Fitri Ajeng Galuh’s scientific contributions

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Publications (2)

The Effect of Oxytocin Massage on Breast Milk Production in Breastfeeding Mothers In The Working Area of Puskesmas Sungai Bulian In 2024
  • Article

December 2024

Proceeding International Conference Health Polytechnic of Jambi

Rosmaria Rosmaria


Ajeng Galuh


Effni Effni

Background: Infants who receive optimal breastfeeding can avoid mortality, with approximately 800,000 children under five avoiding death each year. Proper breastfeeding can help maintain milk production. It is recommended that mothers breastfeed within one hour after birth. However, not all postpartum mothers are able to produce milk immediately due to the process being influenced by various hormones, stimuli, and nerves impacting oxytocin release. In Indonesia, only 37.3% of infants aged 0-5 months are exclusively breastfed, which is significantly lower than the national target of 80% Method: This study is a quantitative research with a pre-experimental design, using one group pretest-posttest with a paired t-test. The aim of this study is to compare the differences before and after the intervention on breastfeeding mothers aged 7 days to 1 month, in order to explain the effect of oxytocin massage on increasing breast milk production in breastfeeding mothers. Result: Based on the distribution of the amount of breast milk production before oxytocin massage, the average milk production of the respondents was 5.07 ml with a minimum of 2 ml and a maximum of 10 ml. After the oxytocin massage, the average milk production was 20.67 ml with a minimum of 10 ml and a maximum of 28 ml. The analysis results conclude that performing oxytocin massage on breastfeeding mothers can increase breast milk production, with an increase of 15.6 ml. The statistical test results show a p-value of 0.000. Conclusion: Breast milk production in breastfeeding mothers before receiving oxytocin massage averaged 5.07 ml in the working area of Puskesmas Sungai Bulian in 2024. Breast milk production in breastfeeding mothers after receiving oxytocin massage averaged 20.67 ml in the working area of Puskesmas Sungai Bulian in 2024. Statistically, it is proven that oxytocin massage has a significant effect on increasing breast milk production in breastfeeding mothers of infants aged 7 days to 1 month in the working area of Puskesmas Sungai Bulian in 2024

Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Digital Articulate Storyline Materi Kerajaan di Nusantara
  • Article
  • Full-text available

August 2024


22 Reads

Jurnal Arjuna Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa dan Matematika

This research aims to develop teaching materials using Articulate storyline 3 media that are valid, practical and effective. The use of technology in today's developments in the world of education is required to be able to develop approaches to learning. by utilizing IT technology which is one of the important factors that might be able to provide faster knowledge transformation for students. The results of the research on the development of the learning media developed obtained a level of validity in the very valid category. The results of the expert response questionnaire showed that the learning media was very practical with the results of the teacher response questionnaire showing a percentage of material practice by material experts of 93.7%. while the results of instrument validation by language experts were 86.1%. The results of media effectiveness show very effective learning outcomes with a percentage of 83.3%. Thus the learning media developed is declared valid, practical, effective and worthy of development.”
