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Publications (2)

Map of the study area. The main freshwater sites and the three main cities are shown. Regional parks and Natural Reserves are shown in dark green, Natura 2000 sites in yellow. Urban areas and infrastructures are shown in grey. Main localities cited in the text: 1) Lake Mezzola CO-SO; 2) Pian di Spagna CO-SO and Erbiola wetland LC; 3) Laghetti della Peschiera CO; 4) Lake Piano CO; 5) Camaggiore fen LC; 6) Piani di Nesso-Pian del Tivano fen CO; 7) Lake Montorfano CO; 8) Lake Alserio CO; 9) Lake Pusiano CO-LC; 10) Lake Segrino CO; 11) Lake Annone LC; 12) Lake Sartirana LC; 13) Lake Garlate LC; 14) Lake Olginate LC; 15) Oasi del Bassone-Torbiere di Albate, CO; 16) La Poncia LC; 17) Palude di Brivio LC; 18) Toffo-Oasi dell’Alberone LC-BG; 19) Cariggi, Renate MB; 20) Seveso River CO-MB; 21) Lambro River CO-LC-MB; Adda River LC-MB; 22) Parco Pineta di Appiano Gentile e Tradate CO; and 23) Parco delle Groane CO-MB; 24) Parco di Montevecchia e della Valle del Curone LC.
Spatial distribution of odonate records in the study area. Cell colour indicates the number of records based on a 1 km grid.
Relevant species/records of Odonata in Lario and Brianza Regions (N Italy); a) Lestes virens, Parco delle Groane; b) Sympecma paedisca, Parco della Pineta di Appiano Gentile e Tradate; c) Coenagrion scitulum, Parco di Montevecchia e della Valle del Curone; d) Oxygastra curtisii, Lake Alserio; e) Somatochlora arctica, Camaggiore fen; f) Sympetrum meridionale, Pusiano Lake; g) Sympetrum danae, Monte Muggio, Casargo; h) Trithemis annulata, Piano Lake. Photos by G. Bazzi, N. Larroux, C. Della Pietà, A. Cavenaghi, P. Bonvicini and N. Pilon.
Odonate diversity of a highly urbanised region: An annotated checklist of the damselflies and dragonflies (Insecta, Odonata) of Lario and Brianza (Lombardy, N Italy)
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November 2023


338 Reads


3 Citations






Given their sensitivity to environmental alterations, odonates act as reliable bioindicators to assess the effects of changes in freshwater ecosystems and associated terrestrial habitats. The region comprised between Lario and Brianza (Provinces of Como, Lecco and Monza and Brianza - Lombardy, N Italy) is one of the most urbanised of the Italian peninsula and large parts of its territory have been heavily altered, especially at low elevation. Despite this pervasive anthropogenisation, the area is still characterised by a considerable variety of freshwater habitats, possibly harbouring rich odonate communities, which, however, have been never thoroughly investigated. This study aimed to produce the first commented checklist of the Odonata of this region, accompanied by distribution maps. The work is based on 12,093 records spanning from 1981 and 2022, derived from literature (289), revision of collections (42), citizen-science projects (1249) and unpublished data from the authors and their collaborators (10,513). Overall, fifty-five species occur - or occurred in the past - in the study area (20 Zygoptera and 35 Anisoptera). One species, Erythromma najas , was confirmed exclusively before 1978, while seven species ( Lestes barbarus , Coenagrion scitulum , Aeshna affinis , Anax ephippiger , Somatochlora arctica , Sympetrum meridionale and Trithemis annulata ) have been recorded only after 2000. Records referring to Chalcolestes parvidens and Sympetrum flaveolum were considered questionable and excluded from the checklist. A list of species for each protected site is additionally provided. This work highlighted the importance for odonates of Lario and Brianza Regions from a national perspective, in particular for species of conservation priority/interest, such as Sympecma paedisca , Oxygastra curtisii and Sympetrum depressiusculum .


Citations (1)

... In northern Italy, most of the records referred to Liguria and southern Piedmont (Riservato et al. 2014b); with only a handful of observations from the left bank of the Po River, in the provinces of Novara, Turin, and Verbano-Cusio-Ossola in Piedmont (Boano et al. 2007;Clemente et al. 2011;Sindaco et al. 2018), and the provinces of Brescia (Balestrazzi & Bucciarelli 1975), Como (Balestrazzi & Pavesi 2008) and Varese (Mermet & Galli 2000) in Lombardy. A recent study elucidated its status in the Lario and Brianza areas, where Oxygastra curtisii proved more common and widespread than previously suspected (Bazzi et al. 2023). ...


The EU conservation priority dragonfly Oxygastra curtisii in the Italian Lake District: a review and new data (Insecta: Odonata)
Odonate diversity of a highly urbanised region: An annotated checklist of the damselflies and dragonflies (Insecta, Odonata) of Lario and Brianza (Lombardy, N Italy)