March 2008
55 Reads
4 Citations
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
Analyses the distribution of residential burglary in Newcastle-under-Lyme, a small town with a population of 73 000 in 1981. The analysis is in four parts: the first is concerned with the means of reporting burglary incidents; the second with the spatial analysis of burglary incidents at the enumeration district and the individual household level; the third with an ecological analysis of the burglary incidents; and the fourth with an examination of journey to burgle characteristics. The study shows that some areas of low socio-economic status are vulnerable to high burglary rates as are some individual households within such areas. The ecological analysis further defines the nature of the low socio-economic status areas, which are vulnerable to high burglary rates. The journey to burgle analysis shows the proximity of offender and victim in cases of residential burglary. -Authors