January 2016
133 Reads
1 Citation
International Journal of Case Reports and Images
Introduction: Keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KOt) is a common developmental odontogenic cyst affecting the maxillofacial region. Multiple odontogenic keratocysts (OKcs) are usually seen in association with nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome but approximately only 5% of patients with keratocystic odontogenic tumor have multiple cysts without concomitant syndromic presentation. Only a few cases have been reported till date. case report: this report emphasizes a unique case of a young 14-year-old female suffering since an early age and the role of multidisciplinary approach in the diagnosis and management of a case of multiple keratocystic odontogenic tumors in a non-syndromic patient. conclusion: the non-syndromic KcOts are linked to the expression of a characteristic gene. they are associated with severe morbidity in the younger age group due to their multiple involvement of the jaws but their recurrence rate is less compared to that of syndromic type. the diagnosis and management of these tumors mandates multidisciplinary approach which can instill confidence and improve quality of life of the patients.