Flávia Maria de Fátima Nascimento’s scientific contributions

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Publications (2)

Reconhecimento de figuras de interferência geradas pela superposição de dobras flexurais na região do Vale do Paraíba do Sul (SP) com a utilização de sensoriamento remoto
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Paulo Veneziani


Célio Eustáquio dos Anjos


Flávia Maria de Fátima Nascimento




Ricardo Ribeiro Dias

The interpretation of remote sensing imagery carried out to search some circular structures observed on the region of Paraiba do Sul Valley, SP, Brazil. This region is set in the São Paulo Shear Belt which consists in an expressive transcurrent fault zone of the Southeast Folded Belt. In the studied area can be found tertiary sediments of the Taubaté Basin, sin-tardi to post-tectonic migmatitic and granitic rocks of Upper Pre-Cambrian age and also metasedimentary rocks of Middle to Inferior Pre--Cambrian age. The Pre-Cambrian rocks were remobilize in Upper Pre-Cambrian thermal tectonic events. This remobilization is the principal evidence of policyclism and polimetamorphism of the studied region. The policyclic and polimetamorphic evolution indicates that distensive as much as compressive events caused deformations ranging from microscopic to regional scales. The remote sensing imagery registered some structural features representative of ductile, ruptile-ductile, and ruptile deformations that show the development of a process of single shear on the studied area, during Middle to Upper Pre-Cambrian age. At the end of Pre-Cambrian period the studied area was submitted to distensive efforts responsible for the reactivation of ancient crustal lines of weakness oriented according to NNW-SSE and ENE-WSW. This process had been continuous till Mesozoic to Cenozoic periods and generated flexural folds with perpendicular axes, which are recognizable on the remote sensing imagery as structural highs and lows. These structures resulted from the interference of two flexural folding patterns. Pages: 368-375

Estudo hidrogeologico da porcao oeste do circuito das aguas , sul de Minas Gerais, com o emprego de dados TM/Landsat-5 e utilizacao de sistema de informacoes geograficas

O constante crescimento das areas de concentracao humana eo consequente aumento do consumo de agua tornaram-se imperativos na busca de medidas cada vez mais eficientes e modernas de exploracao e preservacao das aguas subterraneas para suprir a crescente demanda deste bem mineral. Neste sentido este trabalho visa apresentar uma proposta metodologica que tem com objetivo a fotointerpretacao e a integracao de dados TM/LANDSAT, na escala 1:100.000 para identificacao do controle geologico-estrutural das fontes hidrominerais da regiao sulde Minas Gerais, abrangendo principalmente os municipios de Campanha, Cambuquira,Lambari, Cristina e Sao Lourenco. A regiao e delimitada pelos paralelos 21 45 e 22 15 de latitude sul e 45 00 e 45 30 de longitude oeste, perfazendo uma area total de 2.838 Km2. Pages: 335-336

Citations (1)

... The map was designed based on the identification of symmetric relations between consequent and obsequent drainage channels and the delineation of structural contour lines without known level in the study area. A second map was generated to illustrate groundwater flow by following the technique described by Veneziani et al. (1993). In this technique the association between flexural folding and distensive movements can provide information about the distribution of groundwater along the structural heights and lows indicating some aspects of the groundwater flow behavior in a specific region. ...


Geospatial technology applied to the identification of groundwater recharge areas in northeastern São Paulo, Brazil
Reconhecimento de figuras de interferência geradas pela superposição de dobras flexurais na região do Vale do Paraíba do Sul (SP) com a utilização de sensoriamento remoto
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