
  • Citing Article
  • April 1982

Western Folklore