G. WENSKI’s research while affiliated with University of Cologne and other places

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Publications (11)

ChemInform Abstract: Magnetic Properties of SEPtX-Compounds (SE: Rare Earth Metal Element, X: P, As).
  • Article

March 1988


6 Reads









The magnetic properties of the isotypic title phosphides (AlB2 type structure, P6m2, Z=1) and arsenides (AlB2 type related structure, P63/mmc) with SE: Sm, Gd, Tb, Tm, Yb, Lu are measured in the temp. range 4-300 K. At low temp. magnetic ordering phenomena are observed for GdPtAs, TbPtP (ferromagnetic below 48 and 50 K, resp.), SmPtAs, GdPtP (antiferromagnetic below 50 and 65 K, resp.) and also for TmPtP and TmPtAs (not explainable, below 10 K).

Magnetische Eigenschaften von SEPtX-Verbindungen (SE = Seltenerdelement, X = P, As)

October 1987


15 Reads


7 Citations

Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie

Die magnetischen Eigenschaften von SEPtP und SEPtAs (SE = Sm, Gd, Tb, Tm, Yb, Lu) wurden im Temperaturbereich zwischen 4 und 300 K gemessen. Die Verbindungen kristallisieren im AlB2-Typ (Phosphide) bzw · einer Variante dieser Struktur (Arsenide). GdPtAs und TbPtP verhalten sich bei tiefen Temperaturen ferromagnetisch, SmPtAs und GdPtP antiferromagnetisch. Bei Temperaturen unterhalb von 10 K zeigen auch TmPtP und TmPtAs eine magnetische Ordnung, während LuPtP sowie LuPtAs Pauli-Paramagnetismus und SmPtP einen temperaturunabhängigen Paramagnetismus aufweisen. YbPtP und YbPtAs folgen dem Curie-Weiß-Gesetz, wobei das Arsenid dynamisch zwischenvalent ist.Magnetic Properties of SEPtX-Compounds (SE = Rare Earth Element, X = P, As)The magnetic properties of SEPtP and SEPtAs (SE = Sm, Gd, Tb, Tm, Yb, Lu) in the temperature range between 4 and 300 K were measured. The compounds crystallize in a modified AlB2-type structure (phosphides) and a related type, respectively. GdPtAs and TbPtP show at low temperatures ferromagnetic behaviour, SmPtAs and GdPtP are antiferromagnetic. At temperatures below 10 K TmPtP and TmPtAs are converted into a magnetic order too. Paramagnetism is observed in the cases of LuPtAs and LuPtAs (Pauli-Paramagnetism) and SmPtP (temperature- independent Paramagnetism) · YbPtP and YbPtAs follow the law of Curie-Weiss, the arsenide is one of the phases with dynamic intermediate valency.

Ternäre Varianten des AlB2‐Typs. Darstellung und Struktur von Ca(Eu)PtX (X = P, As, Sb), CaPtxP2−x, EuPtxP(As)2−x und CaPtxAs0,9

December 1986


81 Reads


60 Citations

Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie

CaPtP und CaPtAs kristallisieren in neuen ternären AlB2-Varianten: Die Struktur von CaPtP ist aus verzerrten PtP-Sechsecknetzen aufgebaut (Pmc21; a = 434,4 pm, b = 831,1 pm, c = 651,9 pm), für CaPtAs ermittelten wir eine Atomanordnung, die sich aus Strukturelementen des AlB2- und des ThSi2-Typs zusammensetzt (I41md; a = 418,3 pm, c = 4371,1 pm). EuPtP kristallisiert im Ni2In- (P63/mmc; a = 408,6 pm, c = 863,0 pm) und EuPtAs im ThSi2-Typ (I41md; a = 423,0 pm, c = 1487,8 pm). CaPtSb und EuPtSb bilden eine verzerrte Ni2In-Strukturvariante (modifizierter CeCu2-Typ), in der gewellte PtSb-Schichten ein Raumnetz aufbauen (Pnma; CaPtSb: a = 731,7 pm, b = 457,4 pm, c = 786,9 pm; EuPtSb: a = 758,1 pm, b = 464,2 pm, c = 789,3 pm). Außerdem wird über die im Titel angegebenen Phosphide und Arsenide mit Phasenbreite (AlB2-Typ) berichtet.Ternary AlB2-Type Derivative Structures. Preparation and Crystal Structure of Ca(Eu) PtX (X = P, As, Sb), CaPtxP2−x, EuPtxP(As)2−x, and CaPtxAs0,9CaPtP and CaPtAs crystallize with new ternary AlB2-related structures, that of CaPtP is built up by deformed PtP hexagon nets (space groups and lattice constants see „Inhaltsübersicht”), for CaPtAs we found an atomic arrangement consisting of structural elements of the AlB2 and the ThSi2 type. EuPtP is a Ni2In-type derivative, whereas EuPtAs crystallizes in a modified ThSi2-type structure. CaPtSb and EuPtSb obtain a distorted Ni2In-type structure (modified CeCu2 type) with puckered PtSb layers building up a 3D framework. The phosphides and arsenides with homogeneity range (AlB2-type structure) given in the title also are reported.

Trigonal-planar koordiniertes Platin: Darstellung und Struktur von SrPtAs (Sb), BaPtP (As, Sb), SrPtxP2?x, SrPtxAs0,90 und BaPtxAs0,90

April 1986


7 Reads


90 Citations

Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie

BaPtP und BaPtAs kristallisieren in ternären Varianten der SrSi2-Struktur, in denen die Si-Positionen auf unterschiedliche Weise geordnet von Pt und P(As) besetzt sind (P213; BaPtP: a = 653,3 pm, BaPtAs: a = 671,6 pm). Für die übrigen im Titel angegebenen Verbindungen fanden wir den AlB2-Typ mit statistischer (P6/mmm) oder geordneter (P6m2) Verteilung von Pt und P (As, Sb) auf den Bor-Plätzen sowie eine Ni2In-Variante, die als geordnete Überstruktur des AlB2-Typs beschrieben werden kann: Trigonal Planar Coordinated Platinum: Preparation and Crystal Structure of SrPtAs (Sb), BaPtP (As, Sb), SrPtxP2−x, SrPtxAs0,90, and BaPtxAs0,90BaPtP and BaPtAs crystallize in ternary SrSi2-type derivative structures formed by a different ordered occupation of the Si positions by Pt and P (As) (P213, lattice constants see „Inhaltsübersicht”). For the other compounds given in the title we found the AlB2-type structure with a statistical (P6/mmm) or ordered (P6m2) distribution of Pt and P (As, Sb) among the boron sites or a modified Ni2In-type structure which can be described as an ordered superstructure of the AlB2-type (P63/mmc).

Citations (7)

... The ordered honeycomb network structure therefore appears to be favourable for the occurrence of superconductivity. In this paper, we report the discovery of superconductivity in CaPtAs with T c = 1.47 K, which adopts a noncentrosymmetric tetragonal structure consisting of twisted three-dimensional (3D) honeycombs of Pt-As along the c-axis [38]. ...


CaPtAs: a new noncentrosymmetric superconductor
ChemInform Abstract: Ternary AlB2-Type Derivative Structures. Preparation and Crystal Structure of Ca(Eu)PtX (X: P, As, Sb), CaPtxP2-x, EuPtxP(As)2-x, and CaPtxAs0.9.
  • Citing Article
  • March 1987


... Unfortunately, we were not able to do the structure determination for these compounds on single crystals at the time. Some preliminary results about the structure of Dy 12 Ni 30 As 21 and Tb 12 Ni 30 As 21 have been reported in literature [15], and finally the crystal structure of Dy 12 Ni 30 As 31 has been proposed in literature [16] as a (La, Ce) 12 Rh 30 P 21 -type related structure. ...

  • Citing Article
  • January 1986

Zeitschrift für Kristallographie

... Variations of / 0 and / 0 as functions of pressure are illustrated in figure 3, where ( ) is the lattice parameter (unit cell volume) at the considered pressure and 0 ( 0 ) is the corresponding value at zero pressure. The obtained results for / 0 and / 0 in the considered range of pressure are well fitted to a third-order polynomials: Ref [16], Ref [28], f [29], Ref [14], Ref [15], Ref [30], Ref [31], ℎ Ref [32]. ...

REPtX compounds with structures related to AIB2- and MgAgAs-type (RE=Y, Rare earth element;Χ = Ρ, As, Sb)
  • Citing Article
  • October 1986

Zeitschrift für Kristallographie – Crystalline Materials

... Along these lines, it is interesting to note that in LaPtSb, the buckling is largely manifested in out-of-plane shifts of the Pt atoms, minimizing La-Sb collisions, while in LaAuGe, the smaller Ge atoms show greater displacement. These results also correlate with observations described in the literature for other AlB 2 -type variants, [38][39][40] where the degree of buckling in the crystal structures is often attributed to the size of the stuffing cation A. As the radius of the stuffing cation increases, c increases and interactions between the layers are reduced. With increasing atomic radii, the structures transition from a stuffed wurtzite network (LiGaGe-type) to stuffed graphite sheets (ZrBeSi-type). ...

REPtXcompounds with structures related to AlB2- and MgAgAs-type (RE= Y, Rare earth element;X= P, As, Sb)
  • Citing Article
  • January 1986

Zeitschrift für Kristallographie

... For the diverse physical properties shown in ternary rare Earth pnictides, these materials are appropriate candidates to study these novel quantum phenomena. Strangely, a few decades ago, YbPtAs [22,23] was reported to crystallize in an AlB 2 derived hexagonal structure, the same as SrPtAs, but there has been little study on the physical properties. In this case, the substitution of Sr with Yb would introduce a localized moment from 4 electrons, and the hybridization between the localized 4 -electrons and conduction electrons can produce exotic properties, like the heavy fermion superconductivity. ...

Magnetische Eigenschaften von SEPtX-Verbindungen (SE = Seltenerdelement, X = P, As)
  • Citing Article
  • October 1987

Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie

... We have recently characterized the physical properties and phase diagrams of EuPtAs with the NC polar structure, which is isostructural to CeAlGe [7]. Using the x-ray resonant magnetic scattering (XRMS) technique, we have studied the magnetic structures in different phases. ...

Ternäre Varianten des AlB2‐Typs. Darstellung und Struktur von Ca(Eu)PtX (X = P, As, Sb), CaPtxP2−x, EuPtxP(As)2−x und CaPtxAs0,9
  • Citing Article
  • December 1986

Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie

... 22,23) The k-point mesh is employed up to 24 ×24 ×16 (48 × 48 × 32) in the Brillouin zone (BZ) in scf (nscf) calculations, and the energy cutoff of wavefunctions is set to 100 Ryd. The lattice constants are given by a = 4.535 Å and c = 4.884 Å for BaPtSb, 24) and a = 4.308 Å and c = 4.761 Å for BaPtAs. 19) The obtained electronic structures are shown in Fig. 1. ...

Trigonal-planar koordiniertes Platin: Darstellung und Struktur von SrPtAs (Sb), BaPtP (As, Sb), SrPtxP2?x, SrPtxAs0,90 und BaPtxAs0,90
  • Citing Article
  • April 1986

Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie