Fika Megawati’s research while affiliated with Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo and other places

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Publications (31)

Figure 1. Need assessment results
Stages of joyful learning community service activities Stage 1. Preparation
Descriptive statistic
Results of different test analysis using paired samples t-test
Strengthening teacher competence through joyful learning and innovative learning media training
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2024


30 Reads

Abdimas Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang


Fika Megawati


Nurfi Laili




Noer Maunatur Rohmah

A needs assessment at Muhammadiyah Middle School 9 Tanggulangin revealed that teachers struggle with creating interactive learning environments and developing innovative teaching materials. To address these challenges, a training program was conducted to enhance teachers' pedagogical skills, creativity, and motivation. The program consisted of two key activities: joyful learning training and training in the development of creative and innovative learning media. The process included several stages: preparation (needs assessment, program design, material development, and pre-test), implementation (intensive training on joyful learning and innovative media development), and evaluation. The training involved 12 teachers (4 men and 8 women). The results showed significant improvements in teachers' understanding of joyful learning concepts and their ability to create creative and innovative learning materials. This program highlights the importance of adopting innovative and enjoyable teaching strategies to enhance teacher competence and improve student learning experiences. The initiative demonstrated that targeted training could effectively address the challenges teachers face, leading to better educational outcomes.



June 2024


67 Reads

Premise Journal of English Education

This research uncovers students' perceptions of the benefits of significant books on reading skills. A purposive descriptive case study was used to explore their perceptions of the benefits of big books on reading skills and the challenges in practicing the activity. Five elementary school students who read big books became participants in this research. To fill the gap, this research aimed to describe the benefits of big books on students' reading activities. An open-ended questionnaire was used for data collection. Data were collected through structured interviews and analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The results showed that students positively perceived reading using big books. They argued that this technique stimulated and encouraged their creativity. However, it was found that big book has limited verbal representation and development of other skills. This research implies that big books can enhance creativity, are easy to use, and are not fixated on technology.

Data Collection Technique
Discovering EFL Learners’ Perspectives in Unscripted Role-Play

June 2024


68 Reads

Journal of English for Academic and Specific Purposes (JEASP)

This research emphasized the value of interactive activities, especially unscripted role-play, in improving Indonesian EFL learners' spontaneous English speaking skills in their learning. By exploring learners' experiences in script-free role-playing, the study contributes valuable insights into the importance of active language practice in language learning, emphasizing practical communication skills over theoretical knowledge. The purpose of this study is to give an overview of effective language teaching approaches that enhance the fluency and spontaneous English expression of Indonesian as English Foreign Language (EFL) Learners. Through qualitative methods, including observation notes, reflective surveys, and interviews, the research aimed to provide a comprehensive perspective on how EFL learners perceive spontaneity in unscripted role-play activities. The findings are expected to broaden the understanding of EFL learners' experiences in engaging in script-free role-playing. By addressing the challenges learners face in mastering spontaneous English conversations and the importance of active language practice, the study contributes to the discourse on effective language teaching strategies.


June 2024


7 Reads

English Review Journal of English Education

Combining technology with literary texts may help solve the obstacles faced in modern education. Digital storytelling (DST) is an engaging approach that involves students with literature, developing creativity, cultural knowledge, and character development, while creating a dynamic classroom atmosphere. This research investigated how the lecturer use multiliteracies pedagogy to facilitate students in transforming literary text into a DST and their responses to this process. The researchers used purposive sampling and performed a qualitative case study to get detailed insights into how multiliteracies instruction transforms literary text into digital storytelling among 25 ELT students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. The results showed that the DST task promotes students’ active involvement with texts. They scrutinised the components of the narrative and converted the text into a digital story. The stages of multiliteracies teaching had a good influence on students’ learning experiences, improved their comprehension of literary content, and encouraged them to combine literature and technology. Ultimately, multiliteracies teaching may transform passive learning into active engagement and foster students’ creativity, cultural proficiency, and multimodal literacy abilities.

The Correlation Between Vocabulary Mastery and Students’ Preferences on Short Stories

May 2024


46 Reads

Pubmedia Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a correlation between vocabulary mastery and short story liking at SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Tulangan. The method used in this research is correlation method. The data source of this research was 7th grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Tulangan with a total of 30 participants. The data collection technique used questionnaires and tests. The sample used was 7th grade students with a total of 30 students. The data analysis used is Product Moment correlation test. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between vocabulary mastery and liking short stories of 7th grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Tulangan. This is proven by the correlation coefficient of 0.08 and 0.00 greater than 0.05 at a significant level of 5%. This proves that at a significant level of a = 0.05 or at a confidence level of 95% there is no significant relationship between vocabulary mastery and liking short stories in Muhammadiyah 5 Tulangan Junior High School students.

Pengaruh Media Cerita Dongeng Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Bahasa Indonesia Kelas II SD n Lemah Putro 1

May 2024


45 Reads

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan rendahnya kemampuan membaca pada siswa kelas II SDN Lemah Putro 1 yang kurang terampil dalam membaca sehingga tidak dapat memahami bacaan dengan baik yang dapat dengan hasil nilai yang rendah pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimen, karena penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh dan bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah menggunaan media cerita dongeng fabel terhadap kemampuan siswa serta seberapa besar pengaruh. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan 40 siswa dengan teknik sampel jenuh. Uji yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah uji validitas, reliabilitas, uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas. Data dari pretest dan posttest di uji dengan uji paired t test dan menunjukkan adanya perbedaan hasil dan besar pengaruh sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan media cerita dongeng fabel terhadap kemampuan membaca.

Data Collection Technique
Instruments for Questionnaires
Indicators of Interview
Interpretation of Percentage Score
The Students’ Perceptions on Learning Media to Teach in Descriptive Text

May 2024


43 Reads

Pubmedia Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

The goal of this research is to replace the lecture method in junior high school with learning media in the form of animation films for descriptive text learning. The researchers doing the study used both qualitative and quantitative methods. The information for this study was gathered through surveys, interviews, figuring out how people rated things on a Likert scale, and analyzing the themes that came up. The people who were studied were seventh graders. 50 students filled out the form, and 10 students were chosen at random to be interviewed. Using a Likert scale with a percentage of more than 90% in each group, the results of this study were calculated. Coding analysis showed that using cartoon films as a learning tool for students is interesting, memorable, easy to understand, effective, and efficient. Researchers found a common theme, which was interest in science, interest in learning, and wonder. There is also a connection between these ideas. The results of this study should make it easier for students to write what they want to say and help them find new ways to make learning more fun.

Joyful Learning & Media Pembelajaran: Teori Dan Penerapannya Pada Konteks Pendidikan

May 2024


162 Reads

Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT atas segala rahmat-Nya sehingga makalah ini bisa tersusun hingga selesai. Kami juha mengucapkan terimakasih terhadap bantuan dari pihak yang sudah berkontribusi dengan memberikan sumbangan baik berupa pikiran maupun materinya. Kami berharap semoga buku ini bisa menambah pengetahuan dan pengalaman bagi para pembaca. Bahkan tidak hanya itu, kami berharap lebih jauh lagi agar modul ini pembaca mempraktekkannya dalam proses belajar mengajar di sekolah. Kami sadar masih banyak kekurangan didalam penyusunan makalah ini, karena keterbatasan pengetahuan serta pengalaman kami. Untuk itu kami begitu mengharapkan kritik dan saran yang membangun dari pembaca demi kesempurnaan makalah ini.

Editorial: Strengthening the quality of teacher education programs

January 2024


7 Reads

Citations (7)

... Several studies have been conducted on related topic (Mawaddah et al., 2022;Egilistiani & Prayuana, 2021;Hamid, 2022;Lestari et al., 2023;Giyanto et al., 2020). Mawaddah et al. (2022) report the use of EdPuzzle that can improve listening skill in their classroom action research. ...


Fostering Students’ Listening Skills Through Youtube Videos Integrated with Edpuzzle Online Platform
Experiencing EdPuzzle-based Listening Activity: Do the EFL students feel satisfied?
  • Citing Article
  • September 2023

Journal of English Teaching Literature and Applied Linguistics

... According to Suryani and Rossa, interactive activities like this can break up the boredom of traditional learning methods, making the classroom experience more fun and stimulating. This aligns with Rahmawati et al.'s (2023) observation that students often become disinterested when undergoing repeated reading and practice exercises. Furthermore, RTTB game in vocabulary teaching aligns with the Think-Talk-Write (TTW) strategy. ...

The Effect of Gamification in Board Game to Improve Students’ English Vocabulary

Journal of English Education and Teaching

... Ada beberapa ahli yang melakukan penelitian dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dalam bahasa inggris (Namaziandost, 2020;Roudlotun Nurul Laili, 2021;Siti Nur Halisah, 2023). Menurut (Yanti & Halim, 2020) dalam penelitian mengenai meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dengan menggunakan metode Berlitz pada peserta didik kelas XI SMA negeri di Gowa, dikatakan jika terjadi peningkatan saat menggunakan metode Berlitz. ...

An Analysis of Teacher’s Strategy in Teaching Public Speaking at Aviation School of Nusantara Tjahja Cipta Sidoarjo

Emergent Journal of Educational Discoveries and Lifelong Learning (EJEDL)

... Additionally, it is envisaged that this will raise pupils' academic performance. Overall, the result of this research congruent to the previous studies conducted by Megawati et al (2023), Yang and Zhang (2024) along with Liao et al (2024), affirming that AR holds great promise in enlivening and enriching English language lessons. ...

Students’ Vocabulary Learning through Augmented Reality (AR): EFL Student Teachers’ Perceptions
  • Citing Article
  • July 2023

Academia Open

... Extensive research has been done on education during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on many features of distance learning [12], including students' performance [13], learning loss [14], and students' well-being [15]. Stress and dropout [16], mathematics anxiety [17], while some research compared between the pre-pandemic and pandemic math achievement [18]. ...

From Online to In-Person: Indonesian Students’ Insights on Education Post-pandemic

... The language users will be able to exchange information. Lack of proficiency in producing the proper pronunciation causes misunderstandings within the group (Julfah and Megawati, 2023). It is a communication breakdown. ...

Speaking Problems Faced by Lower Secondary School Efl Learners: Masalah Berbicara yang Dihadapi oleh Peserta Didik Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Indonesian Journal of Education Methods Development

... Teachers can choose a specific method to develop students' writing skills to instruct writing (Megawati et al., 2022). Implementing the process-based method of outlining, composing, editing, revising, and publishing is the most common method. ...

Corrective Feedback: How has it been implemented in EFL Writing Class?

Education and Human Development Journal