G. Li’s research while affiliated with Dalian University of Technology and other places

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Publications (5)

Performance-based design optimization of tall concrete framed structures subject to wind excitations
  • Article

April 2015


563 Reads


53 Citations

Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics






G. Li

Evaluation of lateral-torsional coupling in earthquake response of asymmetric multistory buildings

September 2014


108 Reads


14 Citations

The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings

This paper presents a practical method for evaluating lateral-torsional coupling in the elastic earthquake response of asymmetric multistory buildings. A transformation technique is first developed to shift the floor centers of mass of an asymmetric building to new reference positions where the sum of the squares of all floor rotations of the building due to lateral inertia loads is a minimum. By setting the locus of the floor centers of mass of the building at the new reference positions, a representative eccentricity and an effectively uncoupled system for the building can be established on the basis which an equivalent eccentric single mass system can be developed. The additional lateral translations caused by seismic torsional effects in the building can be analytically determined and expressed in terms of the representative building eccentricity and the uncoupled periods evaluated using the effectively uncoupled system. The effectiveness and practicality of the proposed method are illustrated with two 30-story practical buildings. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

A hybrid RANS and kinematic simulation of wind load effects on full-scale tall buildings

November 2011


132 Reads


29 Citations

Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics

Up till recent years, predicting wind loads on full-scale tall buildings using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is still impractical due to a prohibitively large amount of meshes required, especially in the vicinity of the near-wall layers of the turbulent flow. A hybrid approach is proposed for solving pressure fluctuations of wind flows around tall buildings based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) simulation, which requires coarse meshes, and the mesh-free Kinematic Simulation (KS). While RANS is commonly used to provide mean flow characteristics of turbulent airflows, KS is able to generate an artificial fluctuating velocity field that satisfies both the flow continuity condition and the specific energy spectra of atmospheric turbulence. The kinetic energy is split along three orthogonal directions to account for anisotropic effects in atmospheric boundary layer. The periodic vortex shedding effects can partially be incorporated by the use of an energy density function peaked at a Strouhal wave number. The pressure fluctuations can then be obtained by solving the Poisson equation corresponding to the generated velocity fluctuation field by the KS. An example of the CAARC building demonstrates the efficiency of the synthesized approach and shows good agreements with the results of LES and wind tunnel measurements.

An integrated design technique of advanced linear-mode-shape method and serviceability drift optimization for tall buildings with lateral–torsional modes

August 2010


383 Reads


27 Citations

Engineering Structures

The advance to ever-taller and complex-shaped buildings requires a more accurate determination of dynamic wind loads for structural design purposes through wind tunnel tests. The three-dimensional (3D) mode shapes found in complex tall buildings complicate the use of the high frequency base balance (HFBB) technique for predicting wind-induced loads and effects. The linear-mode-shape (LMS) method was recently proposed to address some of the complications in the calculation of the generalised wind forces, which serve as the input to modal analysis for predicting wind-induced dynamic responses of tall buildings. The advanced linear-mode-shape (ALMS) method, a modification of the LMS method, is developed in this paper by introducing torsional mode shape corrections to take into account the partial correlation of torques over building height. The ALMS method is then incorporated into the accurate complete quadratic combination (ACQC) method to form a comprehensive framework to predict the equivalent static wind loads (ESWLs) for structural design of tall buildings. Then, an automated stiffness optimization technique integrated with the ESWL framework is developed for serviceability drift design of complex tall buildings with 3D mode shapes. A 60-storey building with an asymmetric structural system tested in a wind tunnel is used as an illustrative example. Encouraging results demonstrate that the integrated design optimization technique is able to produce a more economical element stiffness distribution of the example building, satisfying multiple serviceability wind drift design criteria while allowing for an accurate update and determination of the equivalent static wind loads under multiple wind angle conditions.

Multiobjective Optimization for Performance-Based Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames

October 2007


278 Reads


114 Citations

Journal of Structural Engineering

In order to meet the emerging trend of performance-based design of structural systems, attempts have been made to develop a multiobjective optimization technique that incorporates the performance-based seismic design methodology of concrete building structures. Specifically, the life-cycle cost of a reinforced concrete building frame is minimized subject to multiple levels of seismic performance design criteria. In formulating the total life-cycle cost, the initial material cost can be expressed in terms of the design variables, and the expected damage loss can be stated as a function of seismic performance levels and their associated failure probability by the means of a statistical model. Explicit formulation of design constraints involving inelastic drift response performance caused by pushover loading is expressed with the consideration of the occurrence of reinforced concrete plasticity and the formation of plastic hinges. Due to the fact that the initial material cost and the expected damage loss are conflicting by nature, the life-cycle cost of a building structure can be posed as a multiobjective optimization problem and solved by the e-constraint method to produce a Pareto optimal set, from which the best compromise solution can be selected. The methodology for each Pareto optimal solution is fundamentally based on the Optimality Criteria approach. A ten-story planar framework example is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimal design method.

Citations (5)

... Tese slender and fexible structures are sensitive to wind, and their safety and serviceability become critical design issues under strong wind excitation. Te wind-induced dynamic responses of highrise buildings depend signifcantly on structural modal parameters, including natural frequencies, damping ratios, and mode shapes [1][2][3][4]. Full-scale feld measurements of structural dynamic responses from prototype structures are considered the most reliable and convincing method for evaluating structural modal parameters. During the design stage of these tall buildings, fnite element (FE) modeling of tall buildings is an essential task for the structural design and dynamic response analysis. ...


A Combined Approach to Estimate Modal Parameters for Updating the Finite Element Model of a High-Rise Building
Performance-based design optimization of tall concrete framed structures subject to wind excitations
  • Citing Article
  • April 2015

Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics

... At this point it must be noted that several of the existing studies ( [2,12,26,27], etc.) regarding rigidity centres and floor eccentricities, under static lateral loading or dynamic excitations, state that these centres cannot be calculated for every building. Similar opinions have also been expressed in Chapter of Eurocode 8 (saying that "in multi-storey buildings only approximate definitions of the centre of stiffness are possible"). ...

Evaluation of lateral-torsional coupling in earthquake response of asymmetric multistory buildings
  • Citing Article
  • September 2014

The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings

... Yuvarlatılmış ve pahlı köşelerin iz genişliğindeki azalma nedeniyle sürükleme kuvvetinin azalttığını belirlemişlerdir. Huang ve arkadaşları [18], yüksek katlı binalar için, rüzgâr yükünün RANS metodu ile analizini ve kinematik simülasyonu üzerine bir çalışma gerçekleştirmişlerdir. Tam ölçekli CAARC binasında sayısal olarak tahmin edilen ortalama ve RMS basınç katsayıları, rüzgar tüneli deneylerinden elde edilen basınç ölçümleriyle karşılaştırılmıştır. ...

A hybrid RANS and kinematic simulation of wind load effects on full-scale tall buildings
  • Citing Article
  • November 2011

Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics

... PBD optimizes material use for cost-effectiveness and uses techniques like pushover analysis for simplified, effective assessments. Advances in algorithms have improved performance-based optimization design (PBOD) in structural engineering (SEAOC 2019;ATC-58 2012;FEMA 356 2000;ASCE 2023;Zou et al. 2007). ...

Multiobjective Optimization for Performance-Based Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames
  • Citing Article
  • October 2007

Journal of Structural Engineering

... It allows calculation of the exact values of the sway components of the generalised wind loads. They have called it the linearised-mode-shape (LMS) method and improved it further for the contribution of the torques to the generalised wind loads utilising torsional mode shape corrections [13,14]. These HFFB-based analysis methodologies have been discussed and compared in [15,16]. ...

An integrated design technique of advanced linear-mode-shape method and serviceability drift optimization for tall buildings with lateral–torsional modes
  • Citing Article
  • August 2010

Engineering Structures