Franco Modigliani’s research while affiliated with Carnegie Institute and other places

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Publications (184)

Alternative Mortgage Designs and Their Effectiveness in Eliminating Demand and Supply Effects on Inflation
  • Chapter

September 2017


2 Reads


Franco Modigliani

Krach, bonnes nouvelles et réactions à Bruxelles, Toronto et New York
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2015


81 Reads


1 Citation


M Gillet


Mm Robert Cobbaut




Robert Shiller

Résumé. Les auteurs résument des écrits importants liés au krach universel d'octo-bre 87. Ils en rappellent diverses facettes et interprétations et proposent quelques explications. Ils vérifient ensuite si les réactions de trois Bourses (Bruxelles, To-ronto et New York) aux bonnes nouvelles de dividendes et de bénéfices annoncées autour du krach diffèrent entre elles et si elles sont atypiques par rapport aux cor-rections boursières observées en périodes normales hors krach. Leurs résultats présentent des difficultés d'interprétation (attendues) amplifiées par la petitesse des échantillons. Néanmoins, certains résultats indiquent que: (1) pour les trois Bourses prises ensemble, la réaction aux bonnes nouvelles dans le sillage immédiat du krach a été plutôt atypique dans les jours s'éloignant de l'annonce; (2) la correction dans les trois jours centrés sur l'annonce est demeurée essentiellement typique; et, (3) l'évolution boursière à Bruxelles autour du krach et dans les mois subséquents sug-gère une interprétation audacieuse favorable à l'hypothèse d'une prise en compte tardive des bonnes nouvelles survenues en période de krach. 1 M. Roland Gillet est professeur agrégé des universités à l'Institut d'Administration des En-treprises de l'Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille 1. Il enseigne également aux Universités de Lille 2 et de Paris 1 -Panthéon-Sorbonne. Ses coordonnées résidentielles sont: 10/6 rue de la Gare, 6980 La Roche, Belgique; tél.: 32-84-41-2075; M. Frédéric Lavoie, MBA (U. Laval) a été assistant de recherche auprès de Finé-co; il oeuvre depuis peu chez ModelCom à Montréal ( pour leurs conseils et suggestions, de même que Mme Mireille Walravens (Banque Degroof, Bruxelles) pour sa précieuse aide informatique. M. Lavoie remercie M. Gillet pour lui avoir permis de combiner ses résultats nord-américains aux siens. Les deux auteurs sont très reconnaissants à l'éditeur de Finéco, M. Charest, pour son apport éditorial et ses suggestions méthodologiques pour établir l'atypie possible dans leurs résultats.


MM: Pasado, presente, futuro

January 2009


19 Reads


21 Citations

Miller ha examinado, en su forma magistral habitual, la validez y el funcionamiento del teorema de MM bajo condiciones de mercado perfecto y sin impuestos. Parece que hay poco que añadir al tema, especialmente desde que, a estas alturas, se han aportado innumerables demostraciones alternativas del teorema. Consecuentemente, tras decir unas pocas palabras sobre sus aspectos más íntimos, me gustaría volver a algunas cuestiones que todavía están pendientes �y que probablemente lo estarán durante mucho tiempo: ¿cómo deberían ser modificadas las proposiciones MM en presencia de impuestos? y ¿cómo responden a la hora de dar cuenta del comportamiento observado?

The Collected Papers of Franco Modigliani, Volume 6

January 2005


412 Reads


78 Citations

This volume of papers, articles, and essays by the late Nobel Prize-winning economist Franco Modigliani contains writings published during the last decade of his life as well as three seminal earlier papers on the life-cycle hypothesis. As in the previous Collected Papers, the writings are organized by topic; within each topic, the order is chronological. Part I treats the life-cycle hypothesis. Beginning with his important essay from 1954 (written with Richard Brumberg), which laid down the foundation of the life-cycle model, and ending with the last paper Modigliani completed before his death in September 2003, this section presents his research on this topic as a coherent whole. Part II deals with unemployment and monetary policy in the European Union during the last decade of the twentieth century and includes a manifesto on EU unemployment written with six other economists. Part III contains essays on a variety of topics, among them inflation, financial risk, legal institutions, and unemployment. This section includes "The Keynesian Gospel According to Modigliani," which revisits the topic of the general theory of employment, interest, and money and its implications for mass unemployment sixty years after his first ground-breaking paper on the topic. Many of the articles in volume 6 are the product of collaboration; coauthors include Richard Brumberg, Albert Ando, Shi Larry Cao, Jean Paul Fitoussi, Tullio Jappelli, Beniamino Moro, Denis Snower, Robert Solow, Alfred Steinherr, Paolo Sylos Labinia, and Modigliani's granddaughter Leah Modigliani. The volume concludes with an interview of Modigliani by William A. Barnett and Robert Solow from 2000.

Citations (62)

... Modigliani (1986) proposed that life-cycle hypothesis is displayed in hump-shaped, where positive saving appears in working family and negative savings for retired families. The working people tends to save more to maintain their consumption levels during retirement (Jappelli & Modigliani, 1998), whereas old and young age dependency be apt to spend more than save. Likewise, the growth in dependency ratio will urge to reduce in national savings but raise in domestic expenses. ...


Current Account Imbalances in Asia’s Countries: The Contributing Elements
The Age–Saving Profile and the Life-Cycle Hypothesis
  • Citing Chapter
  • February 2006

... Questo è ulteriormente diminuito nel periodo più recente, in cui un ulteriore drenaggio dell'investimento è derivato dalla progressiva internazionalizzazione delle attività produttive (per cui l'Italia è divenuta investitrice netta), mentre in direzione opposta va il passaggio di una quota crescente di debito pubblico presso investitori esteri. 8 Il rallentamento della produttività era stato segnalato come motivo della caduta del tasso di risparmio nazionale già da Modigliani e Jappelli (1990). Alla fine del 2009, le famiglie italiane risultavano impoverite in termini di potere d'acquisto per abitante rispetto al 2000 e, stante la forma (ad alta intensità di lavoro a bassa produttività) della crescita degli anni precedenti, ancora di più in termini di potere d'acquisto per occupato. ...

Why Has the Italian National Saving Rate Declined?
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1993

... Some observers, reminded of the old adage "the more things change, the more they remain the same," began to suspect that the similarities between the Southern-Cone and the heterodox programs were not purely coincidental. In particular, Kiguel and Liviatan (1990) dug up older 1/ The Southern-Cone programs--which comprise the stabilization plans in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay--have been discussed, among many others, by Harberger (1982), Corbo (1985), Fernandez (1985), Hanson and de Melo (1985), Calvo (1986a), Ramos (1986), Edwards and Edwards (1987), Kiguel and Liviatan (1988), and Sjaastad (1989). ...

Argentine Economic Policy, 1976–81
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1989

... In addition, by acting in defense of the interests of the less favored parties, such institutions guarantee protection to minority shareholders against privileged information held by more informed shareholders or managers through property rights and countermeasures against the powerful elite. This logic can also be extended to safeguarding the interests of creditors against the risks of expropriation and asymmetric information and protecting depositors and borrowers against monopoly power (Modigliani & Perotti, 1997;Ewert & Wagenhofer, 2011). ...

Protection of minority interest and the development of security markets
  • Citing Article
  • November 1997

Managerial and Decision Economics

... Nevertheless, the size of the impact on consumption depends on different factors. In particular, Modigliani (1987) states that it will respond to the source of change in the deficit, which might in turn have an effect on the difference the two types of deficits have on consumption. In addition, in the short run, larger deficits are likely to lead to higher demand and higher output, while in the long run, according to the classical view, the response in consumption may be negative, given that higher government debt has a negative effect on capital accumulation. ...

The Economics of Public Deficits
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1987

... Fairley (1979) applied the CAPM to derive risk-adjusted rates of return for property-liability insurers. Important extensions of the Fairley model by Myers and Cohn (1987) and Hill and Modigliani (1987) provide empirical evidence on its reliability and stability. 5 Bronars (1985), Beenstock and Brasse (1986), and Blake and Beenstock (1988) took up the CAPM-based framework to study unemployment insurance with different focuses. ...

The Massachusetts Model of Profit Regulation in Nonlife Insurance: An Appraisal and Extensions
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1987

... Phelps (1972) also used this term in order to explain the reasons for soaring unemployment level in Europe over the post-1960s and Sachs (1986) ranged some possible effects of hysteresis on policy regimes. According to the traditional wisdom (e.g., Phelps, 1968;Friedman, 1968;Modigliani, 2003), the current deviation in unemployment rate in Europe was defined as temporary, which were theorized by the concept of non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU). On the contrary, Blanchard and Summers (1986b) pointed to the existence of path-dependence of steady-state equilibrium unemployment through defining the hysteresis hypothesis. ...

The Keynesian Gospel According to Modigliani
  • Citing Article
  • March 2003

The American Economist

... of the transition would be substantially reduced if the payroll tax reduction induces positive effects on labour productivity and employment. If the unemployment rate is gradually reduced to a half of its current level and labour productivity growth is 0.5% higher each year, in the first scenario the impact on the budget would be positive by 2025. Modigliani and Ceprini (1998) take a different approach and suggest a gradual transition to a fully funded system. They suggest the creation of a new fund financed by an additional contribution of 2% of earnings. Workers would receive the same pension benefits paid by the PAYG schemes. The fund would gradually pay an increasing part of these benefits allowing a redu ...

Social security reform: A proposal for Italy
  • Citing Article
  • May 1998

... In a similar vein, according to Modigliani and Brumberg's LCH, the consumer's consumption is not simply based on their current income, but on their expected lifelong income. In this context, LCH stresses the life stage sensitivity of consumption; that is, people spend more than their current income when they are out of the labor force and spend less than their current income when they are working (Modigliani & Bartel, 1987). To put it another way, people generally save when they are working and dissave when they are not. ...

The Key to Saving Is Growth, Not Thrift
  • Citing Article
  • March 1987
