Gábor Tóth’s research while affiliated with University of West Hungary, Sopron and other places

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Publications (17)

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November 2024


6 Reads

Földrajzi Közlemények



Kálmán Péntek




Gyula Széles

This study deals with the karren formation of bare surfaces. The used methods are theoretical calculations, field mapping, laboratory experiments, and digital modelling. The denudation rate of karren surfaces on bare slopes and based on the data of measurements, the denudation rate of karren in different vegetation belts were given. Mostly, the development of rinnenkarren and meanderkarren was analysed. A function relation was determined between the density of rinnenkarren types and the slope angle. The effect of the main channel and tributary channels on each other was studied by computer modelling. The impact of the wind on the development of karren and the conditions for the development of tropical karren was also investigated.


A Mura folyó kanyarulatvándorlásainak elemzése és hullámterének feliszapolódás vizsgálata 2 D modellezéssel 1. rész. = Meandering of the Mura river and 2D modeling of the silting up processes of the inundation area – Part I.

January 2016


186 Reads


4 Citations

By using GIS methods for approximately the past 250 years changes of the riverbed of the Mura River were reconstructed in the study. The main point of the method is that we draw conclusions for development of the riverbed by projecting the different age current lines on each other. Separation and periodization of the anthropogenic interventions is possible by using this method. Using morphometric parameters the long-term development of the river and the meanders were analysed. The meander movement and cut-off is forecasted. Flood maps from MIKE 21 FM 2D hydraulic modelling and old historical maps were compared and evaluated.

The water supply of the oxbow-lake in the period of 1960-2009
A Mura folyó hullámterének feliszapolódás vizsgálata II. rész. = The silting up processes of the inundation area of the Mura river – Part II.

January 2016


71 Reads


4 Citations

By using GIS methods for approximately the past 250 years changes of the riverbed of the Mura River were reconstructed in the part I. of the study. The meander movement and cut-off is forecasted. Flood maps from MIKE 21 FM 2D hydraulic modelling and old historical maps were compared and evaluated. In the Part II the silting up processes for the same experimental area were studied. The dating of the sediment samples for an oxbow lake was done and the tendency of silting up process of the inundation area was calculated.

Thermal Spring Cones of the Tihany Peninsula

March 2015


255 Reads


6 Citations

Tihany is a spectacular volcanic peninsula of Lake Balaton, where more than a hundred cones deposited by thermal waters rise. The calcareous and siliceous building materials overlie basaltic tuff layers of maar-type volcanism. Their formation is related to the existence of an underlying magma chamber, which heated up the surrounding karst water. Hot karst waters spouted to the surface, where the dissolved silica and carbonates precipitated and deposited. During the stage of mofetta development hot spring water accumulated in ponds where organic limestone deposited. The further heating of karst water modified the composition of spring water and, in parallel, the composition of the cones. The mofetta stage was succeeded by the fumarola stage, when siliceous minerals precipitated from spring water and added further substances to the spring cone edifices. These minerals supplanted the calcites and filled cavities and cracks.

Kál Basin: Pseudokarren on Sandstone

March 2015


82 Reads


10 Citations

The Kál Basin, located in the central part of Transdanubia, on the northern, mountainous shore of Lake Balaton (Balaton Highland), is one of the most spectacular landscapes of Hungary, a focal area of geological and geomorphological research for more than a century. Its sandstone was formed from the sand beaches of Lake Pannon during the Pliocene and the blockfields (felsenmeers) of the basin are also intriguing geomorphological sites. In addition to the geomorphic diversity, they are also valuable because they survived earth history almost unmodified. After the regression of the sea, on the surfaces of stone blocks a wealth of pseudokarren features began to emerge, adding further diversity to the landscape. The most common features on the horizontal block surfaces are kamenitzas, rinnen, grikes and pits, while pockets and solution notches occur on the walls of the blocks.

Historijsko-morfološka rekonstrukcija inundacije rijeke Mure.

January 2013


29 Reads


5 Citations

U radu se obrađuje Historijsko-morfološka rekonstrukcije rijeke Mure. Regulacijski radovi su bitno promijenili morfodinamičke karakteristike rijeka. Prirodne promjene korita ranijih stoljeća događale su se u već - zbog čovjekovog utjecaja – promijenjenoj hidrografskoj i morfološkoj sredini. Radovi su skratili dužinu korita kod većine rijeka, što je doprinijelo povećanju pada i radne sposobnosti. Paralelno sa regulacijskim radovima promjenila se upotreba direktnog obalnog pojasa rijeke i inundacijskog prostora. Na osnovi toga poželjno je ispitati geomorfološke procese koji danas stvaraju geodinamiku korita spomenutih rijeka.

Fig. 1. Catchment area of the Mura River (drawn by Fig. 1. Catchment area of the Mura River (drawn by TEDDY AULY TEDDY AULY). ).
Fig. 2. The discharge change on the Mura River during the summer fl ood 2009. Fig. 2. The discharge change on the Mura River during the summer fl ood 2009.
Fig. 10. Movement of the river bed in 200 years. Fig. 10. Movement of the river bed in 200 years.
Historical morphological reconstruction of the Mura River (SW of the Carpathian Basin) by using GIS methods

September 2012


174 Reads


8 Citations

Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementary Issues

A reconstruction of changes of the riverbed of the Mura River during approximately last 250 years by using GIS methods is presented in the study. The method applied focuses on the determination of the development of the riverbed by means of projecting river channel lines of different ages. Reconstruction of these lines proved to be difficult due to the following factors: (1) frequent and irregular spatial and time variation of the course, (2) incomplete and chaotic cartographical documentation, (3) short hydrological data series, (4) undocumented anthropogenic interventions into the course of the riverbed, and (5) the constant changes of the border. Obtained data allowed analysis of the status for years 1788, 1843, 1860, 1880 and 1990. It was determined that the shift of the riverbed in the analysed time span amounted on average to 4 m. Applied method allows the separation and periodization of the anthropogenic interventions. © 2012 Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany.

Fig. 3. The effect urbanization volume and rates of surface run-off (source: Drainage Manual, Roads and Fig. 3. The effect urbanization volume and rates of surface run-off (source: Drainage Manual, Roads and Transportation Association of Canada 1982). Transportation Association of Canada 1982).
Fig. 4. The hydrological cycle ( Fig. 4. The hydrological cycle (TRENBERTH TRENBERTH et al. 2006a). et al. 2006a).
Fig. 5. Risk profi le of Hungary (source: http://www.preventionweb.net/english/countries/statistics/ Fig. 5. Risk profi le of Hungary (source: http://www.preventionweb.net/english/countries/statistics/ risk.php?iso=hun). risk.php?iso=hun).
Urban flood risk and hydrology

September 2012


522 Reads


1 Citation

Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementary Issues

Urban floods have large impacts particularly in terms of economic and social losses. Flood risk is commonly thought of as being a combination of the probability and the consequences of flooding. To analyse flooding requires a basic understanding of the hydrology of cities. The paper provides an overview of the consequences of urbanisation on the hydrology of towns and cities, try to describe the urban hydrological cycle and the processes within the cycle that result in flooding. We would like to introduce the process of urban flood risk management. The central concept of this paper is to represent how we can manage collectively the different aspects of the urban flood risk, and to demonstrate the successful management with them.

Citations (11)

... Karren morphological maps can be drawn by square-net mapping of smaller surfaces, and the history of dissolution of the area can be deduced from these maps (Veress and tóth, 2001). ...


Karst Rock Features
Formes et micro-reliefs de lapiés. Approche morphométrique et morphogénique. Application au massif de Totes-Gebirge (Autriche)

Karstologia revue de karstologie et de spéléologie physique

... In the dissertation the method of the calibration and verification processes for 2D hydraulic modelling were shown (Engi, 2016;Engi et al., 2016a;2016b). From the silting up process of the inundation areas we draw conclusion about the development of the hydraulic status of the area. On the basis of the results adequate interventions could be projected for the decreasing of flood hazard in the inundation area. ...

A Mura folyó hullámterének feliszapolódás vizsgálata II. rész. = The silting up processes of the inundation area of the Mura river – Part II.

... V avstroogrski monarhiji je skozi stoletja pripadala mejnemu območju, zato se z njeno vodnogospodarsko zasnovo nobena od dežel ni ukvarjala. V obdobju železne zavese je bilo na tem območju opravljenih zelo malo raziskav, lahko bi rekli, da le najnujnejše (ker je geografsko sestavo obvodnih površin Mure težko obdelati, o poplavnem območju in inundacijskem prostoru do leta 2011 ni bilo obsežnih raziskav (Tóth et al., 2013) (Nagy et al., 2012;Engi et al., 2016a). Raziskovanje, prikazano v tej disertaciji, se nanaša na inundacijsko območje spodnjega, tj. ...

Historijsko-morfološka rekonstrukcija inundacije rijeke Mure.

... The experimental area covers the Hungarian section of the Mura River ( Figure 6). The model was built from 9 km to 48 km (Engi et al., 2016a;Engi, 2016). The possible locations of meander cut-offs The studied river is of the alluvial type with developing meanders in spite of the standard bank protection. ...

A Mura folyó kanyarulatvándorlásainak elemzése és hullámterének feliszapolódás vizsgálata 2 D modellezéssel 1. rész. = Meandering of the Mura river and 2D modeling of the silting up processes of the inundation area – Part I.

... Among them are the landmarks of the region: Badacsony, Szent György-hegy and the former basalt quarry of Hegyestű, developed as an open-air geological museum [33]. The Tihany peninsula hosts other volcanism-related landforms such as old geyser cones and maars [34]. Other geomorphological phenomena include karst (with a few caves accessible to the public) and picturesque sandstone crags. ...

Thermal Spring Cones of the Tihany Peninsula

... Worldwide various sandstone landscapes and landforms like mesa, butte and pinnacles in geoparks have become a key attraction as documented in thematic publications from countries like Egypt (Embabi and Embabi 2018); South Africa (Grab 2015;Quick and Eckardt 2015); Brazil (Morais and Cristo 2015; Lima and Nolasco 2015;Silva Mutzenberg et al. 2015); Hungary (Veress and Tóth 2015;Horváth et al. 2015); Czech Republic (Vařilová 2016;Adamovič 2016;Vítek 2016); In the country context, various yardang features have been documented in the northwestern part of Saudi Arabia, which are not well showcase and explored earlier. ...

Kál Basin: Pseudokarren on Sandstone

... A combe-ridge can show specific and rich karren formation under extreme circumstances. Thus, for example, on the island of Diego de Almagro, where a large amount of precipitation and high wind speed favours intensive karren formation on combe-ridges (Veress et al. 2006). On the island, karstification is mainly focused on combe-ridges. ...

The effect of the wind on karren formation on the Island of Diego de Almagro (Chile)

Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementary Issues

... Meandering channels also form in bedrock where the driving processes include dissolution (e.g., Veress and Tóth, 2004;Allen, 1971;Zeller, 1967), abrasion by sediment particles (Sklar and Dietrich, 2004), plucking of bedrock (Chatanantavet and Parker, 2009;Whipple et al., 2000), slaking (Johnson and Finnegan, 2015), and weathering (Pelletier and Baker, 2011). ...

Types of meandering karren

Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementary Issues

... The study includes the overview of the regulation works documentation, as it is an integral part of the historical morphology (Engi et al., 2012). The database contains seven vectorised river paths of the studied Mura River section (1785,1860,1880,1920,1976,2002,2014) and 535 meanders in different developing stages. ...

Historical morphological reconstruction of the Mura River (SW of the Carpathian Basin) by using GIS methods

Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementary Issues

... With the development of global urbanization, the variation of urban hydrological processes has become increasingly prominent, and the mechanism of urban water cycle has undergone profound changes, resulting in increasing water risks and water environmental problems, such as frequently happened storm, shortage of water resources and deterioration of water quality (Mrekva et al., 2012;Wang et al., 2014;Sang and Yang, 2017). These disasters have caused huge economic losses and threaten the safety of infrastructure and human lives (Yang et al., 2021). ...

Urban flood risk and hydrology

Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementary Issues