Fitri Amalia Shintasiwi’s research while affiliated with The University of Sydney and other places

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Publications (17)

Tramwegen Semarang Joana
Map of Semarang Joana Stoomtrammatschappij.
Historical Analysis of the Semarang-Joana Tram Company or Stoomtram Maatschappij (SJS) From Colonial to Indonesian National Management in Central Java
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2024


132 Reads


1 Citation



Fitri Amalia Shintasiwi


Sri Indrahti

This text aims to conduct a historical analysis of the development of the Semarang-Joana Tram Company or Stoomtram Maatschappij (SJS) in the railway map of Indonesia from the Dutch Colonial era to the Post-Independence period. The analysis employed historical methods, relying on primary sources obtained from Dutch and Indonesian archives and libraries, as well as interviews, site visits, and focus group discussions. The results showed that historical situation factors significantly determined the culture and performance of SJS companies. During the Dutch Colonial period, this situation strongly supported the growth and development of the company due to being assisted by ‘an open-door policy’ that provided foreign capital. Furthermore, the external factors that benefited the success of the SJS company at the beginning of its development included the following: (1) the ease of processing land for the railway, (2) the establishment of a previously designed railway, (3) the growth of plantation companies, (4) plantations, and (5) urban population improvement. The political changes during the Japanese military occupation led to the integration of SJS management into the government railway management under the Rikuyu Sokkyoku Administration. After Indonesia gained independence, SJS was nationalized and managed under the same administration as the Government Railway Department, which later became PT Kereta Api Indonesia. The shift in management from a private company to a government entity resulted in a decline in SJS performance.


Figure 1 Multiethnic community social integration scheme
Local wisdom and strengthening social integration in multiethnic society post-aceh conflict

July 2022


171 Reads


12 Citations

Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences








The Aceh conflict resulted in ethnic polarization, trauma, and integration problems. Langsa tended to be safer during the Aceh conflict because of the existence of a multiethnic community. This article describes the phenomenon of social integration through local wisdom in the post-conflict Acehnese multicultural community in Langsa. The research argues that the local wisdom of multiethnic communities can build social integration in the post-conflict Aceh community. To prove it, the researcher conducted an ethnographic investigation with observations and local wisdom of multiethnic communities-practices that strengthen social integration. Data were collected inductively and interpreted by interviewing seven cross-ethnic community leaders plus conducting focus group discussions (FGD) involving four key informants from the adult class and seven youth representatives to provide comprehensive explanations. The data collected were then classified, presented, and conclusions drawn. The research findings showed that local wisdom can encourage cooperation, solidarity, and tolerance to create a post-conflict multiethnic society to live in peace. Local wisdom has succeeded in encouraging the recognition of the fundamental similarities between ethnic groups and eroding differences. Local wisdom can strengthen social resilience and succeed in organically preventing social disasters in post-conflict Acehnese society.

Using Coping Strategies of Informal Sector Traders amid COVID-19 in Indonesia for Social Studies Teaching Materials on Realizing SDGs

September 2021


236 Reads


15 Citations

Journal of Social Studies Education Research

The objectives of this study are first, to analyze the coping strategies of informal sector traders amid the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic; and second, to take the results of this research as social studies teaching materials in realizing sustainable development goals (SDGs). This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The data collection techniques are in-depth interviews, observations, and documents of micro business actors, especially street food and food stalls. The two groups are some of the micro-entrepreneurs affected by social distancing policies. The results of the study show that there are various strategies carried out by food stall businesses and food street vendors, including online trading, storage and conversion into frozen food, and finding strategic locations. Online food application features are a mainstay for expanding marketing. Meanwhile, moving to a trading location becomes a rational choice when there are additional rules because of the COVID-19 transmission prevention policy, such as limiting business time, and not being allowed to accept food orders on the spot. To reduce losses due to the fluctuating purchasing power of customers, they process their food into frozen food and sell it via social network. The ability to adapt to this pandemic situation is material for teaching students, especially junior high schools, about adaptive economic activities. Moreover, human efforts in overcoming economic problems, so as not to increase the poverty level as expected in the SDG's are required; this can take the form of efforts to minimize poverty and develop sustainable production and consumption.

Making peace with the past: Peace education in post-conflict aceh societies through the application of cognitive behavioral therapy

January 2021


51 Reads


9 Citations

Journal of Social Studies Education Research

This paper has two objectives, namely, to map the problems of history learning to promote peace in post-conflict societies and offer applicable solutions. The research questions are 1) How do schools in post-conflict areas experience pedagogical conflict, especially when confronting ‘difficult history’ events that arise in classroom discussions? 2) How does the impacts caused? and 3) What solutions can be offered? This research paper is a qualitative research design with a phenomenological approach. The primary informants in this post-conflict generational research are teachers and students in East Aceh. Involved 55 participants from schools scattered in locations with predefined characteristics. The gender ratio was 69.6% females and 30.4% males. The youngest volunteer was 12 and the oldest was 52 of age. The main techniques used in the data collection was observation, which aims to observe the learning process in the classroom and various other potentials outside the classroom that contribute to conflict. Interviews were carried out to deepen the results of observations as data comparisons. The documentation study was conducted to analyze curriculum documents and the used teaching materials. The results of the research show that schools in post-conflict areas, especially in the research setting of ‘difficult history’ learning, experience pedagogical conflict by placing teachers, students, and schools in a latent conflict structure. The behavior of teachers and students in a learning atmosphere is the culmination of contradictions in the knowledge and epistemology that students have before they enter the classroom. The most visible impact is the emergence of cognitive biases and unconscious history due to the tug of war between the psychological and social modalities of the post-conflict generation. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy application is in accordance with the peace education postulate started by deconstructing the image of the enemy and ended with conflict management skills. © 2021, Association for Social Studies Educa. All rights reserved.

From Individual to Collective Thuggrery in Coastal Environment Semarang (from Dutch Colonial Period to Post Independence Revolution)

January 2021


29 Reads


1 Citation

E3S Web of Conferences

Semarang is one of the Dutch colonialisem and capitalist center from the 19 th century to 19 th the mid-20 th centuries. This economic environment created a financial gap between the indigenous people and the foreign ones. Hence, crime emerged as a result of the hole. This study analyzes the criminal pattern that occurred in Semarang from the colonial period to the post-independence revolution—collecting and analyzing data using the historical method by four stages, namely heuristic, critics, interpretation, and historiography. The sources were from contemporary newspapers. The results show that there is a different criminal pattern from the colonial era to post-independence. Crime in the colonial period was individual-based. The crime scenes were on roads and markets, and the targets were the rich people regardless of ethnicity and nationality. On the other hand, criminal patterns in the post-independence era carried out in groups by robbing the houses owned by foreign people, such as Europeans or Chinese. Thus, the study concludes that the situation during the period influences the criminal pattern. The economy is the factor that triggered the crime during the colonial era. However, the anti-foreign movement caused crime activities during the post-independence period.

Teacher Optimization in Utilizing Media Literacy for Social Science Learning in Semarang

April 2020


40 Reads


6 Citations

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)

This research aims to know the utilization of media literacy by teachers and the obstacles in social science learning in Semarang city. This research is a field research carried out through an inductive thinking process using qualitative approach. The type of data in this research is distinguished from primary and secondary data. The data sources in this research are human being and non-human being. Human being data source functions as a subject or key informant and the data obtained through the informants are in the form of soft data. Non-human being data source is in the form of documents which are relevant to the focus of the research such as events or activities that are related to the focus of the research. The data collection uses three techniques, namely (1) in-depth interview; 2) participant observation; and (3) documentation study. The data obtained were analyzed by stages, namely l) data reduction 2) data presentation and 3) conclusion / verification. The results of the research show that the teachers were trying to adjust to various updates in the media development. This self-adjustment was realized through the integration of both of them in learning regardless of several obstacles that must be faced by the teachers

Citations (11)

... Not only are newspapers printed, but Suara Merdeka has also provided online newspapers, namely Suara Merdeka was one of the oldest newspapers in Indonesia during the independence era of the Republic of Indonesia (Hartatik et al., 2024). ...


Semarang Young People's Perception of News in Online Media
Historical Analysis of the Semarang-Joana Tram Company or Stoomtram Maatschappij (SJS) From Colonial to Indonesian National Management in Central Java

... According to the research [7], [8], educational institutions can only achieve competency and independence in learning if they are prepared for abnormal events. According to a study [9], [10], educational institutions that can endure abnormal situations have prepared and developed ways to deal with them. This study [11], [12] examines educational institutions in Japan, Germany, and disaster-and conflict-prone areas. ...

Using Coping Strategies of Informal Sector Traders amid COVID-19 in Indonesia for Social Studies Teaching Materials on Realizing SDGs

Journal of Social Studies Education Research

... Migration is one of the causes of social change (Aulia Rahman, Wasino, Suyahmo, 2021;Rahman et al., 2022). According to Portes, the effects of such changes may have little impact on society, affecting some economic organization, role expectations, or norms. ...

Local wisdom and strengthening social integration in multiethnic society post-aceh conflict

Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences

... This influence is feasible because the past actively informs collective memory, which possesses the capacity to transcend individual recollections. This dynamic arises from the intertwining of tradition and learning, as exemplified by the behaviors of those traversing the Pantura highway to prevent crimes and accidents (Hartatik, 2021). ...

From Individual to Collective Thuggrery in Coastal Environment Semarang (from Dutch Colonial Period to Post Independence Revolution)

E3S Web of Conferences

... Psychological perspectives provide valuable insights into how societal norms and identity influence individual cognition and behavior. These perspectives highlight the complex relationship between society and the human mind, often resulting in unconscious actions [19][20][21][22]. Geographers play a vital role in advancing development and sustainable development goals (SDGs) by advocating for the importance of public intellectuals and maintaining accountability to both institutions and communities [23][24][25]. ...

Making peace with the past: Peace education in post-conflict aceh societies through the application of cognitive behavioral therapy

Journal of Social Studies Education Research

... The needs analysis of English learning in secondary schools also points out the combination of listening and speaking is necessary for students for the development of verbal skills (Meadseena et al., 2023). In addition, the use of digital learning platforms is essential to improve their motivation and learning environment, preparing them for bigger stages of learning in the future (Shintasiwi & Anwar, 2021). Proficiency in English speaking further gives students the tools they need to interact meaningfully, express themselves with confidence, and move around in a globally connected society. ...

Analysis of English-Speaking Performance for the Effective Language Learning in Digital Era

... Perkembangan teknologi begitu pesat dalam berbagai bidang khususnya dalam bidang teknologi Artificial Intelligence (AI) memiliki potensi besar untuk merevolusi dunia pendidikan. Kecerdasan buatan atau Artificial Intelligence mulai mengambil peran dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah maupun perguruan tinggi (Mulianingsih et al., 2020). ...


IJTIMAIYA Journal of Social Science Teaching

... There are several things that must be considered in preparing a book, namely: (1) consistency in the use of symbols and terms; (2) the material is accurate, appropriate, complete and systematic; (3) the material text is easy to understand or communicative; (4) provide special boxes/labels for formulas, material emphasis and example questions; (5) provide attractive colors and designs; and (6) use a standard/legible font size (Asyhari & Silvia, 2016;Soesilo & Munthe, 2020;Su'udiah, Degeng, & Kuswandi, 2016). These results also strengthen the study of the importance of media in classroom learning as part of teacher teaching creativity and optimizing learning (Anwar, Shintasiwi, & Mulianingsih, 2020;Mahanani, Umayaroh, & Roebyanto, 2020). Based on this, it can be concluded that the mitigation book developed is in accordance with the provisions for developing books for students in schools. ...

Teacher Optimization in Utilizing Media Literacy for Social Science Learning in Semarang

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)

... Media organizations can utilize the findings to guide resource allocation, develop training programs, and formulate editorial strategies aimed at improving the quality and influence of their environmental journalism. Policymakers, recognizing the media's role in shaping public consciousness, might use this research to craft regulations that protect press freedom and ensure access to crucial environmental information (Shintasiwi & Wasino, 2019). Ultimately, increased public awareness and understanding of environmental challenges can drive greater participation in sustainability initiatives and foster a culture of environmental responsibility (Kaul, 2017). ...

Media Coverage in Creating Environmental Awareness and its Impact on Environmental Behavior
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2019

... In a nation where Muslims represent the majority of the population, education takes on increased significance as a means of preserving the Islamic religion along with all of its doctrines and ensuring that they are passed down in a manner that is beneficial from one generation to the next. For this reason, there is a requirement for educational institutions to ensure the smooth operation of Islamic educational programs (Wasino et al., 2019). ...

Religious Radicalism Prevention Model through multicultural Dialog in Pancasila and Civic Education Lectures