Gabriel Zucman’s research while affiliated with University of California System and other places

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Publications (65)

Taxing Capital in a Globalized World: The Effects of Automatic Information Exchange
  • Article

January 2024


10 Reads


2 Citations

SSRN Electronic Journal

Hjalte Fejerskov Boas


Niels Johannesen


Claus Thustrup Kreiner




Gabriel Zucman

Top Incomes and Tax Policy
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2023


30 Reads


2 Citations

Oxford Open Economics

Modern tax systems do not satisfactorily tax the wealthiest individuals. Meanwhile, government revenue needs have increased in the wake of the Covid pandemic. This paper discusses ideas for new revenue sources focused on the top of the distribution: A progressive tax on net wealth with a high exemption threshold; a wealth tax on corporations' stock, and a one-off tax on top-end unrealized capital gains. Given the size and concentration of wealth, the revenue potential of these policies is significant.


Globalisation, taxation and inequality

August 2023


6 Reads


1 Citation

Fiscal Studies

Today's tax systems, in which value‐added taxes and payroll taxes play a prominent role, are largely creations of the 1950s. We need to invent modern tax systems adapted to the reality of the 21 st century: the growing importance of capital and the rise of inequality. This article reviews some of the challenges involved with increasing the progressivity of tax systems in a globalised world and discusses how these challenges could be overcome. I make the case for new and more ambitious forms of international cooperation and for modern forms of wealth taxation.

Rethinking capital and wealth taxation

August 2023


31 Reads


39 Citations

Oxford Review of Economic Policy

This paper reviews recent developments in the theory and practice of optimal capital taxation. We emphasize three main rationales for capital taxation. First, the frontier between capital and labour income flows is often fuzzy, thereby lending support to a broad-based, comprehensive income tax. Next, the very notions of income and consumption flows are difficult to define and measure for top wealth holders where capital gains due to asset price effects dwarf ordinary income and consumption flows. Therefore the proper way to tax billionaires is a progressive wealth tax. Finally, as individuals cannot choose their parents, there are strong meritocratic reasons why we should tax inherited wealth more than earned income or self-made wealth for which individuals can be held responsible, at least in part. This implies that the ideal fiscal system should also include a progressive inheritance tax, in addition to progressive income and wealth taxes. We then confront our prescriptions with historical experience. Although there are significant differences, we argue that observed fiscal systems in modern democracies bear important similarities with this ideal triptych.

Externalities in International Tax Enforcement: Theory and Evidence

May 2023


38 Reads


5 Citations

American Economic Journal Economic Policy

We show that the fiscal authorities of high-tax countries can lack the incentives to combat profit shifting to tax havens. Instead, they have incentives to focus their enforcement efforts on relocating profits booked by multinationals in other high-tax countries, crowding out the enforcement on transactions that shift profits to tax havens, and reducing the global tax payments of multinational companies. The predictions of our model are motivated and supported by the analysis of two new datasets: the universe of transfer price corrections conducted by the Danish tax authority, and new cross-country data on international tax enforcement. (JEL E62, F23, H25, H26, H87, K34)

Citations (53)

... Tähän on kaksi olennaista syytä. Ensiksi voitonsiirto hyödyttää kaikkein varakkaimpia, jotka omistavat yhteisöveroa maksavat ja sitä välttävät yritykset niin Suomessa kuin muualla (Heino 2024;Saez ja Zucman 2023). Näiden yritysten omistajat ja heitä edustavat etujärjestöt ja veronkonsultit ovat käyttäneet vaikutus valtaansa jarruttaakseen niin kansallisia kuin kansainvälisiä uudistuksia ongelmiin puuttumiseksi (Finér 2022). ...


Kullattu digitaalinen aikakausi ja kansainvälisen verokilpailun käänne
Distributional Tax Analysis in Theory and Practice: Harberger Meets Diamond-Mirrlees
  • Citing Article
  • January 2023

SSRN Electronic Journal

... For some countries, population aging has also contributed to rising inequality [29]. We need to invent modern tax systems adapted to the reality of the 21st century: the growing importance of capital and the rise of inequality [30]. The research gap in the literature review is a lack of research analysis and discussion on economic policies on the ever-expanding polarization of wealth. ...

Globalisation, taxation and inequality
  • Citing Article
  • August 2023

Fiscal Studies

... The sustainability of contemporary society is in danger of collapsing under the weight of a dual and interrelated crisis. While the social crisis dimension manifests itself in levels of inequality last seen in the 19th century (Piketty et al. 2023), the most discussed aspects of the ecological crisis are the climate (IPCC 2022) and biodiversity (IPBES 2022) emergencies. 'Sufficiency' has deservedly become a key term within sustainability science. ...

Rethinking capital and wealth taxation
  • Citing Article
  • August 2023

Oxford Review of Economic Policy

... Les différences d'élasticité estimée entre les pays sont expliquées en partie par les différents dispositifs de déclaration du patrimoine. Comme le montre l'étude deGarbinti et al. (2023), si les ménages peuvent utiliser le manque d'information de l'État sur leur patrimoine à leur avantage (en ne déclarant pas certains avoirs), ils le font. ...

Tax Design, Information, and Elasticities: Evidence from the French Wealth Tax
  • Citing Article
  • January 2023

SSRN Electronic Journal

... Multinational enterprises (MNEs) can exploit loopholes in tax rules to shift profits to low-tax countries to avoid paying taxes. International profit shifting has caused considerable losses of tax revenue for both OECD and developing countries (see Crivelli, de Mooij and Keen, 2016;Davies et al., 2018;Bilicka, 2019;Wier and Zucman, 2022;Tørsløv et al., 2023). To relieve the pressure on the outdated international corporate tax system, over 135 jurisdictions in 2021 agreed on a 15% global minimum tax (GMT), which is a key part of Pillar Two of the two-pillar solution proposed by the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS). ...

Global Profit Shifting, 1975-2019
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

SSRN Electronic Journal

... C'est aussi le signe de l'existence des inégalités de revenu qui, malheureusement, persistent dans de nombreux pays, surtout ceux en développement, au cours des dernières décennies (Dout & Kebalo, 2021). En 2021, les 10% les plus riches de la planète détiennent plus de 52% du revenu mondial, tandis que la moitié la plus pauvre n'en gagne que 8% (Chancel et al., 2022). Les inégalités de revenu génèrent des coûts énormes au point que si son aggravation ne fait pas l'objet d'un suivi rigoureux et qu'on ne lui trouve pas des remèdes efficaces, elle pourrait et selon leur niveau de revenu. ...

Rapport sur les inégalités mondiales 2022
  • Citing Book
  • April 2022

... Income for countries such as Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Malta and Andorra -which are considered tax havens -were not adjusted using Eq. (4) because GDP flows largely exceed income flows for these countries 18 . In Switzerland and Liechtenstein, income was adjusted using country-level disposable income estimates published by NSIs. ...

The Missing Profits of Nations
  • Citing Article
  • July 2022

Review of Economic Studies

... Although the problem of tax avoidance by multinationals using tax havens has been the subject of much research and consideration (Zucman, 2013;Cobham and Janský, 2020;Dharmapala, 2014;Dyreng et al., 2017;Gumpert et al., 2016;Bilicka et al., 2022;Elemes et al., 2021;Bustos et al., 2022;Goerdt and Eggert, 2022;Alstadsaeter et al., 2023), the effects of withholding taxation and anti-tax avoidance clause have rarely been touched by the literature so far (Cowx and Kerr, 2023;Arena and Roper, 2010;Białek-Jaworska and Klapkiv, 2021;Peeters and Vanneste, 2020;Blum, 2018). Thus, we aim to contribute to the existing knowledge in this area by using unique administrative data on the entire population of passive income payers to nonresidents in 2012-2019. ...

The Race between Tax Enforcement and Tax Planning: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Chile
  • Citing Article
  • May 2022

SSRN Electronic Journal