G. N. Ogureeva’s research while affiliated with A. N. Kosygin Moscow State Textile University and other places

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Publications (35)

The Spatial Structure of Vegetation Cover of Abrau Peninsula (Northwestern Caucasus)
  • Chapter

March 2024


9 Reads


Galina Ogureeva


Elena Suslova

The uniqueness of the Abrau peninsula is determined by a high level of floristic and phytocoenotic diversity and the relict nature of the vegetation cover of the shiblyak—broad-leaved type of altitudinal zonality. For this mountain territory, a complex spatial organization is reviled. In this research, a cartographic method for the evaluation of the vegetation cover of a mountain territory has been approved by identifying its spatial structure. The complex analysis of field data (geobotanical descriptions) and remote sensing data (multispectral satellite images, digital elevation model) made it possible to obtain a digital cartographic model of vegetation for the key area using maximum likelihood classification with etalons and discriminant analysis. The compiled large-scale (s. 1:50,000) inventory map of the vegetation reflects the actual vegetation cover, represented by a diversity of hemixerophytic sub-Mediterranean and mesophytic nemoral communities. The change in the basic communities in the altitudinal spectrum determines the identification of two belts. The lower seaside belt of hemixerophytic forests, sparse forests, and shrub communities is expressed at heights of 0–150 (200) m a.s.l. It is characterized by the development of pistachio-juniper (Juniperus excelsa, Pistacia mutica) forests and sparse forests, oak (Quercus pubescens) forests, as well as serial vegetation with shrub and herb-dwarf shrub petrophyte-herb communities. The belt of mesophytic broad-leaved forests is located at heights of 150 (200)–450 m a.s.l. Pine-oak (Quercus petraea, Pinus kochiana) and broad-leaved (Carpinus betulus, Tilia begoniifolia, Acer campestre) forests dominate in it. The important patterns in the spatial structure of the belt are expressed within the altitudinal belts. The structure of vegetation communities is formed under the conditions of several groups of relief forms: watershed surfaces, slopes, seismic forms, erosion forms, and marine forms. The most valuable results of the investigation are connected with reviling the gradients of phytocoenotic diversity. Along with altitudinal gradient, the position on different levels of catena has significant role in its determination. The identified spatial patterns are important for understanding the formation of Northwestern Caucasus ecosystems as a part of Mediterranean region.

The Ecosystem and Biotic Diversity of the Southeastern Altai-Tuva Desert-Steppe Orobiome
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2022


36 Reads


1 Citation

Arid Ecosystems

Based on the biome concept in biogeography and the ecological-geographical approach to the analysis of biodiversity, a regional assessment of the Southeast Altai-Tuva orobiome, which is unique for Russia, is given. The orobiome is considered as a reference unit for the inventory and analysis of the ecosystem and biotic diversity of mountain areas. The characteristics of bioclimatic indicators characterizing the originality of the desert-steppe orobiome of the Subarid class of zonality types and its altitudinal zones are given. The altitudinal structure of the vegetation cover is revealed, in accordance with which the spatial differentiation of flora, plant communities, and ecosystems as a whole is formed. A quantitative assessment of floristic (about 1400 species of vascular plants) and phytocoenotic diversity by zones (nival, desert-tundra, foreststeppe, and steppe) is given. The features of the spatial structure of the diversity of communities in the conditions of a mountainous territory are revealed.


The Biodiversity of Russian Biomes. The Biomes of Plains [Биоразнообразие биомов России. Равнинные биомы]

December 2020


1,452 Reads

Galina Ogureeva






N. G. Kadetov

The book is a biogeographic review of 35 lowland biomes from the map "The Biomes of Russia," published in a series of nature maps for high school. Concepts and approaches to classifying terrestrial ecosystems and mapping are explained. Data on ecosystem biodiversity, flora, and fauna of regional biomes are presented. The comparative geographical analysis gives an idea of the relationship of environmental conditions with quantitative characteristics, reflecting the current state and level of knowledge. In practical terms, there is a unified scientific baseline for obtaining further knowledge about the biodiversity of biomes at species and ecosystem levels, to justify environmental measures, which have a wide perspective for application. For geographers, biologists, environmentalists, and a wide range of readers interested in the nature of Russia and the perspectives for its conservation. [Книга представляет собой биогеографический обзор 35 равнинных биомов, которые отображены на научно-справочной карте «Биомы России», изданной в серии карт природы для высшей школы. Изложены концепции и подходы к классификации наземных экосистем и составлению легенды карты. Приводятся данные по биоразнообразию экосистем, флоре и фауне региональных биомов. Их сравнительно-географический анализ дает представление о связи экологических условий с количественными характеристиками, отражая современное состояние и степень изученности. В практическом плане обеспечивается единая научная база для получения дальнейших знаний о биоразнообразии биомов на видовом и экосистемном уровнях, для обоснования природоохранных мер, что имеет широкую перспективу для применения. Для специалистов географов, биологов, экологов и широкого круга читателей, интересующихся природой России и перспективами ее сохранения]

Fig. 1. Position of the key site in the Vodopadnaya Gap on a fragment of the map "Biomes of Russia" (Ogureeva et al., 2018) and on the orographic scheme of the Abrau Peninsula (within the Utrish State Nature Reserve). 60.3-the Utrish-Tuapse variant of the Crimea-Novorossiysk orobiome.
Fig. 2. Structure of the vegetation cover of the Vodopadnaya Gap (a) and the multiple regression model of the species saturation of plant communities (b). I, Altitudinal zone of mesophilic broadleaf forests (I.1, sessile oak and pine-sessile oak forests; I.2, polydominant (lime, maple, elm) forests; I.3, European hornbeam forests; I.4, pubescent oak forests), II, altitudinal zone of hemixerophilic sub-Mediterranean formations (II.1, pubescent oak forests; II.2, pistachio-juniper forests and sparse forests; II.3, shrub communities; II.4, herb-petrophytic grass-small shrub communities; II.5, halophytic communities).
Structure of the Botanical Diversity of the Utrish–Tuapse Variant of the Crimean-Novorossiysk Orobiom

October 2020


48 Reads


4 Citations

Arid Ecosystems

Variations in the Botanical Diversity of Forbs–Bunchgrass Steppes of Eastern Mongolia over an 11-Year Period (2008–2018)

October 2019


16 Reads


1 Citation

Arid Ecosystems

The dynamics of the botanical diversity of plain forbs–bunchgrass steppes is analyzed for the period of 2008–2018 based on materials from the biomonitoring of plant cover at the Tumentsogt experimental station (Eastern Mongolia) as part of the scientific program of an integrated Russian–Mongolian biological expedition. Eight permanent test plots of 100 m² were laid along the transect on the plain between hills in the northeastern part of the experimental station. We analyzed the correlation between the main parameters of the plant communities (the species composition, richness, and saturation; the height and abundance of species; and the density of grass stands) with the meteorological conditions (the heat supply and the amount and distribution of precipitation during the growing period). A combined analysis of phytocenotic and climatic data was performed with nonparametric multidimensional scaling of indirect ordination. Ecotopic fluctuations caused by changes in the amount and regime of precipitation in different years, as well as by the dynamics of the temperature regime, were studied. The species saturation of communities was maximal in years with low ombrothermic indices and lowest in years with high indices. The floristic composition of communities of three–feather-grass steppes includes a flora-cenotic core composed of 23 permanent perennial steppe and forest–steppe species, which provides a relative stability of ecosystems under changing environmental conditions. The dynamics of steppe ecosystems of the East Mongolian steppes is phytocyclic.

fig. 4. Distribution of frequency of shrubby tundra occurrence for geographic variants of the Kodar-Kalar orobiome: the North Baikal (1), the Patom (2), the KodarKalar (3). Continuous lines are trends
fig. 5. The distribution of vegetation units (names-see table 2) of the Kodar-Kalar orobiome (1) and its geographic variants: the North Baikal (2), the Patom (3), the Kodar-Kalar (4), ranked by average altitudes, and their standard deviations from the mean values
Regional features of the altitudinal gradients in northern Transbaikalia vegetation cover

January 2019


106 Reads


5 Citations


According to the the biome concept, the idea of the orobiome and its significance in the evaluation of the biodiversity for mountain territories are disclosed. Altitudinal gradients of vegetation with certain altitudinal limits of development are the basis for analysing the floristic and coenotic diversity of the orobiome and the ecological and geographical patterns of its spatial organization at the regional level. Based on the example from Kodar-Kalar orobiome, an altitudinal composition of the vegetation of the Northern Transbaikalia has been identified using thematic maps. The statistical evaluation of the altitudinal distribution of 4 vegetation belts (the upper tundra belt, the tundra belt, the sub-tundra belt and the mountain taiga belt) has been made. The regional features of the altitude position of the basic vegetation types forming the belts have been determined for the orobiome. They are reflected in three geographical variants. Orographic conditions and the history of the territory development have been discussed in the analysis of regional features of altitudinal spectra difference.


January 2019


131 Reads


1 Citation

South of Russia ecology development

The aim is development of methodological approaches for an estimation of a biodiversity (species and ecosystems) and the cartographic representation of the regularities of its distribution on the basis of ecosystmes (biomes) concept in biogeography, and integrated ecology-geographical approach to the interpretation of the data. Material and methods. A series of natural maps of the Electronic Atlas of the Caspian Sea includes small-scale vegetation map of the Caspian region, which represents the spatial organization of vegetation with the organizing role of environmental and geographical factors. The created cartographic model can be the basis for an estimation of the ecosystem diversity of the region. The materials for the map were publications and cartographic models, original materials on the study of vegetation cover of the Caspian regions and available data on biodiversity estimation. The analysis of materials is carried out in accordance with the classification system of phytocoenomers and phytocoenochore VB. Sochava; we used ecology-morphological classification and ecology-geographical approach in the preparation of the map legend. Results. The botanical and geographical features of the Caspian region are shown. The characteristic of coenotic diversity of plain deserts of the region within the subzone units is given. Typical altitudinal belt spectra and the formation compositions of high-altitude belts for mountain areas are shown. Using biome as a basic unit of biodiversity accounting, it is possible to proceed to quantifying biodiversity at species and coenotic levels. An example of biodiversity estimation for the regional Caspian desert-steppe biome is given. Conclusion. The cartographic model of bioclimatically determined vegetation types (climatypes) of the Caspian region is a good basis for further estimation of biodiversity (at species and ecosystem levels) based on the concept of regional biomes.

Citations (18)

... by the 80s of the last century led to a decrease in the area of forests by almost 4 times. In our previous publications, we pointed out the inevitability of the loss of stability of these landscape complexes, if the nature of nature management in them does not change (Litvinskaya, 2021b;Ogureeva et al., 2022). ...


Biomass Of Mountain and Forest Vegetation In Chechen Republic
Biodiversity and Geography of the Boreal Mountain Forests of the Northern Baikal Region
  • Citing Article
  • December 2023

Contemporary Problems of Ecology

... Among them, the following dominant species of forest communities occur: Pistacia mutica Fisch. & C.A. Mey, Juniperus excelsa Bieb., Pinus pallasiana D. Don, P. pityusa Stev., Ruscus aculeatus L. (Ogureeva et al., 2020). ...

Structure of the Botanical Diversity of the Utrish–Tuapse Variant of the Crimean-Novorossiysk Orobiom

Arid Ecosystems

... The study areas were selected based on the number of fire cases and the spatial variability of fire conditions and fuels in Russia, which is characterized by the type of wildfire: forest, steppe and peat. Sample analysis included an overlay of landcover maps (Ogureeva and Kotova 2013) with FIRMS hotspot (fire points) layers (Hanston et al. 2014, https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/). It was demonstrated that during the last decade (in 2010-2018), the largest number of forest, steppe and peat fires was observed in the Krasnoyarsk territory, Orenburg region, and the Meschera lowland respectively. ...

Biogeographic maps for geospatial analysis of environmental potential of Russia
  • Citing Article
  • January 2013

Geobotanical mapping

... The vegetation of Western Kazakhstan can be attributed to the Aral-Caspian (Turan) province of the Iran-Turan region (Ogureeva 2018). There are three main steppe subzones within Western Kazakhstan from north to south: the northern steppe, the middle steppe and the southern steppe, as well as two desert subzones: the northern and middle deserts (Chibilev et al.2018). ...


South of Russia ecology development

... The map "Biomes of Russia" (Map…, 2018) was made in accordance with these concepts. The unity of mountain biomes (orobiomes) is determined by the diversity and structure of vegetation cover within the full range of altitudinal belts, which has been formed as a result of long evolutionary development and is exposed to the effects of modern altitudinal gradients, primarily climatic (Ogureeva and Bocharnikov, 2017;Bocharnikov et al., 2018). The botanic diversity of the Northeastern Transbaikal orobiome taken as a model, which is associated with its formation within the Baikal-Jugdjur natural region (Sochava, 1980), is characterized by the altitudinal belt patterns of the Transbaikal group of plant belt types (Ogureeva, 1991). ...

Regional features of the altitudinal gradients in northern Transbaikalia vegetation cover


... The zonal-provincial character of the biogeographic zoning of the European part of Russia is to some extent violated by the allocation of the Caspian region, which has well-defined boundaries, but not quite a definite biogeographic status [1,2]. On one side, it is the prolongation of the Russian plain by geomorphological and geological features. ...

The Biomes of Russia - map

... To assess the risks of emergent natural focal diseases in European Russia, we compiled a synthetic map for the set of selected infections showing their morbidity risks from the perspective of large natural areas, i.e., biomes. A biome is defined as a large zonal ecosystem that unites a number of interconnected smaller natural ecosystems, reflecting the interaction of regional biota with the climate and landscape structure of the territory [16]. Since agents, hosts and vectors of natural focal diseases are inherent elements of the biota, and while natural foci, according to their classical conceptualization [15], are ecosystems associated with certain units of the landscape structure, we regarded biome boundaries as an appropriate natural basis for recalculation of morbidity data. ...


InterCarto InterGIS

... The geographical location between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea and climatic differences are reflected by a species-rich mosaic of vegetation, ranging from subtropical and mountain rain forest in the West to arid landscapes (include arid highlands) in the East. Within the Caucasus the precipitation decreases from west to east and vegetation belts shift upwards with increasing altitudes (Ogureeva 2016). Whereas the nival belt in the western part of the Caucasus starts at an altitude about 3000 -3200 m, it is found in the eastern part at 3800 -3900 m. ...


South of Russia ecology development

... The diversity of cryophytic cushion plants is the highest in the central Tian Shan, eastern Pamir Mountains, and Tibet, where they gain the landscape importance (Vykhodtsev, 1956;Golovkova, 1990). The cryo-xerophytic communities that form part of the composition of the high-mountain vegetation type cryophyton (Ovchinnikov, 1941) participate in the composition of the inhomogeneous (in terms of spatial structure) altitudinal belt of cryophytic steppes and cushion plants; this accounts for at least 15% of the area of the Mongolian Altai mountain system and occupies the lower-lying part of the high mountains (Ogureeva et al., 2013). Stitchwort polster (Stellaria pulvinata Grub.), which is endemic for the Mongolian Altai, is the most active element in the cryophytic cushion plant communities (Volkova, 1994). ...

The vegetation structure of the Mongolian Altai mountain steppes
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2013