Florencio Vicente Castro’s research while affiliated with Hospital Universitario de Badajoz and other places

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Publications (102)

Project Reducing Psychosocial Risks In Law Enforcement: Training To Wellbeing
  • Article
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July 2024


4 Reads

International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology Revista INFAD de psicología

Florencio Vicente Castro


Amara García Belloso





The INFAD Association of Psychology and Education, in cooperation with several other partners, especially the Family Law Centre, Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra-3004–545 Coimbra. Email: cdf@fd.uc.pt http://www.centrodedireitodafamilia.org has participated in the ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME KA220-VET. Project Number| PT01-KA220 - VET- 000028146. A Project that has allowed us from INFAD to intensely approach the topic of “Psychology meeting health”; “I didn’t find psychology so healthy”; “Psychology meeting health”. For INFAD, this and other already completed Erasmus + projects are and have been of vital importance for their contribution to the field of science and to the society to which we owe ourselves, providing efforts and conclusions,such as those we present in this Project Information-Presentation. The World Health Organization (WHO) describes mental well-being as a fundamental component of health and places it as one of the main concerns for the coming years (Mental Health Action Plan, 2013-2020). Mental health is being the subject of significant investments from all states in the world, with strategies that empower people to maintain healthy behaviours related to mental health, improving the quality of life (WHO) and reducing the psychosocial risks of mental health disorders. This is also a concern of the member states in their national mental health strategies (Portuguese National Mental Health Program - Priority Health Programs 2020 Goals) and in the production of legislation that specifically refers to the balance between work and life and the reduction of psychosocial risks.



June 2024


9 Reads

International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology Revista INFAD de psicología

The present paper aims to determine firemen's social representations of Health, Well Being and Mental Health, using an adaptation of a questionary of conversational notions by Pereira O.G.& Brito S. (2023). Those conversational notions are centred on the three concepts above and peripherally by Stress-Coping and Group Integration

Conversational notions of health, mental health and weel being

January 2024


27 Reads

International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology Revista INFAD de psicología

This paper aimsto clarify whether the concepts of Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing overlap or if there should be a proper definition for each one of them. Taking advantage of previous studies with students from two Polytechnical Institutes, conversational notions were used to form a questionnaire around the three topics above. The cooccurrences in the responses of the 43 subjects indicate that the central concept is Wellbeing, and that Health differs from Mental Health because it is closer to positive and negative ways of coping.

Evalución de calidad de la revista INFAD. Análisis de resultados de búsquedas en bases de datos de revistas científicas

January 2024


31 Reads

International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology Revista INFAD de psicología

El presente trabajo presenta la evaluación interna de la revista “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology” (IJODAEP), en las plataformas de análisis de calidad e impacto de revistas científicas de alcance nacional e internacional. Se ha investigado en las categorías de búsqueda de la revista en las bases de datos científicos más utilizados actualmente, como Web of Science, Scopus, SJR, MIAR, etc. Se ha realizado un análisis de los factores de indicios de calidad que influyen en la relevancia de la propia revista. Se presentan los resultados basados en el examen de cada base de datos, categoría científica y la posición que ocupa la revista, indicios de calidad e impacto, visibilidad de la revista, el número de artículos publicados y otros, se ha mostrado y comprobado el valor y la competencia de sus publicaciones y asimismo el potencial que tiene la revista. También, al llevar a cabo el análisis se ha considerado la reciente nominación y puntuación positiva que ha obtenido por parte de FECYT, el organismo del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación que evalúa la Calidad de lasRevistas Científicas Españolas.

Impacto da solidão nas pessoas idosas uma reflexão sobre a importância da intervenção dos assistentes sociais com pessoas idosas

July 2023


117 Reads

International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology Revista INFAD de psicología

Neste artigo pretende-se refletir sobre o impacto da solidão nos idosos, bem como compreender as razões que os levam a este estado e quais os meios que utilizam para atenuar esses sentimentos. Neste seguimento e, tendo em conta a formação das autoras, torna-se pertinente que a reflexão assente na perspetiva de Intervenção dos Assistentes Sociais com Idosos, compreendendo de que forma estes apoiam, orientam e resolvem as necessidades e problemas de cada um. Trata-se de uma investigação qualitativa, transversal, descritiva, interpretativa e exploratória, na qual participaram 10 idosos da Associação AVISO. Com a aplicação da Escala de Solidão UCLA, nas duas últimassemanas de novembro de 2022, constatou-se quea maioria dos utentes apresentam sentimentos de solidão, estando os mesmos associados a diversas variáveis, como a falta de suporte familiar e social, a perda do cônjuge e/ou dos filhos por falecimento, entre outros. Percebeu-se ainda que a Associação é o alicerce de muitos dos utentes, visto que se assume como um suporte emocional para estes.

El síndrome de procusto y su impacto en el comportamiento organizacional actual

July 2023


846 Reads

International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology Revista INFAD de psicología

La cultura griega y sus mitos, ayudan, en numerosas ocasiones, a renombrar patologías, síndromes, trastornos, manías, comportamientos humanos y expresiones usuales del lenguaje cargados de significación y actualidad. El Síndrome de Procusto es una patología psicológica cuyo nombre identificador procede de la mitología griega. Cuando una persona lo padece, suele generar malestar a su alrededor, provocando resultados nefastos en cualquier organización social porqueinhabilitaalossubordinados. Sobreelsíndrome de Procusto hemos encontrado poca investigación, a pesar de su amplia influencia como realidad social oculta y significativa, en el sentido de significar una ineficaz y tóxica gestión en el desarrollo del trabajo y de los equipos o grupos profesionales. El objetivo inicial de nuestra investigación es narrar y describir un caso concreto de síndrome de Procusto, de un profesional afectado por ello; analizar la transcendencia negativa de su gestión en el grupo dirigido por esta persona y los esfuerzos titánicos de estos por superar la permanente negativa a su crecimiento. Previamente y dado los pocos estudios existentes al respecto, nos centraremos en realizar un trabajo a nivel de bibliometría sobre aportaciones y estudios previos. Dada la realidad concreta del caso, incluimos en el estudio otros similares a los que hemos tenido acceso por ser significativos en los entornos laborales conocidos, aplicando el estudio en una única persona, pero descrita desde esferas docentes, sanitarias, sociales y políticas. Analizado este caso intentaremos extraer consecuencias sobre posibles actuaciones y consejos al respecto.

Estrés y burnout en profesores de educación física

July 2022


99 Reads


1 Citation

International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology Revista INFAD de psicología

En este trabajo se presenta una revisión selectiva sobre el Estrés y el Burnout en los profesores de educación física. La mayoría de los estudios llevados a cabo siguen el modelo tridimensional de Maslach y utilizan como instrumento de evaluación el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) original o la versión para educadores (MBI-ES). El Burnout es un proceso progresivo que se desarrolla a lo largo del tiempo y tiene un efecto muy negativo en los profesores de educación física, llegando incluso al abandono de la actividad docente. La prevalencia del Síndrome de Burnout en los profesores de educación física es similar al de otras especialidades escolares (oscila del 10 al 30 %) o incluso más baja. En los profesores de Educación Física el proceso de quemarse es el resultado de la interacción conjunta de variables biológicas, psicológicas, sociales, organizacionales y las relacionadas con el contexto educativo.

Intervençao no âmbito da reabilitaçao neuropsicológica: uma investigaçao-açao

July 2022


4 Reads


1 Citation

International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology Revista INFAD de psicología

A elevada mortalidade em Portugal no que respeita ao AVC, representando 9,9% da mortalidade no ano 2018, segundo o Instituto Nacional de Estatística (2020), impeliu-nos a realizar esta investigação-ação. Este artigo pretende assim apresentar o potencial da reabilitação neuropsicológica, através de uma investigação-ação centrada num individuo com idade avançada (70 anos de idade) avaliado por 5 instrumentos psicométricos TELPI, GDS, MOCA, IFS e BADS queaferem ainteligência pré-morbida,a depressão,asfunçõesexecutivas, atencionais e emocionais, o nível de comprometimento cognitivo, assim como para aferir as dificuldades diárias que emergem fruto de deterioração mental. Concluiu-se que o paciente, apesar do quadro adverso, recuperou as capacidades deterioradas, principalmente por intermédio das estratégias metacognitivas de autoverbalização, tendo-se revelado importante o acolhimento e estabelecimento de uma relação empática entre a equipa clinica, o paciente e sua família, bem como o seu envolvimento assertivo e proativo durante o processo de reabilitação neuropsicológica.

Descriptive statistics, sex differences, and country differences for COVID-related beliefs, the Dark Triad traits, the Big Five traits, negative affect, and religiousness
Correlations (ρ) between COVID-related beliefs and the Dark Triad traits, the Big Five traits, depression and anxiety scores, and religiousness along with estimates of internal consistency
Opinions and options about COVID-19: Personality correlates and sex differences in two European countries

June 2022


89 Reads


9 Citations

In the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, we collected data (N = 1,420) from Portugal and Spain in relation to personality (i.e., Dark Triad traits, Big Five traits, religiousness, and negative affect) and attitudes related to COVID-19 about its origins, opinions on how to deal with it, and fear of it. The most pervasive patterns we found were: (1) neurotic-type dispositions were associated with stronger opinions about the origins of the virus and leave people to have more fear of the virus but also more trust in tested establishments to provide help. (2): religious people were less trusting of science, thought prayer was answer, and attributed the existence of the virus to an act of God. We also found that sex differences and country differences in attitudes towards COVID-19 were mediate by sex/country differences in personality traits like emotional stability, religiousness, and negative affect. For instance, women reported more fear of COVID-19 than men did, and this was verified by women’s greater tendency to have negative affect and low emotional stability relative to men. Results point to the central role of neuroticism in accounting for variance in broad-spectrum attitudes towards COVID-19.

Inteligencia emocional dos grupos: Propriedades psicométricas da PIEGT-16

January 2022


75 Reads

Confinia Cephalalgica

Resumo. Verificaram-se as caraterísticas psicométricas, e a validade de critério da versão portuguesa da PIE-GT16 (Perfil de Inteligência Emocional do Grupo de Trabalho-16 itens), pela comparação concorrente com um instrumento paralelo já validado para Portugal (Trait Meta-Mood Scale-TMMS24 numa amostra constituída por 430 participantes, todos com atividade profissional remunerada. O instrumento revelou uma consistência interna de α= 0,804 que não melhorou com a eliminação de qualquer item. Foi extraída uma so-lução tetra-fatorial com um agrupamento de itens igual à versão original e à versão portuguesa da escala. Verificaram-se ainda, embora relativamente baixas, correlações significativas entre a PIEGT-16 e a TMMS24, indicando a validade de critério da escala. Estes resultados indicam que a versão portuguesa da PIEGT16 revelam boas caraterísticas psicométricas com a utilização da escala em contextos organizacionais. Palavras-Chave: PIEGT-16, WEIP-S, TMMS24, Inteligência Emocional, Propriedades Psicométricas, Emotional intElligEncE of groups: psychomEtric propErtiEs of piEgt 16 Abstract. The psychometric characteristics and the criterion validity of the Portuguese version of the PIEGT16 (Work Group's Emotional Intelligence Profile-16 items) were verified by concurrent comparison with a parallel instrument already validated for Portugal (Trait Meta-Mood Scale-TMMS24). in a sample of 430 participants, all with paid professional activity. The instrument showed an internal consistency of α= 0.804, which did not improve with the elimination of any item. A four-factor solution was extracted with a grouping of items equal to the original version and to the Portuguese version of the scale. There were also, although relatively low, significant correlations between the PIEGT-16 and the TMMS24, indicating the criterion validity of the scale. These results indicate that the Portuguese version of the PIEGT16 shows good psychometric characteristics with the use of the scale in organizational contexts.

Citations (47)

... Female participants have been found to be generally better informed about COVID-19, less likely to engage in risky behaviors, and more likely to use protective behaviors (DeGrace et al., 2021). These differences correlate with higher levels of anxiety and fear about the pandemic reported by female participants internationally, suggesting an interaction between biological sex and risk perception in decisions about health behaviors (Brito-Costa et al., 2022;DeGrace et al., 2021). ...


Young Adult Coping and Perceived Susceptibility Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Fuzzy-Trace Theory Application
Opinions and options about COVID-19: Personality correlates and sex differences in two European countries

... Esto puede fomentar motivaciones para ignorar normas y derechos de los demás, ya que las exigencias de supervivencia de un individuo o grupos con intereses comunes (familias, amigos, instituciones, etc.) prevalecen sobre las reglas que se han establecido para toda una sociedad (Villegas, 2011;Zitek & Schlund, 2021). En ese sentido, los rasgos de tríada oscura pueden persistir en contextos donde los beneficios de obtener ventajas de otros superen a los riesgos percibidos, de modo que es importante evaluarlos en función del entorno (Brito-Costa et al., 2021). ...

COVID - 19 and their outcomes: how personality, place, and sex of people play a role in the psychology of COVID - 19 beliefs

The European Journal of Public Health

... The equity theory emphasizes the importance of situations of balance, also as equity, observed when the ratio of outcomes/inputs of one equals the ratio of outcomes/inputs of others for the aim of comparison within organizations (Ogunbameru, 2004). Briegas et al. (2021) studied that relationship of faculty satisfaction and the students' positive achievement. They administered a questionnaire to 154 faculty members from the Extremadura region in Spain, and the results suggested that the degree of teacher satisfaction was relative to their perception of how their instruction was facilitative of their students' achievement. ...

Exploring Teachers’ Satisfaction and Students’ Entrepreneurial Competencies in Four Entrepreneurial Programs Carried Out in Extremadura (Spain) Schools

... As acknowledged in the literature and noted above, young people navigate a complex socio-economic landscape characterized by significant challenges, which can result in fragmented career paths [3]. Consequently, career choices have become increasingly daunting for the younger generation, often leading to pronounced career indecision [72] and feelings of insecurity about their future [73]. Furthermore, these challenges have been linked to inactivity among young adults [74,75]. ...

Economic Pressure and Self-Efficacy as Independent Predictors of Academic Grades and Career Indecision for Southern European Middle School Students: A Confirming Study

... The impact on the EEG of patients at the neurophysiological level varied greatly depending on the protocol and the measurement channels used, although we observed that in a high percentage of the studies (47.05%), the changes in brain activity were not assessed (Barbosa et al. [36,38]; Caro and Farnia et al. [39]; Donaldson et al. [28]; Goldway et al. [37]; Nelson et al. [33]; Winter, [34]; Wu et al. [44]). Of the studies that do assess brain activity, not all of them analyse the same variables under the same conditions, meaning that the results depend on the protocol used. ...

Neurofeedback en fibromialgia para el tratamiento de la depresión y la ansiedad.

Revista Interamericana de Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology

... In Spain, the legal framework for ensuring the rights of people with disability is derived from national and international norms and declarations of principles, which have led to the progressive promulgation, adaptation, and improvement of specific laws and policies at the national and local levels (Citarella et al., 2020). Article 49 of the Spanish Constitution states the rights of people with disability and explicitly acknowledges the role of preventive care, rehabilitation, and treatment, and delegates the role of legislating for these purposes to the public authorities. ...

Being disabled persons in Spain: policies, stakeholders and services

International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology Revista INFAD de psicología

... This section addresses the factors that determine the academic performance of students and their importance during the teaching and learning process [22]. In addition, the causes of low performance are reflected on, as school failure is the case for many young people [23]. ...

A-motivación y su relación con la autoeficacia académica y orientación a las metas en una muestra de estudiantes de escuela secundaria en el sur de Italia

International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology Revista INFAD de psicología

... O desenvolvimento de uma doença crónica como a esquizofrenia é uma situação adversa tanto para a pessoa doente, como para a sua família. A gravidade das manifestações da doença, assim como a sua longa duração podem levar a que os familiares se tornem pessimistas em relação à evolução da doença, sendo bastante usual encontrar familiares cuidadores desmotivados e com sinais de sobrecarga perante o elevado volume de trabalho associado ao cuidar (Caqueo-Urízar et al., 2015;Fernandes, & Vareta, 2019). Existem alterações na relação entre a pessoa doente e os seus familiares, que podem resultar em elevada emoção expressa, com conflitos interpessoais que conduzem à deterioração da relação (Lippi, 2016;Nuralita, Camellia, & Loebis, 2019). ...

Necessidades dos cuidadores informais da pessoa com demência em contexto de institucionalização de longo prazo: revisão scoping

International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology Revista INFAD de psicología

... Therefore, the number of elderly people in the world population structure has a higher proportion. It has been found that countries in the world are developing aging societies such as Spain, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, etc. (Amphanthong, Petcharawong, Kongpuang, & Khamnuantong, 2023;Briegas, Iglesias, Ballester, & Castro, 2020;Chittinandana, Kulnartsiri, From the above information, research on the elderly is necessary to use the research results in planning services to manage the aging society at present and in the future. The term "active aging" refers to elderly people who have the energy to live their lives appropriately (Chayomchai et al., 2023). ...

The Well-Being of the Elderly: Memory and Aging

... Em um quesito de intervenção relacionada a dificuldades específicas, foi construído o (Quadro 4) para minuciar os dados segundo a literatura. Os autores realizaram as ações retratando os distúrbios/transtornos mais comuns na situação escolar:Quadro 4 -Intervenção realizada com os distúrbios/transtornos de aprendizagem.Fonte: Adaptado deLeal et al. (2017);Reis et al. (2019); Brum e Lara (2020).Avaliou o efeito de intervenção multissensorial e fônica no desenvolvimento de habilidade de leitura e escrita com uma criança de 10 anos. Instrumentos: Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para Crianças (WISC-III); Prova de Consciência Fonológica por Produção Oral; Bateria de Avaliação de Leitura e Escrita (BALE); Teste de Desempenho Escolar; Leitura de Texto; Teste de Repetição de Palavras e Pseudopalavras; Redação Temática Os resultados foram comparados perante ao desempenho pré e pós. ...

Intervenção no ãmbito da perturbação da aprendizagem específica: uma investigação-ação

International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology Revista INFAD de psicología