G. Piccarreta’s research while affiliated with University of Bari Aldo Moro and other places

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Publications (57)

Chemical composition of whole rocks.
Figure 2. Microphotographs of thin-sections showing porphyroblastic garnets and locations of zircon (zrn), biotite (Bt), orthopyroxene (Opx), plagioclase (Pl), c (Cpx) and amphibole (Amph). (a) Sample Tur76A; REE-rich amphibole and REE-poor amphibole in bight and lobe of garnet, respectively, are indicated in insert at the bottom on the right. (b) Sample GRT3 modified from Fornelli et al. (2014). Abbreviations of minerals according to Kretz (1983). 
Trace elements (mean values in ppm and standard deviation σ) in core and rim (lobes and bights) of garnet from Tur76A sample. Details of analysed points in Figure 4a.
Figure 3. REE patterns of whole rocks nomalized to McDonough & Sun (1995) chondrite. 
Trace elements (in ppm) of clinopyroxene in nodule and orthopyroxenes from corona and matrix (sample Tur76A).


REE partition among zircon, orthopyroxene, amphibole and garnet in a high-grade metabasic system
  • Article
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August 2017


242 Reads


17 Citations





A mafic amphibole-bearing granulite with porphyroblastic garnet was investigated to evaluate: (1) the rare earth element (REE) partition among garnet, zircon, orthopyroxene and amphibole during the metamorphic evolution; (2) the significance of the REE distribution along lobes and bights of reabsorbed garnet rim; and (3) REE distribution coefficient values (DREE) suggestive of chemical equilibrium, assuming garnet as a reference. The results have been compared with those deriving from an intermediate granulite containing porphyroblastic garnet, without amphibole. Porphyroblastic garnet from both samples is rimmed by a continuous corona formed during post-peak decompression characterized by REE-enriched lobes and REE-poor bights. The amphiboles from corona have various REE abundances, reflecting a different dissolution rate of original garnet rim. The initial slow rate of garnet dissolution caused high REE concentration in the new garnet rim due to intra-crystalline diffusion, leading to the formation of REE-poorer amphiboles in corona. Subsequently, under an increasing geothermal gradient and fluid-present conditions, the faster dissolution of garnet determined the formation of bights and the transfer of REEs towards the corona. The timing of garnet growth and its dissolution were checked by U–Pb zircon ages. The zircons dated from 339 Ma to 303 Ma in two rock types combined with the garnet domains (core, outer core, rim) show similar distribution of patterns relative to heavy rare earth elements for zircon and garnet (DHREE zrn/grt ), suggesting chemical equilibrium. Zircons dated at c. 300 Ma do not appear in equilibrium with REE-rich garnet lobes, and younger zircons (278 Ma) show a new equilibrium with REE-poor garnet bights. On this basis, the DHREE amph/grt values obtained in specific textural sites might be interpreted as suggestive of equilibrium under granulite conditions.


Table 1 LA-ICP-MS U-Pb isotope data and calculated ages for zircons from the studied sample 
Table 7 Empirical REE distribution coefficients calculated between orthopyroxene and garnet 
Figure 3 of 4
Figure 4 of 4
The role of trace element partitioning between garnet, zircon and orthopyroxene on the interpretation of zircon U-Pb ages: An example from high-grade basement in Calabria (Southern Italy)

March 2014


240 Reads


29 Citations

International Journal of Earth Sciences






G. Piccarreta

The recognition of the coeval growth of zircon, orthopyroxene and garnet domains formed during the same metamorphic cycle has been attempted with detailed microanalyses coupled with textural analyses. A coronitic garnet-bearing granulite from the lower crust of Calabria has been considered. U–Pb zircon data and zircon, garnet and orthopyroxene chemistries, at different textural sites, on a thin section of the considered granulite have been used to test possible equilibrium and better constrain the geological significance of the U–Pb ages related to zircon separates from other rocks of the same structural level. The garnet is very rich in REE and is characterised by a decrease in HREE from core to outer core and an increase in the margin. Zircons show core–overgrowth structures showing different chemistries, likely reflecting episodic metamorphic new growth. Zircon grains in matrix, corona around garnet and within the inner rim of garnet, are decidedly poorer in HREE up to Ho than garnet interior. Orthopyroxene in matrix and corona is homogeneously poor in REE. Thus, the outer core of garnet and the analysed zircon grains grew or equilibrated in a REE depleted system due to the former growth of garnet core. Zircon ages ranging from 357 to 333 Ma have been determined in the matrix, whereas ages 327–320 Ma and around 300 Ma have been determined, respectively, on cores and overgrowths of zircons from matrix, corona and inner rim of garnet. The calculated DREEzrn/grt and DREEopx/grt are largely different from the equilibrium values of literature due to strong depletion up to Ho in zircon and orthopyroxene with respect to garnet. On the other hand, the literature data show large variability. In the case study, (1) the D zrn/grt values define positive and linear trends from Gd to Lu as many examples from literature do and the values from Er to Lu approach the experimental results at about 900 °C in the combination zircon dated from 339 to 305 Ma with garnet outer core, and (2) D opx/grt values define positive trends reaching values considered as suggestive of equilibrium from Er to Lu only with respect to the outer core of garnet. The presence of a zircon core dated 320 Ma in the inner rim of garnet suggests that it, as well as those dated at 325–320 Ma in the other textural sites and, probably, those dated at 339–336 Ma showing depletion of HREE, grew after the garnet core, which sequestered a lot of HREE and earlier than the HREE rich margin of garnet. The quite uniform REE contents in orthopyroxene from matrix and corona and the low and uniform contents of HREE in the zircon overgrowths dated at about 300 Ma allow to think that homogenisation occurred during or after the corona formation around this age. The domains dated around 325–320 Ma would approximate the stages of decompression, whereas the metamorphic peak probably occurred earlier than 339 Ma.

Grain-Size Control on the Rare Earth Elements Distribution in the Late Diagenesis of Cretaceous Shales from the Southern Apennines (Italy)

February 2014


541 Reads


10 Citations

Different grain-size fractions of samples collected from shales were investigated to determine the role of late diagenetic grade and mineralogy on the rare earth elements (REE) distribution. The samples were collected from Upper Cretaceous varicoloured shales of the Sicilide Unit near the Corleto Perticara villages, Southern Apennines (Italy). The mineralogical and chemical composition of the sample's five fractions (>63, 32-63, 2-32, 0.1-2, and <0.1 μm) was studied. The data indicate that certain accessory minerals are more important than clay minerals in controlling the REE distribution. In particular, zircon controls the distribution of earth elements in the 0.1-2 μm fraction and is an efficient mechanism in determining the concentration and distribution of REEs in the studied shales.

Fig. 1 (a) Geological map of the study area; (b) schematic section of the lower crust of the Serre. Box within (a) indicates the Turrina outcrop (c); labels indicate the sampled sites. Modified from Acquafredda et al. (2008)
Fig. 3 Major element profiles of the analysed garnets. The dashed lines indicate the core-outer core regions of the investigated garnets. (a) Garnet from Tur15A modified from Acquafredda et al. (2008); (b) garnet from Tur43A; (c) garnet from Tur45
Fig. 4 (a) Porphyroblastic garnet in Tur 43A sample. Location of analysed points are indicated in bold; (b) distribution of Sm and Nd content in the core region of garnet. Distribution of ∑LREE (c) and ∑HREE (d) in the garnet core; (e): REE patterns along the analyzed points (chondrite from McDonough and Sun 1995)
Sm-Nd chronology of porphyroblastic garnets from granulite facies metabasic rocks in Calabria (Southern Italy): Inferences for preserved isotopic memory and resetting

August 2012


119 Reads


8 Citations

Mineralogy and Petrology

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Asynchronous extension of the late-Hercynian crust in Calabria

December 2011


265 Reads


21 Citations


Quartz-monzodioritic dykes have intruded the Hercynian continental lower crust of Calabria at 323 ± 5 Ma. Pseudosection and average PT calculations have been performed using THERMOCALC. The obtained P (aver-age PT) and T (pseudosection and average PT) values indicate that the quartz-monzodioritic dykes have in-truded the 750 °C hot metapelitic–migmatitic country-rocks at a depth of about 32 km, with a temperature of ca. 850 °C. Microstructural analysis suggests that deformation of the dykes started at hypersolidus conditions during emplacement and continued after cooling at sub-solidus granulite facies conditions together with the country rocks. During this deformation event, which started not later than 323 ± 5 Ma ago, the main S n + 1 schistosity evolved. Vorticity analysis of the quartz-metadioritic dykes and of the metapelitic country rocks shows that the S n + 1 schistosity evolved during a general shear deformation characterized by 60 to 70% of pure shear. This high percentage of pure shear suggests that the main S n + 1 schistosity evolved in the hot lower crust undergoing extension during vertical shortening. A horizontal attitude of this extensional schis-tosity is confirmed by retro-deformation of the today obliquely SE-ward dipping S n + 1 schistosity. Extension continued with time and propagated upwards within the crust, affecting the middle crust in a time interval of 306 ± 1 to ca. 300 Ma when huge masses of granitoid rocks intruded it. The deepest batches of these granitoid bodies show a gneissic schistosity which developed under ductile conditions, while granitoids at higher levels became deformed in a brittle fashion. Our whole data set is consistent with a late Hercynian evolution in Calabria characterized by a progressively crust overlying a mantle that gradually rose during lithospheric extension. This extension was asynchronous, starting at 323 ± 5 Ma in the lower crust and affecting higher crustal levels at progressively later times.

Citations (49)

... The Aspromonte Unit represents the highest tectonic unit of the Peloritani nappe edifice. Similarly to the adjacent Aspromonte Massif, it consists of amphibolite facies metamorphic rocks, mainly represented by paragneisses, migmatitic paragneisses and augen gneisses (Figure 20c), with minor marbles and amphibolites, diffusively intruded by late Variscan granitoid plutons (D'Amico, 1979;Paglionico and Rottura, 1979;D'Amico et al., 1982;Rottura et al., 1993;Fiannacca et al., 2005a;. Unlike the batholiths of the Sila and Serre Massifs, the late Variscan granitoids of the Aspromonte Unit only occur as isolated plutons of a few km 2 in size and of trondhjemitic and leucogranodioriticleucogranitic composition, typically intruded in migmatitic paragneisses (Figure 20 d,e). ...


The Calabria-Peloritani Orogen, a composite terrane in Central Mediterranean; Its overall architecture and geodynamic significance for a pre-Alpine scenario around the Tethyan basin
Hercynian and pre-Hercynian magmatism in the Calabria-Peloritani arc (southern Italy).
  • Citing Article
  • January 1982

Rendiconti - Societa Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia

... GPa at 650-700 °C (Acquafredda et al., 2008;Fornelli et al., 2012, and references therein). Fig. 4a illustrates the P-T-t path proposed by Fornelli et al. (2018), based on previous thermobarometric and geochronological data from the same research team (Acquafredda et al., 2008;Fornelli et al., 2011Fornelli et al., , 2012Fornelli et al., , 2014Duchene et al., 2013). The authors place the granulite metamorphic peak of 1.1 GPa and ~ 900 °C at ~ 347-340 Ma, with the peak assemblage consisting of garnet, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene. ...

REE partition among zircon, orthopyroxene, amphibole and garnet in a high-grade metabasic system

... The wide geochemical spectrum displayed by both associations can be used to test the evolutionary mechanisms responsible for the magmatic differentiation. Former geochemical and isotopic studies (Rottura et al., 1989(Rottura et al., , 1990Del Moro et al., 1994) have shown the difficulty in developing a petrogenetic model able to explain all the features exhibited by these magmatic associations. A recent study by Fiannacca et al. (2015) has proposed a recycled crustal framework for the generation of the late Variscan granitoids of central Calabria; nevertheless, further studies are needed to investigate in more detail the relative role played by various differentiation processes in producing the compositional variations in these granitoid associations. ...

Petrology, geochemistry and Sr, Nd isotopes of contrasting Hercynian granitoids from the Southern Calabrian Arc (Southern Italy)

... In the Calabrian Arc, the structurally highest units bearing evidence of HP-LT metamorphism are the continental nappes of the Castagna Unit Paglionico and Piccarreta, 1976;Langone et al., 2006) and Aspromonte Unit (Ortolano et al., 2005;Pezzino et al., 2008), which have been interpeted as part of the Tethyan ocean-continent transition (Vitale et al., 2019). Both consist of igneous and metamorphic rocks of Variscan origin, locally overprinted by lawsonite and Na-amphibole, which indicate involvement in an Alpine-aged subduction zone (Piccarreta, 1981;Rossetti et al., 2001). ...

Le Unità del Fiume Pomo e di Castagna nelle Serre Settentrionali (Calabria)
  • Citing Article
  • January 1976

... Zircons from quartz diorite (WL20) and biotite monzonitic granite (WL17) are euhedral, with a length range of 50-200 lm and a length/width ratio of 1.3:1 and 4:1, respectively. In the CL pictures, most of the zircons exhibit obvious zoning structures, showing a sign of magmatic origin [41][42][43]. The zircon LA-ICP-MS data are presented in Table A1 in Appendix. ...

In situ U-Pb Dating Combined with SEM Imaging on Zircon — An Analytical Bond for Effective Geological Recontructions

... The GP igneous bodies crop out in Punta delle Pietre Nere (Fig. 1A), intruding upper Triassic sedimentary successions, and consist of amphibole-bearing alkali-gabbros and alkali-syenite rocks of age 58 and 62 Ma respectively, with lamprophyric affinity (Mazzeo et al., 2018, and references therein). The gabbroic body contains subordinated pyroxenite and is interpreted as part of a more extensive layered intrusion (De Fino et al., 1981). ...

Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Paleocene platform magmatism at Punta delle Pietre Nere (southeastern Italy).
  • Citing Article
  • January 1981

... The Serre Massif represents the linkage between the southern (Aspromonte Massif and Peloritani Mountains) and the northern (Sila and Catena Costiera) sectors of the CPO (Fig. 1b) and can be briefly described as composed of three different complexes, as follows: a) the deepest granulite facies metamorphic basement, made up of metagabbros, felsic granulites, metabasites, and metapelitic migmatites (Maccarrone et al., 1983; Schenk, 1984 Schenk, , 1989 Fornelli et al., 2002 Fornelli et al., , 2004 Acquafredda et al., 2006 Acquafredda et al., , 2008; b) the middle crustal Late Hercynian batholith (Serre batholith) composed of foliated tonalite with minor Qtz-diorite and gabbro, grading to more felsic and peraluminous granitoid in upper crustal levels (D'Amico et al., 1982; Rottura et al., 1990; De Vivo et al., 1992; Del Moro et al., 1994; Fornelli et al., 1994). At its south-western termination the Serre batholith is intruded by the strongly peraluminous Cittanova granite (Atzori et al., 1977; Crisci et al., 1979; D'Amico et al., 1982; Rottura et al., 1990; Graeßner et al., 2000) (Fig. 2a); c) the intermediate to upper crustal portion, outcropping in the southern part of the Serre Massif, composed of greenschist to amphibolite facies Palaeozoic metasedimentary and minor metavolcanic successions (Colonna et al., 1973; Atzori et al., 1977; Bonardi et al., 1984; A C C E P T E D M A N U S C R I P T 1987; Festa et al., 2003), locally intruded by discordant and concordant leucogranite dykes forming an intricate network branching from the periphery of the main plutonic bodies (Colonna et al., 1973; Borsi et al., 1976; Bonardi et al., 1984; Del Moro et al., 1994). ...

Geochemical fractionation in migmatitic rocks from Serre granulitic terrane (Calabria, southern Italy)

Periodico di Mineralogia

... However, previous studies indicate that the mineralogy of clay shales of the Red Flysch formation should be dominated by kaolinite and illite. Hematite should be present only in some facies (especially in reddish clays), whilst it is absent in the others (Fiore et al. 2000). Figure 8 reports the envelopes of grain size and plasticity of the fine-grained component of the single facies. ...

The «flysch Rosso» shales from the southern Apennines, Italy. 1. Mineralogy and geochemistry
  • Citing Article
  • January 2000

Periodico di Mineralogia

... The overall mineralogy of the mudrocks were determined by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD; BrukerD8 Advance diffractometer, with CuKα radiation in the range 3 • -66 • 2θ, with steps of 0.02 • 2θ and step-times of 1 s/step) at the University of Calabria (Italy). Semiquantitative mineralogical analysis of the bulk rock was carried out on random powders measuring peak areas using the WINFIT computer program (Krumm, 1999), according to the procedure proposed by Cavalcante et al. (2007Cavalcante et al. ( , 2011Cavalcante et al. ( , 2023. The percentage of the mineral phases was determined using the strongest reflection of each mineral. ...

Illite-smectite mixed layers in sicilide shales and piggy-back deposits of the Gorgoglione Formation (Southern Apennines): Geological inferences

Bollettino della Societa Geologica Italiana

... The aim of this work is to precisely identify the provenance areas of lithic artefacts found in several archaeological sites in Calabria ( Figure 2) through refined analysis using absolutely non-destructive or minimally invasive techniques. The strength of this research team in the identification of the source rocks lies in its members' profound knowledge of the petrographic characters of Calabrian rocks after many years of field and laboratory petrological investigations (e.g., [19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26]). until a few years ago. ...

History and petrology of a fragment of the deep crust in the Serre (Calabria, Italy)
  • Citing Article
  • January 1978
